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The Keeper (DCI Antonia Hawkins, #3)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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<i>No interesting quote for this book I'm afraid...</i>

This started badly, for me. There’s nothing like starting a new detective book and being planted in the middle of a therapy session. Who would have thought a senior police officer who has enough baggage to need therapy? Well I never! That’s something I’ve only seen done 1 million times before… <i>sigh.</i> Thank God it picked up with the excitement afterwards because I wasn’t interested in Hawkins’ anxiety or love life.

This was by no means unique to other detective novels out there. They all have the same sort of plot and characters and themes, but this one did keep me more interested than some of the others I’ve read, purely because there was a humorous side to it as well as the serious side too.

This had some really exciting moments and it had some really drawn out, drab moments where we were repeatedly updated on how the case was going, even though we already knew… cause we were reading the book… so I think a lot of this novel could have been cut down to make a shorter novel. 400 pages is quite a lot for a detective series novel, especially one where there’s not a lot of evidence or leads to the case. This really was up and down, up and down, the whole way through. I lost interest so much in some places that I was completely distracted while reading it but then when we got onto a big reveal or breakthrough part, I rushed through it to know what happened next! There were some really great edge of the seat, nail biting moments! It was quite the hit and miss story.

As far as characters go, there weren’t any that I really connected with very well, but none of them were dislikable people. It could get a bit confusing to remember who was who because they’d go from their first name to their last name, back to their first name and then their last name again etc etc. It would have been nice to have some consistency with what the author called them.

This was by far a 3 star read until the twist at the end. I mean, really, I should have seen it coming, I’ve read a million crime thrillers before, but I just hadn’t suspected this one! Really, there were two twists at the end of this, the first one shocked me and then the second one I was expecting because of the first. The ending of this novel was really thrilling and nerve-wracking, it was a great way to finish it off.

Also, considering this is the third novel in a series (something Netgalley hadn’t made me aware of when I requested it!) this did really well as a standalone novel. I didn’t feel like I was missing any part of the characters stories, even when it came to the subject of Hawkins’ therapy sessions.

Thanks to Netgalley and Penguin UK - Michael Joseph for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.
Silence Is Goldfish
Silence Is Goldfish
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

With an intriguing title, British author Annabel Pitcher continues to attract young adult readers with her third contemporary novel. <i>Silence is Goldfish</i> is set in the English city of Manchester where fifteen-year-old Tess lives with her mother and father – well, the man she believed to be her father. On accidentally discovering vital information that her parents have withheld from her, Tess is determined to run away to London. After a failed attempt, Tess opts for the next best way of coping: she vows to never speak again.

Naturally everyone is worried about Tess: her parents, schoolteachers, friend; but she does not let their feelings fool her into believing the lies they have forced upon her. As things spiral out of control at school with in increase in bullying and the loss of her only friendship, Tess looks elsewhere for a new father figure. What Tess learns is that DNA is the least important aspect of being a parent, it is the love, warmth and care they provide that matters most.

<i>Silence is Goldfish</i> is funny and realistic, whilst also tugging on heartstrings. Tess is an extremely honest character – although due to mutism her thoughts are only expressed in her mind to a small goldfish-shaped torch –readers will be able to relate to her feelings and circumstances. Obviously the scenarios would have been resolved quicker if Tess had only told someone what was on her mind to begin with, however her anger and subsequent refusal to talk reveals how dangerous secrets can be, especially potentially life changing ones.

As already mentioned, Annabel Pitcher has now published three novels for teenage readers; however she has not yet developed her personal style of writing. Pitcher’s first novel <i>My Sister Lives on the Mantelpiece</i> was narrated by a much younger character, therefore the language and depth of internal thoughts were markedly different from <i>Silence is Goldfish</i>. Pitcher’s other novel, <i>Ketchup Clouds</i>, is equally dissimilar. Although the main character is of similar age to Tess, the novel is told through letters, resulting in a completely different reading experience.

It has to be said, <i>Silence is Goldfish</i> is definitely the better of the three novels published to date. Not only is the story engaging and humorous, it contains profound thoughts about the world, which mature readers will absorb and wish to quote on their social media, in private diaries or recite directly to their friends.

<i>Silence is Goldfish</i> contains slightly less sensitive content than Pitcher’s other books, however certain scenes make it inappropriate for younger readers. Although Tess is fifteen, she has to deal with a few rather adult topics; on the other hand these only occur in short bursts and should not upset the reader.

It will be interesting to discover what Annabel Pitcher writes next, and whether she continues in the same writing style – one hopes; it was good – or try yet another approach. Whether you have read Pitcher before, and regardless of your opinion on the books, <i>Silence is Goldfish</i> is a highly recommended novel.
The Last Dragonslayer (The Last Dragonslayer, #1)
The Last Dragonslayer (The Last Dragonslayer, #1)
Jasper Fforde | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

The recent dramatisation on Sky1 over the Christmas period (which I have not watched) has prompted the release of a new edition of Jasper Fforde’s <i>The Last Dragonslayer</i>, which originally appeared in bookstores six years ago. Fforde is perhaps best known for his <i>Thursday Next</i> series, a comical science-fiction story, but he proves he can equally tackle fantasy with this tale about an intrepid, young dragonslayer.

In the slightly fictional Kingdom of Hereford, part of the Ununited Kingdom, is a home and employment agency for mystical artisans. Over the past decades, magic has begun to diminish, leaving soothsayers and sorcerers struggling to find jobs. Jennifer Strange, although only fifteen, is temporarily in charge of running the agency, Kazam, and looking after the building’s cantankerous inhabitants. Although competent with her position, Jennifer soon finds herself out of her depth when wizards begin having prescient visions of the death of the last living dragon.

Able to ignore the prophecy at first, Jennifer becomes deeply involved once it is revealed that she is the foretold dragonslayer. Being both helped and hindered by friends and obdurate sorcerers, Jennifer desperately tries to prevent the shocking prediction from coming true. However, as she quickly discovers, it is impossible to outrun your own fate, especially if Big Magic is involved.

<i>The Last Dragonslayer</i> is a fun book to read that, despite the slow build up to the promised dragon story, is humorous and engaging throughout. Jasper Fforde is a particularly witty writer who uses genuine, intelligent, and often subtle, puns rather than demeaning himself by resorting to crude jokes. Although some may dismiss dragons, magic and fantasy as fatuous nonsense, it is clear Fforde is writing for the more intellectual reader.

The way in which the story is executed, particularly the conclusion, borders on genius and deserves to be highly praised. Magic is a concept that has been written about thousands of times, and also mocked in parodies of well-known literature. <i>The Last Dragonslayer</i> successfully combines fantasy and humour in a way that avoids ridicule.

Some may argue that <i>The Last Dragonslayer</i> is a young adult novel due to the age of the protagonist and the less highfaluting content in comparison to Fforde’s other works. On the other hand, Jennifer Strange is a character that appears a lot older than she actually is, and is involved in events and satire that a younger audience may not be able to fully appreciate. Therefore, there is nothing to prevent readers of all ages from enjoying this book, and the rest of the series, of course.

I particularly enjoyed reading Jasper Fforde’s <i>The Last Dragonslayer</i>. I found it engaging and amusing, loved the characters, and was slightly disheartened when the book ended earlier than I expected – that is the downside of having sneak peak chapters at the rear of the paperback! Of all the Jasper Fforde books I have read (<i>The Eyre Affair</i>, 2001 and <i>Shades of Grey</i>, 2009) <i>The Last Dragonslayer</i> has been my favourite. Perhaps the potential younger target audience prevented me from getting lost, unlike in the complexity of the other stories. As long as you can forgive the author for his fish fetish and preoccupation with marzipan, you will absolutely love this book.
Deep Blue (Waterfire Saga, #1)
Jennifer Donnelly | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
My rating: 3.5

<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

Mermaids are perhaps one of the least written about mythical creature in novels. On the occasions that they are referred to they are often represented as evil siren-like females luring sailors to their deaths. The mermaids in Jennifer Donnelly’s <i>Waterfire Saga</i> are not like that at all, in fact their lives are not dissimilar to that of humans.

<i>Deep Blue</i> is the first novel in this saga but felt like it was mostly setting the scene for the yet-to-be-published sequels. It begins with Serafina, the Principessa of the House of Merrow, preparing for the Dokimí or betrothal ceremony occurring that evening. Although her songspell, a particularly difficult task, goes perfectly, assassins gatecrash the ceremony. The black-clad mermen fire poison arrows at the crowd, killing Sera’s father and fatally injuring her mother, the Regina.

Along with her best friend Neela, Serafina flees the city but it is not long before their assailants catch up with them. Throughout all this destruction the two mermaids discover that they have been having the same dream about being summoned by the Iele – a legendary group of river witches – and with no where else to go they head to the river Olt in Romania in order to find them and discover what they are being called upon for. As it turns out they are not the only girls heading that way. Six mermaids in total have been having the same dream and they eventually meet up on their way to the Iele.

Although the end of <i>Deep Blue</i> revealed the girls’ purposes, it will not be until the second book that this task is carried out. Due to this it feels as though the main storyline of the <i>Waterfire Saga</i> is yet to begin properly. Having said that, <i>Deep Blue</i> was still an entertaining read. It may take a while for readers to get into the story but the later half is full of action and even contains the odd humorous pun, which prevents the book from becoming too dark.

It must be difficult to write about mermaids as the setting is, naturally, deep under the surface of oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. The writer would need to think carefully about what is possible underwater, and remember to use words such as “swim” instead of “walk”. Even though Donnelly did a fantastic job there were occasions where the characters could easily be mistaken for humans with legs rather than fish tails.

There were lots of made up words and names used in this book which some people may find confusing thus making it difficult to keep track of who is who. The author has helpfully included a glossary of these terms and names which readers can refer to as and when they need to. It does not, however, include a pronunciation guide, which is a shame as some of the words have an Eastern European look to them and readers unfamiliar with those types of dialects may struggle with some of the expressions: for example, Baba Vrăja.

Overall this saga has the potential to become a magnificent set of books with a uniqueness setting them apart from other popular fantasy stories of today.
Mr. &amp; Mrs. Smith (2005)
Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005)
2005 | Action, Comedy, Mystery
7.0 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Not since the film The War of the Roses has the silver screen portrayed marital discord in such as humorous and violent fashion as it does in Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

The film stars Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie as the title characters who are approaching their sixth year of marriage, though Mr. Smith seems to be convinced it has only been five.

Tedium has set into their suburban lives, and the couple has entered counseling in an effort to help their lack of communication. The story of how they met and various aspects of their lives with one another paints the picture of how much the flame has dulled after such an explosive start for the couple.

As routine has their home lives have become, one thing that has not changed is their work. Unknown to each other, the Smiths are actually assassins for competing firms. Both Smiths are convinced that their spouse works in other fields and manage to complete most of their missions during the day or night under the guise of work for the cover careers.

Things change when both agents are assigned by their firms to a mission where they end up encountering each other from a distance. Unsure of whom the person they spotted is, they are ordered to eliminate the person in order to protect their cover.

This begins a rapid series of events that, as anyone who has seen the trailer will realize, the Smiths will figure out that the person they have been seeking is their very own spouse. While this destination is inevitable to the plot is not a surprise, the trip leading up to it, and the whirlwind of events that follows this discovery, is what really makes this film such an enjoyable ride.

Naturally when the two uncover their spouse’s true identity, the instincts of their professions as well as their pent up frustrations come out in an orgy of passion and violence that leaves a trail of devastation. The various encounters between the Smiths not only escalate on the violence scale, but due to issue such as pride, reputations, and betrayal, the objectivity and impersonal nature of their work are abandoned.

I think Shakespeare put it best when he said that “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”, as the scenes of Jane Smith unloading her pent up fury are almost as hysterical as the segments where John Smith takes his turn at the plate.

A prime example of the films ability to mix action and comedy to perfection is the classic dance scene where the two attempt to disarm one another in an effort to get the upper hand. Pitt and Jolie dance and exchanges barbs, as they keep the beat and discard the weapons they find, as they plot to gain the upper hand.

The film did lose a bit of its amazing momentum about a third of the way in, before regrouping and bringing the film to an action packed and very satisfying conclusion. The supporting work of Vince Vaughn is very funny, but sadly his presence is limited. The films works very well because the chemistry between the two leads is very strong, as are the action and humor sequences. Without a doubt one of the best movies of the summer and one not to be missed
Cards Against Humanity
Cards Against Humanity
2009 | Adult, Card Game, Humor, Party Game, Print & Play
Humour (2 more)
player count is high
a game specifically tailored to party people
creativity is limited (2 more)
often a popularity contest
multiple plays decreases the enjoyment of play
Here comes an unpopular opinion - hear me out
now - don't get me wrong, my first time playing Card against Humanity was hilarious! I loved it, I was in. The concept is very simple, you're presented with a silly, funny or rude situation and you have to fill in the blanks using the inappropriate cards from your hand to make the others laugh.


On MANY plays later, I see the flaw in this design. I've realised this is more of an activity than a game as such. Again, don't go pointing fingers too fast, I did enjoy the game at the start remember? Now, theres an AI built into the game called 'Rando' he can play too for various reasons and he can often win. As suggested, random cards are drawn, and because it usually doesn't make sense, its funny, and therefore wins! This made me realise that I'm not funny. Damn, I've been caught in this web of lies cards against humanity had me caught in. I have very limited choice and often my choices are a result of a card "dump" where really nothing was funny nor fit. A well thought out game might have a mechanic that allows me to do something else with these cards that maybe I don't see use for. So I'm not the one being funny, the predisposed topics and cards are just used as a shock factor -

which promptly brings me to my next point, these things and statements are often funny because you're shocked! THAT is in a card game, woaaah I'm such an adult, wow. No. sadly this may be funny the first time but there's only so many times I can see the "chunks of a dead hooker" card before it looses it's humorous effect. I've played with all of the expansions (which were available before I quit on this game) which was a fair few, and even then it wasn't enough.

The buzz was gone, and I no longer enjoy this game, I've not grown out of it, I'm not a humour buzzkill. There are many other similar style games that provide ample creativity. Now before one of you thinks it, yes, there are blank cards to write on, but it's often not enough to change and sustain the games core.

One more thing before I sign off on this one, it's often a popularity contest. I'm not the most popular in our gaming group, there are certainly people who will favour others and thats normal and fine. BUT when games like this swing around and the winner is essentially cast on a vote of the other players choosing. The winner can often be the same person again, and again and again. Because them putting cards down that were drawn out of a stack randomly and they had no input into the outcome of what those cards says was totally hilarious. They win again.

To summerise, creativity is so limited, it's not YOU being funny, it's the cards. It's not really that re-playable and it's often a popularity contest,
there are many other games of this genre that do it better.
Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)
Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)
2019 | Action, Comedy, Horror
It is hard to believe it has been ten years since audiences were introduced to the hysterical yet violent Post-Apocalypse world of Zombieland; but thankfully the crew is back again with the highly enjoyable “Zombieland: Double Tap”.
The story begins with Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg), bringing the audience up to speed on what has happened since the last film. The Zombies have evolved into different classes of abilities and Columbus and his ersatz family have taken up residence in The White House.
Columbus and Wichita (Emma Stone) are still dating; well at least as best as one can do in a Zombie Apocalypse which is painfully short on options. This situation does not seem to bother Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson), as he is happy to work on his loaded vehicle dubbed “The Beast” but for Little Rock (Abigail Breslin), the situation has become intolerable.

Little Rock is eager to find someone to have a relationship with and when her frustrations combine with Wichita’s insecurities; the girls take off leaving the men to fend for themselves.

While Tallahassee has no issues with this, Columbus is a moping mess and even a trip to the local mall cannot lighten his mood. Things change when they meet the ditzy and clueless Madison (Zoey Deutch); who steals her scenes with her Clueless Pop Culture Princess who is as oblivious to their situation as a person can be.

When Wichita returns to tell them that Little Rock has run off with a guy she met, the crew load up and take to the road to save the day but are blissfully unaware of the new dangers waiting for them.

This is the rare sequel that is as good if not better than the original. The cast works very well with one another and the introduction of new characters brought some additional comedy to the film as well as enhancement to the action sequences.

While the film is at times very gory; it is done in a humorous way that balances the dangers the characters are in with a wink and smile to let the audience know that this is still an Action/Comedy that is light on the darkness and big on the levity.

The film has some great continuity with the original film without repeating itself as Columbus’s rules for survival still pop up when they are used and we also get some hysterical new updates to the coveted Zombie Kill of the Week.

Director Ruben Fleischer knows what audiences want and does a great job giving them more of what he gave them in the first film without being gratuitous or heavy handed with the material.
The new cast works well with the returning players especially Rosario Dawson and the previously mentioned Zoey Deutch who fit seamlessly into the comedic Zombie mayhem.

You will want to make sure to stay into the credits for a fantastic bonus scene which puts a great capper on the film which was one of the best times I have had at the movies in recent years and one of the better movies of 2019.
Hopefully this is not the last outing for the crew as I would love to see further adventures in Zombieland but hopefully we will not have to wait 10 years for the next chapter.

4 stars out of 5
Love Me Never (Lovely Vicious #1)
Love Me Never (Lovely Vicious #1)
Sara Wolf | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
<i>Love Me Never</i> is such a risky read for me, but the synopsis screamed, "I'M INTERESTING. TAKE A CHANCE ON ME." It might not be <a title="Imperfect Chemistry by Mary Frame" href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">cute and adorable</a>, but it has the best tagline ever: <i>Don't love your enemy. Declare war on him.</i>

Thus resulting in a person who avoids contemporary taking a plunge (I seem to be doing this a lot lately...) and hoping for the best. <i>Love Me Never</i> isn't a book I would go for – we have a main character who obviously has a horrific past and a guy who is a popular douche bag. Put them together in a high school and they hate each other's guts and attempt to ruin each other's lives.

<em>BUT THE TAGLINE, THOUGH. It screams next favorite contemporary book, self!</em> This coming from frantic little brain cells while deciding whether or not I want to read the book.

It didn't go bad at all. In fact, I think I spent more time giggling over the book than actually analyzing it with my reviewing lenses. I spent more time writing laughing emojis than actually writing legit notes. And I spent more time late at night trying not to laugh so hard and waking up my mom in the process.

Definitely a sign of a good book when I'm rendered into a puddle of giggles.

From early on in the book, Isis Blake comes across as someone extremely sarcastic and snarky. She comes across as someone who is always angry and bitter with the world. But inside, Isis is a girl who encountered someone who hurt her emotionally and possibly physically, and as a result, Isis comes out of that event as someone with very low self-esteem.

Jack Hunter, on the other hand... is quite similar to Isis in terms of personality, although his self-esteem is on the opposite end of the spectrum. In the few pages of the book where Sara allows a peek into Jack's mind and thoughts, he comes across as someone covering up sadness – he's not as angry and bitter as he wants the rest of the world to think.

And then there's the revenge. It is definitely petty revenge – Isis launches a war on Jack all because of an apology who reminds Isis of her past self. Some of the things Isis and Jack put upon each other is so ridiculous and stupid, but their reactions and words makes it humorous and enjoyable. The best kind of pettiness to read about.

<i>Love Me Never</i> is vengeful, dark, hilarious – cliché as this may sound, it is definitely a book worth reading.
<blockquote>A first kiss... that's something a girl should cherish. It's something you should share with someone you really love. You shouldn't lose it in a petty high school battle of wills to someone you hate.</blockquote>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
The Jetsetters
The Jetsetters
Amanda Eyre Ward | 2020 | Romance
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Charlotte Perkins is 71, and her best friend has just died. Long single, she longs to be touched and loved again, so she writes an essay (a rather racy one at that) to the "Become a Jetsetter" contest to win a trip for her entire family (and to perhaps meet someone). Charlotte is shocked and elated when she actually wins, earning the the chance to take her three children to Athens, Greece and on a nine-day cruise to Barcelona, Spain. Lee, a struggling actress who has just returned home on a "break" from acting (and from her famous ex-boyfriend) figures she has nothing better to do. Cord, her son, a wealthy New Yorker, isn't thrilled about being trapped on a ship while he struggles with his sobriety. And Regan, an exhausted mother of two daughters, can't believe it when her irritating husband Matt joins the group. This will be a particularly fun trip since Lee and Regan haven't spoken in ten years. Trapped on this adventure together, secrets come out and the Perkins family suddenly learns more than they ever wanted to know about each one another.

It took me a while to process this one. I really enjoy Amanda Eyre Ward's writing, and I have such a soft spot for her book, The Same Sky, which is one of my absolute favorite novels. This book is very different from that one, and it took me some time to warm to the pacing and the characters. Charlotte turned me off in the beginning, and I was just slow to get into the book. We learn that the Perkins kids had a rough childhood, but one that also bonded them together. Yet when the book opens, none of them are particularly close to each other--or their mother.

"This day, and the two more excruciating days that followed--days of sand and beer-scented misery--would be the last time Lee went on vacation with her mother and siblings. Until thirty-two years later, when they became jetsetters."

The book presents the story from not only Charlotte's point of view, but that of each of her wayward children. None of the kids are easy to like at first, but Ward's prose makes them come to life before our eyes. They are fallible, for sure, and it's hard not to feel a bit sorry for everyone. I for one am not sure I could handle being trapped on a cruise ship with a group of unhappy family members.

"Oh. Charlotte's children. To her great sadness and bewilderment, Charlotte's three adult children were lost to her, and perhaps to themselves."

The novel does an excellent job at portraying all the difficult relationships in the book, giving us an in-depth portrait of a complicated family. While the story is told solely over the span of their trip, we learn all about Charlotte's life--much of it hidden away from her children--and the lives of her three kids, even bits and pieces of their childhood and backstories. No one has had an easy go of it, for sure. How much do parents, and their actions, affect their kids, the book asks. How do families in general influence the people we become. They have so much power: both to help and to hurt.

It's funny, this wasn't always a story I enjoyed, even though there are humorous and touching moments, but I recognized its powerful parts too. Overall, I would rate this at 3.75 stars, rounded up to 4 stars here. It's worth a read.
Madagascar 3: Europe&#039;s Most Wanted (2012)
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted (2012)
2012 | Action, Animation, Comedy
7.1 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
After being shipped from New York to Madagascar and then leaving Madagascar only to end up stranded in Africa, our four favorite zoo animals are back and causing a ruckus once again, but this time in Europe.

Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted starts off where Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa left off, with Alex the lion(Ben Stiller), Marty the zebra(Chris Rock), Gloria the hippo (Jada Pinkett Smith) and Melman the giraffe (David Schwimmer) are stranded in Africa longing to get back to their beloved zoo in New York City. They realize the only way they will be able to return home is by relying on their super competent penguin buddies who have made their way to Monte Carlo with their chimp powered plane and the loot of jewels and money they squandered upon in Africa during the second movie.

So the quartet of four legged lovable characters along with a few familiar lemurs, King Julien (Sacha Baron Cohen), the self proclaimed King of Madagascar and his assistants Maurice (Cedric the Entertainer) and Mort (Andy Richter), decide to make their way to Monte Carlo, find the penguins, the chimpanzees, and head to New York.

Once the gang arrives in Monte Carlo it doesn’t take long for them to incite panic. Enter Captain Chantal Dubois (Francis McDormand), an impassive, somewhat indestructible animal control officer, who wants nothing more than to add a lion to her already impressive collection of animal heads mounted on her office wall. Due to her relentless pursuit and unconventional hunting techniques the animals are forced to take refuge aboard a circus train where they are welcomed by a simple-minded sea lion named Stefano (Martin Short). Stefano introduces the group to the rest of the animal circus performers and they each demonstrate their amazing tricks. The train is on its way to London and the circus crew hopes their show will garner the attention of a big time U.S. circus promoter looking to bring a show to New York. This was Alex and company’s ticket home! But would they be up to the challenge of putting on the greatest show anyone has ever seen AND evade Dubois who is hot on their tails every step of the way?

The simple storyline of animals wanting to get home has been the common thread in all three Madagascar movies. Dreamworks Animation rarely reaches the emotional expertise of Pixar, but they always manage to create movies that are still very much engaging, humorous and visually stunning. Eric Darnell and Tom McGrath, who directed the first two movies, come together once again and steer clear from the choppy, thrown together sequence of events that have plagued some sequels and trilogies. I truly believe that keeping with the same directoral chemistry plays a big part in this movie’s well-paced and entertaining storyline.

This movie is definitely geared toward the kindergarten and preschool aged audience with much of the action in the movie involving the circus performance and its Cirque du Soleil-type entertainment. Let’s add the 3D component and voila! An amazing, kaleidoscope of lights and pyrotechnics along with wonderful performances of acrobats, seal shot from cannon, high wire dancing giraffe and hippo, and flying penguins. It’s like a box of animal crackers come to life!