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Faded (The Faded Trilogy, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Faded, was, well, a tad bit boring. The concept's interesting – 4 teens are killed and are then bought back to life to help some spirits – who are like guardian angels and have been around for almost a hundred years – defeat a trio of peeps called The Forces who have been around since 1989. Oh, and it most certainly puts out a new definition of feeling as though someone's watching you.
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I promise you I really don't

The world to me before that time seemed like a utopian society, hence "perfect little town of Fort Everwick." In fact, the story started out boring in the prologue, even though I – and possibly many others – appreciated the set up so I wasn't confused later. Plus, there wouldn't be any need of a long novella or prequel to everything. Which may or may not result in me wishing to stick my hand through the screen, pull out the book, and throw it at the wall.
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The story really didn't catch my attention until the accident happened – each scene just seems to enter with a boring start and Faded just didn't click too much with me on the writing. However, after the accident happened, I found the attacks becoming more old each time after the first. It just seemed to be a repeat of the others – doors slam shut of their own accord, doors and windows can't be opened, windows shatter, lights flicker on and off before plunging everyone into darkness – really, I actually thought Chloe would keep using the same tactic throughout the entire story and then just let it end. Hope was nearly lost until knives decided to start flying. I'm pretty I did a happy dance as well. I know that sounds really weird for me to have hope and start dancing when there are flying knives involved, but that's beside the point.
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What I also didn't like were the point of views just switching randomly – not many signals whatsoever. Perhaps that's just the nature of third person and I'm just so used to seeing first person (has anyone noticed that?). Either way, it was confusing how the author would go from Savannah to Abigail, Logan to Jackson, or anyone else.
<img border="0" src=""; height="140" width="320">
That said, characters! I thought Hattie was really cute and perky. She was just the sunshine of the entire story and so optimistic while everyone else was either a) serious, b) running for their lives (kidding) or c) oblivious (the majority of the townspeople). Savannah seemed to be a great heroine, but I really can't promise that entirely due to the repeats of the attacks from the Forces. She seems like a really strong heroine with her determination and loyalty – especially to her little sister (their relationship is so amazing; most siblings fight in books!) – but like I said earlier... not so original attacks.
<blockquote>I was there the day she was born. I was there when she started school. I was there the first time she fell off her bike, and I was the one who picked her up and helped her get back on it. You know why? Because I’m her sister. That’s what I’m supposed to do. I’m supposed to protect her. It’s an unwritten rule.</blockquote>
I loved Hunter's charm and the way he used words in front of Savannah. It's as though he's doing a creative *wink, wink, nudge, nudge* towards Savannah.
<blockquote>Hunter: So, how about a date?
Savannah: What?
Hunter: How about a date that is actually in the eighties? I can only find dates that are in the seventies. How about you?
Savannah: You mean the article dates?
Hunter: What did you think I meant?</blockquote>
Perhaps what I really loved the most are the failures after the accident, when Madison, Abigail, Jackson and Savannah have no control over their powers. I actually found those scenes funny – I mean, everyone's literally oblivious for the most part – especially Operation Scare Keira. ;)
<blockquote>Jackson: But I thought I was invisible.
Madison: Well, you thought wrong because you’re clearly not.
Jackson: But Coach Ford didn’t yell at me once during practice, so I figured I must be invisible today.
Madison: So the first place you think to test out that theory is in the girls’ locker room?</blockquote>
That's not the operation, but I did find that pretty funny... :3

While Faded isn't the greatest start in the entire world or made a dent into my favorites, it's certainly memorable with the characters and its uniqueness (ooo, random thought: girl falls in love with a ghost... Phantom of the Opera anyone?). I'm really curious as to how Miles will play out the second book in the trilogy, and hopefully it'll be much different in any attacks there compared to Faded.
Review copy provided by the author
This review and more posted over at <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
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The People's Queen
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm assuming that The People's Queen of the title is Alice Perrers, one time mistress of Edward III and the main narrative character of the novel, but even having finished the book I can't really see how this title fits; Alice isn't a woman who goes out of her way to make friends with people, but is certainly a woman with plenty of enemies! She's thoroughly disliked by nobels and commoners alike.

Usually with a major character you expect that the author will present them in such a way that you end up with some sympathy for them or hoping things are going to go their way. I didn't really get this with the way Alice is portrayed in this book; I'm not sure if Bennett wanted us to like her or not? Yes, it was a tough time to live, particularly if you were a woman who had to look out for herself, but Alice comes across as greedy, unscrupulous and immoral. In fact the entire 'cast' of the novel are a pretty unsympathetic bunch, with the noteable exception of Geoffrey Chaucer.

Overall, while not a bad book it's not a great one either. It's over 500 pages long and really it could have been cut down a fair bit - I did some speed reading over quite a few passages where it got a little tedious. The narrative is also in the present tense which I found a little odd and I'm afraid I still remain unconvinced by.
Murder Cuts the Mustard
Murder Cuts the Mustard
Jessica Ellicott | 2019 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder Adds Spice to Life
Walmsley Parva is facing yet another murder. It’s now June of 1921, and the body of Hector Lomax has been found in the graveyard. Hector was not a well-liked or respected man in town, and that holds true for Simpkins, Edwina’s elderly gardener. Simpkins was Hector’s brother-in-law, and they shared a house, so naturally, he becomes a suspect in Hector’s death. However, that isn’t the only surprise the day has in store for Simpkins and, by extension, Edwina and Beryl. It quickly becomes clear the pair of friends need to get to the bottom of what is happening for their own sake as well as that of Simpkins. Can they do it?

I love this duo. Edwina and Beryl complement each other perfectly, and with the book’s excellent use of limited third person, we get to know both of them. The growth in them continues here as well. The rest of the cast is just as strong. I did feel the plot got a little sidetracked in the middle, but I was always entertained and the book ramps up again for a logical climax. Since the story is set in 1921, we get an interesting look at the changes that were going on in the larger society at the time. I had never given these changes much thought, but I enjoy seeing how the characters are reacting to them. If you haven’t started this series yet, you really should. If you are already a fan, you’ll love our third visit with Beryl and Edwina.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2177 KP) rated Death in the Stacks in Books

Sep 17, 2020 (Updated Sep 17, 2020)  
Death in the Stacks
Death in the Stacks
Jenn McKinlay | 2017 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cameos and Murder
It’s time for the annual Dinner in the Stacks fundraiser at the Briar Creek Public Library, but this year, Lindsey Norris is facing an extra challenge in putting it on. Olive Boyle has just become president of the library’s board, and she is determined to make trouble, even threatening Lindsey’s job. Despite all of this, the fundraiser goes well, until Olive’s body is found in the fiction section just after the event ends. Even though Lindsey swore she’d stop investigating murders, she still finds herself drawn into this case. Olive made enemies everywhere she went. With so many suspects, can Lindsey figure out what happened?

While the mystery has some good twists in it, I did feel the pacing was off overall. Instead, the character’s antics take over at times. As a fan of the series, I can’t complain too much about that, especially since I was laughing at those scenes. Plus, we got some character development that fans of the series will love. Fans of Jenn’s other two mystery series will have fun with the cameos those characters make in this book, although you won’t miss much of you aren’t up to date on those series. The usual assortment of extras at the end will give you something to enjoy after you’ve turned the last page. While the plot pacing does bother me, I was smiling so much while I was reading, it is hard to complain. Other fans of the series will love every page as well.
Deadlock (FBI Thriller #24)
Deadlock (FBI Thriller #24)
Catherine Coulter | 2020 | Mystery, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review. The opinions are entirely my own, and any quotes are taken from the ARC and may be different in the final published copy.

Fans of Deadlock Catherine Coulter's FBI Thriller series will recognize Savich, Sherlock, and the rest of the recurring characters in the 24th book of the series, Deadlock. Joining them is a familiar foe from the 20th book of the series, Insidious. I am late to the game and started reading the series with book #23, Labyrinth. This book works as a stand-alone novel, but reading Insidious would help you understand the backstory more.

Husband and wife team, Savich and Sherlock, are used to their hectic schedules working as FBI agents. However, they are the focus of a cunning psychopath who is bent on revenge. While trying to find out who is responsible for who attacked them, Savich needs to work on a case in which he was in the right place at the right time, preventing a Congressman's wife, Rebecca, from being kidnapped. He is torn between keeping his family safe and keeping Rebecca safe.

Coulter presents a suspenseful thriller that keeps you guessing until the end. Much of what occurs is unsurprising, but it is those little nuggets of suspense that leaves you wanting more.

I am glad I found Savich and Sherlock and welcome them as old friends.

This 200-word review was published on on 7/27/20.
Divine ( The Revelations 2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
2 of 220
Divine ( The revelations 2)
By Leanne Rathbone

What do you do when you discover that your entire life has been a lie, that you were living solely to serve the purpose of another?Seventeen year old Grace Ayre is heartbroken. She's still reeling from the devastating loss of two people whom she loved and the realisation that her life has never really been her own.Lies and deceptions are all she's ever known but now the truth is out. The world she thought she knew is only half the story, and the more she hears from the other side, the more she realises she is nothing more than a clueless little girl. She must reach her eighteenth birthday in order to fulfil a prophecy and end a war that has raged since the dawn of time. There's just one problem...the Guardians are standing in her way. As a band of despicable assassins without conscience, they will stop at nothing to end Grace's life and prevent the prophecy from being realised.If she thought falling hard for a demon was her biggest problem then she was sadly mistaken.Turning eighteen has never been so important.

This was the second in the series and while I did enjoy it and we learned a lot more about Grace and what she has to face I wasnt as gripped as I was with book 1. I can’t exactly pinpoint why though and that is so annoying I just found myself pushing through this one.
The Lying Game
The Lying Game
Ruth Ware | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
7.8 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
Readable (0 more)
Predictable (1 more)
Isa, Kate, Fatima, and Thea were the best of friends for a year in boarding school. Thick as thieves, they kept to themselves at Salten House, bonded by a game they invented (The Lying Game), where they came up with increasingly higher stakes lies for a series of points and boasting rights. The girls spent much of their time at The Mill House, Kate's childhood home--a quick walk across the marsh from their boarding school and home to Kate's father, Ambrose, and stepbrother, Luc. But all that changes when Ambrose, an art teacher at Salten, dies; a scandal is uncovered; and the girls are expelled. Years pass without the four women seeing each other, until they receive a text from Kate: I need you. Isa--with her baby daughter in tow, Fatima, and Thea return to The Mill House, where Kate still lives, to help their friend. But what exactly happened all those years ago? And are the women still playing The Lying Game?

So I probably enjoyed this novel more than I should have, considering it's rather predictable. There are so few characters in the book as a whole, it seems, for the ending to be that grand of a surprise. It's also a slow-moving mystery where much of the drama could be avoided if the characters would just talk to each other or tell the truth - ever. The main character, Isa, puts her baby in danger far more often than a reasonable parent would, and for what? Even worse, while Isa is a fairly well-developed main character, her three best friends seem to be more of cliches or stereotypes than fleshed out characters.

Still, Ware has had this hold on me on each of her two previous novels--and she did it again here. The book is just oddly readable, and I found myself drawn to it, despite its flaws, so I have to give that to her. I read it rather quickly, despite being swamped at work, and found myself sneaking away to finish it on my lunch break. It's very descriptive, just like her first two books, and you can easily picture the eerie setting. Even if you're not fully invested in what's happening or you're pretty sure what's going to happen, or who was involved, there's just something compelling that makes you keep reading. The novel is told from Isa's point of view, unfolding in the present, but flashing back to her memories of the past. It's a rather effective technique, as we only figure out plot pieces as she does and can discern bits and pieces of the story through Isa's perspective alone.

Overall, I'd hoped for a bit more, and I probably enjoyed Ware's first two novels as a cohesive whole more than this one. But I won't deny that I found this book intriguing and that it kept me reading. There's certainly a lot in the novel that requires you to suspend some elements of disbelief. Still, I'll definitely continue to read anything Ware writes--she just has a fascinating style.

blueirisfox (125 KP) rated the PC version of Final Fantasy XIV Online Complete Edition in Video Games

Feb 16, 2020 (Updated Feb 16, 2020)  
Final Fantasy XIV Online Complete Edition
Final Fantasy XIV Online Complete Edition
Massively Multiplayer
So many cool clothes!! (3 more)
Crafting and Gathering classes add so much to this game
For the most part, the community is so friendly and awesome (in 8 months I have only come across one toxic/mean player)
The world feels alive. The stories of npcs can be some of the highlights of gameplay.
Can be quite expensive to pay for online membership (3 more)
The pacing of A Realm Reborn (ARR) can feel really slow.
Buying the game can be really confusing, as you don't know what versions you should be buying.
Two of the playable races have restricted customisation.
This review is long... not all of it fit so the rest is in the comments
The way how I like to think of this game is like when I discovered anime. It felt like this whole new world that was hidden under a small rock that someone could easily walk past. Like one small step could have meant never finding it at all. (this was a couple of years before Attack on Titan exploded, by the way)

But still, against all odds, I found this amazing world and community and I am just so in love with it.

I've been playing this game since around June/July of 2019, and only actually bought the full version the following Christmas, so I still consider myself to be a newbie. I'll try my best to review the content that I've played, as well as the content I've seen others play.

Before I say anything else, I feel that I need to get this across. If you are completely new to this game, don't spend any money on it yet! There is a free trial that DOESN'T HAVE A TIME LIMIT and is FREE. If you actually buy the game, you will have to start paying for the online subscription after the first 30 days free are used up. You will be saving a lot of money by just playing up to the level cap of the free trial at your own pace. The level caps at 35, which sounds like it's not that high, but this applies to ALL CLASSES and not just one - so you can multiclass and level them all up to 35. Also, this will let you experience the game without much sacrifice and give you the opportunity to see if you actually like this game, or if it's not for you.

When you do come around to buying it, I would recommend getting the compete edition. It works out a lot cheaper since it comes with everything. So if you're not sure which one to get, then this is the best one. However, a cool thing about this game - and the greatest cause of confusion among new players - is that buying the newest expansion will also give you all the old ones too, BUT this will only be playable if you have the base game first. And it is for this reason that it ends up cheaper to get the complete edition, since the Shadowbringers expansion alone is about £40.

Now, onto the review...

I have heard this game be compared to World of Warcraft (WoW) many times before. I've never played WoW, but I'm sure that this gives a bit of a better idea of what kind of game this is.

There are different Data Centers and Servers you can play on, and simply hopping from one to another can give the game a completely different feel. When I started out on Omega, it felt like a quiet and cozy little community of players. I know now that this server is a roleplay (rp) oriented server, but I could have easily jumped onto a more player-vs-player (pvp) oriented one, or a busier and more hectic server. So I guess that it was pure luck that I picked a server that matched my slow and cosy play style. I'm pretty sure that there is a reddit post that explains what the different servers are like, although this is likely to change with time as certain servers grow.

Onto Character creation. Oh how I love my character creation. I am proud to say that I have spent many hours in this part of the game alone, which is the main reason why I have so many playable characters scattered on different servers. I do have some criticisms for this one, but by the same note I have a lot of love for it.

So first of all, there are a total of 8 playable races: The Hyur (humans), the Elezen (elves), the Lalafell (midgets), the Miqo'te (cat people that look like ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew), Roegadyn (buff giants), Au Ra (part dragon? They have cool horns), Hrothgar (Actual cat people, like the guy from FFX), and finally Viera (the bunny girl).
Phew! Got all their names out. Now I can critique.

So first of all, I feel that I should mention that only the first five races are available in the free trial and base game. The other three races are unlocked through buying the expansions (Heavensward, Stormblood, and Shadowbringers) although I'm not entirely sure which ones specifically since I bought the complete edition.

My biggest beef with the races as of writing this review, is that Hrothgar and Viera are gender locked. Hrothgar's are locked to males, and the Viera are locked to females. These races are the newest to be added, so there is still a chance of introducing the other genders - which isn't as unlikely as you may think, since the FFXIV team listen to the community a lot, and fix/introduce many features wanted by the community.

Furthermore, these two races are a bit limited in their customisation. The Hrothgar have the problem of the hairstyles being locked to face types (which there are only 4 or 5 of), and unlike every other race, they have to buy a fantasia to make changes to the hairstyle. Fantasia are used to change your character's look, from race to gender, to smaller features like eye and skin colour - they are intended to change permanent features, which is why it's a bit unfair to Hrothgar players looking for a new look that could normally be achieved through the Aesthetician (stylist) - I'm pretty sure i spelled that wrong 😅

Then there is the Viera. Don't get me wrong, I love this race - I'm currently playing one myself. But I can't help but be sad over the lack of compatible hairstyles and head gear. I didn't mention this before, but you can aquire new hairstyles through certain areas of gameplay. When I was playing a Hyur (human), I could fully enjoy these hairstyles without a problem. But when I tried it on the Viera, it just didn't work at all. And if that wasn't bad enough, my character can't wear a lot of the hats in the game, which is just infuriating to me since I really love the glamour system and making cool looking characters.

Those were my biggest peeves with the game, and now they are out of the way.

I'll keep the rest brief, since this is quite a long review already.

The housing system looks really cool, with a lot of different housing items that can be used. I've seen some really epic houses so far. Housing and furnishings are really expensive, so this is more of a long term goal. Saying that, the cheaper alternative is apartments, although you lose out on a garden (unless you make an indoor one - and I'm not sure how functional it would be since I can't afford housing), as well as loosing basements I'd imagine.

The rest is in comments because it didn't fit..

blueirisfox (125 KP) Feb 16, 2020 (Updated Feb 16, 2020)

The rest:

In terms of new content, there is always something going on. In 8 months of playing, 4 events have already gone by. This game is constantly adding new stuff, and improving things for quality of life.

A useful person to keep an eye on is the YouTuber Meoni. He goes over new patches and live letters, talking about new content being added into the game and just discussing it in general. His channel is the main way that I stay up to date.

Another person that I watch is Shenpai. She mainly streams on Twitch, but she does also have a YouTube under the same name. Her content is more entertaining than informative, although if you catch one of her streams, you might be lucky enough to see her teaching players how to do the more hardcore boss fights. She's one of the best tank players the game has, so there's always something to learn from her.

That's about all I can think of to say, and I feel that this was pretty long already. I might make a review on the free trial as well, but talking about slightly different things.

Peace out,


Dean (6925 KP) rated Nerve (2016) in Movies

Aug 24, 2017 (Updated Aug 19, 2018)  
Nerve (2016)
Nerve (2016)
2016 | Adventure, Mystery, Thriller
Emma Roberts (1 more)
Good cinematography
Are you a Watcher or Player?
A cool, fun, sexy and visually slick thriller. I hadn't heard much about this before seeing it but found it very enjoyable. It's a new spin on the truth or dare game, this time with the Internet community choosing to be a Watcher or Player. People film themselves doing a few dares as watchers pay them to complete the dare. Soon though the dares escalate and become very dangerous.
I like the visual style of the film, bathed in neon light a lot of the time, which makes it feel more like a game. Also makes a slight point about how people behave online compared to real life. Overall not that original but still an entertaining film nevertheless.
2005 | Drama
Monsters and Man pain
Supernatural for me is really hard to rate because personally, I break it up into two:
Season 1-5 are pure just amazing the monsters of the week are all just as interesting as the main plot that starts to build-up near the end of season 1. The writers found such an amazing balance between myths and character development that you just get hooked so fast and they stay so strong for five season which is pretty hard to do in my opinion.

Now season 6 - current is an entirely different story while not completely terrible and some of the seasons being pretty good as a whole I feel like they really lost their footing after season 5 and just never really recovered all the way.