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A Blade So Black
A Blade So Black
L.L. McKinney | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
<h2><strong>When I first heard of <em>A Blade So Black</em>, I got excited.</strong></h2>
And I mean super excited! Here we have a book that features a black protagonist (we need more POC retellings!) who kicks butt like Buffy the vampire slayer and a retelling of <em>Alice in Wonderland</em> (which I should I get to one day but probably won't happen).

<h2><strong>But L.L. McKinney's debut novel turned out to be a big bummer.</strong></h2>
I didn't hate it, but I very much could not get past 40% of the book - in fact, I suffered more than I should because I <em>hoped</em> the book would get a lot better later. But it didn't get any better.

<h3>The writing style didn't suit me.</h3>
I think this is another "it's not you, it's me," but omg the writing made me want to sleep more than continuing the book. I found watching the 2018 reboot of "Meteor Garden" more interesting and probably watched an episode or two for every chapter that bored me to tears.

<h3>The concept is amazing.</h3>
Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets in Alice in Wonderland in a modern day setting? Hellooooo, please sign me up. This book spells dark and ominous and I definitely got that vibe while reading what I did.

<h3>But it was just <em>sooo</em> boring.</h3>
I checked out of the book by Chapter Four (but I <em>tried</em> to stay with the rest of the book, I swear!). Wonderland is full of action, but it was the same thing over and over again and got repetitive. Alice is juggling being a Dreamwalker, who can destroy the Nightmares that come from Wonderland, while being an ordinary student with a life, but it was all the same thing over and over again. It never really picked up.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
The Stolen Sisters
The Stolen Sisters
Louise Jensen | 2020 | Crime, Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thought-provoking and emotional
This is a thought-provoking and emotional story of 3 sisters who were abducted 20 years ago and how that traumatic event has impacted on them as they have grown into adults.

I haven't read anything by Louise Jensen before and although I am unable to absolutely rave about this book, I will say that it's a well-crafted story that will appeal to many, many readers.

Why am I not raving about this? To be honest, it's hard to explain exactly why and I don't really understand it myself! It started off brilliantly and I was definitely hooked but it just seemed to take too long to get anywhere and although there were surprises, they just didn't hit the spot for me and I didn't get that feeling of excitement and anticipation unfortunately. I don't think this is a fault of the author rather than of me as a reader who is used to reading rollercoaster-of-a-ride books which I don't think this is; I feel it's more of a family drama type story with mystery and tension thrown in.

The story is told in the then and now and from a variety of viewpoints; this isn't as confusing as it sounds and I actually found this worked well for the most part however, I felt that the "then" parts worked better for me and were more engrossing than the "now".

The characters are an interesting bunch, not all of them particularly likeable but all the main ones are well fleshed out.

What I thought shone throughout was the strong relationship between the sisters and the way their horrific experience impacted on their lives and their mental health; this was expertly done with sensitivity and I have no shame in admitting that there were parts that made me a bit emotional - I am the youngest of 3 sisters and I did wonder how we would have turned out if this had happened to us but I quickly stopped that because it is too horrific to contemplate.

Like I said at the beginning, I am unable to say this has been one of my best reads of 2020 but I will certainly read more by this author in the future.
Thank you to HQ (an imprint of HarperCollins UK) via NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
Deadpool 2 (2018)
Deadpool 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Comedy
Best cameo ever!
So glad Ryan Reynolds finally found a character he could really live in. Had always thought he was a cool, funny actor but had never really connected with a role before this one.

More of the same from the last film here, so if you liked that you will like this.

This time he teams up with Cable and his self created band of amateur heroes the "X-Force" to fight more bad guys and try and save a young mutant from killing someone and going to far.

Great soundtrack, random movie references which is one of the things I love most, but thought it dragged in some parts where it was sort of dull and not much happening. Some of the jokes fell flat and the characters talked too fast so you couldn't understand them.

Great action and car chase scenes make this a very entertaining film to experience.

She Lies in Wait (DCI Jonah Sheens, #1)
She Lies in Wait (DCI Jonah Sheens, #1)
Gytha Lodge | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Interesting mystery, with a detailed plot and characters
Aurora Jackson disappeared thirty years ago at age fourteen. She went camping with her sister, Topaz, and five of Topaz's friends. Topaz reluctantly let her kid sister tag along. No one ever saw Aurora again. Thirty years later, a body is found. DCI Jonah Sheens and DC Hanson are called to the scene, but Jonah already knows that it's Aurora. He's been waiting for this discovery for years. During the original investigation, all six friends maintained their stories and their innocence. But now Jonah is determined to find out what really happened to Aurora.

"It was where seven kids had bedded down thirty years ago, but only six of them had got up in the morning."

This was one of the ARCs that I requested simply because the story sounded interesting, and it really was. I couldn't shake the feeling while I was reading that the storyline felt somewhat familiar, but that didn't detract from what was a pretty strong police procedural, especially for an author debut. The book is fairly long--there is a lot of buildup to our ending--but I thought it was all well-done. Jonah is an intriguing character; it's made known early on that he had a small role in the first investigation when Aurora disappeared, and he clearly is hiding something, which isn't revealed for quite some time. But he's a good investigator, too, and it was sort of fun wondering if you could fully trust him (with Hanson, the newbie, as his foil).

"He found it impossible not to remember this place as it had been back then. The car park had all been bark and mud, but it had been just as overrun by police. The haircuts different; the faces somehow the same."

The way the story is told--snippets of the past (including from her point of view), plus Jonah and Hanson investigating in the present--is interesting and moves the story along. It certainly keeps you wondering as things unravel. While the limited number of characters (especially at the camp ground thirty years ago) lowers our amount of suspects, it's easy to speculate about each one.

Plus, all the characters in this one are detailed. I found it a little complicated to keep track of everyone at first--especially all the boys at the campground--but they were strong characters and knowing so much about them made figuring out who killed Aurora all the more compelling. Aurora herself is a lovely character, and I felt for her. When our suspect was revealed, it all ended a little crazily yet easily, but this was still a good read for me.

Overall, this was an interesting mystery, with a detailed plot and characters. I look forward to Lodge's next book.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
The Graces
The Graces
Laure Eve | 2016 | Children, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not much of a plot, it was a good ending though
There wasn’t a substantial plot with this one. You had an idea on why River was trying to be friends with The Graces and there were hints here and there throughout the story on what River was really wanting to do all this time. You’re pretty much following River as she makes friends and tries to be part of the in crowd with The Graces.

I didn’t really like River that much in the beginning. You knew why she was wanting to befriend them however at the same time she had a great friendship with Summer and you were hoping nothing would spoil it.

The Graces did have a certain charm to them but at the same time there was also something strange. They’re close knit, secretive, and not your average family. They already had their secrets to start with, and of all the three I’d have to like Summer the most. She was the outspoken one and the rule breaker with at least some semblance of sense and logic that her two siblings didn’t have (those that have read the book would know what I’m talking about).

Back to River. Oh darling. You know this could have gone well if you HAD JUST TOLD THEM. Sometimes I hate reading books where the protagonist has this huge secret because they tend to keep it to themselves until they finally realize it wouldn’t help anymore but by that time, it would mess up a lot of things now would it? And all throughout the book you’re screaming JUST. TELL. THEM. Sheesh.

Although I know I said I didn’t really like her in the beginning, she redeemed herself in the last third of the book. I was expecting her to be sniveling, crying and pleading but she suddenly became this beacon of rage and I suddenly pulled a 180 and loved her instantly. She finally realized who she was and what she was capable of. She didn’t need the Graces at all - well maybe she needed them to put her in the right direction but it was nice to see her pick herself up and be strong about it.

Loved the ending! Such a cliffhanger and I want to know what’s going to happen next now that River has found herself. Sequel is coming out this year! So I’ll be looking forward to it!

Alice (12 KP) rated Red Sister in Books

Jul 3, 2018  
Red Sister
Red Sister
Mark Lawrence | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>Many thanks to Mark for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review </i>

Original review can be found on my blog Raptureinbooks <a href="">here</a href>

<blockquote>It is important, when killing a nun, to bring an army of sufficient size.</blockquote>
I know they say to never judge a book by its cover but first impressions are everything. The above quote is the first line written in <i>Red Sister</i> - Mark Lawrence's newest masterpiece. I don't use the term lightly.

For those of you who haven't read his work before - know this: it will change how you read fantasy for the better. There's a really apt line in this book for this sentiment:
<blockquote>...a book is as dangerous as any journey you might take. The person who closes the back cover may not be the same one that opened the front one. </blockquote>
For those of you who have, you know his main characters are the ultimate in anti-heroes. All male, all rough, all the epitome of badassery. <i>Red Sister</i> is the first with a strong - and I mean strong -all female cast.

From the first instance you know this book is going to be top of the scale of epicness, <i>Red Sister</i> will draw you in within moments of opening the pages.

It follows the story of Nona Grey- an eight year old girl saved from the noose by an unlikely saviour - a nun - Abbess Glass, leader of the Sweet Mercy Convent. Nona becomes a novice nun and begins her journey to becoming a Red Sister- a nun skilled in combat. At first the book can feel a little like you've stepped backwards in time to where children are bought and sold on the road, where the Church has almost absolute power and where little girls do not become killer nuns; however as the story progresses and Nona's back story is revealed to us piece by piece I found my original thoughts to be utter bullshit because frankly the plot is outstanding.

I'll hold my hand up and say I've never read a book about nuns before but Red Sister has ruined me for any other.

As signature with Mark's work, Red Sister has the perfect balance between seriousness and humour with some brilliant descriptions of the most simplest of things:
<blockquote>...and a quill. This latter gave the impression that the bird from which it was taken had died of some wasting disease, falling from its perch into a dirty puddle before being run over by several carts and finally thoroughly chewed by a hungry cat.</blockquote>
The dialogue was witty and the right tone for what is ultimately a group of girls in boarding school who both love and hate each other and what they do on a daily basis. The friendships made at Sweet Mercy are friendships built to last through the toughest of scenarios, literally through thick and thin. Nona's past catches up with her frequently and she is tested to her highest limits and on occasion shoved over that limit.

<blockquote>"Trust is the most insidious of poisons." </blockquote>
There are some harsh lessons to be learned in <i>Red Sister</i> and not just the physical ones - of which there are many. The plot is thick with action, betrayal, uncanny abilities and supernatural old world bloodlines that show through in current generations that haven't been seen since the first tribes settled in Abeth; with prophecies galore and the odd psycho, bare knuckle fighting in the pits and justice is wrought.

The revelations are spectacular and revealed in unexpected ways that have totally done them justice. The writing style of Mark Lawrence is once more on point with the right amount of length for each chapter; the supernatural demon element was written in a great way. Overall, it was a masterpiece of the genre and deserves all the stars.

<i>Red Sister</i> has been one of the highlights of my year so far and it is outstanding. I've tried not to give anything away which is hard cause I want to give all the spoilers! I'll leave you with a parting quote that sums up the book nicely.
<blockquote>"Words are steps along a path: The important thing is to get where you're going."</blockquote>
X (Kinsey Millhone, #24)
X (Kinsey Millhone, #24)
Sue Grafton | 2015 | Mystery
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The plot of "X" opens up with the story of a woman attempting to steal a painting. Then Grafton switches to present day, catching us up with Kinsey. "X" details several threats - mainly Kinsey trying to track down a recently released felon for a client and Kinsey working with Pete Wolinksy's widow to assist her with finding some files related to an IRS investigation. There's also a subplot involving Henry and Kinsey's new neighbors.

I have to state up front that I love Grafton and I love Kinsey Millhone. I hope they never make this series into a film, because I have my own picture of Kinsey in my mind, and I don't want anyone to ruin it. I started reading this series in middle school (!) and look forward to each and every release. Alas, while I enjoyed "X," it seemed a bit lackluster compared to many of Millhone's previous Kinsey efforts.

If you've read any Grafton book (or truly any mystery), you can envision that Kinsey's disparate cases will somehow overlap at some point. Her cases are fairly interesting, though Kinsey hems and haws a bit about her past with Pete. The side plot with Kinsey and her new neighbors (while somewhat appalling) just drags on, which makes me sad, because it involves Henry, and I do enjoy Henry.

Overall, it's a quick read and also good to catch up with Kinsey. However, I found myself wishing we could progress a bit more with Kinsey's personal life (besides Henry). Though perhaps the book represents how stagnant Kinsey feels in life? Hard to tell. But I do hope the next book brings her a little more excitement and happiness in both work and her personal life.

Michael J. Bess (2 KP) rated Facebook in Apps

Jul 6, 2018  
Communication, Entertainment, Events, Social Networking
7.6 (436 Ratings)
App Rating
Dedicated record of friends listed, capability of adding pics and separating them by occasion, use of app to log into other apps (0 more)
Lacks secure verification process when creating account (0 more)
Great way to maintain relationships, but bad if you do not want your personal life all out there
I use Facebook to keep in contact with men and women I served with when I was in the Marine Corps. Whenever I remember the name of one, I go online and try to track them down. At least 1/4 of my 1000+ friend's list consists of veterans and current servicemembers and civilian employees.

But one thing that Facebook needs to improve on is it's verification process. My 13-year-old niece has had a page (TWO pages in fact!) since she was barely ten. I immediately contacted Facebook about this because I didn't want my niece to be another stat where she is preyed upon online by some phedophile. Facebook continued to keep the pages up.

Another reason the process needs to be improved is because someone may end up being "Catfished," for a lack of better term. My personal business was posted online by a woman whom I never met and I had no idea why this person would do something like that. More than two years later, I found that it wasn't a woman who posted the info, but it was a male friend of mine! A person who I had played practical jokes on the past but never to this extreme. Needless to say we are not longer friends as his ex-wife (my current girlfriend) informed me of other scrupulous things he had done with this particular page.
Hidden (Fire and Iceland #1)
Hidden (Fire and Iceland #1)
Megan Morgan | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hidden (Fire and Iceland #1) by Megan Morgan
Hidden is the first book in the Fire and Ice series, and we start off with Vanessa as she wakes up outside, wondering what on earth has happened to her. She is found by two Icelandic men, who she can understand even though she knows they are speaking their own language. Not only that, but Vanessa senses she is being watched, and has no idea what has gone on, or why.

This is a long book that is a slow burner. The first half of the book I thoroughly enjoyed, as Vanessa learnt more about the Icelandic mythology, and just how pertinent to her situation it may be. Then, I'm afraid, I got a bit bored. There is a lot of repetition, with Vanessa telling the world how unfair life is. And then we have an attraction thrown into the mix, where his ghostly wife may or may not be involved. And then the ending... of which I won't say anything because I don't want to spoil it for anyone else.

There were lots of aspects of this book that I enjoyed, but I was left feeling vaguely unsatisfied. I have given it a 3-star rating though, because it WAS good! It just didn't hold me engrossed like I love to be in a book. There were no editing or grammatical errors that ruined my reading, which is another reason for 3-stars.

If you fancy something a bit different, and like the idea of Iceland, then I would recommend this book.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Stronger Than Longing (Chesapeake Days #3)
Stronger Than Longing (Chesapeake Days #3)
Katherine McIntyre | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
great addition to series!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in the Chesapeake Days series, and while not necessary to have read books one, Stronger Than Hope and two, Stronger Than Passion before this one, I personally recommend you do. I loved them.

And while I enjoyed this one, it didn't grab me quite as much as those two books and (insert whining noise) I don't know why!

Taran pops up in the previous 2 books, but Silas does not, as he returns to town to meet his daughter.

I liked that Taran had Silas as his high school crush, and Silas had no clue. I liked that they both started into that first encounter with open eyes, but very quickly they both realised that a one and done was not going to work for them. Silas did not want a relationship but Taran does.

It's relatively lower on the angst scale, with all the drama revolving around Silas' daughter and the stoopid decision he makes that pushes Taran away. I found it lower on the emotion scale, and lower on the explicit scale. Passion and love, yes but smexy times were on the lower scale. Not a bad thing, I'm just trying to write out why I didn't love this one, so needs a mention.

Both Taran and Silas have a say, and baby Fi steals the show. We get to catch up with Nico and Hudson and with Nate and Linc and I did LOVE that we did.

I can't work out why this one didn't connect with me the way the previous two did, but it was still a very VERY good read.

4 solid stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere