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Hillbilly Elegy (2020)
Hillbilly Elegy (2020)
2020 | Drama
Glenn Close - deserving of the Oscar nom (0 more)
Choppy story telling failed to engage me fully (0 more)
General Shoutiness and a glowering Glenn Close
I missed Ron Howard's "Hillbilly Elegy" when it came out at the end of last year, but principally wanted to catch up on it to see Glenn Close's Oscar nominated performance before Sunday's Oscars.

- When this film started, I suspected that the Glenn Close nomination might be another 'Judi Dench in Shakespeare in Love' - - where her acceptance speech is longer than the time spent on screen! But no. Because of the flashback format deployed in the film, she actually gets a good amount of air time. And it's a really solid and impressive performance.
- The supporting cast is also good. Amy Adams is given a lot to do with a challenging role, and (just about) pulls it off. And young Owen Asztalos as the younger J. D. particularly impressed me.

- Although it's based on J. D. Vance's true life story, I really struggled to get very invested in the story. The choppy nature of the narrative - hopping repeatedly between 'the present' and multiple flashback timelines - really doesn't help with this.
- The whole J. D. / Usha romance element almost felt like it belonged in a different film. In fact, I found it frustrating that I found the elements with J. D.'s struggles at college, with the emerging love and guidance of Usha, as a more compelling narrative than the druggie mother lead story. Perhaps the movie was just trying to be too ambitious?
- Apart from one 'personal decision' scene in a motel bedroom, there's not much of an "up-side" to the story for the viewer to take away. It's not a movie that I found a positive experience.

Viewer Advisory;
If you've had any history of life in a dysfunctional family, there is a lot of shouting, slapping and general tension in this movie which you might find disturbing.

Summary Thoughts:
So, I came to this to see the performance of Glenn Close, and it's very good. I would personally be surprised if she takes the Oscar for this. However, having been nominated eight times before and never won, the 'sympathy vote' may play here.

But one of my bellweathers for a movie is to think whether I'll remember it in six months time. I'm afraid this one is unlikely to pass the test. If you say "Hillbilly Elegy" to me in October, I'll probably recall a whole lot of shouty people and Glenn Close glowering at me from the screen. That's not a wholly great recommendation for a movie. Sorry Mr Howard, but this one's a 'miss' for me.

(For the full graphical review, please see the One Mann's Movies review here - ).

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Tear Me Apart in Books

Mar 11, 2019  
Tear Me Apart
Tear Me Apart
J.T. Ellison | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Quick, engaging read
Mindy Wright--an up and coming competitive teenage skier-- breaks her leg in competition. During surgery, doctors discover that Mindy is sick: she has an aggressive form of leukemia and needs a stem cell transplant. But when her family is tested, it is discovered that Mindy's parents are not her biological parents. What does this mean? Was she switched at birth, or did something more dark and dramatic happen? At the core, Mindy needs to live. But beyond that, what are the ramifications for the Wright family? What secrets will be revealed and uncovered while trying to save their precious daughter?

This was a dramatic and interesting story that grabbed me from the beginning. The first portion is told from the perspective of three women: Mindy, age 17; her mother, Lauren; and Lauren's sister, Juliet, who actually works as a scientist in a DNA crime lab. This gives Juliet early and easy access to DNA samples relating to Mindy and the "case" as it progresses on. We also get excerpts of letters that appear to be from or relating to a psychiatric hospital in the early 1990s. All of this makes for an interesting and compelling format to our story, with a slow and steady reveal of strange information that you know does not add up: a twisted web of secrets and lies. We are immediately left wondering what happened with Mindy--how is she not Lauren's daughter? What is going on?

I do not want to go into too much detail and ruin much of the plot, but I found this one very intriguing, as I was wondering where the story would go. I might have been a little slow on the uptake as to who was Mindy's real mother, but I did find it exciting to put all the pieces together. I really liked the characters of Mindy and Juliet and a few others who were introduced later on (the story is told in various parts, so you get some different narrators, too).

In true Ellison fashion, there's some great drama and a few good "whoa" moments, as well. When I first started the book, I hadn't refreshed myself on the description, and I was a little worried that this would be more of a family drama than a mystery, but have no fear--while this family has more than their share of drama, there's a great mystery/thriller aspect as well. In fact, the novel can get downright creepy at times, with a villain who can give you the chills.

Overall, I thought this was another winner from Ms. Ellison. It's a quick, engaging read with interesting characters and a plot that encourages you to put the pieces together. She's quickly becoming a go-to author of mine. I'm actually chasing down her Taylor Jackson series on Paperbackswap, because I want to read more of her books! If you enjoy a dramatic, quick-moving thriller, I highly recommend this one!

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
Alex, Approximately
Alex, Approximately
7.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
“My name is Bailey Rydell, and I’m a habitual evader.”

This was one of those books that I’ve seen everywhere from Kindle store to the Target book section. I did grab it while it was on sale, so that’s a bonus for me. This book read almost like a teenager version of You’ve Got Mail. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing at all. I actually enjoyed this book.

Bailey “Mink” moves from her mother’s home and into her father’s home in California. Before that, she was chatting with a classic movie buff online with someone by the SN Alex. He happens to live in California and wants Bailey to accompany him to a film festival where classics are shown, including North by Northwest. Bailey doesn’t tell Alex that she up and moved to California, and for some reason, wants to try and find him on her own.

Why she would want to do that…I had no idea but I kept reading. Her father gets her a summer job and during the first day of training, she meets a guy she titles him her ‘arch nemesis’. Only villains from Disney have arch nemesis, I’m just saying.

Porter Roth is rude, inappropriate and gets on Bailey’s nerves – you can’t help but like the guy anyway; and clearly, neither could she.

So, I say that it almost read like You’ve Got Mail, because when Bailey starts to see Porter, she kind of stops messaging Alex – and so does he, but the summary gives it away that Alex IS Porter, so I don’t have to worry about spoiling it. Then again, the movie already lets you know he’s the one anyway.

Bailey is an evader and wants to avoid any kind of conflict, confrontation, etc. I can relate to that, so I can’t really fault her on being that way. I really found it disheartening that her mother didn’t bother to give her a call or even a simple text to see how she’s doing after she moved in with her father. That is addressed, but it’s still hard for me to grasp it. I know she feels guilty (sorry, won’t spoil as to why she does), but it’s still disheartening to make your daughter think that you don’t really care about her.

“That’s the thing about being an evader. You have to be flexible and know when to bail before it all gets weird. Better for everyone, really. I’m a giver.”

This is the first novel I’ve read by Jenn Bennett. There was an excerpt from her other novel in the ebook, but I didn’t read it. I don’t know why. I don’t like reading excerpts from other books after I’ve finished one. I always want to read it straight from the book itself. I’m not sure if that made any sense at all.

The book was a cute read. Don’t let Bailey get to you right away, she has her reasons and she’s a good and strong person. Porter is a goober, but you’ll love him just as much as Bailey does. I ADORE Grace. Wish she was a bigger part in the story, just because I like her that much. And now the book makes me want to check some of the older classic movies I have not seen yet.
Before (Betwixt, #0.5)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

"Before" is an aptly-titled prequel to "Betwixt", and here we get to learn more about Dale and what happened in his life prior to the events of "Betwixt." I must say, when I initially read "Betwixt," I found myself wanting to know more about Dale's history and how he got to be the way he was: moody, stand-offish, an outcast from the school, etc. Thankfully, Melissa read my mind and gave us this prequel!

Dale is the second child of a loving couple who only want what's best for him, but he sees it as a bunch of rules to keep him down, all based around what his dad's congregation would think if the preacher's son went off the rails. Funny thing, that's exactly what all the rules make him do, and he just gets wilder and more reckless the more they try to tie him down. He's tired of being compared to his older sister, the model of normalcy and obedience, and he's determined to make his own decisions, no matter the consequences. His friends (if you can call them that) encourage this behavior in him, and it isn't long before things spiral out of control.

If you enjoyed "Betwixt" or have a desire to read it but haven't gotten around to it yet, I would definitely recommend you read this one. Dale's story is really interesting, and it helps set up his involvement in "Betwixt" and also explains more about why he chooses to play the part he does in that story. Well done!!

5 stars =)
Timber Lake (A Snowy Range Mystery #2)
Timber Lake (A Snowy Range Mystery #2)
Nya Rawlyns | 2015 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Mystery
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Timber Lake (A Snowy Range Mystery #2) by Nya Rawlyns
Timber Lake is the second book in the Snowy Range Mystery series, although it can be read as a standalone.

The story starts off with Michael and Sonny (Seamus) bumping into each other at a rodeo. There is instant attraction between them, but apart from a hot kiss, nothing happens. Then they meet again, but this time in a work capacity. Sparks once again fly, but not always in a good way. These two need to learn how to work together in harsh conditions, and maybe how to love together!

This is a very different story to the first. I was expecting it to follow on in some way from book one, but it is a completely separate story. There is a lot of angst in this book, as the two MC's are looking at life and each other in very different ways. Just when you think they are working things out, there is some confusion/disagreement, that sets things off again.

I found this book to be very well written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow. The characters are well rounded (whether they annoy you or not!). The descriptions are enough to make picturing the scenes in your mind very easy.

If you like a bit of mystery with your romance, then I can definitely recommend this book/series.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
A Curious History of Sex
A Curious History of Sex
Kate Lister | 2020 | Essays, Gender Studies, History & Politics
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Curious History of Sex is probably going to be one of my top reads of the year. This is why you should read it too (because let’s face it, if you’re reading my review, you’re either curious or you’ve read it too!):

1. It’s really well researched. The writer, Dr. Kate Lister, really knows her subject, and it shows, because
2. you have to know your subject to make something that could be really serious into something rather funny and thoroughly entertaining.
3. I’ve learnt a lot from this book, some things I’m not so sure that I would have ever found out about without reading this, and some that I never knew I NEEDED to know about!
4. The added photos are fascinating: there’s art, photos (ranging from the informative to the titillating, via some things that are frankly terrifying - some of the doctors equipment, for example!!).
5. You’ll want to tell all of your friends and selected family really inappropriate, yet interesting facts. Or maybe that’s just me...
6. Whores of Yore on Twitter will be your next stop, either whilst you’re reading the book, or as soon as you’ve turned the last page (or when you’ve finished reading my review! Go on - do it!). It’s great!

So, you’ll be wanting to go out and buy or borrow your copy now - am I right? Because it really is a fascinating read, and I suggest you do buy it as soon as possible!

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this book - it was the most entertaining, eye-opening 10 days I’ve had in a while!
The Du Lac Chronicles (The Du Lac Chronicles #1) by Mary Anne Yarde
The Du Lac Chronicles (The Du Lac Chronicles #1) by Mary Anne Yarde
Mary Anne Yarde | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a young adult, historical romance, set after Arthur and Lancelot. Alden is Lancelot's son and, at eighteen years of age, is King of Cerniw. However, he is King in name only as he has just had his fortress and country razed by Cedric. The story starts with him tied to a whipping post, facing death and generally not in the best of health! Annis is Cedric's daughter and makes the decision to save him, for reasons that you learn about as the story progresses.

Full of action, chases, betrayal and mystery, this is a wonderful story that will keep you on your toes as you try to figure out just who will do what next.

If I had anything negative to say, it would be that Alden and Annis both change their minds so often, it gets both hard to follow and also a tad monotonous. Basically, both of them love each other, neither thinks they are good enough, and both try to do 'the right thing' - even to the detriment of their own feelings. This is just a small part of the larger story though, so it doesn't distract too much.

All in all, this was an epic historical saga with well-rounded characters and situations. Well written, with no editing or grammatical errors that I found, I would have no hesitation in recommending this.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 20, 2016
    Geocaching Buddy

    Geocaching Buddy

    Navigation and Utilities

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    The ultimate tool for the serious geocacher when solving multi-caches, powered by Geocaching Live....

The Final Deduction (Nero Wolfe, #35)
Rex Stout | 1995
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nero is hired by actress Althea Vail when her current husband is kidnapped. She pays the ransom and everything seems to be going well - until someone is murdered.

I'm not super familiar with this series, something I should definitely change. I found Nero a little egotistical at times, but it certainly helps that we are spending time away from him thanks to Archie's narration and trips outside Nero's home. The plot is fast paced with plenty of twists to keep me engaged. The suspects are a bit weak, but that is a minor issue overall. There are some dated references since this book was written in the 1960's, so keep that in mind as you read.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Georgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruit
Georgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruit
Jaye Robin Brown | 2016 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was randomly found by my wife who does not read lesbian fiction but she suggested it to me. We live in Georgia so it was really a no brainer. The struggle to come out in the South is real for most kids. This is not the most accepting region especially when you throw religeon into the mix. Brown did an amazing job of showing that struggle in a funny and compassionate way. Her characters were amazing and their relationships did not seem contrived. Everything developed as it should. It was an well written and thought out coming of age/coming out book that left me wanting more. I even messeged the author and asked if there would be more. So, obviously, I highly recommend this book. Also it is YA so safe for younger people.