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The Night Visitors
The Night Visitors
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I just love Carol Goodman's books. She has eerie, creepy, Gothic writing down perfectly, and this book was certainly no exception. I was hooked from the beginning. This novel alternates between Mattie and Alice's perspectives. Mattie is older (fifties), living alone in her decrepit home, damaged by her past.

"When I told Anita that I didn't believe in God she'd pressed the medal into my hand and told me that I should just say a prayer to whatever I did believe in. So I say my prayers to Anita Esteban, who left her drunk, no-good husband, raised three children on her own, went back to school, and earned a law degree. She's what I believe in."

I took to her immediately. You know that there's definitely more to each woman's story than meets the eye, and it's fascinating to watch their stories unfold. Alice shows up with a story about running away from an abusive relationship. Oren, she claims, is all she cares about. Is that true? How much can we trust either of the women? What I loved was that the book had me guessing the entire time. It was incredibly captivating, and both women seemed so real.

As for Oren, he was great, too, and you immediately wanted to protect him. The novel definitely has some creepy and mysterious pieces to it. It's less about suspending disbelief than just engaging with the story--becoming a part of it. I certainly found myself spooked a few times. It's a compelling tale, which will keep you engaged, intrigued by the characters, and culminates is a really great twisty (and twisted) story. This one isn't necessarily for the faint of heart; there are some brutal moments here. But what I really loved is that while this can be a very dark story, it's also weirdly sweet, too. I was very touched in places--a true sign that I'd grown to love these characters.

Overall, another enjoyable book from Goodman. She has a way of sucking you into the landscape of her books--and suddenly you are engrossed by the story and its characters. This one was eerie, captivating, mysterious, and yet oddly heartwarming at times. 4+ stars.

Zuky the BookBum (15 KP) rated Copycat in Books

Mar 15, 2018  
Alex Lake | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Thriller
8.0 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sometimes you come across a really easy to read and exciting thriller novel, that doesn’t take up too much head space, and is alotta fun… Copycat is exactly that! This one really helped me out of a reading slump, hallelujah!

I can’t turn around to you and say this is the most menacing, gripping and terrific thriller I’ve ever read, but I can say that it’s worth picking up if you’re looking for a non-challenging but exciting read.

The characters in this one are nicely developed, but there was a bit of a lack of connection between me and our main character Sarah. I think if I’d been able to get to know her better, I might have had more sympathy for her in parts, but alas. I found a lot of the family related situations to be very realistic, and liked the dynamic between husband and wife.

As for the rest of the story, the plot wasn’t particularly realistic, but that didn’t ruin the book in any way. Sometimes you just need a story to take you away from real life and give you a fun fictional tale to follow. Now, just because I didn’t feel like this one was extremely realistic, doesn’t mean I didn’t find parts of it creepy! Some of the “stalkers” ploys at getting Sarah nervous and afraid were really creative and menacing!

In the end, I had guessed how the story was going to play out, but I didn’t have a reason as to why it was going to play out that way. Even though I had my theory on the “stalker”, which turned out to be correct, I didn’t find this took away from the excitement of the end of the novel. I still got to enjoy the now knowing of how the book was going to conclude.

Overall, I really enjoyed this thriller and would definitely say it’s one to look out for if you’re looking for something a little less challenging, but still just as exciting to read as some other darker, more meaningful thrillers on the market (like Watching Edie or My Sister’s Bones, for example).

Thanks to HarperCollins for sending me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Se Taire Pour Une Femme Trop Belle by Fille Qui Mousse
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This is off the back of Faust IV being my all-time favourite record. Fille Qui Mousse translates to 'Girl Foam' which is the best name for a project. I found this, again, about a year-and-a-half ago when we were trying to buy records for the apartment. I was in a record shop called Permanent Records in Eagle Rock [in Los Angeles]. I sometimes struggle going to record shops as they are often overwhelming, but in Permanent Records everything was in its right place and the staff would write little notes on the records. There was a sticker that said, ""Do you like Faust IV? Then you will love this record!"" That was enough for me, so I bought it. It's one of those records I put on when I have started cooking or something and I will forget that the record is on. Something will happen on the record and I will think, ""Oh my god, this is amazing!"" It is just the spilling out of someone's brains – it's playful and has hints of the United States Of America at points but then it is totally steeped in this weird jazz-Krautrock. There is a track on it called 'Magic-Bag' which is just the guy singing along to the drums and playing the same rhythm as what he is singing and there is water running in the background. The first time I took notice of the song I thought it was so shit. I don't know exactly what he is singing, but it sounds like ""I like my chunky rocky lane"" and then there is a huge gap and there is water running and he comes back singing ""I like my chunky rocky lane"". The fact that he liked his 'chunky rocky lane' made me realise it was one of the best songs on the album. It's a record that can suddenly surprise you. It's when you are trying to get your teeth into something and at the beginning it is difficult but it keeps reappearing and ends up being something absolutely incredible that you end up loving. It's hugely playful, weird and beautiful at points and abrasive at others. It's huge fun to listen to."


Deborah (162 KP) rated Devil's Consort in Books

Dec 21, 2018  
Devil's Consort
Devil's Consort
Anne O'Brien | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the third book by Anne O'Brien I have read recently, and I have found her to be a very readable author - far better that the dull Gregory, if you want my opinion! All three of the novels I have read have been written in the first person, which is a narrative technique that I don't generally care for as it often feels too contrived and limits the point of view (see Philippa Gregory!). However, O'Brien, for me, has managed to pull this off and the first person narrative works for her and gives you a real empathy with her protagonists.

This was a good read and a good piece of historical Fiction, with perhaps a bit more emphasis on the Fiction element, as a few incidents I'm not convinced actually happened, or have been embroidered in the retelling. This deals with Eleanor's earlier life, from just before she becomes Queen of France to just after she becomes Queen of England. There could be a whole other book to be written on her life after the end of this book!

O'Brien made Eleanor come alive for me as a person, even if, as I have already said, I did have some reservations on historical accuracy. I think that if an historical novelist gives you a real feel for a person and makes you want to know more, then they have certainly done their job. There are some good biographies on Eleanor out there, so hopefully readers of this novel will feel inspired to seek them out.
Taken (2009)
Taken (2009)
2009 | Action, Mystery
7.9 (35 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This film ranks in the top films I have ever seen.
Contains spoilers, click to show
I saw the trailer for this film a few months before its release. I can't remember looking forward to a film so much from just seeing the trailer. The Trailer set the film up perfectly. By the time I finally got to see it, my expectations were so high I knew I would be disappointed. Wow was I wrong.

The film starts off well, good introductions to the key characters. Bryan's daughter manipulating her parents into allowing her to go the Paris with her friend. She makes the promise to call at regular intervals. A promise that is broken almost immediately. Her father, played excellently by Liam Neeson, finally gets to speak to her on the phone. During this time the house she is staying in is broken into and she sees her friend being attacked. She lets her father know what is happening. He tells her to hide under the bed. Then, shockingly he tells her that she will be taken. His prediction is right and after she is taken one of the abductors finds the phone and hears her father telling them that he will find them and kill them. The abductor wishes him luck and hangs up the phone.

This is also the main part of the trailer. What grabbed me was the way Neeson spoke to the abductor. You would expect panic and anger, but no. He speaks to him in the calmest voice you will ever hear. This tone is frightening. You totally believe that this man will carry out his threat. And he does so with such style and believability. You find out he has Special Forces training and he puts them to use in dispatching everyone in his way. But unlike classic action films, the way he does it I found to be very believable. Everything he does is calculated and no energy is wasted. There are no crazy drawn out gunfights, no spectacular martial arts fight scenes. What you get is believable, he takes out people in his way quickly and efficiently.

Neeson is perfect in this role, not a typical action star, but he pulls the role off effortlessly. You believe in his character and when the film ended I found myself wanting more. For me this is what movies should be about.

The film is written by Luc Besson, a master in this kind of film.

This film ranks in the top films I have ever seen along with Leon: The Professional also by Luc Besson.
Shadow and Bone (The Grisha #1)
Shadow and Bone (The Grisha #1)
Leigh Bardugo | 2012 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
Shadow and Bone is a quasi-Russian-themed fantasy, from the landscape and building design, the ranks of both the soldiers and the Grisha, right down to the character and place names. This similarity to something slightly familiar had the effect of making the whole world, and the magic contained within it, even more believable to me. I love when I am able to become so completely immersed in a fictional world that I can almost forget it isn’t real.

I liked Alina from her first appearance as a young orphan. She’s smart and wily, and it seems like she is the one instigating if she and her friend Mal end up in trouble. She’s neither whiny, nor arrogant and entitled like she could have been growing up an orphan in a Duke’s home. Rather than feel sorry for herself, she grows into a young woman willing to accept the life that she’s been given, never thinking of herself as anything particularly special. She isn’t perfect; she can be naive, but then learns from her mistakes.

I have to admit that I knew almost nothing about this book going in. I was attracted to the cover (which I kept seeing everywhere), so when Barnes and Noble had the Nook book on sale, I decided I’d finally check it out. What I found was a tale of friendship, betrayal, love, and adventure. I wasn’t disappointed, and if you are a fan of Young Adult, Fantasy, or are just looking for a unique adventure, I don’t think you will be either.
The Late Show (Renée Ballard, #1)
The Late Show (Renée Ballard, #1)
Michael Connelly | 2017 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not Sure the Character is New, but Story is Great
LAPD officer Renee Ballard has been demoted to working the overnight shift in the Hollywood division. She’s frustrated that she never gets to work a case to resolution in her current role. Until one night when a series of cases land in her lap. A woman reports a stolen wallet. A transgender individual is left for dead. A shooting incident happens at a bar. As Ballard gets involved in all these cases, can she solve them?

I remember when this book came out how far behind I was on the author’s books and thinking I’d never get to it. And yet here I am. I found that Ballard shared quite a bit with the author’s Harry Bosch character. I’m not saying I didn’t like her, but I felt like she was a bit too familiar. Maybe that will change when I see them together. And again, I did like getting to meet her here and am looking forward to seeing what else happens to her. The mystery was very compelling. I saw a few things coming early, but there were some great twists that took me by surprise as well. I also enjoyed the nod to the Bosch TV show, which I guess means it is time for me to start watching it. Do keep in mind this is a police procedural, so the content is stronger than in the cozies I often read. If you haven’t met Ballard yet, you’ll be happy you picked up this book.
When the Game Was Ours
When the Game Was Ours
Larry Bird | 2010 | History & Politics, Sport & Leisure
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am a huge NBA basketball fan, with a special love of the game from the 80s--00s. I also really love journalist Jackie MacMullan, so when I received this book through a bookswap, I was quite excited. Obviously it probably appeals to a particular set of people, but if you love NBA basketball and detailed retellings of events that already occurred, then this book is for you. Larry Bird and Magic Johnson recount events to MacMullan, starting from childhood and going through their multiple NBA championships (and a bit beyond). The focus is on their similarities--and the fact that they rose up in basketball at the same time, became fierce rivals, but also friends.

I'll confess that the bulk of the Magic and Bird rivalry was just a little ahead of my time. I fell hard for the NBA with the Chicago Bulls and MJ (both parents being from the Chicago suburbs), so, of course, I knew Bird and Magic, and saw them play a bit, but I missed most of their true heyday.

Still, I found this book absolutely fascinating. I learned so much I didn't know--especially about Magic and the racism he faced, about Magic and Kareem, and about Larry's background. It was intensely detailed. I loved how similar the two were in some ways--both so basketball-minded--yet so different in their personalities (Magic so open and brash, Larry so private and shy).

I also loved how much the late David Stern appeared in this book. I hadn't realized the depth of how much David came up with Bird and Magic in the league--combining their success with his amazing acumen to build the league into what it is today. MacMullan and Magic's discussion of Magic's HIV diagnosis is amazing (and heartbreaking) and the way Stern reacted is honestly visionary.

Overall, if you don't like basketball, you probably wouldn't gravitate to this book, yet it's so informative and factual, that if you love learning new things, I would still recommend it. It's not a fast read--I usually read one or two chapters a night after finishing whatever fiction read I was reading that evening--but it made up for it in how compelling and factual it was. Certainly worth a read and a huge find for any basketball fan. 4+ stars.

Merissa (11958 KP) rated Severus (Fueled By Lust #2) in Books

Apr 6, 2023 (Updated Apr 10, 2023)  
Severus (Fueled By Lust #2)
Celeste Prater | 2014 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am LOVING this Fueled by Lust series. Drusus started off with a bang (quite literally), Severus has more of a gentle build-up. This is because Cassie and Severus have already met and spent some time together, thereby negating the need for a quick pesky 'get-to-know-you' session. Cassie is already attracted to Severus although she's been trying to put him off as she thinks he is too good for her. Severus already knows that Cassie is something special but refuses to think that it could be anything else and he's too damn stubborn to put his necklace on. Yeesh, that man had me shouting at my Kindle!

Cassie has been through the mill and found a wonderful and true friend in Lina, the likes of which you look after and treasure if you're smart which Cassie is. Seeing Lina with Drusus makes Cassie yearn for the same thing but is convinced that with all the baggage she carries no one will be good enough - or too good.

I won't give away any spoilers but I will say this - one thing I really loved about this story was Marcus. He is Cassie's ex-boyfriend, the one she mentioned at the beginning of Drusus. He could have been a real 'nasty' character but instead, Celeste turned him into a likeable, heartfelt hero who, although I wanted Severus and Cassie to be together, I now want Marcus to get his HEA too.

This book has everything you could wish for - amazing characters, wit and humour all the way through, a 'baddie' that you may or may not see coming but even if you do, you won't care as the story is that good, and steamy scenes that are "out of this world" (sorry, I couldn't resist!).

Book 1 was brilliant and I really enjoyed it. Book 2 stepped up to the bar, ordered a double and raised it. I can't wait for Cato's story.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
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September 2, 2016