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Reflect Me (Reflect Me, #1)
K.B. Webb | 2013
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first book by K.B. Webb I've ever read, and have found a new favorite to add to my list. After reading Reflect Me and Follow You Down I think I will buy just about anything this amazing writer publishes.

All of the characters in the stories are easy to relate to in some way. Molly is amazing. The way she grows, matures, and finds her true self on this journey is really inspiring. I've been lucky enough to not be a battered woman, but from the way Molly is written this is exactly how I would expect her to act. She starts of weak and timid with rumors flying around of how Molly used to be. Then she starts to cowgirl up if you will.

Logan is a stand up guy. He's been broken in the past, and doesn't really have that many people around him that he really trusts, but you quickly start to see a family come together. Logan is hoe I wish every man would act. Since I know every man doesn't act that way, he seems a little far fetched; but it works for this story.

The supporting characters (Wynee, Justin, Lucas, Brian, and Dani) are all great characters. They are never just filler and always add to the story, which I love. I can't stand characters that just take up space but then never really have a reason to be there in the first place.

Parts of this story were hard for me to read, not because they were bad, but because they were so real. There are several scenes that Molly endures and I had trouble picturing the hell she was going through, and I had trouble imagining what it would be like to hear these hateful words on a daily basis. The scene where Molly stands up for herself and finally starts to take her life back I literally cheered for her.

This book was well written, the characters were not at all one dimensional. I loved that this was an emotional book and also left me wanting more. I will definitely been one clicking more books by this author.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated The Prodigy (2019) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
The Prodigy  (2019)
The Prodigy (2019)
2019 | Horror
Here we are, a turning point of sorts. I had said to myself that I would try to be less of a scaredy cat and see all the films at the cinema. I'm not at a point where I can happily say "it's a no from me". Horror and I mix fine if I can watch them at home in the daylight and I can shout at the characters when they do dumb things like go into basements and don't turn on lights.

I wasn't even halfway through the trailers when I realised that sitting in the pitch black where people can appear out of nowhere was not for me. I made a decision to not see Us at the cinema there and then, and the same would be true for Pet Semetary if it wasn't for the fact they announced an Unlimited Screening for it.


I didn't know exactly what this film when I went in, I'd read the smallest of synopsis and that was basically it. It wasn't until I was in the cinema that I realised what I'd got myself into but by that point I was there and that was the end of it, I was staying.

The basic outline of the story is one that I'm certain I've seen in a similar form on other things, but I can't for the life of me remember where. Potentially I'm thinking of things like Criminal Minds.

You know fairly early on where this film is going to take you, I think I jumped in the first minute, along with a couple in front of me.

The way they link the simultaneous events at the beginning if very well done, the timing and the visuals line up perfectly. We then get fast-tracked through his early years and we see how special he is, and how he's just a smidge creepy.

The Prodigy has lots of classic tells from horror sprinkled through it, if I'd been at home I'd have been screaming at the screen. There are little tells everywhere but none of it spoils what's to come.

Overall the brought everything together extremely well to create something that was gripping and just a little scary to everyone around me... apart from the guy behind me who on more than one occasion laughed and gave me the urge to move seats.

The further in we get the more messed up things become for the characters, they're basically all screwed but none of them see it until it's too late. Miles becomes so creepy at one point that I'm assuming they decided that it was too much for the young actor to do. There's a cutaway to his eyes as he's talking but it sounds rather like a voice-over that's unlike the rest of the audio in the film.

At some point I gave up hope for... everything, and just wished someone would do the right thing and do away with him. Had I been watching this at home and shouting at the screen, someone might have listened and saved everyone a lot of heartbreak.

The Prodigy knows how to draw you in. We see Miles hypnotised with a metronome and the sequence makes you want to lean towards the screen for what you know is going to be something important. The constantly moving camera in time with the ticking worked so well.

If you look up Jackson Robert Scott on IMDb you get a delightfully cute picture, but even if I were his own mother I'd be suspicious about having him in the house after seeing this film. He seems to have found a little creepy niche with this and It, and he's pretty good at it. There's something about his mannerisms that don't feel quite right, but had he nailed that then I don't think I'd have ever slept again.

Taylor Shilling works well as Miles' mother, her reactions all help you get that sense of danger she feels and as her emotions ramp up so do ours. I'm not sure that the love of my child would have kept me on board for that long though.

There were mixed offerings from the rest of the cast, not that I'm sure that matters a great deal when the key part of the film is almost entirely focused on Miles and the visuals around that. I particularly like that they consistently show you the two sides of Miles. We see it on the movie posters as well as in the film with effective use of light and dark.

The Prodigy is almost right up my alley, it's basically a Criminal Minds storyline without the FBI, and a little supernatural something thrown in. It probably would have got higher marks from me had it not take every opportunity to make the audience jump. This film also teaches us a very important lesson, when a friendly dog hates a child you should trust its instincts.

What you should do

This is a very good thriller and if you don't mind jumping a bit every now and then it's well worth a watch. I think it's probably worth watching twice, knowing what I know now I'd like to see it again to put the pieces back together.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I will have the puppy from the beginning of the film, everything else can stay very very far away.
American Gods
American Gods
Neil Gaiman | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
I could live in this book
Contains spoilers, click to show
Short and to the point:

From start to finish I just did not want to put down American Gods, I just always really enjoy Gaiman's writing style he manages to create a world within a world that just feels so effortless and downright real. Their are so many amazing characters and most of them I just wanted more of, also with the amount of character we have we really get something that we never do and that is people of color represented and it is WONDERFUL .This is one of those few books that as soon as I was finished I wanted to turn it over and start reading again.


Shadow Moon - I could wax poetics about Shadow, he was quiet and kind of dry and usually that would have me think a character is kind of boring but just not with Shadow he drew me and made me fall in love. It was a so a happy surprise to have a main protagonist who is a person of color which is something that is need so much nowadays.
Laura – I really loved how Laura was handled, most characters who died the way she did would have been either thrown aside or made to be hated but that is not the case here, I love how she helps Shadow and her love for him really comes through but also that we do see her as her own person.
Mr. Wednesday - What can I say about Wednesday besides from the moment you meet him I don't trust him but like Shadow I can't help what wanting to follow him where he's taking me.
The Gods - even though there are a lot and I mean a lot of characters throughout the book I found myself never feeling overwhelmed by them Gaiman really found a way to give them all a voice but in no way overshadow the plot or any of the other characters.


We meet Shadow a few days before his release from prison he is taken into the wardens office to me given the devastating new that his wife Laura had been killed, when he is released from prison he meets a strange man know as Mr. Wednesday who offers Shadow a job to accompany him across America so he can recruit others to fight in an upcoming war, The Old Gods vs. The New Gods.

The story takes you to so many places and you meet so many just unique characters I love the differences between the gods how the old are left to do what they have to service feeding off of any belief they can get and how the new gods aren't at all what I thought I was going to be getting because let's face it there are not as many religious gods any more instead we worship TV and technology the way the Greeks worshiped the gods of Olympus.

Personal thoughts:

I could not get enough of American Gods even though the book was pretty hefty and it took me sometime to finish I still wanted more, Gaiman just creates such a wonderful and unique worlds that I could stay lost in them forever.
High As the Heavens
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kate Breslin's new book is FINALLY here! I have been waiting for this day since the moment I finished Not by Sight. And I am so excited to share my review with you. Filled with raw emotion that will grip your heart, this is not a light read, but it is an AMAZING story!

"How in the midst of all this sorrow"...Can hope possibly be found?*

Kate's books continue to elicit emotions in me that I have rarely felt on such an excruciating level. Set in Belgium during WWI we live through the memories of our heroine. We walk with her through the heartache, the pain, the suffering, but also the joy. Evelyn Marche has seen her fair share of evil and sorrows, but as a nurse she is able to bring peace and comfort to those who are also suffering. Through her work, she is making a difference in more people's lives than she knows. I don't want to say TOO much about Eve's story, because I want you to read it! Be warned though...I was not even half way through and I thought I was going to puke, cry, and throw the book across the room.** THAT is how powerful Kate's words are. There were many times of laugh out loud moments, but this is a book set in a WAR ZONE.
While in the middle of reading this book, I had the opportunity to hear a WWII survivor speak. (I know, I know...different war...but a hero is a hero.) Her name is Marthe Cohn, she is 97 years old. Marthe is a French Jew who served as a spy in Nazi Germany during WWII. She was a nurse. She is a HERO. There are SO MANY PARALLELS to Eve in Marthe's story that it was kind of weird. Marthe was instrumental in bringing about the end of the war. I share this with you because I want to honor those who have any war. Those who would risk their lives daily so that my family may live in peace. The heros who, without them, things could have ended so very different.

Evelyn is a strong and powerful representation of the many women who served in WWI. The heroes who cared for the wounded. The heroes that changed history one day at a time. Eve's independent spirit and tenacity has been an asset throughout the war. But living in "survival mode" can wear a person down. Will she continue fighting in her own strength or will she open her heart to God, and allow Him to carry her burdens? Although I have not seen the same horrors that Evelyn (and Marthe) were faced with, I hope that in the midst of chaos I will stand strong, be a light and do what I can to make the world a better place. To bring hope to those who have none.

*Quotation is from the song Days in the Sun found on the 2017 release of Disney's Beauty and the Beast.
** No books were harmed during the process of reading this book and writing the review.

I received a complimentary copy of High as the Heavens from Bethany House Publishers I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Favorite Flavor by Virgin Miri
Favorite Flavor by Virgin Miri
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Virgin Miri is a singer-songwriter from Sweden. Not too long ago, she released a bouncy Scandi-pop tune, entitled, “Favorite Flavor”.

“When I wake, I wanna bake ya and hide your clothes. You can stay with me forever, I wanna overdose. I can’t get enough of you. Can I keep you in my room? Wear you like a new perfume. I can’t get enough, you’re my favorite flavor. Spicy chili, baby, hotter than a fever.” – lyrics

‘Favorite Flavor’ tells a slightly psychotic tale of a young woman who enjoys a perfect sleepover with her significant other.

Apparently, she has no self-control when he’s around, and every day she can’t seem to get enough of him.

Later, she admits that when she’s done with him, she’s going to wrap him up like candy and save him for later.

‘Favorite Flavor’ contains a dreamy storyline, pleasant vocals, and bouncy instrumentation flavored with playful synths and sticky kicks.

Also, the likable tune was partly inspired by a friend who hugged her bunny so hard it suffocated.

“‘Favorite Flavor’ is a love song about the honeymoon phase. When you can’t sleep because the butterflies in your belly keep you up. And you just want to hang out and make out forever.” – Virgin Miri

As a teen, Virgin Miri co-founded the controversial pop-duo, Cupid Kidz, “Sweden’s most dangerous band” according to Channel 4 News.

After a few age-restricted music videos and getting banned in the city of Falun, she moved to New York to chase the American dream.

Two years later, she found herself with an expired visa and a broken heart. She quit her job, boyfriend, and hairstyle. Also, she bought a one-way ticket to Mexico, where she crashed her best friend’s honeymoon.

Under a palm tree by the Caribbean sea, she ate 200 tacos and wrote 200 songs. With a new sound, she returned home to reside and create bedroom pop in her dad’s Stockholm office.

‘Favorite Flavor’ is the first single from Virgin Miri’s upcoming debut EP, which was written and produced with Hessam Esfahani.
Touch the Dark (Cassandra Palmer, #1)
Touch the Dark (Cassandra Palmer, #1)
7.7 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
I would like to thank Karen Chance for letting me fall in love with paranormal romance again. It’s very rare for me to find a paranormal romance series that I love in the never ending shelves filled with them. Among them are Kresley Cole, Gena Showwalter, Jeaniene Frost, Patricia Briggs, Lynn Viehl and now Karen Chance.

I brought this book on a 13 hour car ride, not expecting much, just words to fill the time. It was about halfway through when I realized what a gem I really had. The plot was fascinating, the world was so involved and though out, and the characters were just as interesting as the world they were involved in. I would like to thank Karen Chance once more for not making her heroine, Cassandra, so independent that it made me want to gag. Cassandra knew when she needed help and that she wasn’t going to survive on her own. Of course, Cassandra has an awesome power that makes her wanted by multiple races. I can forgive that stereotypical plot aspect since Cassandra is not the most power creature to ever exist in the world nor is the only one to have had or will have such power.

But, dear Chance, did you really have to throw in such an erotic scene when I am sitting in the car with my family? I was not expecting anything so…steamy from this book that I actually had to put the book down for a moment.

This was one of those novels that made me depressed when I finished it, for the sheer fact that it was over. I immediately turned to my phone to see if there were any more. When I found out it was a series, I ordered every single one.
Tomb Raider (2018)
Tomb Raider (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure
So, this reboot of the franchise happened. I dare say, I doubt anyone was asking for it. It's a hard film to critique due to the fact that I have to compare it to the Angelina Jolie films where the biggest plus was that Jolie looked like the video game character... And that was the biggest plus.

That being said, I would call this a good movie and an acceptable action flick.

The characters were pretty much all outshine by Alicia Vikander who was the only character with any real nuance. Her father had a lot of potential but was extremely unrelatable. The villain seemed bored to even be there. Her Asian buddy could have been lifted out of the film... And you would never have noticed.

That being said, Vikander's performance was strong and made the character grounded. She took hits. She didn't seem like she just knew how to do everything perfectly well. I actually enjoyed that for most of it she seems out of her element and made to do all the action sequences out of survival.

The plot was better than I expected. I enjoyed the lore and mythology that surrounded the island, but I admit, I breathed a sigh of relief when the reveal showed it being something much more realistic and less supernatural.

The action sequences we're actually very good. There were quite a few times I found myself on the edge of my seat. I particularly enjoyed the bike race at the beginning and her escape from the "chain gang".

Considering that this is clearly an original story attempting to start a franchise, I'm not convinced I need another chapter. But I am glad I got the one they gave me.

Cate Le Bon recommended Third/Sister Lovers by Big Star in Music (curated)

Third/Sister Lovers by Big Star
Third/Sister Lovers by Big Star
1978 | Rock
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I had always overlooked Big Star. I had never really liked them and then a year-and-a-half ago I moved to Los Angeles and it was a case of me and my partner starting our record collection again as we couldn't bring records over. He picked up this record really cheaply at a flea market or something and played it over and over at the apartment. I remember asking, ""Oh my god, what the hell is this?"" When I found out it was Big Star I had had absolutely no idea that's what they sounded like. I think I am right in saying that Third possibly wasn't very well received and the production on it, which for me is one of its charms, is reassuringly bad. Even so, it is my favourite of all of their records. There is a playfulness about the songs; 'Kangaroo' sounds like it has drums on it being played by someone else in a different room who is playing along to a different song. It was those elements that appealed to me when I initially heard the record. But then it has some of the most absolutely incredible songs, like 'Nightime' and 'Take Care' – which is one of my all-time favourite songs. It's one of those records that every single song that comes on that you just think ""this one's amazing"" and then, ""No, this one is even more amazing"" and, ""I want to do a cover of this"". I still think I am in the period of wanting to listen to it over and over and I have to stop myself so I don't get sick of it. It's been a wonderful record to – what's the word? Sorry, I'm thinking in Welsh today – dissect and really take in."

I absolutely loved Kerry Daynes’s first book, so when I was given the chance by NetGalley to read and review this book I knew that I was in for a treat.
Kerry Daynes gives us an insight into the world of forensic psychology and the different settings that she has worked in, from hospitals to her own private practice to a mother-and-baby unit. Her job is so varied and she talks about a wide range of characters that she has met throughout her career.
Kerry Daynes doesn’t pretend to be a robot and is the first to admit that sometimes her prejudice or feelings do appear during sessions with some of her patients. She says the most important thing is to realise this and to try to put them to one side at that moment in time. I have always been interested in psychology and it is the career I want to go into in the near future, and this book has ignited that passion even further but also put some of my doubts to bed.
I really did enjoy this book, and while I know that statistics and studies are important to back up facts in the book, I did feel that at some points the references and statistics were a bit too heavy, especially if you are not someone who likes to go away and read up on them afterwards. While they didn’t bother me too much, I did sometimes find I was skimming over them a little, so I wonder what people who don’t have any experience of psychology would think of these parts.
Overall, I really did enjoy the book and I enjoyed reading about the patients that Kerry Daynes included and felt satisfied when we found out what happened to them afterwards.
Stray (Outcast Mates #3)
Stray (Outcast Mates #3)
Lee Colgin | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Leonas is a panther shifter who hates water. Can Jeno show him the pleasures of it?
STRAY is the third book in the Outcast Mates series, and I would highly recommend you read it as such, rather than a standalone.

I had said previously that I wanted Leonas' story and I'm happy to say, I got it. He meets a young vampire called Jeno, who has a troubled history with opium addiction. Ivaz thought he'd got rid of the nasty goblin but, instead, it just looks like he moved to a different town. The town where The Twig and Berries reside. That puts it on Leonas' radar, and he, in turn, brings Sebastian and Dominus back into the story.

I found this story to be delightful but it just didn't quite tick all the boxes for me. There were parts I loved - Leonas' hate of baths, for example - that I thought were brilliant, but there were also other parts that frustrated me. Jeno's lack of anger with Leonas was one. Yes, I agree there's no need for unnecessary angst but this WAS NECESSARY!!!!! Leonas didn't give him a chance to explain and basically kicked him out when he was needed the most. I expected at least five minutes of anger but there was nothing. This was more insta than the others and I missed the slow-burn feeling I got with the previous couples.

This is a great addition to the series and I'm really glad I've read it. I highly recommend the series, and have no hesitation in recommending this book as part of that.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!