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Snuggle with the Shadows: 8 Strange Stories (The Snuggle Series #2)
Snuggle with the Shadows: 8 Strange Stories (The Snuggle Series #2)
Liane Carter | 2021 | Horror, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After loving the first book in The Snuggle Series, I was really looking forward to reading Snuggle with the Shadows by Liane Carter. Just like with the first book in the series, I was not left disappointed.

I found Snuggle with the Shadows to be a little different than Snuggle with the Strange (the first book in the series). In this book, there were a couple of feel good stories unlike the first book in the series. Even though there were some supernatural/paranormal stories, those elements weren't as present in Snuggle with the Shadows. That wasn't a bad thing though! Although the pacing was slower for some stories in this book, I still found myself not wanting to put this book down. The world building was still done fantastically, and I found myself instantly transported to the setting of each story. There were even some plot twists in many of the stories. Even though there are no real cliff hangers with each story, some are open to speculation such as Raisha's Reason. I loved that The Tragedy of the Tides and I was Bought at a Garage Sale were feel good stories which changed up the tone of the series a little. My favorite stories in Snuggle with the Shadows were I was Bought at a Garage Sale and A Bump in the Night. Both of these stories really held my attention, and I was enthralled throughout trying to figure out what would happen. Just like with the first book in the series, Snuggle with the Shadows has a mixture of realistic stories as well as paranormal/supernatural stories.

Liane Carter kills it again with how great her characters are! They are all well written and feel like they could actually be real life people instead of a character in a book. I had no problems picturing each and every character in my mind. I actually found myself wanting to be friends with some of the characters in Snuggle with the Shadows.

Snuggle with the Shadows is a dark adult horror book, so there are quite a few heavy triggers. These include mentions of drug use, profanity, sexual comments, sexual situations, human (child) trafficking, implied child rape and molestation, death, murder, mentions of suicide, and gun violence.

All in all, Snuggle with the Shadows is an interesting read full of entertaining characters and plots. I really believe all horror lovers (and even non-horror lovers) will enjoy all the stories in this book. I would definitely recommend Snuggle with the Shadows by Liane Carter to those aged 16+ who like all sub-genres of horror. This book will not disappoint!
(A special thank you to Liane Carter and Lola's Blog Tours for providing me with a paperback of Snuggle with the Shadows: 8 Strange Stories in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)
Chat Love
Chat Love
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Let me start by saying that this was a cute little love story, that I read quickly. I give it such a low rating mainly because it was pretty predictable and I figured out what was going to happen 1/3 of the way into the book.

Lucia is from an Italian family. Being 28 and single means she is practically an old maid. She has a couple of serious boyfriends, but she has never found THE ONE. One of her co-workers has recently found the man of her dreams on an online dating site called Chat Love. When her married younger sister announces that she is pregnant, the pressure is really on then. After pressure from her friends, Lucia decides to join Chat Love and try something new. Her dates are very interesting, to say the least. But you never know where you will find love.

As I stated before, this was a quick and fun read. The story is cute, but very predictable. The dates that she goes on are always dinner dates, there is no variety to them. The main character Lucia is an Italian bombshell from the way she is described by her dates and her peers. She is loved by all, but can't seem to find love. She goes on several dates in the book that range from good to just plain weird. She even had a stalker for a brief moment. In the end, she ends up with the guy she would have least expected, but the reader knew from the start. There is a part in the book, where I wanted to jump through the pages and smack Lucia for not knowing she was talking to the man she wanted online the whole time.

I will try another title by Justine Faeth.
The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed by Jack the Ripper
The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed by Jack the Ripper
Hallie Rubenhold | 2019 | Crime, History & Politics
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the second book I have read this year that instead of focusing on the killer, has focused on their victims and making sure we know the person rather than just the name. I find this approach interesting, as we should be remembering the victims rather than the killers.
The Five introduces us to each of the women that were murdered by Jack the Ripper in the Victorian era: Polly, Annie, Elizabeth, Catherine and Mary Jane. Hallie Rubenhold starts from the very beginning for each woman, with all but Mary Jane having the story start with their parents and then when the woman was born. She takes us through their childhoods, marriages and troubles and tries to make us understand how the women got to the place they were at that moment in time. She then tells us a little bit about how they were found afterwards and their burials if she can. She makes it clear that the majority of these women weren’t prostitutes, as we have all been led to believe. And even tells us where this belief originated and why it wasn’t corrected.
I have found it extremely interesting to learn about the darker side of Victorian life and to learn how hard it was for the working class and how difficult it was to better oneself, especially as a woman. Hallie Rubenhold’s writing draws you in and makes you want to learn more about the world in which these women lived and how different it is to now. I have enjoyed learning about these women, and the book is extremely well researched and has a lot of evidence to back up the claims made by the author. I have wanted to read the Covent Garden Ladies for a while, and I think this book will have moved it much further up the list.
Living on Air
Living on Air
Susan Mac Nicol | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Masterpiece by Ms Mac Nicol!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

There comes along, once in a rare while, a book that PUSHES you. It pushes you out of your comfort zone. It pushes your skill at writing a coherent review, but most of all, it PUSHES you to get into the mind of someone close you, that you hadn't been able to before.

And OMG this book PUSHED me! So if my review goes awry, it's because I can't get the right words out, okay??

Cary has his own coping methods to deal with a major childhood trauma. Except, he isn't dealing with it, not really, he just deals with the pain his coping method causes. And he is good at hiding what he is doing. Rhys comes to the circus to take pictures, that's all. Pictures to go in a book. But Cary has a powerful reaction to Rhys, and vice versa, and the circus folk are amusing watching Rhys PUSH Cary. But they both carry scars, physical and emotional, and when Cary decides to confront his, he PUSHES Rhys away.

Finding to so difficult to write this, I really am, without bawling my eyes out.

I'm not giving anything away by saying Cary self harms, and from the very first PAGE we get it. And getting into Cary's mindset when he does what he does, THAT is the hardest thing I found to read in this book. Someone VERY close to me used to do this, not to the extent that Cary does, but close. I could never get my head round the why she did this, it made no sense to me at all. And their trauma was totally different to Cary's but getting into Cary's mind as he descends into oblivion, made me understand a little bit better WHY she did this.

And trust me when I say this, the amount of attention to detail, and research gone into this book, is OUTSTANDING! Cary's trauma and coping methods, what happened after. Rhys' own trauma, while not as in depth as Cary's, is bad too. Cary on his silks, I could SEE him, you know?? It was just like being there! And now?? Now I want to see the guy who Ms Mac Nicol used as inspiration for Cary and his silks.

The scene where the title came to make complete and total sense?? I had to go sit out the back for a few minutes, because I really did cry at that!

I started to read this at work (don't tell anyone!) and I had to keep putting it down. I had to keep putting it down when a particular chapter was difficult, or too emotional and I was getting upset. Had I been at home, I have no doubt I would have bawled my way through and read the whole book in one go.

Or at least I would have tried to. Because this is not a fluffy romance, it is not an easy read and it's not even a Happily Ever After.

But what it is, is an outstanding piece of work that Susan Mac Nicol should call her Masterpiece of writing.

There is a little author's note on the blurb, I strongly suggest you heed it.

While Cary and Rhys don't get a full Happily Ever After, they do get a Happy For Now. Both guys have a lot of healing to do, individually and as a couple. I just hope Ms Mac Nicol will write them a Happily Ever After, and SOON!!!

I can't word how much, even though it is an emotionally gut wrenching read, how much I LOVED this book. You know what?? Brand new shelf on Goodreads, just for books like this. It's title?? Masterpieces.

5 stars, but only because I can't give it anymore!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Clue (1985)
Clue (1985)
1985 | Comedy, Drama, Mystery
I wish I could remember the first time I saw Clue. It has been one of my favourites for years. Tim Curry as Wadsworth and Lesley Ann Warren as Miss Scarlet will always be the highlight of this for me. Looking at my sense of humour these days I see a lot of things I recognise from these older films that I grew up with.

FUN FACT - CASTING: Jonathan Lynn said that Carrie Fisher was originally cast as Miss Scarlet but went into rehab four days before filming began, so Warren was given the role instead.

Generally all round the cast is great and they all bring something memorable to their characters.

FUN FACT - COLOURS: The character's colourful monikers match with the colour of their playing pieces in the board game and their cars in the movie.

I'm not going to lie, the fact that they didn't wear their colours has always bothered me. Evidently they're all wearing the "opposite" of their colours... I'm not sure I care for that idea if I'm honest.

I can't put my finger on what I love so much about Clue. It's just so easy to watch. From the moment Wadsworth gives that dog a withering look to the triumphant ending it's just brilliant to watch. I can't think of a moment that I dislike, and trying to pick a favourite moment? Forget it. I'd just have to present you with the entire movie with ending C.

FUN FACT - ENDINGS: While there are three endings to the film that you can see on the blu-ray/DVD, there was actually a fourth one filmed where Wadsworth revealed that he had actually poisoned everyone earlier in the evening. It's still in the novelisation but was never shown.

There are so many laughs throughout and while I've seen it so often that I don't laugh out loud as much it still brings a smile to my face. I enjoy the slightly madcap interactions and the overly dramatic reactions.

Tim Curry really is amazing, I think basically all of us would agree with that. (Well apart from one person I found online who has evidently never liked anything he's been in.) This movie could be used as his emotional resume. I don't think there are any he missed!

FUN FACT - CASTING: Lynn was set to cast Leonard Rossiter (Rigsby from Rising Damp) as Wadsworth but he sadly passed away before production started. His second choice was Rowan Atkinson but the studio were worried he was too much of an unknown in the states at the time.

While I can definitely see Rossiter in his role I really can't imagine him having the same impact on screen. Curry's flamboyancy definitely lifted the film to pole position among comedies.

Watching Clue of course makes me want to watch Murder By Death which has a very similar feel, although not quite so manic towards the end.

"It's my defense mechanism!" - Miss Scarlet

Isn't it though!?

What you should do

I know older films aren't for everyone but Clue is amazingly fun and I feel like everyone need to see it, and if you don't love it... just tell me that you did in a text message so I can't tell you're lying to me.

Note: I brought a special edition of Clue from HMV. It was a blu-ray copy in a retro VHS type box. It also came with a small poster, a collectors card, a sticker and a DVD copy. It's fun and it's different, but ultimately that version really isn't worth the money. I would just get the cheapest thing that you can. The quality difference of the blu-ray isn't worth it and the VHS box gimmick is nice in theory but disappointing in reality.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

Secret passageways in a house? Erm, yes please!
The Kringle Caper
The Kringle Caper
2020 | Card Game, Deduction, Puzzle
Ahh, Christmas. Most people’s favorite holiday (at least in the U.S.), and one that I am learning to like more and more every year, but only because of my wife and children. I was not really much of a Christmas kind of guy – Halloween is my jam – but seeing little faces light up with excitement while in their tiny pajamas just makes the heart swell. I don’t want to ruin too much for you all, but something has happened at the North Pole and I know my children would appreciate it so much if you could help Santa out. Thanks!

The Kringle Caper is a Christmas-themed escape room type card game. It consists of 18 cards and I found it much more difficult than its sibling, The Independence Incident, which I reviewed in July.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a copy of this game for the purposes of this review. This is a retail copy of the game, so what you see in these photos is exactly what would be received in your box. I do not intend to cover every single rule included in the rulebook (as there is none), but will describe the overall game flow and major rule set so that our readers may get a sense of how the game plays. For more in depth rules, you may purchase from your FLGS. -T

To setup, open the flaps of the box containing the cards, navigate to the provided website to launch a web-based companion app, and the game may officially begin!

As I do not wish to spoil anything about the game, I will merely state here that following directions, completing puzzles, and knowing a little something about the Christmas holiday will benefit players immensely. Sorry I cannot say more, I would rather you all experience it for yourselves.
Components. This game consists of 18 double-sided cards and a nifty little box to hold it all. The cards are all nice quality, and feature very specific artwork on them. I have no complaints about the components at all here. Grand Gamers Guild always provide great quality games.

Ok, be mad at me if you like, but I just cannot bring myself to go into great detail about the game mechanics, how to play, or what is really included. Just know that this is probably a game you will play once and pass along, or keep several years between plays so that it doesn’t become too repetitive and easy to solve.

I know reviews like these could be considered a cash grab normally, but we don’t accept payment for any of our reviews, so I will use this section to lay out what I like and what I do not like about this installment. I just love the idea of these types of games: small decks that provide so many decisions to be made, or puzzles to solve, and riddles to mull over. Personally, I prefer The Independence Incident, but not because I think this version is weaker, but rather because I was much more successful solving the cards by myself. It is difficult to recruit some of the gamers in my life to play these types of games, so if it can be played solo, that’s the option I will take. That said, I’m sure most people enjoy things more if they are inherently good at them, and such is the case for my preference between the two. That said, Purple Phoenix Games gives this one a festive, but sneaky, 4 / 6. I am glad to have played it, and look forward to passing it along to someone else who has yet to enjoy it.

I will say that I believe all gamers should try both versions, and I am excited to find and try the Halloween and Valentine’s Day versions as well. If you also enjoy these quick escape-room-style card games, give this one a shot, but please promise me you will also try the others as well. Now get out there and solve this mystery, little elf!
2013 | Action/Adventure, Massively Multiplayer
A friend of mine suggested that I check out the game Warframe. They thought I would like it since I like games like Phantasy Star Online and Mass Effect. Warframe is a free to play co-operative third person shooter game. It's a science fiction futuristic role playing game. You can play Warframe on the PC, Xbox One, or the Playstation 4. Unfortunately there is no cross platform play with this, but at least you have a choice about which one you want to play on.

You play as a member of the Tenno, a race of ancient warriors who have awoken from cryosleep and find themselves at war with a race known as the Grineer who appear to be human clones with metal mods and the Corpus a corporation with robots and laser technology. I found that concept pretty intriguing and decided to check it out on my computer.

There are three starter warframes to choose from; Mag, Volt, and Excalibur. I decided to go with Mag and started my adventure in Warframe and named her Pirotess Dragontamer like my Final Fantasy XIV character. The introductory tutorial is quite helpful which gave me a chance to get used to the battle controls. I also liked that you can change the colors of your warframe and customize it to your tastes.

My Mag warframe is pretty cool.

There are so many missions you can do on each planet ranging from rescue missions to spy missions. You can do these missions solo, but it's definitely easier to do them with friends. The max number of people on a team is four and it does make a mission go a lot faster when you have a full team. Finding a team is fairly easy as you can make your match settings public and the game will match you with people who are doing the same mission.

Pirotess doing a mission with her friends.

I'm glad I tried Warframe out because I love it. It's a lot of fun to play and the story is very interesting. The graphics for the game look great and the voice acting and music is really good as well. It's hard to believe it's a free to play online game because there is so much content and so many great areas to explore.

You can also do crafting in the game and it isn't boring. In many of the missions you get blueprints for weapons and different warframes which you can build in your ship. Level grinding is not boring at all because of the variety of the missions. You also have solo missions for ranking up your warframe. The max level for a warframe is 30 and you can level up your weapons and pets as well.

Pirotess on her Frost warframe.

My husband Ron plays Warframe with me as well and he's really enjoying it also. It's a lot of fun playing the game together and with our friends. Having a good clan helps too because they can help you get missions done as well as helping with getting blueprints and items you need for crafting and modding equipment.

I'm also looking forward to the new expansion for the game, Plains of Eidolon because it looks fantastic and there's going to be even more things added including a new warframe. Warframe is so much fun and I love just exploring and doing all the events and missions with everyone. It's fast paced and fits in my wheel house for sci-fi space games. Now, I'm off to explore more of the galaxy!
If you are a dog lover (like me) this is a book you will enjoy reading! So many of the stories & family experiences that are written about in this book were things that mirrored my own life & that with the few dogs I've been blessed enough to have share my experiences. I laughed & cried at the tales & truly found myself drawn into the adventures & mishaps throughout.
Of course with that being said this is also a book that will help people who aren't dog lovers better understand those of us who are...not an easy thing to do by any means. It allows you a glimpse into the passion, love, & heartache that a dog brings into your life. The emotions & stories are well told.
Being a 4th grade teacher, I loved the fact that Samantha Walsh (Kevin's 10 year old daughter) was involved in bringing this book to life. She has such a great storytelling voice. I plan to read a few pieces to my class to show them that writing (& reading for that matter) are real & important things to them.
Well done Walsh family!!!

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2173 KP) rated Singing in the Dark in Books

Feb 25, 2022 (Updated Feb 25, 2022)  
Singing in the Dark
Singing in the Dark
Ginny Owens | 2021 | Religion
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Speaking, and Singing, Hope into the Darkness
Christian recording artist Ginny Owens presents ten chapters that take us to Scripture to look at the songs we can sing to God no matter what our circumstances are. No, these aren’t all taken from Psalms. Yes, she does stretch the definition of song a bit (which she acknowledges). But as we look at songs of praise and victory, laments, and a song for the plodding path, you will be encouraged and challenged a time or two.

Each chapter focuses on the person and story behind the passage we are studying, but Ginny makes these familiar elements fresh and brings out new insights. She also shares openly about her own struggles, including what she still struggles with.

The chapters around 15 to 20 pages each, and could be done as devotionals. I read the book over a couple of days, and I still found it encouraging. I plan to go back and revisit it at a slower pace soon. There is a lot to unpack here.

If you need encouragement in your life, you’ll be glad you picked up this book.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated The Aftermath (2019) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
The Aftermath (2019)
The Aftermath (2019)
2019 | Drama, Romance, War
Is there a period piece that Keira Knightley has ever turned down? After seeing her in Colette I retrieved her from the Nutcracker trash can I'd thrown her into and actually looked forward to whatever I was going to see her in next. I sort of wish it hadn't been this film though.

I'm conflicted. The Aftermath has some great pieces, but at the same time it's rather forgettable. Talking to a friend about films I'd seen this month I already forgot I'd seen it, and that doesn't normally happen this quickly.

Having seen the trailers I had come away with a rather definite idea of what the film was going to be like... I was actually surprised, the wool was properly pulled over my eyes. I had a completely different idea of the outcome. I really don't want to spoil it, if you've seen it message me and we'll waffle about it.

Alexander Skarsgård was incredibly good in this, I think I might be in love. I haven't seen him in anything recently but I might have to finally watch Tarzan. For the most part Stephen is a restrained and sensible character, so when he has an outburst of emotions it's all the more powerful. When he shows the Morgans round his house like a sad estate agent I felt that awkwardness.

Keira Knightley/Rachel isn't the leading lady I was looking for, as a character she is dislikeable. She's quick to judgment and takes for granted and abuses all the privileges that she has. I think this is partly what surprised me about the film, I hadn't expected her to be this way. In a film involving war I wouldn't have expected the female character to be the antagonist.

I'm pleased to see Jason Clarke again, he's going from strength to strength. Lewis Morgan is warm and accepting in contrast to the coldness of his wife. More strong emotions coming from our other male lead. Most feel like they're done perfectly, one outburst stuck out but I'm not sure that "out of character" is quite the right way to describe it.

The movie's handling of the Morgan's son was done nicely with a great link used to tie it together. Getting such a powerful moment out of such a small detail was amazing. The use of prop and flashback scenes came together very well.

The ending though... like the trailer I like that we're given something that doesn't necessarily hold with the expected. (Again, if you've seen it then message me so I can tell you how I wanted it to end.) I can't say I was happy with the end, it flies in the face of the traditional take on these sorts of films. There's an ending I would have preferred Rachel to have over the actual one just so that I could go "Ha! Serves you right!" but it wouldn't have been satisfactory for the other two points of the triangle. I'm not sure that any outcome could have left me content though.

There are some very striking visuals mixed through the film, most take part in the ruins of the city where we see the community living through the devastation of the city. I was intrigued to see that it was a BBC film, they usually have a certain feel to them but it wasn't really present in this.

As much as I enjoyed elements of this I can't say I would be fussed about seeing it again, if anything I think a second watch would remind me how annoying I found the ending.

What you should do

If you want to see Keira Knightley's character disrespecting her marriage then I would suggest watching Colette instead. However, if you want to have some strong feelings about Alexander Skarsgård then definitely see this one.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

It goes without saying that I would like Alexander Skarsgård, but failing that then the ability to play the piano beautifully will have to do.