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The Invited
The Invited
Jennifer McMahon | 2019 | Horror, Mystery, Paranormal
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Decent Ghost Mystery
I had been eyeing The Invited by Jennifer McMahon since it first came out at the end of April. When a book club I'm in decided to make that their June read, I knew this was my opportunity to actually buy it. While it wasn't as great as I had imagined, it wasn't a bad read.

After receiving a big chunk of money from her father, Helen and her husband Nate decide to move to a small town in rural Vermont to build their own house. After buying the land at a very good price, Helen and Nate start building. It isn't long before they learn the legend of Hattie, a witch who was hanged on the bog where their house is being built. People swear the bog is haunted. Helen loves the history behind the bog and seeks out more information about Hattie which will ultimately put her and her husband in danger. Olive, a 14 year old girl, is searching for Hattie's treasure, another legend and wondering if the stories about her mother running off with another man or true. As Olive comes closer to discovering the truth about Hattie's treasure and what happened to her mother, it puts her that much closer to danger.

The plot for The Invited was interesting enough. I enjoyed learning about Hattie as well as her descendants. The book is written mostly from Olive's and Helen's point of view, but there are some characters where we get to see things from their point of view which I found intriguing. There are a few plot twists although I found them all to be easily predictable. Not one of the plot twists surprised me at all unfortunately. Still, I did enjoy reading the climax of the story and afterwards. I also enjoyed that there were no cliffhangers in this book.

I really enjoyed the character of Helen. She felt so realistic and like someone I would want to be friends with. I admired how laid back she was. I was indifferent about Nate. I just couldn't connect with him. I don't think he was written badly, but you could tell he wasn't meant to be a focal point in The Invited. I did like the character of Olive, but I felt like she was a lot younger than 14. I felt like she acted and spoke more like an 11 or 12 year old. I really had a hard time believing she was actually 14. I did admire how courageous she was and how determined on her goal whether it be to find Hattie's treasure or to find out the truth about what happened to her mother. I never really liked the character of Riley. She came across as someone who was trying too hard to be friendly. She felt too syrupy sweet. Hattie made a great ghost! There were times where I didn't trust her motives, and I couldn't figure out if I should be wary of her or if I should trust her.

The pacing for The Invited was slow throughout the majority of the book. The first few chapters were painfully slow. It was as if the author had word vomit and was describing every minute detail about the land and about Helen's inheritance. I felt like all that backstory was unneeded and definitely didn't need two or three chapters dedicated to it. After those chapters, the pacing picks up slightly, so it goes from being painfully slow to just slow. There were so many times I considered giving up on this book, but others in my book club said to keep on reading because it gets better. The pacing finally did pick up around 70 percent through the book. Once the pacing picked up, I couldn't put this book down! I had to know what would happen next even if it was predictable. (I had to make sure I had predicted correctly!)

Trigger warnings for The Invited include violence, death, murder, mentions of suicide, the occult, drug use (marijuana), drinking, some sexual references (not graphic), and profanity.

Overall, The Invited is a decent ghost story although there is more to the story than just that. It also makes for a decent mystery read. While it is mostly slow paced, the action does pick up eventually. I would recommend The Invited by Jennifer McMahon to those aged 16+ who enjoy a decent ghostly mystery.

Kelly Knows (95 KP) Jun 25, 2019

Detailed and well written. Please tag with a spoiler warning. The trigger warning section is a nice addition.


Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) Jun 25, 2019

Thanks, but there’s no spoilers. I made sure of that.

Tenet (2020)
Tenet (2020)
2020 | Action
This is the first big new release in a long time I've gone into basically blind. I hadn't seen a trailer, read a synopsis, and I only picked up a few things off Twitter because people seem to forget how to use hashtags.

A CIA operative is brought into the fold of a secret operation to prevent a Russian arms dealer starting World War 3 with the most extraordinary ordinary weapons anyone has ever seen.

My initial reaction on Tenet as I walked out of the cinema was that I'd just watched the most predictable and confusing films I've ever seen... I really don't know how it manages to be both.

There are lots of faces in Tenet you'll recognise and all of them do a wonderful job of delivering their parts. I was particularly impressed with Kenneth Branagh and John David Washington, though the latter felt rather understated for an operative at that sort of level... but then that's probably just my opinion on something I only know about from action films. RPatz felt wrong, his delivery was good but my personal preference about his acting technique came out in full force.

When you have a lot of characters it can be difficult to follow everything but surprisingly that was the easiest thing to keep track of. I'm not sure if I was surprised about the way they were handled though. We delve heavily into Andrei and Kat with background and their life, and yes they're main characters but apart from them we don't seem to learn a great deal about anyone else. Is it because of the secretive nature of their situation? Perhaps, but it felt very off balance.

I want to talk about the predictability very briefly because it crosses over into my next point as well. Once you discover the reality behind everything it actually becomes very easy to spot things that are going to lead to something, and that partly because bit stick out like sore thumbs. A few pieces did elude me, but I'm putting that mainly down to the other distractions getting in the way.

So, those distractions came in two forms for me. Firstly, the sound. The music was good and the sound effects there helped with tension and atmosphere... but the volume... there's intense and then there's feeling your ribs rattle in your chest. I wondered if it was the screen's audio initially but there are so many other people saying it that it's definitely designed that way. At its most intense I found it difficult to follow anything, some times we got speech that was hidden by the sound intentionally but at least once the sound overtook some lines with no real purpose. Secondly, the action sequences. They are impressive, you can't deny that, but I found the necessary "transitions" distracting from the scenes which was a major drawback. Any momentum and excitement of the action was knocked straight out of me when I'd noticed that odd movement, it was rather deflating.

There are several good things about Tenet but I think I'd want to watch it twice more. I like going back to watch films to catch the little things I missed, but a second rewatch would almost be a first watch. I'm sure this won't go down well but perhaps it thinks it's rather clever when in fact it's just slightly too complicated to be enjoyable... there are several pieces that feel like they're from other things and in the end I don't think that enough comes together to be good enough to deal with the sound issues.

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The Spaces In Between
The Spaces In Between
Collin Van Reenan | 2018 | Mystery
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
let me begin by saying, that you have to take five seconds out of your day to enjoy this cover. Hats off from me to the artist who made it, and if I would’ve had a paperback of this book, I would not be able to resist the urge to colour it in 😀 It is just so cool 😀 Another thing which still has me debating with myself is was this book based on a true story? All this experience was real? I am just left confused, where the fiction ends and true facts begin…

The main star of this book is Nicholas for sure. It is his story which makes the jaw drop. Lack of money and job forces him to work in this creepy house as an English tutor, but this house has strange residents, who live like it is 1916ies Russia. I really liked the complexity of all the residents in that house, they all were very amusing and unique personalities. They all have a role to play, and it is hard to distinguish whether they want to help or to harm Nicholas. The main character brought out many different emotions in me, I felt pity for the events he had to suffer, I was happy when good things happened to him and I was angry when he took silly decisions.

The whole story was told from two different perspectives. We have the introduction and investigative part told by a psychologist Dr Marie – Claire Groller, and the main story written down by Nicholas. I found both of the stories absolutely fascinating. The events highlighted in the blurb, which Nicholas had to suffer, are absolutely unimaginable, and the whole story is very dark, atmospheric, twisted and unbelievable. There is so much detail and emotions in his story, it is just creepy. I really enjoyed the investigation done by Dr Marie Clare and her father. I really liked all the information which they were able to find out, but I do miss the proper conclusion to this story. I WANT JUSTICE! 😀

I really enjoyed the structure of this book, I think it gave this book a great element of surprise. This book was easy to read, except for the French parts. I know maybe three words in French, so all the sentences without a translation left me a little annoyed. I really liked the decent length of the chapters and I loved the mask picture on the pages throughout the book. It gave this good feeling, that I am reading something written in medieval times. 🙂 So, to conclude, I strongly recommend reading this book, filled with unusual, eccentric characters and very unique and sinister setting, where reality mixes with fiction and imagination. What is real and what is an illusion? That’s the question. Enjoy 😀
The Golem (2019)
The Golem (2019)
2019 | Horror
Had Potential But Came Up Short
The more movies I watch, the more I want to find those hidden gems. You know, that movie you know no one else has seen that actually turns out to be really good. I was hoping The Golem would be one of those movies. Nope.

The Plot: Set in a Jewish community in the 1600’s, a woman invokes a powerful entity to help save her village from invaders.

Acting: 10
Despite other glaring issues with the film, performances was not one of them. I was impressed with Hani Furstenberg in her lead role as Hanna. Hani breathes pain and frustration into her character and really makes the audience sympathize with the character. She plays a character that’s seemingly dead inside because of the monotonous life she lives. I also enjoyed young Konstantin Anikienko as The Golem. Talk about creepy. I’m sure he spent a lot of time practicing his slow, deliberate movements and calculating gaze. Definitely gave me a shiver a time or two.

Beginning: 5

Characters: 6
Outside of Hanna and The Golem, there are not really any other characters to care about. There were even times where I found it hard to even care for Hanna. Some of the things that happened were out of her control, but some of it was totally her fault and I’m thinking, “Yeah, you kinda did this to yourself.” While her character was solid, it seemed like they dumped the full emotional load on her and I feel like more time could have been taken to develop other characters as well.

Cinematography/Visuals: 7

Conflict: 4

Genre: 5

Memorability: 3

Pace: 4

Plot: 6
Not the worst story but it definitely left me with a few questions. Unfortunately the plot didn’t leave room for much character development which left me unsatisfied. Sometimes linear can be good. Other times, that line is just a little bit too long…

Resolution: 5

Overall: 55
While some of the cinematic work is cool especially as it relates to the action sequences with the Golem, this movie left me entirely too underwhelmed. Guess I’ll have to look elsewhere for my sneaky good movie.
Pretty Ugly Lies
Pretty Ugly Lies
Pamela Crane | 2018 | Thriller
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
In “Pretty Ugly Lies” Pamela Crane reveals the lives of four very different women in this dramatic, intimate domestic noir, of which I could not put down, especially upon opening the book to suddenly discover how someone is killing a whole family!

As the story unravelled I found myself really keen to find out who had murdered not just the husband but the kids in such a horrific way! We hear, through the voices of four women, Jo Trubeau, Ellie Harper, Shayla Kensington and June Merrigan, how their seemingly unconnected lives and problems eventually intertwine in this cleverly written tale of domestic bliss gone wrong.

We also hear the evil thoughts of the kidnapper and for me that made this read even more entertaining, sending chills down my spine!

Overall, Pretty Ugly Lies raises some series issues, from kidnapping a child, stalking, and infidelity, to marriage breakdowns, autism, and suicidal thoughts. There’s certainly a huge amount of problems within these girl’s lives and the neighbourhood they live in. I wouldn’t want to live there, however affluent it looked on the outside.

If you love a book full of some pretty ugly lies, then the killer secrets and domestic misery within this dark thriller will have you double checking what’s lurking in the shadows as you read! Not to mention checking where your kids are. A powerful statement of how a twisted, disfigured need for love can evolve into a terrible tragedy with disastrous consequences!

Oh, and as a side-note, I loved how, at the very end of this story, Pamela’s daughter Talia (7) wrote her own version of “The Girl Who Got Kidnapped” and why! It’s such a cute, Grimm Fairy Tale like story, (totally different to the actual book) and pretty well written for such a young age. I can safely put money on Talia definitely following in her mum’s footsteps as a writer herself! I hope I get to see that day!

My thanks to Bloodhound Books and NetGalley for an advanced readers copy of this book. All opinions are my own and not biased in any way.
An Inconvenient Beauty
An Inconvenient Beauty
Kristi Ann Hunter | 2017 | Romance
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kristi's debut series is beyond fabulous and she wraps it all up perfectly with Griffith's story! With several laugh out loud moments and an equal number of touching scenes that will tug at your heart, you will want to read this book in one sitting. (If only that were a reality in my household.) Griffith has been my favorite since the first book, A Noble Masquerade. And he completely lived up to (and quite possibly exceeded) my expectations that I have held on to. Especially picturing him as Chris Hemsworth...

One of the aspects that stood out to me in this story, is discerning God's direction for our lives. Especially when it comes to thinking that we don't deserve happiness, or a second chance, or forgiveness. These blinders can distract us from the GOOD that God wants to give to us.

I.LOVE.GRIFFITH. That is all...actually, I could go on about him for hours. So, what I want to highlight is his protective nature. His family is more important to him than anything, and he would go to any lengths to keep them safe and cared for. However, that means he puts their needs before his own. And this sacrificial love hasn't left much room for him to worry about his own future. BUT, when love strikes, things change. You could say his "world is turned upside down." He is adorable and hilarious!

Isabella is my new favorite woman in the Hawthorne Series. Even though she has secrets to hide, it is impossible to ignore her pure heart. And Uncle Percy, can only be described as the opposite of pure. The bitterness that stemmed from a heartbreaking loss has turned into a vendetta.

Four books, five if you include the novella, a slew of Hawthornes, romance, kidnappings, adventures, foiled plans, and upstanding and *ahem* SWOONY gentlemen...while my heart is sad that this series has ended. I am so thankful for the friends that I found within these pages.

I received a complimentary copy of An Inconvenient Beauty. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
My Kind Of People
My Kind Of People
Lisa Duffy | 2020 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel cemented Duffy as one of my absolute favorite writers. This is a lovely and touching read, bringing to life the group of islanders who come together to care for Sky. Duffy builds her worlds so perfectly: I was lost on Ichabod Island with these characters--all of whom are so uniquely them. This book will go straight to your heart.

I fell immediately for sweet Sky. We learn that Brian and Ann are Sky's adoptive parents, so she's basically been orphaned twice. She is troubled as her parents were fighting a lot right before they died--going against the town view of them as the "perfect couple." While this novel is mostly a deep dive into its characters, there is a touch of mystery here. Why were Sky's parents fighting, and did it have anything to do with the car crash that caused their death? Also, a mysterious woman arrives in town--what is her role to play in the story? Duffy weaves together all of these plot points so well; I was captivated by the book and even though I wanted to slow down and savor it, I also wanted to know what had happened, to find out what would happen to Sky and Leo.

"A fearless girl who doesn't just think she's safe alone in the dark on an island in the Atlantic. She knows it."

I love that Duffy included a gay couple in her novel--and treats them like regular people. Leo is a wonderful character: complex and struggling with new parenthood. In the end, you feel like you know the entire neighborhood block, from sweet Joe; to Maggie, who is coming into her own in her '50s; to longtime resident Agnes, who is set in her ways; to Sky's tough best friend Frankie; and Sky's newly found grandmother, Lillian. All of these characters play a real role in this story: not an easy feat when the focus is on Leo and Sky.

Overall, this is a wonderfully written novel that covers family, marriage, tragedy, love, and so much more. Duffy's characters are beautiful, and she has an amazing way of bringing you right into the world she has created. I will always read anything she writes. 4.5 stars.
Bishop Ridge (Sawyer's Ferry #2)
Bishop Ridge (Sawyer's Ferry #2)
Cate Ashwood | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a far more engaging read than book one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book two in the Sawyer's Ferry series. It's not really necessary to read book one, Alaska, first but I would personally say you should. Gage and Holden play a huge part here. And their story is really rather good too!

Jackson walks into Logan's clinic and sparks fly. I mean, even Logan was thinking about going against his doctor/patient rules. But Logan passes Jackson's case to Holden and all bets are off. But both men have a no-repeat rule. So just why are they going for round two, three and more?

Logan is Gage's partner at the hospital and best friend. We met him in Alaska. I'm glad he got his story!

It is again told from both men's point of view in the first person. Not my favourite, but Ms Ashwood seems to somehow negate that fact and I really am enjoying this series.

I loved the fact that this . . . Non-relationship kinda creeps up on both the guys. Its very much a slow burn in regards to the emotions involved for them both. Steam and passion? Immediate and powerful but the emotions creep up on them and it takes a while for them to see. Loved that they both fought it, hard.

Loved how Logan made Jackson admit to his feelings but not what got them to that point! Scary, I was worried!

We never did get to the story about how Jackson has a gunshot wound from 6 years ago, but it's only when typing this up that I realised that!

I gave Alaska 4 stars, but I found myself far more engaged with Logan and Jackson, than I was with Gage and Holden, so. . .

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Scandalous Duchess
The Scandalous Duchess
Anne O'Brien | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have to admit that I do enjoy Anne O'Brien as a writer of historical fiction. Maybe it's not great literature, but it's still an enjoyable ready and she actually makes a first person narrative come off, whereas with some other authors it sounds unnatural or is handled clumsily.

O'Brien's latest offering gives us the tale of Katherine de Swynford (nee de Roet), famous (or perhaps infamous!) as the mistress and later wife of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster (and if you didn't know that he marries her, I think the title might give it away, so I don't think it's a spoiler!). There actually isn't all that much known about Katherine herself, which may seem surprising. I'm sure there may be other novels about her, but by far the best known is Anya Seton's 'Katherine' which might well give another author pause when looking to cover the same ground. The fact that so little is really known about her life does give an author a fair bit of freedom. It must be fairly obvious that there is a love story in there - she was his mistress for many years and then he chose to marry her, which I doubt anyone would have expected.

The novel's subtitle give it as 'the forbidden affair that started the Tudors' - who of course were descended from the legitimated Beaufort line.... but then again Joan was also the maternal grandmother of Edward IV and Richard III! The benefit of hindsight can show us clearly how a seemingly small decision, such as Katherine's decision to acquiesce in becoming John of Gaunt's mistress, can have such a huge impact - namely being a large factor in the Wars of the Roses!

I found this a well written and entertaining novel and I do enjoy my historical fiction! If you've read O'Brien before, I think you'll like this and if not I would recommend giving her a try. I find her writing far superior to the much touted Philippa Gregory.

Becs (244 KP) rated Animal Farm in Books

Oct 2, 2019  
Animal Farm
Animal Farm
George Orwell | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry
7.8 (80 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’ve always been a fan of the literary classics, especially ones that also have an underline meaning to do with the history of the world. George Orwell has always been a favorite of mine, I mean I have a lot of favorites but a true reader usually does! The reason why I finally picked up this book was for a job assignment. I will definitely say, I wasn’t disappointed.

Genre: Classic, Fantasy, Fiction, Science-Fiction, Literature, Dystopia

Audience: High School

Reading level: Advanced Fluent

Interests: Classics, Dystopia, Science-Fiction

Style: Advanced Fluent

Point of view: Third Person

Difficulty reading: It was only difficult in the spots that were lacking plot.

Promise: Promise of history related read, it delivers

Quality: Good.

Insights: Animal Farm is a very well-written book and if you like a history-related book along with any literary classic books, you’ll love this book! I, myself, have never really been a huge history buff so to me Animal Farm was lacking an interesting plot. If I broke the book down into two sections, there would be half of the book as interesting and half being monotonous.

Ah-Ha Moment: When the animals overtook the farm and the pigs started to act like the humans.

Favorite quote: “Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animals. He sets them to work, he gives back to them the bare minimum that will prevent them from starving, and the rest he keeps for himself.” – I really like this because it’s a great representation of humans and earth. How we lack with caring for the planet we live on and that isn’t right.

Aesthetics: The copy that I received had an awesome cartoony cover of the animals which I found quite adorable.

“Four legs good, two legs bad.”