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So many games today take older ideas and look to infuse a new wrinkle into them in order to great something fresh. One such game is Obliteracers which looks to take a page from the classic character-based racing games such as Mario Kart and infuse new life into a genre which too many had become fairly stale in recent years. The game puts less emphasis on racing as finishing first or last doesn’t really matter for the most part as the goal is to obliterate your opponents as you race around the track. There are a variety of tracks such as a futuristic city, tropical beach, oil tanker, and so on, many which will seem familiar to people who spent a lot of time in the genre.

By using weapons such as missiles, oil slicks, flamethrowers, mines, machine guns, and such, the strategy is to take out as many of them before they get you. When the field of opponents is reduced to one, the match starts over and continues until a champion has been reached based on a point system from the earlier matches. This at this point players can then move on to another locale and start the battle all over. There are variations in the gameplay mode where in addition to wiping out your opponents, factors such as staying in the lead, endurance, and such do help you increase your score which will ultimately lead to your overall championship. After a brief introduction to the game, I found myself able to win my earlier matches without too much difficulty and ultimately advance through the rankings fairly quickly.

There is a multiplayer mode for the game and matchmaking at me racing against another player in no time however it was a simple two player match and not nearly as exciting as having a field of players to race against. I hope in time that will be more customization options for vehicles, tracks, characters, and so on as the game is an amusing if albeit fleeting diversion. For value priced software it does hold a solid amount of entertainment if you’re willing to overlook some of the shortcomings and things such as random clipping issues were my car became part of the track at various times during the race.

Obliteracers gave me a couple of hours of pleasant distraction, and as such might be worth your time if this is something that would interest you.
    Cortex Camera

    Cortex Camera

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    “Cortex Camera Takes Great Low Light iPhone Photos” -Lifehacker “In my experience, I found...

6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Two girls grow up, as close (or closer) as sisters, until a boy and a strange man (?) come between them. Aurora is the daughter of a famous musician, who died when she very young; her mother still spends most of her days in a drug-induced haze. It's up to her best friend (whose name we never learn -- she's simply the narrator of this tale) to protect Aurora, who is described as lovely and other-worldly, from herself. The girls spend their days together -- watching movies in Aurora's bed, partying hard, dancing in mosh pits at concerts, etc. One day they meet a musician named Jack, a beautiful man/boy, who enraptures the narrator, and seems to set them on a course to be torn apart.

This is a very strange book. The first half or so is actually pretty compelling and interesting. The story of Aurora and the narrator's friendship is fascinating, and their "girls gone wild" story is plausible, if not a little much. Aurora's mom could clearly care less where her daughter is. The narrator's mom, Cass, was friends with Aurora's mom, but they clearly fought when the girls were young and are not on speaking terms, though Cass cares deeply for Aurora. This is all good stuff.

Once Jack arrives and Aurora meets Minos, a bizarre music producer, things get weird. The book takes on this mystical, paranormal feel, and it's just strange. It almost feels like this part of the plot was forced into what was otherwise just a good (really, good) story about friendship and teenage girls and life. I won't go into many more details about the plot, but the narrator basically goes on a quest, which I didn't completely understand and then the book just ends, leaving you hanging and everything unresolved. And despite the fact that there is another book in the series, it looks to be about the girls' mothers, not the girls, therefore giving me no resolution whatsoever! Grr.

That's not to say that McCarry's writing isn't lovely. It's a beautiful, poetic book - almost too much at times, as I found myself practically skimming to get to the actual plot. The narrator was a compelling character, and the whole story was so well-written that I could imagine every person, every wild party, every journey. I just think that it almost would have been just as good, if not better, without all the crazy characters and odd mythology-type "stuff" thrown in. But what do I know, really? And I'll probably read the second book out of total curiosity because Maia (Aurora's mom) and Cass were pretty fascinating.

This was probably closer to 2.5 stars for my overall feeling at the end, but bumped up a bit for the beginning and the general writing.

Kyera (8 KP) rated The 100 in Books

Feb 1, 2018  
The 100
The 100
Kass Morgan | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
"The door slid open and Clarke knew it was time to die." What a way to start the book. Kass Morgan dives right into her storyline with an in-your-face opener. It took a bit of time before I, as the reader realized what this book was about. She began by setting up a number of characters, switching between perspectives, to quickly introduce you to the players. Those people who will have the biggest impact upon the storyline.

Each character is thrown into the mix, destined to be sent to Earth. The first in a long, long time. While not all make it, we are still treated with back stories and past relationships. Had the author not included those scenes, her characters would have been much more difficult to relate to. You come to briefly understand what the person goes through, exactly why he/she is so angry and hurt, and what they each did to become subjected to the fate of the 100. Personally, I would have preferred that greater attention had been given to character development rather than relationship development.

The Earth was unlivable for so long, and yet they send these 100 "children" as guinea pigs, rather than trained professionals. People who could colonize, build shelters, feed the colony, study the land and environment, or even tend to the ill. Instead, these youths are forced to come together with a common goal - survival.

One gets to a certain point in the novel and then realizes they don't entirely know what these different living situations/names mean. Of course, the Walden and Arcadian people seem to be of a lower class, economic, and social standing than the Phoenix. Walden also had an outbreak at one point that had to be quarantined. But beyond that? I'm not entirely sure what the distinctions are. Clearly the Phoenix people are "posh", with foreign accents, prone to extravagances and taking what they have for granted. But how did they come to be in that, dare I say, caste to begins with? Were people settled based upon their original locations on Earth? Or perhaps based upon the money/knowledge they could provide? Unfortunately, that aspect of the story is not very clearly explained. It seems that the author took more time to focus on the intricacies of the relationships than the world building.

Sometimes the author was redundant, choosing to repeat the same fears/desire over and over again. Yes, we understand that the medicine is missing. Was it flung from the ship before the crash or during? Can they survive without it? We don't know yet, but if we didn't realize the medicine was important the first time it was mentioned... We certainly realized it after the tenth.

This book has a very unique concept in that it combines the post-apocalyptic Hunger Games or Divergent-type Earth with space. While it may exist in other novels, I've not yet read something similar. Where it does seem to follow typical YA novels is the fact that it has a love triangle. Those seem like they are a requirement, as they are in most popular young adult novels. (HG, Divergent, TMI, Vampire Diaries, etc.)

There is a bit of mystery in the book as well. It seems that the reason one of the characters is arrested must be kept a secret, even from the reader. The author continuously has the girl think to herself, 'Why isn't he asking me about my confinement?', 'He's happy, this is for the best [that he doesn't know.]', and even has her love interest say "I heard a rumor about a girl on Phoenix who was arrested for..." Yes, there was a dramatic pause. And no, he does not finish his sentence. After the third or fourth time, the author finally reveals the girl's situation during a flashback.

Throughout the novel, the author develops the relationship between two main characters. Unfortunately, it's a bit jarring and sporadic. It quickly jumps from bitter hatred from the moment they step foot on Earth to reconciliation after one act, then back to hatred. Again, after one act. While relationships can be a roller coaster, this is a bit too authentic to the carnival ride.

The relationship is not perfect, especially when she has a second possible love interest. A guy who after only a short while, thinks of only her before he falls asleep. That girl must be something. The first time they really spend any time together, he decides that making out is the best course of action. Much to the dismay of her other love interest, though it does not dissuade him. Sound familiar?

It doesn't take long before he snaps at her and their brief... Whatever it was is over. Or is it?

They must be masochists, because it seems they're just gluttons for punishment and emotional, gut wrenching hurt... Or just those that don't learn from history. (Doomed to repeat it and all that.) Who would continuously subject themselves to that kind of torment? Move on and let yourself heal. It's not a post-apocalyptic world that only the two of you can repopulate... There are other individuals in camp with you. (Like the second guy you may or may not like, but that you certainly make out with in the woods.) But that's just my perspective.

While I found myself bemused and skeptical at times about certain aspects of the book, none of those times corresponded to the purposefully exaggerated environment that they must adapt to on Earth. Rather it is the progression of relationships, situations characters find themselves in, and utterly disastrous karmic intervention. Seriously, they must have really messed with the world for it to so perfectly separate two lovers as it does.

I suspected there would be a particular plot twist and unsurprisingly it came to fruition approximately 98% of the way through the book. I'm intrigued to see where the author takes it and how it will develop in the sequel - The 100: Day
21 (which is next on my review list!)

I find myself enjoying the read, dispute the obvious flaws one notices whilst reading it. If you take it as an easy, enjoyable read - then that is what you will come away with. If you expect it to be a fantastic piece that delves into the human psyche to truly draw you into a character's life and relationships - then you will be quite disappointed. Overall, I would recommend this novel to those who enjoy dystopian, teen romance series.
Then She Was Gone
Then She Was Gone
Lisa Jewell | 2017 | Thriller
8.1 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
I Loved This Book
Ten years ago, Ellie Mack went missing. The police think she is just another teenage runaway, but her mother, Laurel, doesn't believe that for a second. Ellie's disappearance destroyed the family and now that her remains have been found, Laurel will finally have some closure. When she meets Floyd, it's like she's getting a second chance at life. But when she meets his daughter, Poppy, life comes to an alarming halt. Poppy looks so much like Ellie, but why? Of course people look like other people all the time, but there is just something about this child that keeps Ellie at the forefront. When Laurel discovers a connection between Floyd and her family, she embarks on a journey to find out exactly what happened to her daughter and who did it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for the opportunity to read and review this book.

After the first few chapters of this book, I figured out a few things about this story that I think most readers will discover as well. But the thing that made this book so hard to put down was how it was all going to come together, it's an incredible journey.

Losing a child is the most painful experience. When Laurel loses Ellis, her whole world is turned upside down and she can no longer function as she once did. She stops cooking for her family, her relationships become strained and eventually she and her husband divorce. Once they find the body of her daughter, the pain becomes a little less since she now has some closure. But why does this young girl look so much like her dead daughter. Did Floyd have something to do with Ellie's disappearance and death? Her family doesn't get a good vibe from this man, but Laurel feels as if she needs to stay with him until the whole truth is revealed.

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated The Mercies in Books

Jan 23, 2020 (Updated Jan 23, 2020)  
The Mercies
The Mercies
Kiran Millwood Hargrave | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Chilling Tale of Witch Hunting
Throughout this book, I felt cold and kept having to pile on the blankets. The writing so effectively evoked the feelings of being in a remote Norway setting in the 17th Century - burrrrrr. The writing style took a little getting used to but it really added to the atmosphere in terms of the historical and geographical setting making for an engrossing historical fiction.

The book begins with a freak storm killing most (all the able-bodied) men who were fishing from the small village of Vardo. (This is based on a true story - the storm thing really did happen to a village of that time.) It’s a horrific tragedy and the women left behind have to work out how to survive without their husbands and sons. From the village, the tale is told from the perspective of Maren who loses her father, brother and betrothed.

With news of the circumstances of the village spreading a commissioner is appointed and travels from Scotland to oversee the village (because God only knows what could happen if you left women to sort stuff out themselves!!) It being the 17th Century, travel takes a long time and he stops off to get himself a wife on the way (must-have travel accessory) so the village gets by for many a year without oversight. With the arrival of the commissioner and his wife (Ursa) life again gets turned on its head as it turns out the new Commissioner has a knack for witch-hunting.

Although I found the pace a bit too slow for my liking it had a great feel and really evoked the frustration for the world women lived in at the time. With at times graphic descriptions of the way witch hunts were operated it’s at times a hard read. With the slow build, I did find the ending a bit rushed and unsatisfying but was left with plenty to reflect upon.

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

ClareR (5674 KP) Jan 23, 2020

Ooh, I have this book to review from NetGalley too - I’m looking forward to it now!!😊


Eleanor (1463 KP) Jan 25, 2020

Hope you enjoy it 😊


LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Cult Of Chucky (2017) in Movies

Jan 7, 2020 (Updated Jan 22, 2020)  
Cult Of Chucky (2017)
Cult Of Chucky (2017)
2017 | Horror
Honestly - I genuinely enjoyed Cult of Chucky. Is it a guilty pleasure? Perhaps, but not as much as some of the other films in the franchise.

There are a few thing that set it apart from the others though - the way the whole thing is shot for a start. Don Mancini captures multiple great and memorable shots throughout (even verging on arty sometimes!) and his use of minimal colours and clinical white settings give it a very stand-out look when compared to the rest of the series. It also makes for some striking visuals when all the violence kicks off in the second half of the movie.
Here's another way it stands out - Cult of Chucky is easily the most gory Child's Play entry, making use of both great practical effects and questionable CGI to get the job done, but it ultimately achieves what it sets out to do.
That gore factor carries an element of horror with it, and Mancini is keen to prove that Chucky is way past the hammier Bride and Seed days.

The main human cast are pretty run of the mill, with exception of Fiona Dourif, once again, a really likable protagonist who is easy to root for.
In terms of pacing, Cult has a pretty slow building first half, but it's not much of a problem, as the closing half is just flat out ridiculous, to the point where it's hugely entertaining.
Throw in some solid links to characters from the original trilogy (with the same damn actors no less!) and you have a mostly decent slice of silly horror fun.

If the original Child's Play franchise indeed comes to a close with Cult, then it can be comfortable in the fact that's it bowed out nicely, although I do hope there's more to come.
I can just about found a handful of things to like about every film in the series (except Child's Play 3, fuck that film) so it would be a damn shame to.not see where the story goes.
Invisible Girl
Invisible Girl
Lisa Jewell | 2020 | Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A dark, creepy read full of surprises
Owen Pick, a teacher in his thirties, has never had a relationship with a women. He's barely even had a successful date. He's teased by the young female students at the college where he works. He lives in a flat owned by his elderly aunt and recently has found solace on incel forums. Across the street from Owen lives the Fours family. They, frankly, find Owen creepy, especially mom Cate and her teenage daughter. Dad, Roan, a child psychologist, is too busy with work to care that much, while their teenage son is basically the only one Cate doesn't need to worry about. And then there's Saffyre Maddox. Now seventeen, Saffyre, was once a patient of Roan's. She misses their connection and seeks to maintain it by following him. Then, one night, Saffyre disappears, and it seems like Owen was the last person to see her. What truly happened to Saffyre?

After a bit of a slump with thrillers, I'm on a roll (though what's with ambiguous endings lately?). This was a creepy and ominous read! There is a lot going on here--Saffyre and her childhood issues; Owen and his many problems with women; and the complete dysfunction of the Fours family--but Jewell does a good job weaving them all together. The result is a tense and dark novel that keeps you guessing the entire time.

"I have a dark past, and I have dark thoughts." ~Saffyre

This is an engaging read, with Saffyre, Cate, and Owen turning into dynamic and unique voices. It's also ominous, with the overriding sense that something bad is going to happen. Secrets are the name of the game here, and Jewell turns the sexual predator theme on its head a bit. There's also plenty of revenge and strong women, which is great.

I wasn't a fan of the ending, which leaves things up in the end, but this is still a twisty ride with interesting characters and a different plot. 4 stars.