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Here and Gone
Here and Gone
Haylen Beck | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
All my reviews can be found on

I was enjoying it from the first pages of the book. The description above describes this book quite well. It started with Audra in the car with her children. That got my attention. Why? Where are they going? And little by little the main character Audra, unfolded it. I am not big fan of the books about children and their parents, because all you read is how much parents love their kids. But this book somehow gripped me. The main character suffered a lot in her life, so the way she was trying to fight for her kids and not to give up, really made me respect her. I think, that author of this novel, done a great job by letting all the main characters to speak in this book, even the evil ones. Another great point of this book, that author was finishing every chapter with a cliff hanger, and then just starting the next chapter with different characters story. It was so addictive, and all I wanted was to figure out, how the previous story finished. I enjoyed reading the story from children’s perspective as well. The little boy, Sean, was a real sweetheart; incredibly smart, caring and a little hero. (Reminder, I do not like children). The ability to read the story from different perspectives and told by different characters made it very enjoyable, and allowed to understand the characters way better.

The whole plot was happening in one area and was really concentrated on a small, dying town of Silver Water. I really liked the whole story; I found it really original and very interesting. The more I read this book, the catchier it got. I really liked how this story unfolded, with Audra’s difficult past, husband’s abuse, and her fight for her children at present. I really enjoyed the twists and turns in this book. When I thought that is no one there to help Audra, author nicely twisted in a help for her. I liked the topics this novel was discussing: different ways of emotional abuse against women; hard life and decisions when you don’t have money; corrupt authorities and how they can ruin people’s lives.

The writing style of this book is not difficult and language used makes this book a pleasant and easy read. As I mentioned in my previous reviews, I’m a big fan of short chapters, and this book is another winner in that category for me. On the other hand, there are some violent details in this book, so if you have weak nerves, be prepared. The ending of the book was well thought through and didn’t leave me disappointed. It was well deserved after everything. So to conclude, it is twisted, fast paced and addictive thriller filled with mother’s fight and love for her children, and surprisingly I really enjoyed it.

Was given this book by publisher and NetGalley for honest review.
(This review can also be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

If you've read my reviews on the first two books in this series, you will know my love affair with the Bad Girls Don't Die series. Katie Alender has fast become one of my top three favourite authors. I loved As Dead As It Gets as much as the first two which is saying something as usually most sequels fail to get my love.

Alexis is back in the next installment of Bad Girls Don't Die. This time girls start going missing and Alexis is also being attacked. Alexis discovers that something supernatural is going on. Will Alexis be able to find the missing girls or will Alexis become a ghost herself?

I think the title of this book suits more of the series than the actual book itself. I mean, yes it also suits the book, but it suits the series better. I like how Katie Alender has stuck with titles that seem to blend into one another.

If you've read my reviews of the other two books in the series, you will see how I feel about the covers. I think the cover is gorgeous, but I just wish there was something more to the cover. I think the girl in the cover is either supposed to be Alexis or a ghost featured in this book.

Katie Alender does a fantastic job in the world building and setting in each of her books, and this book is no different. Alender made Alexis' surroundings come to life in great detail. It's quite easy to actual feel as if you are part of Alexis' world.

As always, the pacing of this Katie Alender title is perfect. It's not too slow nor is it too fast. The story flows very well. I ended up devouring all three books in this series, not literally though as paper doesn't taste too good, lol. As Dead As It Gets is such an easy read to immerse yourself in.

The dialogue and wording are easy to understand. All the teenage characters actually sound like teens. The words seem to just flow into one another. I didn't come across any swearing either.

The characters are all well developed as with the other two titles in the series. Alexis is a bit more paranoid in this book, and I also found that she's a bit of a pushover when it comes to Jared. I constantly wanted to yell at her to just leave Jared!! Jared comes across as being the controlling boyfriend type. I really couldn't stand him because of the way he was treating Alexis. My favourite character in this book was Lydia. I loved her sarcasm and humour. We really get to see a lot more of Lydia in this novel, and her personality shines through.

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this book. It is so good!! I'm hoping this isn't the end of the Bad Girls Don't Die series. If it is, I might have to beg Katie Alender to keep writing more of this series as it is so good!

I'd recommend this book to everyone aged 13+.
An Exaltation of Larks (Venery, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a confusingly beautiful story. The beginning was my favorite. How the Author wrote these characters into life. The characters where given more than just another story. They were given true life. No life is perfect we have ups and downs. We just learn to navigate it better. I wasn’t a fan of how everything went down. But it was beautiful in it’s tragedy. Alex and Val have been destined for each other from the first time they didn’t let language be a problem. I loved reading their story and how they found each other after years of pushed aside affection. You add in Jav and things get really hot. I wasn’t expecting the ending but I am glad it ended the way it did. I would’ve had a hard time accepting their relationship when Jav didn’t want Val too just Alex. I see them as a packaged deal and Jav and Alex broke it. Val was amazing like I couldn’t cope with the thought of someone else loving my man. But she was so understanding and brave to try and make everyone happy. I think if they crossed that line anymore relationships would’ve been lost. Not saying it wouldn’t work just that someone would’ve been hurt and it would be Val. Love is a powerful and painful thing.
Batman: Nightwalker - DC Icons Book 2
Batman: Nightwalker - DC Icons Book 2
Marie Lu | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
I saw this in my local Eason's one day and, thought that, even though it was advertised as DC Icons #2 (and I hadn't read #1) that I would give it a shot.

Now that I've read it, I'm going to make two main points:

1) Strictly speaking, this should be called "Bruce Wayne: Nightwalkers rather than "Batman: Nightwalkers". I get it, the Batman name has more 'pull' than the Bruce Wayne name, but in this he's only just turned 18 and has yet to take up the mantle of the Bat (despite lots of heavy foreshadowing).

2) Tied somewhat, perhaps, to point number 1 number: I found it kind hard to disassociate a teenage Bruce Wayne (proto-Batman) from the character as portrayed in the TV series Gotham. I'm sure I'm not the only one, which (perhaps) goes further towards explaining why this titled as Batman ...

As for the plot: I must say, I did find this largely intriguing, with the character of Madeline laying further groundwork (as it were) for who Bruce Wayne would later become. It was also interesting to see the early friendship between Harvey Dent (the future Two-Face) and Bruce Wayne explored further: it's just a pity, I felt, that you could see the 'twist' coming from miles and miles away!

Laura Doe (1350 KP) rated The Nine in Books

Jul 9, 2021  
The Nine
The Nine
Gwen Strauss | 2021 | Education, History & Politics
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is not for the faint hearted and made me cry for the nine women and the others who they met along their way so many times.
We follow nine women as they escape from a death march and their journey to try and get to safety. Throughout the recount of the escape, their own stories of who they were before and how they came to be at the concentration camp were told.
The resilience of these nine women throughout everything they enjoyed was inspiring and that they retained their hope and kindness after the disgusting treatment that they endured is nothing short of a miracle.
The story is harrowing, but also one that I feel everyone must know. I thought I knew enough about what happened in those concentration camps in World War II but after reading this I have found that I only knew the tiniest amount of what they endured.
Although I know this is a true story, sometimes I had to remind myself that it was not fiction as some of the passages were so horrific in their descriptions that it is almost unbelievable that a human being can treat another human being like that.
This book will stay with me for a long time, which I am glad of. Thank you to Gwen Strauss and Pigeonhole for allowing me to read this incredible book.

Blazing Minds (92 KP) rated Underwater (2020) in Movies

Nov 1, 2021 (Updated Nov 3, 2021)  
Underwater (2020)
Underwater (2020)
2020 | Horror, Sci-Fi
When I first saw the trailer for Underwater I thought of two of my favourite undersea movies, The Abyss, Deep Star Six and Leviathon, so I was a little apprehensive to see this movie, but last night I thought I might as well check it out for myself at Cineworld and see how it plays out.

Almost 7 miles below the ocean surface a drilling rig is hit by what the crew at first believe to be an earthquake, but as tragedy unfolds upon the remaining survivors, it turns out that they have discovered something deadly in the form of some rather mean-looking underwater lifeforms that seem to be very unhappy with the drilling that is going on.

Now the survivors have to fight their way across the seabed to escape to the surface while being hunted by the creatures!

I have to say about the Underwater that at first, this looks like a movie that is certainly going to have you on the edge of your seat and for most of it it does, but with most of Kristen Stewart‘s roles she seems to be emotionless and the I did find myself losing interest in her character, that had a blonde Eminem style haircut, I found the other characters more interesting, but not that much!
The Shutout
The Shutout
Dianna Roman | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's all very NICE, is all. Nicely written, nicely delivered and nice.
Independent reviewer for Book Sirens, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I liked this book, I did but it one of those NICE books, that, while a good read, I'm not really left feeling very much of anything about it, you know?

There was a lot of book, I think, that wasn't really necessary and while 2 epilogues is nice, one would have been suffice. The whole thing could have been a really great book, with 100 less pages, I thought. I found myself skimming over a lot. I didn't miss anything, either!


It's a lovely tale of a gay guy falling in love with his straight best friend. There's a nasty co-worker, some amazing friends, parental units who don't deserve the father title, and family members who really do take the closeness a bit far. Some amusing moments with Max' sister and Jack!

And then the fall out from Jack being outed to the entire world, and the closing ranks around him that he never expected.

It's all very NICE, is all. Nicely written, nicely delivered and nice.

Having said that, this appears to be the author's first book, and I would like to read more as they hone their craft.

3 good, solid nice stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Dracoria Malfoy (690 KP) rated Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in Books

Dec 18, 2017 (Updated Dec 18, 2017)  
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Quentin Blake, Roald Dahl | 2016 | Children
8.3 (48 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, I mean, it's been a while since I've read this, but here's what I have to say:

Roald Dahl? Spectacular!! He's one of my favorite authors, and it's amazing how he writes. And this book is one of his classics, so of course, it's amazing.

Now, I found some problems, the most important one being;

Okay, rant over. But still! How!!??

But on with the good parts: It's still amazing, and highly creative. You can tell Willy Wonka wanted to impress the kids, show them how awesome his factory was, and you can't blame him for getting rid of all the brats that came to his house. And OH MY GOODNESS CHARLIE MY SMOL BEAN YOU'RE SO AMAZING AND PURE AND INNOCENT SO NICE!!
But my favorite part is when his grandpa went 'fuk it I'm going with this kid no matter what you say'

Also the chocolate. You can't forget the chocolate.
The Cured (2017)
The Cured (2017)
2017 | Horror
Acting (0 more)
Camera work (0 more)
This is a zombie movie different to any other zombie movies. A group of zombies have been cured and released back into society, much to the annoyance of those who were never zombies. Anyone who has watched anything to do with zombies will know that in order to become a zombie you have to be bitten or scratched by one, which then kills you and you become one of them. So the idea that you can be cured to become a living breathing human again does seem far fetched, especially as they can remember being a zombie so essentially they can remember being dead!?! Anyway not every zombie is cured as a small percentage are resistant to the cure but are still being quarantined until a cure for them is found. Because of the call for the resistances to be terminated and the way the cured are treated by society, the cured form an alliance to be treated fairly and get their voices heard.
Personally I got bored of the film rather quickly, some parts were entertaining but for the most part I couldn't wait for the movie to end. The shoddy camera work didn't help and by the end the Constant camera shake gave me a headache. It's a shame really as most films with Ellen paige I have liked, but this one was just disappointing.

Colin Newman recommended Sexuality by Sebastien Tellier in Music (curated)

Sexuality by Sebastien Tellier
Sexuality by Sebastien Tellier
2008 | Pop
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"From the 90s onwards French music started to become very interesting. There have been quite a few French artists, especially in the dance-pop arena, who have found their metier when a lot of earlier French music just didn't translate. We lived in Belgium for quite a long time and one of the things I was completely aware of was the fact that as a British person I knew nothing about French music. And that's one good thing that's happened in music over the last twenty years: the increased internationalisation of music. Yes, Sebastian Tellier has to sing in English, but it doesn't necessarily matter as you don't understand what he's singing about anyway. He kind of does it by stealth. People told me about Sebastian Tellier and I was like, "yeah, it sounds quite interesting." And then you hear it, and you hear it again, and eventually you're like "my god, this is brilliant!" It's a combination of music and voice, it's groovy and funky; it's just incredibly listenable and a little bit bonkers. Again this is one of those records that we've listened to a lot. You can just put it on and it's just there, and sometimes it's just so beautiful, what he does. I'm not afraid of things that are just beautiful."
