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All My Puny Sorrows
All My Puny Sorrows
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a tough novel to read. Which isn't to say it's bad. It's not. At all. In fact, it's lovely and lyrical and beautiful. It's just tough. It chronicles the tale of two sisters, Yolandia (Yoli) and her older sister, Elfrieda (Elf). Yoli grows up in the shadow of the talented Elf, who is a famous pianist and an amazing free spirit. Yoli adores her from a young age, as Elf is the only one she knows who has the will and strength to fight against their religious Mennonite upbringing.

As adults, it seems like Elf has it all together - a loving partner, a successful career as a famous pianist, while Yoli is struggling - she's divorced (she's working on number two) and working to stay afloat as an author and raise her two kids.

However, underneath, we learn Elf has a great sadness, as the book covers her suicide attempts, including one as she is about to embark on a concert tour. Yoli rushes to her sister's side, but struggles to help her.

Overall, as I stated, the book is lovely, despite its sad subject matter (my heart hurts that apparently much of this is autobiographical for Toews). Having lost a loved one to suicide, reading a lot of this was very hard, indeed. I was very drawn to Yoli - she is a well-written character and you find yourself rooting for her, as she deals with her sister, her mother, and her crazy life. Even fragile Elf is beautiful. The girls' mother is quite a character; I loved her deeply. She was a trip.

I had to power through this one - sometimes all the bad things happening were overwhelming. The strength of character pulled me through it. I found myself a little frustrated at times ("why am I reading this?!"), but it truly is lovely, and if you've dealt with mental illness in any way (either yourself or with someone you love), while it will hurt, it's also a worthwhile read.
Good Girls Don't Die (D.I. Grace Fisher #1)
Good Girls Don't Die (D.I. Grace Fisher #1)
Isabelle Grey | 2014 | Crime
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is another of the books that has been on my "to be read" pile for far too long ... January 2015 to be precise ... how bad is that but at least I finally got round to reading it and continuing on my quest to get my "to be read" pile down this year - only another few hundred to go šŸ˜¬

Anyway, this book is the first in the series featuring D.I. Grace Fisher; a complex and wounded character recently moved to Essex following a difficult set of traumatic events that are gradually revealed in and amongst the investigation into a missing person of one young lady and murder of another ... are they connected? What follows is an intricate plot with a number of suspects but told in a way that was logical and, I think, realistic. However, there is more to this book than the crimes, it skims the surface of office politics, bullying in the work place, obsession and domestic violence as well as freedom/intrusion of the press ... all of these threads work really well together and fit seamlessly into this story.

The characters are an interesting and eclectic bunch. I particularly liked Grace and fellow team member, Lance; I found them engaging and plausible and I got a sense of a really strong relationship building between them and am looking forward to getting to know them better in subsequent books in the series.

The writing is easy to read and flows well and although this book is not full of action or suspense, there is definitely an underlying darkness and threat that is ever present and that makes this book engaging and enjoyable and one I would definitely recommend if you are looking for a new series to read in this genre.

Belated thank you Quercus Books and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest review and for introducing me to yet another great author.
The Shadow Reader (The Shadow Reader, #1)
The Shadow Reader (The Shadow Reader, #1)
Sandy Williams | 2011 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This starts with McKenzie doing in a test in a lecture hall at Uni, only she's interrupted mid test by her friend and love interest, Kyol--sword-master of the current Fae King. The rebels have found her and she's in danger. They run from the room but get attacked by the rebels as they try to escape. In the end, McKenzie fall into the rebels trap and ends up their captive. McKenzie keeps attempting to escape and though half of the rebels want her dead, the leader, Aren, wants her kept alive.

What follows is a complicated twisty tale of right and wrong, of realising that what you thought was the truth for so long has been twisted and put in a new light so you'll go along with it. Truths are revealed that you agree with.

There is an element of love-triangle going on in this. She's had a "thing" with Kyol for ten years: touches and kisses that are prohibited under the King's ruling of no relationships between humans and Fae. And then there's Aren. The rebel leader who steals her away and tries to convince her that the Court is using her for their own gains and not for the good of the people.

In truth I think I was more Team Aren. We got to see more of his relationship progression with McKenzie. They go from not trusting or liking each other particularly to that tender, sweet touches, stage of falling for each other. Don't get me wrong, I like Kyol. But I think because we missed the start of their relationship growth all those years ago that I don't feel as strong of a connection between them.

By the end of this I was urging our group to win the fight. And now I'm very interested in what's going to happen next with this ragtag group.
I have found the series to be lots of fun. It features a spunky heroine who is at home in all the great cities in Europe, is great at her job, and takes the more than occasional murder in stride.

The thing I find most intriguing and also most inviting about this series is the fact that the murder takes place so late in the story that you almost forget that this is supposed to be a murder mystery. Instead, you get to meet all the characters, learn their secrets and affiliations, begin to develop feelings for them. It is very Agatha Christie like and very cool. The great characters added to the brilliant descriptions of European cities, tour stops, and culture makes the reader feel like they are taking part in the tour and gives them a personal stake in discovering whodunnit.

Death of Leprechaun is no exception. Lana has secured a spot on her current tour for dear friends of hers and she is really looking forward to touring Dublin. Unbeknownst to her, almost every member of the tour has a connection to a corrupt reporter who ends up dead. Everyone he has written about or even for has a motive to want him dead, but only Lanaā€™s tour group had access to the murder weapon.

Beyond the search for the murderer, I have to admit my favorite part of this book is when Dottie and later Lana hang a lantern on the fact that guests in Lanaā€™s tours always seem to turn up dead. Though I will give kudos for the switch up here in that the tour group is still suspect, but the victim, is an outsider.

Readers who enjoy travel fiction, epic character development, and clever mysteries will enjoy this series.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.
I received an advance review copy for free through Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours, and I am leaving this review voluntarily
2018 | Card Game, Science Fiction
I have absolutely never been very good at science. At least not in school. So when I started reading the rule for Gizmos and found out it was set at a science fair I thought I was doomed. Well, turns out you donā€™t really need to know anything about science to enjoy this one or be decent at playing. So if you are like me and donā€™t remember anything besides the Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, then read on about a great game called Gizmos.

Gizmos is a card drafting, energy collecting, engine building game about, well, building engines. Players will be attempting to draft machine parts from an offer pyramid and build them onto their master jalopy machine using energy marbles in order to chain actions together and maximize their turns. The victorious player is they that claims the most VP from cards and bonus VP tokens at the end of the game.
To setup, assemble the energy dispenser (the marble gumball machine looking component) and place it on the table. Fill it with all the marbles and marvel at the first six that come out into a chute display. Separate and shuffle the card decks by their backs and set out four cards of level I, three cards of level II and two cards of level III. Determine starting player and give them the starting tableau board. Each player will receive a tableau board, an energy ring, and a starting gizmo to be placed under the File section of their board. The game may now begin!

On a playerā€™s turn they will be completing one action from the four actions printed on their player board: File, Pick, Build, and Research. The File action is used when a player chooses a card from the gizmo pyramid (from any level) and places it in their Archive ā€“ an imaginary area to the right (or even above Iā€™ve found) their player board. At the beginning of the game players will be able to hold just one gizmo in their Archive, but as they draft and build Upgrades, this number can increase. When choosing the Pick action, the player will simply choose one of the energy marbles from the dispenser chute and place them in their energy ring. Initially rings are only able to hold five marbles, but this also can be increased on future builds. To Build a gizmo into a playerā€™s machine, the player will spend a specific color and number of energy marbles printed on the chosen gizmo card to place the card into their player tableau. These gizmos could possibly be Upgrades, energy Converters, or upgrades to the File, Pick, and Build actions. Pay the energy marble to the dispenser supply. Players will choose to Research when they do not like the gizmos on display in the gizmo pyramid. Researching allows players to draw the top cards from any face-down level deck and choose one to either File or Build.

The game is super simple to this point, but this is where the true strategy and tactics come into play. Though there will always be nine gizmos on display during a playerā€™s turn, the value of these gizmos are in how they are used in the player tableau. Yes each gizmo allows for some benefit, but successful players will be able to utilize these benefits to create chain reactions. When an action is spent to do a thing, gizmos in play in the tableau will sometimes link to the action, or to the placement of a certain type of card, or a certain energy type (color) of gizmo built. It is mastering these chain reactions that creates next-level strategizing and separates the players from the champions. Play continues on in this fashion until a player has built their fourth level III gizmo or their 16th gizmo in total. Count up VP from built gizmos and bonus tokens earned from built gizmos throughout the game to see who wins the science fair (is that what happens at science fairs? People win those, right?)!
Components. So the gizmo cards are fine, and the cardboard components are fine as well. The marbles are interesting and bubbled plastic (or resin, I told you Iā€™m not great at science) and come in great colors. The true star component here is that energy marble dispenser. It is absolutely brilliant. The game comes with assembly instructions, thankfully, but once itā€™s built, itā€™s built forever. It packs neatly back into the box, and the insert is very very well done. The artwork on this is surprisingly secondary to me. In fact, I donā€™t really remember even looking at much of the artwork on the gizmo cards as I was playing because I concentrate so much more on the effects of the gizmos and trying to figure out my next move to really sit and gawk at the art. The iconography takes a little time to get used to, but once you have seen it in action for a few rounds, you catch on quickly. All in all, a fine set of components, but with the insert and dispenser, now a great set of components.

I adore this game! I love engine builders, and the chain reactions you can create with your gizmos are excellent and can be very powerful. You can try to generate tons of bonus VP from your gizmos, or concentrate on versatile energy marbles using a bunch of Converters, or simply go guns blazing on everything you can afford to try to blitz to 16 gizmos built. Whatever your play style, Gizmos can certainly allow you to play your way while giving you choices upon choices to make each turn.

With all these positives, I had to find a negative, right? Well, ok, yes, but itā€™s super minor to me here. I donā€™t really feel like the theme is very immersive. Not once have I felt like I am building a machine in order to win a science fair, but I do feel like I need to maximize my turn every time in order to grab more energy, or to build better Upgrades and Converters so I can grab any gizmo I want and build it right away. So, theme is there, but not at all strong.

Though the theme is just okay, the game play certainly is stellar. This one has everything I like in an engine building game, and has unique and interesting components. Would I like it more if the theme was different. I doubt it. The game play is just so good that the theme and artwork takes a back seat for me, and thatā€™s super weird for me to type. Should you be looking for a great engine building game that looks awesome on the table, has cool components, and allows you to play differently every game, then go find yourself a copy of Gizmos. Purple Phoenix Games gives it an energetic 21 / 24. Now if only my 4-year-old could keep the energy marbles in the chute or the ring and not on the floorā€¦

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Pieces Of Her in Books

Mar 11, 2019  
Pieces Of Her
Pieces Of Her
Karin Slaughter | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
6.6 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wonderful wild ride of a book and just a great read!
Andrea "Andy" Cooper thinks she knows everything about her mom, Laura. Laura has taken care of Andy for Andy's entire 31 years--perhaps to Andy's detriment, at times. Laura works as a speech pathologist and lives a peaceful life in the beach town of Belle Isle. But on the morning of Andy's birthday, as Laura takes her to breakfast, everything changes. Violence erupts at the mall, Laura instinctively acts to protect her daughter, and suddenly the secrets she's been hiding are exposed for all to see. She only wants to shelter Andy, but Andy is shocked by her mother's actions and what they mean. Even more, the mall episode sets off a series of events that can't be stopped and leads Andy on a dangerous journey unlike anything she ever imagined.

I'm learning that you can always count on Slaughter for an amazing, twisted ride. I so enjoyed her novels PRETTY GIRLS and THE GOOD DAUGHTER and now PIECES OF HER joins them as another suspenseful, tense mystery.

What I love about Slaughter is that she's wonderfully descriptive in her writing. You don't just get a mystery, you receive a beautifully written novel, full of detailed characters and excellent writing. Andy and Laura are well-formed characters: you'll find yourself incredibly frustrated with Andy in the beginning, as she's so helpless for a 30+ woman. Get it together, Andy! Do something, save yourself, help your mother. Laura is closed off and reluctant to share anything with her family. Luckily, both characters grow on you as the book progresses.

The novel does a good job of showing how the U.S. reacts to public tragic events--the incident in the mall--for it is public opinion to that moment which really influences so much of Laura's future actions. I was captivated by this one from the very beginning. It's fascinating to watch the action unfold in Slaughter's deft hands. I found myself going "wow" at a variety of the twists and was frantically turning the pages, wanting to know what on earth was going on.

The narration switches between Andy in the present-day and another narrator in 1986. This is incredibly effective in creating suspense and slowly unraveling our story. The novel is stressful and tense as the pieces come together, and--per typical Slaughter--brutal and dark in many places.

Overall, I really enjoyed this one. It keep me glued to my seat the entire time, wondering what was happening and what would happen. I loved all the details and little twists. I am always captivated by the dark aspects of Slaughter's novels and her twisted characters and plot plots. While this one could be a little unbelievable perhaps, in places, it was a wonderful wild ride of a book and just a great read. Highly recommend!

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
The Angel Experiment (Maximum Ride, #1)
The Angel Experiment (Maximum Ride, #1)
James Patterson | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
Right from the beginning, this book was like one high-intensity climax after another. After less than 100 pages in, all I wanted the characters to do is sit around and stare at each other for awhile, let me breathe. The basic premise of the plot was hide from the bad guys, run when they found you, escape and retaliate when they caught you... and repeat. Things did not seem to get really interesting until after page 200, when the group of winged kids started discovering new abilities.

There are lots of things that don't get explained - which I understand some lack of explanation is necessary to draw out a series - but these kids don't know anything about themselves or even why they exist. The oldest one, Max, is 14, and she can't even deduce that the chip in her arm is how to Erasers keep finding them. I probably would have enjoyed this book much more if the reader could have been privy to the mind of Jeb Batchelder, who was once-acting father of this group of kids and keeps claiming throughout the book that he is one of the good guys. By the end of the book, the kids have cross the U.S. in flying distance, but have yet to really solve any of their problems or get any significant question answered, unless you count parentage.

Another thing that really annoyed me was the length of the chapters, which were no more than 4 pages in length. I get that this is a YA novel, but a 400 page book with 134 chapters is kind of absurd. Mostly, the chapter breaks were used to switch viewpoints between the various characters, and lengthening the chapters in favor of cutting the quantity of chapters would not have harmed this.

There were some touching moments in the book that I wish could have been drawn out, such as Max being with the Rodriguez family, Fang and Nudge interacting with the birds, or the kids being in the New York City toy store, but these moments seemed to be grossly overshadowed by the action and suspense.

Normally, I am a big fan of YA literature, but I think this one is a bit too young even for me.
Skyscraper (2018)
Skyscraper (2018)
2018 | Action
Tower inferno
#skyscraper tries so hard to be the new #diehard but instead comes crashing down in a fiery mess. I wasn't particularly hoping skyscraper would be any good but I was at least expecting a #fun time with some #cool #action set pieces, instead what I got was a totally generic below average action #movie. Before you go & see this ask yourself this question "Do I like cgi fire?" because I can tell you now a good 80% of this film is either cgi fire or explosions (& not the good kind). The problem with all the action being cgi is its not very believable, #dwaynejohnson could be in #danger multiple times but if it doesn't look like he is in danger the #fear & tension is lost instantly in every scene. Most of the action falls flat because of this & leads to all the big set pieces blurring into one big boring repetitive mess of orange #fire & bad motion blur effects. As a building #thepearl looks great & its well designed too its just to bad we dont get to see much of what it really has to offer internaly (e.g we are shown inside the sphere at the top early on knowing full well it will come back into play later, problem is when it does its poorly filmed, not very interesting & a huge missed opportunity to #dazzle or do something visually clever with this scene). Writing & dialog wise its terrible too & characters lack depth & #emotion with some (the police officers mainly) feeling like wooden planks just put in to move the plot forward faster. Characters also constantly spill exposition & frustrate by falling in & out of trust with each other in seconds or guessing the solution to problems instantly without any thought process or reason except assumption. The #villain is also non threatening & disposable with poor motives too. Its just a very flat, #boring & repetitive #film with no real reason to keep you invested & because of this I either found my mind wondering or myself starting to nodd off. I cant recommend Skyscraper at all especially when Die Hard has just been released on #4k so it seems #silly to go see a film like this when one that does it so perfectly already exists. #odeon #odeonlimitless #therock #sundayfunday #silly #funny #ripoff #filmbuff #filmcritic
Improper Mage
Improper Mage
Taylor Westwood | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
IMPROPER MAGE is the first book in a new series by a new author, Taylor Westwood.

In a world similar to our own, Liana lives in Triaedian - a land where shifters, vampires, and mages all live in harmony?! As a female, she doesn't have many options, and the only magic she is supposed to know is how to help with her household. Luckily for us, Liana is not content with that and learns as much as she can by herself, being a strong and proficient mage, even if she can never show it.

One night she meets Damien, the King of Triaedian, who is fascinated by her. He has ruled alone for some time but, maybe, it is time for him to find his Queen. Liana is flattered until she finds out he has expressed interest in two others as well. Then she feels betrayed and played.

The interaction between these two is brilliant. Liana is seen as an 'odd' one in that she doesn't abide by society's rules for what a woman should do. Damien sees this and doesn't seem to want to change her, delighting in who she is. The attraction is hot and immediate but, once again due to society's rules, they are forbidden to act upon it until they are married. They do push the boundaries and have one particularly steamy moment, but will he marry her or one of the others?

I found the world-building to be brilliant, giving me enough information to see how the world worked without overloading me all at once. I also adored the hidden depths of others characters that sneaked through every so often. There is an overall story arc here so don't expect a HEA ending. What you do get is a fantastic ending that will definitely leave you wanting more.

I immediately went onto the author's website to see if there was any indication of when the next book was due out. For a debut book, this was amazing and I loved every word. Highly recommended by me!!

ps - and if you find out when Improper Queen is due out before me, please let me know! I need it!!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!