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Michael is a 14-year-old who gets bullied in school, and just so happens to have electrical powers? The tale seems familiar until the exciting addition of having these special abilities is introduced. One of my favourite superpowers or forms of magic is one that is based on the elements, so I was very curious to see how electricity would be represented here. It was fascinating to see how it could manifest itself differently and be used in a variety of situations.

The overall idea of this story was very intriguing, although I found the writing to be lacking at times. One of the biggest elements that drew me out of the story was the author's inability to choose a word other than <i>said</i> to describe when a person was speaking. It became frustrating to listen to the characters talk when the entire page just repeated, "he said... she said... then they said... he said again." By that point, I was pretty over the word said. It definitely detracted from the story, which I found enjoyable overall.

It was definitely very trope-y, but that's not necessarily a bad thing - it completely depends upon your reading preference. I personally enjoy some tropes but when they're overused you tend to connect with the characters less because they're no longer unique. The biggest one for me in this book was the characterization of our three leads and how one dimensional it made them. I don't want to spoil the story, but once you read the book you will understand my issues with the characterization. I would love to see more character development over the next few novels.

As there are six other books in the series, I expect that the character development and world building will be improved upon. It wasn't until the end of the book that I started to feel more of a connection to the characters and curiosity about the world. The author definitely writes for a younger audience; the writing style was not as developed or mature as I would expect for a young adult reader.

I would recommend it to middle-grade readers, as well as young adult/teen readers who enjoy their fantasy books in a familiar setting. Don't expect flowery writing or deep characterization, just let the story take you on a fun, easy journey.
Undeniable ( Fated #4)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Undeniable by A.S. Roberts

Four stars

This story had me in tears and ready to throw my phone. How one person can endure so much pain and suffering. Lily is this out of touch young girl who is finally getting some freedom. She wasn’t looking for love but it found her in the form of Jack. Who is a smart guy but is truly a bad boy. I enjoyed this story because it was so raw. The emotions you feel from hearing Lily's pain and all her despair. You don’t just get a happy ever after you get a story full of ups and downs. You get to see the pain and joy that we all experience in everyday life. The author did an amazing job bringing these characters alive. They were given so much depth that this could be based on a true story. I couldn’t get enough of Jack and his bad boy ways that hide his intelligence. I felt really bad for Lily and how she was raised and how little she knew of the outside world. This is a must read the story will have you ready to beat someone for all the injustice.

ClareR (5686 KP) rated The Split in Books

Jun 10, 2020  
The Split
The Split
Sharon J. Bolton | 2020 | Crime, Mystery
9.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Split by Sharon Bolton is a roller coaster of a ride from start to finish. I know that sounds very clichéd, but it’s true! I don’t think I managed to draw breath whilst I was reading each stave every morning for twelve days on The Pigeonhole. I had no idea what was going to happen next, and I REALLY appreciated that!

Felicity comes to see Joe, a counsellor, when she is found wandering, lost and disorientated in Cambridge, where he story is set. She doesn’t know how she got there, or how she has been injured. She wants to go to South Georgia to carry out her research on glaciers ( she’s an academic at the university), but has to have a clean bill of health. This accident puts her mental health in doubt.

I don’t want to say too much more about the plot. I will say that it was a breathtaking read. I was constantly left wondering what could possibly happen next, and I didn’t know who to be the most worried for, or who I could trust - if indeed I could trust anyone at all!

It’s a great read, and one I’d thoroughly recommend if you like suspense - I was on tenterhooks for the whole book!
The Undine&#039;s Tear (Rise of the Grigori #1)
The Undine's Tear (Rise of the Grigori #1)
Talena Winters | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Calandra is a powerful merfolk healer who is related to royalty, she just doesn't know how powerful she is. Zale is an attraction at a travelling show what could the two possibly have in common?

This is the first book in the rise of the Grigori series and oh my goodness what a book. I was completely captivated by it from the first page! I found myself struggling at one stage not because it's been badly written it hasn't, but I felt like I was missing out on bits of information and it was only because I was that taken with everything going on in the story I was speed reading to find out what was happening next. I was so gripped by the book that I ended up burning my dinner at one stage. There is so much love and tenderness in this tale it's warming to have it happen between 2 of the characters.

The plot is not on I would expect but I truly and thoroughly enjoyed it and I will be reading the next one in the series. I need to know what happens and how everything is going to be resolved.

Kudos to Talena. Please read I think you will enjoy the adventure

David McK (3372 KP) rated Origin in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
Dan Brown | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
[a:Dan Brown|630|Dan Brown|]'s fifth Robert Langdon book, largely set in and around Barcelona, Spain, and which I read while on holiday to that location.

If you've read any of Brown's previous Robert Langdon - a role which, now, I assocaite firmly with Tom Hanks - books, then you'd know pretty much what to expect: a mad dash around the various locations within, a bit of science (some of which I'd already heard, other of which I hadn't relaised before) thrown in, some plot elelments that would make you roll your eyes if you stopped and thought about them, but actually, all-in-all, a pretty fun read.

In other words, a case where (like in most of his books) the sum is greater than the parts.

Even if, in this case, I found the supposed 'twist' (the identity of Kirsch's killer) to be as plain as the nose on your face.
The Disappearing Girl
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a> at the end of September).

For some reason, this is a book that I really wanted to read. It's like it just spoke out to me. I'm glad I read it because this was such an interesting read!

It's so annoying when a book's blurb tells you what the book's going to be about, but then it turn's out the book is nothing like the blurb. However, The Disappearing Girl's blurb is spot on, so I won't bore you with my own words with what it's about.

The title is what first drew my attention to this book. I think it's intriguing, and it made me want to know why this girl was disappearing.

The cover is alright. For some reason, the girl on the front annoys me. There's just something about her appearance. However, that's just a personal thing. I do like the photo frame of just a brick wall with the title in it though.

I think Ms. Wood did a brilliant job with the world building! I struggled with anorexia when I was 13 years old, so I know what's it like. Ms. Wood seem to get the thought process right and the mannerisms of having this disorder. I remembered thinking those same things that Kayla would think. This book has one of the best built words I've read about in awhile!

I won't lie. I did think there would be times when the pacing would slow down. However, I needn't have worried. This book draws you in and doesn't let you go until the very end. I found myself fully immersed, and not once did my attention waver.

The plot line of a girl with anorexia has been done before, but Heather Topham Wood does an excellent job of creating fantastic sub-plots that support the main plot. As I said before, this is a great read!

Like everything else, the characters were written fantastically! I could totally relate to Kayla and what extreme lengths she'd go to to get to her goal weight. I liked how even though she had this internal struggle going on, she tried her hardest to please everyone. I know that if you end up trying to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one, but I do like how Kayla tried to make everyone happy. Cameron was a sweetie! I admired him for his dedication and loyalty to Kayla. I loved how he kept trying to stick by her side even when she tried pushing him away. I was so angry with Kayla's mother though! I hated how she treated Kayla and her sister Lila. There were times when I felt like screaming at my book to try to reach this literary character! Kayla's mom isn't written horribly, but quite the opposite. In fact, I'd go to say that she's that person you love to hate. I loved Lila! She isn't mentioned a whole lot throughout the story, but I loved reading about how her character grew emotionally. She goes from being a very vulnerable teen to a strong woman.

I thought the dialogue suited this book quite well. The whole anorexia talk doesn't just sound like something the author came up with. Instead, it sounds like the author did her research about this disease. As for bad language, there are some swear words so be warned.

Overall, The Disappearing Girl by Heather Topham Wood is like actually knowing someone with anorexia. This book makes you feel as if the main character is one of your best friends, and you just want her to get better. Everything about this book is perfect, and I can't find even one thing to fault.

I'd recommend this book to those aged 17+ (due to adult themes) who want to know the characters on a very emotional, personal level.

(I received a free ebook of this title from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review).

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Collide in Books

Mar 11, 2019  
The Collide
The Collide
Kimberly McCreight | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Timely & fascinating end to this series
[Note: there may be spoilers if you haven't read the two previous books in the series.]

The third book in McCreight's Outliers series picks up with Wylie finally out of the detention center, but in no way safe and sound. She still hasn't found her Dad and she's jolted by the appearance of the surprise visitor from the end of book two. With the help of her twin brother, Gideon, and a few other trusted friends, Wylie tries to figure out exactly what is going on with the Outliers. Who is hunting them? Where is her dad? But the more she digs, the more secrets she uncovers--and the more trouble she finds herself in.

I was excited to read this book and finally figure out the conclusion of the Outlier story. I've enjoyed this series; it's something a little different from what I usually read. I must admit, I find it hard sometimes to remember all the intricate details from the previous books, but that's just my own fault. If you're lucky to be picking up this series from the beginning, enjoy. It's a really engaging read. At some point, I look forward to re-reading it from the beginning. By now, I'm too caught up in the characters and their lives not to finish. It's very to easy to get attached to McCreight's scrappy band of fighters. Trying to figure things out along the way is almost a bonus.

As for figuring things out, I found parts of this last book to be a little predictable--there was one or two parts I saw coming from a mile away, and it seemed amazing that the characters didn't either. Other pieces were more of a surprise. While some of the predictability was a bit frustrating, overall, I felt this was a good end to the series. There's a good balance of Wylie and other characters, and I was pleasantly surprised to see Gideon showing up (and not being annoying). The book ties things up fairly well, without resolving every loose end. As part of that ending, the books feel timely and apt to our current times. The running thread throughout of the Government trying to manage its citizen's lives is spot-on and one of my favorite aspects of the novels.

Overall, I enjoyed this one. I have a soft spot for this series--I don't think it always gets the attention it deserves. I've come to care for these characters over the years, and I find these books oddly compelling. While I definitely found pieces of this book and the ending to be a bit predictable as things unfolded, I still found it to be timely and fascinating. If you haven't read this series, I do think it's worth picking up. 3.5 stars for the ending of this trilogy.
On the Bright Side
On the Bright Side
Hendrik Groen | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
More reviews can be found on

This is the second diary of Mr H. Groen, where he shares with the reader a year of his life in one of Amsterdam’s elderly care homes, and I really found it fascinating. I didn’t have the chance to read his first diary, however, I found that this book can be easily understood by a first-time reader like myself because Hendrik does a great job by introducing and describing all the residents of his care home.

The main character in this book is, of course, Hendrik Groen, and the whole book was told from his perspective. I found him absolutely adorable. He is incredibly bright minded, funny, and interesting personality. I really enjoyed the way he introduced all his friends and nemesis, his and Everet’s (best friend) sarcastic thoughts and actions got me laughing out loud many times. I liked the way Hendrik showed through his diary, that elderly care homes can be an actually fun place to be, where you are occupied and never alone. And when I will grow old I would not mind spending my old days in such establishment.

Even though this book was from author’s perspective, Hendrik shared many events which he saw on TV or read it in papers throughout the year of 2015, and I loved the way he incorporated different resident’s thoughts about those events. My most favourite thing in this book was the Old-But-Not-Dead club and their members. Even though they hardly can walk, they still choose to explore life and it’s offerings, and it is just admirable. I think this book is very relatable to all the elderly because Groen is sharing not only good stuff and jokes, he is sharing the cruel reality as well. And I did like that a lot, it makes it more realistic and believable.

The writing style is easy to read and very witty, sarcastic and enjoyable. I had to twist my tongue a little bit while pronouncing the Dutch surnames, but that didn’t bother me much. The chapters are short and sweet and the book went quite quick for me. It has a lot of going on in every chapter, but sometimes my mind tended to wonder of, as it was a little bit monotonous sometimes. Hendrik ended this book with a very positive message and big hopes for his fiction novel, which I will be waiting impatiently for. So, to conclude, if your grandparents are still alive, you have to get them this book. I bet they would be able to relate and if not they would have a great laugh while reading it. I had an emotional rollercoaster while reading it, it made happy, pity, sad, excited, and It just made me respect our elderly more, because they all are different, unique and fascinating. I strongly recommend it to all as it is a perfect insight into our possible future. Enjoy &#x1f642;
<a href="">Travelers Wife 4 Life</a>

Nothing Short of Wondrous by Regina Scott really is nothing short of wondrous! I do not believe I have read anything by Regina Scott before, and now I am wondering how I missed her books! From the very first line:

<b>“What is it about men and danger? Do they all want to die?"</b>

     Regina Scott weaves in a humorous sense of warmth and sarcasm that fully engaged my interest. She is one of the very few authors I have found that has a gift with the way they describe the world around them to make you feel like you are right there in the story. There were such vivid descriptions of Yellowstone National Park, from the colors, the landscape, the smells of the different pools… It was breathtaking, and I am sure the actual park is more so!

     The characters. Kate is your classic frontier woman: strong and courageous.  She is well balanced though, always willing to let others help when she truly needed it. The banter between her and Will, the main male character is a “I don’t want to like you, but I do anyway” type of spark between them. Which is one of my favorites. Also, have you ever heard the saying “women love a man in uniform”? Well, this apply applies to Will in his Cavalry uniform. Talk about tall dark and handsome
Life&#039;s Captivity
Life's Captivity
Sharon Gricol | 2009 | Religion
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Life’s Captivity is inspirational and encouraging. The writing is lyric and rhythmic, and the pacing is relaxed enough to be calm, but fast enough to keep you interested. It is very comforting and uplifting, and a beautiful picture of how Christ works in our lives to make us more beautiful, to bring the lost to Him, and to glorify Himself.
Content: There was some language in certain parts of the book, because of the character who was speaking. I found it appropriate for the situation.
Recommendation: Ages 14+
*Thank you to Sharon and Bostic Communications for providing my review copy!*