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Llamageddon (2015)
Llamageddon (2015)
2015 | Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
What can I say about Llarmageddon, well you know what you're going to get from the first five minuet's. There's an alien Llama wondering around killing people. Yes this is as bad as it sounds, the effects are bad, the acting is bad and the story is.... yes bad but it's kind of fun, mostly because the film knows what it is.
The cast know that this film is not good but it looks like they had fun making it and it pays homage to a lot of other films, there are conversation on other films ala Scream, buckets of blood were-Llama transformation and alien eggs because these Lamas hatch from eggs that are laid by males.
If you haven't got a feel for Llamageddon yet then all you need to know is that it's mainly set around a party of teen's/young adults who drink, bonk, smoke and then get killed by the Llama, it's predictable, stupid and only 69 minutes long which is good because if it was any longer I think my brain would have melted and yes IMDB says that the run time is deliberate and that is the type of humour you can expect .
I really can't decide if Llamageddon is a waste of an hour or if it was actually a fun time, I think it rates some where between Zombeavers and the 2019 Wolf. Like Wolf it's very low budget and seems to be made more for the fun of the cast but, unlike wolf, it know this and doesn't take itself to serous. And that makes all the difference, not taking itself too serious makes the film a lot easier to watch.
So if you're looking of a quick watch and don't want to think about it too much you could give Llamageddon a watch, just don't expect to much.
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
I've got a lot a love for the first Thor movie, but like many others, the second one is probably my least favourite of the whole franchise. So, when one of the mightiest Avengers threatens to become stale, what is the solution? Taika fucking Waititi is the solution.

One of my favourite working directors helming an MCU film is exciting indeed, and manages to deliver a film that injects new life into the Thor series, manages to fit in with other chapters of the franchise without feeling too alien, but still has liberal splashings of Waititi's trademark wit throughout.
The comedy in this entry is thick and fast, but everything lands just right. It's fair to say that it's taken a leaf out the Guardians of the Galaxy playbook, but manages to come across smoother and feel more refined in it's humour than Vol. 2.
Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Anthony Hopkins, Mark Ruffalo and Idris Elba are back and as good as ever with MCU newcomers Cate Blanchett, carving a memorable figure as this movies big bad Hela (who I really hope we see again at somepoint), Tessa Thompson as the badass Valkyrie, a wonderful Jeff Goldblum as secondary villain Grandmaster (another that I hope we see again), and Karl Urban as The Executioner. It's a well put together cast.

It's packed full of comic shit too, with references to Man Thing, Beta Ray Bill, and Bi Beast, a tie in appearance from Doctor Strange, the first appearance of Surtur, and Hulk rampaging through Asgard. It has relentlessly entertaining set pieces and an 80s synth style soundtrack that tops everything wonderfully.

Not much to complain about here - easily the best of the Thor trilogy and a solid entry into the wider MCU.
Becoming Red (The Becoming #1)
Becoming Red (The Becoming #1)
Jess Raven | 2012
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars

 love the cover of this and its sequel Becoming Bad; both are amazing and grab your attention straight away.

As for the story, well, I have to admit it took me a while to get into it. I think it was down to all the description and the changes in time at the beginning; Connal’s POV and then switching to Ash’s but it occurring before Connal’s. It was a bit confusing to start with, but it got better as the two met and interacted.

I was intrigued where the story was going from early on and it wasn’t until nearly half way through where I figured it out (maybe I was just slow :S) but after that point I was really into it. The whole chemistry between Connal and Ash was quite fun to read about, how she’d rather not have him following her but at the same time she was attracted to him. The authors’ reference’s to “Little Red” and “Big Bad” also added a bit of humour.

Ash was a woman who didn’t mess around; she carried a knife and told people what she thought of them if they messed around with her and I liked her attitude. Though sometimes, her actions were a bit questionable.

Connal; a dread haired mountain of a man, just seemed to ooze sex and I liked how protective he was of Ash, if only, at the start, because his employer told him to.

It was an interesting story and something different to what I normally read, or should I say a different take on it, and I enjoyed it: A woman being the last carrier of a gene that could mean the repopulation of a dying breed.
This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited Library.

It has been 8 years - possibly more since I joined Goodreads in 2012 - since I read books five and six in this series - and I should point out, they were the only two books I DID read in this series after getting them free one Christmas from AllRomanceeBooks before the website shut down

 did fall in love with Adrien and Jake despite not knowing all the stuff they had been through in the previous books so when I saw this, I had to read it. They do rehash a lot of what happened in the past and god, I was getting emotional reading it - so in a way I'm glad I didn't - but they are such a good couple.

Well this wouldn't be an Adrien English mystery without a mystery and this one involves an old acquaintance whose boyfriend has gone missing after visiting his family for the holidays. His old fashioned, well off family. Both sides are saying the other had something to do with his disappearance and Adrien is tasked with helping to track him down, while Jake is hired by the family to do the same.

There's some other drama going on at Cloak & Dagger, the bookshop Adrien owns and we see some sweet moments and sometimes some hot moments between Jake and Adrien. It had me laughing at times with Adrien's humour.

I do like this series and quite a few of this authors other series like Holmes and Moriarity - of which Moriarity got a mention in this as an ex cop turned author and I will be reading more of his books at a later date.
This Shining Life
This Shining Life
Harriet Kline | 2021 | Contemporary
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ollie's Dad died. Richard had an incurable brain tumour, and before he passed away, he sent everyone a special present. He also told Ollie that "being alive was like a puzzle and it was all falling into place." Ollie is autistic. He thinks his father left him a puzzle to solve. Could it involve the gifts? Why won't anyone help him solve the puzzle?

This Shining Life by Harriet Kline is a heartbreaking tale about a family coming to terms with death. Told from several people's point of view, Kline explores different portrayals of grief. Ollie's mum wants to stay in bed; his aunt wants life to carry on; his maternal grandmother tries to exert control; his paternal grandmother wishes she could understand her grandson; and his grandfather has no idea what is going on. No one has time for Ollie and his obsession with his puzzle.

Before Richard's death, Ollie dominated family life. Ollie had a strict routine, always had a few spare pairs of socks with him because he hated dirty ones, and had meltdowns if his parents used the "wrong" tone of voice. Without his familiar habits, Ollie's life was a mass of confusion - an apt metaphor for the grief the rest of the family experienced.

With a contemporary novel such as This Shining Life, there is no "happy ever after". People do not come back from the dead. There is no answer to the meaning of life. Grief is a long process and different for everyone. It causes depression, anger and confusion, but hidden under all these negative feelings is love.

Harriet Kline takes death and grief seriously but adds a touch of humour to the narrative for the reader's benefit. It is not a light read, nor is it markedly profound. Instead, This Shining Life is painfully honest, and for that reason, it is beautiful.

Rat Scabies recommended Best Of by Cream in Music (curated)

Best Of by Cream
Best Of by Cream
1969 | Compilation, Psychedelic, Rock
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I never knew if this was a compilation album or not, but it was the one that was around when I was at school. All of my mates had this record. 'Sunshine Of Your Love' and 'Crossroads' are my two favourite cuts off the album, but the thing was although as a band they were gifted with tons of ability they were also very musical with their recordings. One of the things they got, which I don't think a lot of the other bands did, was that it's great to jam for an hour live, but a record is a repeated instant. When you make an album it's something that people listen to over and over. So I think there were two Creams. There was the one that recorded and did songs that were four minutes long like 'Badge' and things, and then in something like 'Crossroads' they kind of just kept the best bits. I think they got it right. It's very difficult to be inspired and to be inspirational to your other players without it having to be a long-winded routine to get there. And alongside all that was that track 'A Mother Was Washing Her Baby one Night' which was brilliant ['Mother's Lament' from Disraeli Gears]. When I heard that it made it okay to have a sense of humour sometimes and to not take yourself too seriously. For me that last three minutes on the album probably had more of a message than a lot of the rest of it did, because it resonated that yeah, you can do something that's fun. You can do something that's funny, because actually we're pretty good at the rest of it already."
