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This Is Where I Leave You (2014)
This Is Where I Leave You (2014)
2014 | Comedy
This is a film that has flown under my radar since it was released - I don’t recall ever having seen it advertised until it recently popped up on Netflix, and I really wish I’d discovered it sooner.

Starting with the obvious, this film has an absolutely stellar cast. The number of fantastic actors in this is truly impressive and they’re partly the reason why I enjoyed this so much, as every single person performs wonderfully in their role, whether main (I cannot fault any of the main family) or side (Timothy Olyphant is particularly memorable). They’re helped by a great script which flits between incredibly heartwarming and darkly humorous with such ease. The plot itself is nothing new and this is where this film falls down a little as it’s nothing we haven’t seen before. However this film just goes to show that it’s the journey and not the destination that matters as this is so well executed that the unoriginal plot is only a minor issue.

The only other problem with this film is that it’s pretty much made me an emotional wreck. I haven’t laughed and cried so much in the space of 2 hours before. This might not be the most original film you’ll ever see, but it’s so lovely and heartwarming that I dare you not to feel anything by the end.
Been There, Married That
Been There, Married That
Gigi Levangie Grazer | 2020 | Contemporary
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
‏I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

Agnes Murphy Nash has the perfect Hollywood life...or so she thought until arriving home to find the gates and doors locked and is prevented from entering her own house. What ensues is a humorous look at divorce, the stupid things people do while divorcing, and how badly we can act.

Gigi Levangie Grazer could have written Been There, Married That as a Debbie Downer book especially when discussing Agnes having to still cohabitate with her husband during the divorce. Anyone who had to endure cohabitating knows there is not much to laugh about. Grazier focuses on the negative but writes it with such style you are guaranteed to laugh.

I do not usually read "women's fiction" or "chick lit" but, after reading its description, I figured I would give it a try. I am so glad I chose this novel. I will continue with my norms (mystery, YA, SciFi) but will not shun women's fiction immediately from now on. I will probably still avoid romances but Been There, Married That is not a romance novel.

I also heard part of the audiobook. The narrator, Amy McFadden, did a fabulous job and really brought this novel and its humor to life.

This 200-word review was published on on 5/23/20.
Stephen Fry | 2020 | Education
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
39 of 230
Troy (Mythos book 3)
By Stephen Fry


'An inimitable retelling of the siege of Troy . . . Fry's narrative, artfully humorous and rich in detail, breathes life and contemporary relevance into these ancient tales'OBSERVER

'Stephen Fry has done it again. Well written and super storytelling' 5***** READER REVIEW

'Troy. The most marvellous kingdom in all the world. The Jewel of the Aegean. Glittering Ilion, the city that rose and fell not once but twice . . .'

When Helen, the beautiful Greek queen, is kidnapped by the Trojan prince Paris, the most legendary war of all time begins.

Watch in awe as a thousand ships are launched against the great city of Troy.

Feel the fury of the battleground as the Trojans stand resolutely against Greek might for an entire decade.

And witness the epic climax - the wooden horse, delivered to the city of Troy in a masterclass of deception by the Greeks . . .

In Stephen Fry's exceptional retelling of our greatest story, TROY will transport you to the depths of ancient Greece and beyond.

I love Greek Mythology and Stephen Fry is one of my favourite people. All through this book his voice was in my head. Brilliant retellings and underlying humour. Brilliant!
8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown
8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown
2013 | Comedy
7.9 (34 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Great fun
I’ll have to start off by saying i had the opportunity to watch them film this yesterday evening, and it is a hell of a lot of fun.

I’m not a huge fan of the original Countdown series, I’ll be honest I find it a little boring. However the humorous 8 Out of 10 Cats take on Countdown is hilarious. There’s obviously an emphasis more on humour than the gameplay itself, but this is actually much more fun. It’s good that it varies the teams and dictionary corner each episode, although it does often tend to be the usual suspects. Some of the humour can be a little oddball or risqué, and I’m not everything will appeal to everyone, but it’s such a fun programme and brings the letters and numbers game to a much wider audience.

For those of you that live in the UK, especially around the Manchester/North area, I’d highly recommend applying for tickets to watch this if it’s your kind of programme. Not only is it a highly entertaining day/night out, the tickets are entirely free! There’s obviously no guarantee you’ll get tickets, but it’s worth a punt. We got given tickets on a fairly last minute basis (found out Monday morning for Tuesday afternoon) and involved taking an afternoon off work, but it was such fun. We even got on the front row!

Hazel (2934 KP) rated All That's Dead in Books

May 27, 2019  
All That's Dead
All That's Dead
Stuart MacBride | 2019 | Crime, Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Darkly humorous and thrilling
Having read and thoroughly loved one of Mr MacBride's previous outings starring Logan McRae - A Dark So Deadly - I was thrilled to be accepted by the publisher, HarperCollins UK, HarperFiction, via NetGalley to read and review "All That's Dead" before publication in return for an honest and unbiased review.

This instalment had a lot to live up to and, overall, it hit the mark with it's dark humour, the fantastic characters, the setting, the twists and all wrapped up in an excellent plot amongst the backdrop of domestic terrorism and the independence movement in Scotland which although results in a fair bit of English-bashing, does mirror Brexit (oh how I hate that word!) in many respects which makes it topical and current too!

I did have a few niggles that did irritate me somewhat ... one or two of the characters who were supposed to be Police Officers did not come across as very believable; they were overly childish and not very good at their jobs. In addition, I found the word "sooked" extremely annoying for some reason - not sure why but it just wound me up.

I am absolutely certain that it would be better to read the series in order, it does work as a standalone pretty successfully and although the niggles prevented me from awarding this a 5 star read, I would still recommend it.
Dogtology: A Humorous Exploration of Man's Fur-Ocious Devotion to Dogs
Dogtology: A Humorous Exploration of Man's Fur-Ocious Devotion to Dogs
Jeff Lazarus | 2017 | Humor & Comedy, Religion
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an unbiased opinion.

And two days after I received it (before I could even begin reading it), our "CEO", my service animal, and our "fur child", passed away. So I went into reading and reviewing this book raw, and somewhat unable to keep my opinion unbiased.

DOGTOLOGY is a humorous look at the growing dog worship in our culture. It's factual, even if it breaks the news to the dog-obsessed gently that they are, in fact, dog-obsessed. It gives helpful reminders of things like the difference between what we think dogs need versus what they actually need from us. It also helps remind those who are practicing Dogtologists in regards to relationships with those outside their practice.

I'm so grateful I had this book to turn to as we grieved in our household. There were parts I could share with my partner for us to laugh over. Parts that made me cry tears I wasn't sure I was able to cry yet. It made it clear to both of us, though we hadn't really had doubts before, that we are, and have been, Dogtologists even when we have not been "dog owners" during our relationship, and that will always be the case for us. And when we are ready, emotionally, it will be time for us to find a new CEO for our household.
A Girl's Guide to Landing a Greek God
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

I usually don’t read novels like this, but as someone who loves mythology, particularly Greek, I was hungry for a good mythology read. Unfortunately, I didn’t enjoy this as a modern interpretation. Honestly, if the mythology wasn’t involved, I probably would have enjoyed it more. I think I am just a mythology snob…

Overall, I thought the story was humorous and engaging. That being said, it was obvious that the author was a male instead of a female. I can’t explain it, but males just have a certain voice when it comes to trying to write chick lit/romance. While I liked his characters, sometimes I felt that his female lead was a bit of a caricature. I have to remember, however, that people like that actually do exist. With that in mind, she can be a strong yet quirky woman able to hold her own in the world even if she doesn’t always make the best decisions.

As a whole, the story is pretty entertaining. As a woman, I feel a bit put out that a man wrote a novel titled “A Girl’s Guide…” I don’t think I will read the rest of the series but that is more for the fact that it wasn’t my tastes, not because it isn’t an good book.
Kid presidents: True Tales of Childhood from America's Presidents by David Stabler is a book of just that American presidents when they were kids. The book is an excellent source of information about the childhood lives of many American presidents. The book is presents in a way that gets children today interested in history.

The information is presented in a humorous and engaging way. By presenting information this way children will realize that they do not have to be perfect or great at everything they do; they just need to have motivation, interest, and the will to succeed in order to be successful. By reading this book children will learn that they to can have a positive impact on the world they live in.

This story shows that the American Presidents were normal children. Some were outdoorsy. Some were bratty. Some were brainy. Some were a complete mix. I loved the illustrations of the presidents. The illustrations really enhanced the book. The childhood biographies and fun facts helped to make the book interesting for children and adults.

This book could easily be used by parents and teachers to help children become interested in history and to learn about the popular and not so popular American Presidents.

I highly recommend this book. I give this book a 5/5 stars.

I received this book from Quirk Books via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Four Lions (2010)
Four Lions (2010)
2010 | Comedy, Drama
Hilarious take on a serious subject
A comedy about terrorism isn’t something you’d think would ever be made, let alone be any good, but Four Lions takes this serious subject on brilliantly. I’m sure there are many people out there that will take offence, but when the film centres a group of bumbling totally inept terrorists, for me it was very difficult to not find it humorous when the characters are just so stupid. It’s absolutely hilarious, with some great quotes and one liners dotted throughout and also a lot of relevant cultural and locational based references. The references about Alton Towers cracked me up, and the quotes about rubber dinghy rapids has stayed with me ever since I first watched this years ago. I would be intrigued to know how this film is received by those who aren’t British, as I’m not sure a lot of these references would have quite the impact.

This isn’t to say the film isn’t serious at all, because it is. Focusing on the family of Omar brings a bleaker outlook and the ending actually makes you feel sorry for most of them, after everything. Riz Ahmed shines in this, he’s absolutely brilliant and it’s easy to see why he’s now moved over into Hollywood. The rest of the cast are good, Kayvan Novak especially, but it's Riz that stands out.

A fantastically funny British film that’s sure to have you laughing out loud.
The Heart (Ice Dragons Hockey, #2)
RJ Scott | 2017
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Heart is the second book in the Ice Dragons Hockey series, and we reunite with Alex, aka Simba. Some time has passed since the end of The Code and the Dragons are on a losing streak. Alex calls for a meeting which goes on until early hours of the morning. On his way home, he and Ryan spot a car accident, and Alex is able to save both the baby and her father, although he is injured in the process. Jo is a firefighter on probation and the one who saves Alex.

This is a great story, with a humorous start in the kitchen between Jo and Alex. Jo has her own reasons for not wanting a relationship, the same as Alex does, but that doesn't stop them from being attracted to each other, and wanting more. There is an air of suspense with this book too as Jo has to deal with different situations all connected by a bomb. With additional stories involving Gooley, and the twins, there is definitely something here for everyone.

Very well written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow, this is a wonderful addition to the series. Definitely recommended by me, and I'm looking forward to Gooley's story which is coming next.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!