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Building Stories
Building Stories
Chris Ware | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The unique presentation had me more than a little curious to get into this one, and I found it worked wonderfully for the material. Very well drawn, and with recurring themes and symbolism that are alternately beautiful and sad. This is decidedly not an uplifting work, with the harshness of life and the world around us seeming to be an even more universal theme throughout than the building around which the stories revolve. Luckily for me I suppose, the piece I randomly read last, while possibly being the saddest of all, also contained a really solid prospect of hope and one of the few truly uplifting portions found inside, thus making giving it the best ending I could have hoped for (for my tastes anyway). This is a truly incredible work of art that I cannot recommend highly enough.

As a side note, this could make a really interesting movie, especially in the hands of the right director. P.T. Anderson springs to mind for me. They could even allow you to watch segments in random order on the DVD, thus somewhat recreating the sensation of the "book". Could be interesting.
A Nutcracker Nightmare
A Nutcracker Nightmare
Christina Romeril | 2023 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Class Bully Gets Murdered
This Christmas, Harriston High School is hosting an all years reunion. While twin sisters Alex and Hanna didn’t attend, they are helping with the weekend’s events. That’s how they meet Kyle, the class star quarterback and the class bully. He’s taken an interest in Hanna, an interest she doesn’t return. The opening night ends when Kyle is murdered, and Hanna’s fingerprint is the only one found on the murder weapon, a nutcracker. Surely someone who knew him longer had a better motive, right?

I read the first book last year and enjoyed it enough to give the series a second try. Sadly, I found the flaws the same here. The writing kept me out of the story at first, and I had a really hard time remembering who the suspects were and all their connections. But the further I got into the book, the more I got caught up in the mystery, which had some nice twists on the way to the logical solution. The main characters are great, and the recipes for the gourmet chocolates sound delicious. There is a good story here, so be patient when you pick up this book.
Designation: Submissive (The Designation Series #1)
Designation: Submissive (The Designation Series #1)
Jamie Kassel | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
different. but hard work.
Independent reviewer for GRR, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I'm not really sure what I feel about this book, to be honest but I will try to explain.

I liked the blurb, it grabbed me so that's why I read it, and the blurb fits the book well.

I did found this book to have a lot of *noise* for want of a better word. Both Criag and Sam go off on pages and pages of internal monologues and it made for distracting reading, especially when that monologue lands slap bang in the middle of the smexy times!

And there are a LOT of smexy times. I'm not ashamed to say I ove my books on the steamier side, but I like some STORY too.

I mean, very quickly, you know what is going to happen: it's all laid out for you. And...........................that's it!

More world and character building would have been nice, but in a much less instructional way, you know? I almost felt I was being told to listen and take in all in, all in one go, and I really don't like that.

I've not tagged it as romancce, because, to be honest, I didn't get it. Sam wanted and sub and Craig wanted his own Dominant and they get that.

What I do want to know, though, is what happened to Robert, a side character who has disappeared. Now, there is a second book that tells us, and I really REALLY want to read that. Robert is a Dominant with some extra skills that Sam does not have.

Kassel has a large back catalogue. I've not read any of their work before. I might go pick a random one and read something else.

A good 3 star read.

* same worded review will appear elsewhere
His Lordship's Master (His Lordship’s Mysteries #2)
His Lordship's Master (His Lordship’s Mysteries #2)
Samantha SoRelle | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Mystery, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I could see that things were really not as they were portrayed to be.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the His Lordship's Mysteries series, and while this can be read as a stand alone, I really think you SHOULD read book one, His Lordship's Secret before this one. Lots happened in that book that is referenced here, but not fully explained. You could probably piece things together, but I think to get the full effect of Alfie and Dominick, you need to read that book first.

Still recovering from what happened in London, Alfie and Dominick retreat to his family house in Scotland. And find themselves in the middle of an age-old mystery. What with ghosts and missing people and now a dead butler, Alfie and Dominick jump headlong into another caper!

I really was enjoying this a bit more than book one, but something triggered with me, and I found myself thinking about another book. With another ago-old mystery, with another painting, in another castle. And I'm stumped as to which book it was, but after that point, I found I didn't enjoy it quite so much.

Oh don't get me wrong, please. It's really well written, from both Alfie and Dominick's point of view. There are more things revealed about both Alfie and Dom's lives in the time they were apart. There is much love here, even if they sometimes forget that.

I again quote my review for Secret:

I loved that the whodunnit was so NOT who I was expecting, nor was it WHY! I love being kept on my toes!

Because I really did not see that one coming at me. But the whole Wicked Master thing? I could see that coming at me, even before the point I mentioned before. I could see that things were really not as they were portrayed to be.

There are almost two stories going on here. The missing woman and the dead butler, then the Wicked Master thing. I liked that, along with the growing deepening connection between Alfie and Dom, which evokes some mighty powerful feelings here!

So, even though things were a little blurry, I did enjoy it and I'll still give it. . .

4 solid stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Dana (24 KP) rated Nox in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
Anne Carson | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had to read this book of poetry for my Modern Elegy English course at my school and I found it very interesting. This was the first elegy we had read by a female author, even though we are well over half way through our quarter. I found the poems themselves very convoluted, but they were still fascinating.

I loved the structure of the book itself. It was made to look like a continuous piece of paper, much like a timeline to which someone's life may be measured against. I thought it was really cool the way Carson would pull in the definitions of the words in Latin only to reveal about half way or three quarters of the way through that is was because she was translating an old poem that had originally been written in Latin. That gave it the sense that everything was pulled together.

One thing I enjoyed about this poem was how different it was from other elegies I have had to read over the course of this quarter. Instead of only lauding the deceased, Carson makes them realistic. She does not make them out to be some saint-like, or even god-like creature that had done no wrong. In giving them flaws and pointing those flaws out, the poem itself becomes more realistic and approachable.

I loved how it looked like everything was just scanned in, as well. It gave an informal quality to the poem that, again, makes it accessible to wider audiences than the more traditional elegies might.

Overall, this was a pretty cool poem! I suggest you pick it up if you want to read something different.
Selina Penaluna
Jan Page | 2009
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I found myself to be quite disappointed with this book. It is a tale set in Cornwall during the Second World War where twins, Jack and Ellen, are evacuated. There is a local girl, Selina, that Jack is drawn to but Ellen doesn't like.

The whole story is written by one of these viewpoints but some of the time I wasn't entirely sure who's viewpoint I was reading until I'd read a couple of pages. Then I would go back to make sure that I hadn't missed anything relevant to that character.

I found it hard to connect with any of these characters. Jack came across as a spoilt boy, Selina was probably the best character as I wasn't sure whether or not to like her or not. Whether she was an innocent or a schemer. Ellen came across as someone desperate for approval and like so many in that position, will never get it. The parts that are written as Ellen as an old lady have a faintly bitter and self-pitying flavour to them which I didn't like. Perhaps it is a generational thing but if you are not happy with your life, then change it.

There is a bit in the middle that I didn't understand at all. Paul Blanchard. Did he actually ever meet Selina or not? I didn't find this clear at all although I did understand how him and Jack connected later on in the story.

I'm glad I stuck with this book and finished it as I hate leaving books halfway through but I'm afraid that's about as good as it gets for me.
Dexterity Check (Dungeons and Dating #5)
Dexterity Check (Dungeons and Dating #5)
Katherine McIntyre | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I wanted to punch Eli a time or two!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 5 in the Dungeons and Dating series. While not strictly necessary to have read books one to 4 before this, I strongly recommend that you do. It will give you a better feel of this group of people and their ever expanding found family. I loved all four of the previous books.

And while I liked this one well enough, there was something different about it and I can't put my finger on it and it pains me so that I can't!

I liked Arjun, and I liked Eli, both together and separately. I liked their interactions with the rest of the group. The progression of their relationship went as I expected it to. I loved Arjun's grandmother and how much love there is between those two! I loved how easy Eli fit into to that.

I did not like how Eli kinda strung Arjun along, when he was making a decision about moving, though! I wanted to punch him a time or two.

BUT! I do understand WHY Eli is the way he is. He has been hurt before, and they both went into this clear and up front as to what it was. It's just those pesky feelings doing their thing that throws a spanner in the works!

I enjoyed this; I really did. It's a welcome addition to the series. I just didn't love it as much as the other 4 books.

4 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Emerge (Immortals of Indriell #1)
Emerge (Immortals of Indriell #1)
Melissa A. Craven | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first book in a fantastic new series that I have loved every word of. This is a world of Immortals and mortals, where you can't die but you can be murdered, where the amount of power you have corresponds to how people react to you.

Allie has lived an unconventional life so far, globetrotting with her parents but always alone. She has made few friends as most people seem to be uncomfortable around her. She no longer questions this, but instead accepts it as inevitable. Just as she thinks she is making headway with a friend/boyfriend, her parents tell her they are moving again. This time she ends up in America. Whilst psyching herself up for starting a new school, she meets a boy called Aidan and a whole new world opens up for her.

This is incredibly well-written and I was completely drawn into the story. I LOVED Allie and her sarcasm. She seriously made me snort out loud on more than one occasion, much to the amusement of my family. The interaction and banter between her and Aidan is fantastic. I will say this, I usually hate love triangles, and I mean loathe them! This somehow didn't seem like that though, and although I like Vince, I really REALLY don't want Allie to be with him. Trust me when I say I have fingers, toes and other body parts crossed for Aidan.

If I had to say anything against this book, I would say that with the number of characters involved, and their convoluted relationships/bonds, it sometimes made it a bit confusing to figure out just who was what in relation to whom. However, this is something very minor and quickly becomes irrelevant as you become more immersed in the story.

I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of this book and found it to be over far too quickly, even though it is a good-sized book. Not only can I highly recommend this book, but I will also be on the lookout for the next in the series and waiting with bated breath!

* I received this book in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Nov 10, 2015
Greenland (2020)
Greenland (2020)
2020 | Action, Thriller
Predictable but entertaining.
Contains spoilers, click to show
I love disaster films. 2012, Day After Tomorrow, San Andreas, I can't get enough. So of course I had to watch this film. Gérard Butler? Yes please!
The thing I liked about this one in particular was how believable it was. Of course in a global disaster, governments weren't going to save everyone. Of course they are going to pick the strongest most useful bunch. And obviously they would turn away the sick because why save someone who could die in a week when you could save a healthy teen that was probably going to solve world hunger? I also liked that they added the kidnapping. Not going to lie, if it was my one shot at survival, I would probably try too.
Now what I didnt love. If you know your husband has gone to the car, and would more than likely go back to the car if he found out you had left. Stay at the car!!! If you also know you are very likely to end up at the same destination, does it really matter that he's not on your plane? Its all her fault they got kicked out the facility. Its also his fault the plane got blew up and everyone had lost their chance. Also if one random guy knew there was a plane in Canada going to the bunker, how did nobody else know? And also, everyone knew if you had a wristband, you had a code. Of course you couldn't steal someone elses...

And then towards the end when they had wormed their way to the safety of the Canadian plane, I said to my sister 'I bet they get there, and even though they shouldn't they are let in, and in probably 6 weeks or soemthing, they will open the doors and a bird will fly past or soemthing and everything is happy.' Low and behold, I was right about everything except the time. They spent 9 month in a bunker they didn't think they would use? Yeah right.

But overall, an okay film. I am just really good at guessing movie twists and endings!
A Vampire Possessed (Deathless Night #3)
A Vampire Possessed (Deathless Night #3)
L.E. Wilson | 2015 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the third book in the series (although I was unaware of that originally) and as such, I do feel like I have missed out on a big chunk of the story. Although this story was pretty much self-contained, there were references made, situations alluded to, and definitely relationships that have happened previously that I had no knowledge of. So, in my opinion, yes - this book could be read as a standalone, but you will benefit more from having read the first two.

Saying that, this is a fast-paced and enjoyable paranormal romance. You have Grace - a witch without seemingly much power, on the run for most of her life. Then you have Aiden - philanderer vampire, happy to go from one to the next without a thought. They are thrown together in unusual circumstances which just take them deeper into demons possessing vampires.

With a supporting cast of wonderful characters, some with their stories already told, some that I would hope still have theirs to come, this story doesn't slack off on its pace, keeping you entertained throughout.

Well-written, with no editing or grammatical errors that I found, I would definitely recommend this book, with the proviso that it might be best to read books one and two first.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 7, 2016