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I believe in giving honest reviews, and this one will be the same as all my other. Honest. My thoughts on this book? Ugh. That's right. Ugh. I was very disappointed in how this book turned out. I am usually a big fan of all of Suzanne Woods Fisher's novels but this one was......well, frankly, bland. Very bland. I could not get into it easily. It took me many tries to actually get to the end of the story and by that point I was so frustrated with the way it was written that it lost all appeal to me.

That said, I personally can not give this book more than 2 stars. However, just because I found the characters lacking and the story line flat, does not mean that you or someone you know may feel the same way, so I do still encourage you to give it a try. It's just not a book for me. Does this mean I have given up on reading Suzanne's books? Absolutly not. Sometimes, an author goes through down times just like every person in life. I will definitely give the next book in this series a try and hope that it's not quite so bland.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell Books and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
World, Incorporated
World, Incorporated
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
World, Incorporated by Tom Gariffo is a sci-fi novel set in the near future where the world is run by businesses instead of government officials like we have today. I found this book to be rough the first half, but entertaining in the second half. I had felt like the story had been lackluster in the beginning but picked up towards the end. Although the ending was fairly decent, I still can’t say that this is an amazing read.

In World, Incorporated the reader is mainly following around Agent Silver, who is just a complete dissident. He ends up acquiring some travel companions who had tried to kill him in one way or another without his boss knowing while his aircraft is keeping information from him. You learn the history of the world through weblogs and news articles that the Agent had acquired in his own personal research. He used them to try to inform one of his companions, Kelly, about the world around her. Kelly lived in the country side where her parents kept her from the new world that existed around her. As you follow the main characters around, you are able to witness battles, suspense and plain human emotion as they grow into better people. Towards the end you find Agent Silver’s real goals and how he changes from the beginning of the novel.

At first, I had found the book boring and hard to stick it out. The articles on the history on how the world had become to be what it was just didn’t hold my interest. I understand their purpose; I just wish Tom Gariffo had chosen another way to convey the information to the reader. Even though that information had help shaped some of the way the reader was able to understand that way the supercorporations had been able to take over the and control areas and such and why it was so, it still left quite a few questions about certain topics revolving around the supercorporations. However, for the few things that had been left without answers at the beginning, I found some answers were revealed in the last chapter of the book.

The last chapter of the book, you got to really see how friendships of all kinds can really help a person grow and change their own ways. Although Agent Silver had been a loner, seeing how his perspective changed over time was a very realistic touch to a character that I personally believed was just a cold killer beginning to grow soft. I found that World, Incorporated was fairly interesting in how the world and how society could change in just a few short decades due to how corporations merge and became bigger and ultimately supercorporations who would end up ruling over areas and zones of the world that they would have agreements with the other supercorporations to have control of. This brought up the idea that money and businesses are what our world is slowing turning towards for power. Though, it is already a topic among some people around us now, to see how that could easily be a reality if we keep up with the way things are going now.

I would rate World, Incorporated 3 stars out of 4 stars. As I had stated earlier, I had some troubles getting through the first half of the novel, but found the second half to hold my interest. Though the novel wasn’t a real page turner in my opinion, I still found the story line very good, if you make it past the history lessons. I would probably recommend this to a few of my friends and family, but only to the ones who I know would stick it out to get to the amazing parts of the story.

Though I don’t believe this is a must read, I found World, Incorporated to be a fairly decent book with a lot of thought on how our world will turn out to be in the fairly near future. Though some of it seems unlikely to ever come to pass, it does cause the reader to think deeply on the said issues and what they would do should something similar come to pass for real. It does follow its sci-fi genre requirements and causes a lot of questioning to happen within the reader’s mind. Once again, I enjoyed most of the book and the thoughts it provoked in me, and I hope that you will as well.
Since this is the second in the series and emphasizes the story from the first part, I will include my review from that.

This is supposed to be a Snow White retelling but I really couldn’t see it. Regardless, it’s an erotic fairytale retelling which is right up my alley. It’s heavy on the erotica while still having enough plot to push the story forward. Normally I would be aggravated that this story is divided into three parts but I knew that going in and already had the rest of the story so I didn’t have to wait for the rest.

I love friends to lovers stories, especially childhood friends. I would like to say I enjoyed the premise to this story but honestly I thought it was stupid. I wish I had better word but there it is. Now you may be saying “but you knew that going in!” Honestly, I was hoping it was going to be a ménage. I guess it was just wishful thinking, because what I got instead was the age old “hey let me ask my male friend how to seduce this other male but wait my friend wants me” trope.

As the second in the series, Snow’s Submission continues with the heat and erotic scenes. However, I found myself disenchanted with Snow. I felt like she could have been a stronger lead and I wasn’t happy with how she handled the situation. At the same time, I understand the predicament she was in and furious with those who put her there.

That being said, I won’t ruin anything for you.

BobbiesDustyPages (1259 KP) rated Justice League (2017) in Movies

Feb 7, 2018 (Updated Mar 24, 2018)  
Justice League (2017)
Justice League (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Wonder Woman (3 more)
Aquaman in the water
Aquaman out of the water
let's be real just Jason Momoa
everything else (0 more)
I am so glad I didn't end up wasting my money to see this.
I demand they give me back the two hours of my life I wasted watching this piece of utter garbage.

Following the absolute success that was Wonder Woman, I had such high expectations for this movie since it seemed that DC finally got their shit together when it came to their cinematic releases but low and behold they just couldn't go a second round.

Even though I sat through this entire freaking movie I can not tell you what the actual plot was or who the villain even was...I honestly don't even remember what happened at the end because I found myself so bored throughout the entire movie. I really wish they would have built up all the other characters The Flash, Cyborg, and Aquaman just felt slapped together.
Shadow Embraced (Haven, #1)
Shadow Embraced (Haven, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
***I received a copy off NetGalley in exchange for an honest review***

3.5 stars.

I enjoyed this but we seemed to just jump into the story without any real explanation. I found myself baffled at the beginning; we just start with a fight out of nowhere and I if I'm honest it started a little strange...

I continued to be baffled until we got to the school, that was when it started to pick up for me and I got quite into the story. I enjoyed the mystery of trying to figure out who was behind the disappearances and wondered if Scar had had anything to do with it during her "visions" but no...though I wont ruin it by giving it away.

I did enjoy it, though. It was different and I like different every so often. If you're into young adult stories with a bit of mystery and intrigue then you will probably love this.
Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018)
Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Horror
The occasional funny bit. (0 more)
The story (2 more)
The horror isn't horrific
The comedy isn't funy
I expected more from this cast
Not sure where to go with this, I don't like starting a a film and not finishing it, so I kept going with it, and by the time that it kicked into gear near the end, I found I had lost all interest and was doing a other things while watching it... Not caring who lived and who died....

I expected good things from a cast that included Michael Sheen, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Margot Robbie... However I was massively disappointed, apart from the very occasional funny bit, the humour didn't work and wasn't funny and the horror until near the end was almost non existent...

I was trying to think of some positive things to say but all I could come up with was that the setting the school was in was beautiful and looked amazing, with doesn't really help with summing up the film...

Die hard Simon Pegg/Nick Frost fans will probably like it, but, I think it's a film that you won't miss anything if you don't bother with it.
Two Rings: A Story of Love and War
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have been interested in the history of WWII for some time, particularly by the Holocaust. I don't know where the interest began. It has nothing to do with my family. My dad was an infant & my mother not even born. As far as I know no one in my family fought it the war. I think more than anything it is the horror of the situation & that people were able to survive despite the atrocities they faced. Ones I can not even begin to imagine.
This memoir tells the story of Millie Werber & her experiences as a Jew in Poland during the war. I found myself amazed that a young woman could go through what she went through & live to tell the tale. I felt like I was holding my breath as I read. It sounds silly being as it is a memoir & I knew she had written it, but I found myself begging for her to be okay, wanting to know what happened next.
It was a surreal read. This book is incredibly well written. It reads like a top notch thriller, one you long to see made into a box office smash. Yet at the same time you know that it is all real...that the person recounting these "stories" actually lived through them. That in itself makes the ending unbelieveable.
I would reccommend this book to anyone interested in that particular time in history. But also to anyone who enjoys an amazing story of survival where one is least expected to occur. This is one of my favorite books ever. READ IT!!!!!!
Sin and Tonic (Sinners #6)
Sin and Tonic (Sinners #6)
Rhys Ford | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
a very fitting end!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

And breathe! Deep breath, it's just a review, Debbie, you can do it!

So! This is book 6 in the Sinners series and I would recommend that you at least read Sinners Gin (book 1) and Absinthe of Malice (book 5) before you read this one. You need to know about Miki and Kane from the beginning since this is the conclusion to their story. Actually, I take that back. Read them ALL, please! Not least because they are 4 and 5 stars reads from me, but because you need these boys in your life, you really do!

Miki is falling apart, and someone is trying to kill him. He finds out his mother's and then his father's name, and all hell breaks loose!

It's been a while (Dec 2016) since I read book 5 and I don't reread, but once I got going, it all comes back to you. Ford spins her tales like no other, and I LOVE her work. It just grabs you, and pulls you kicking and screaming, along for the very bumpy ride that Miki and Kane take you on!

I loved that Miki was finally able to ask for help, because that was a hard fought battle with himself. I loved that he was calling Donal (Kane's father) Dad. oh! I just LOVED IT!!! Loved that I did not see who might be responsible for everything, until it was revealed in the book. Ford has a way of keeping you on your toes!

Very VERY emotional in places, a little bit messy what with dead bodies and things, but so, so bloody awesome!

I can't say much, cos of spoilers and things but read it! Read them ALL!!

It's always sad, coming to the end of a MUCH loved series, but I *think* this actually might be my favourite of the whole series. And of course I want to LISTEN to this, because I really don't hear the voices right, and I NEEEEEEED Tristan James and the Morgan/Finnegan boys and girls in my ear one more time.

So, a very VERY fitting end, and I LOVED the epilogue! And I love love LOVED that Miki was finally able to share Kane a little world the world, more specifically, how much Kane means to him.

A Song For Kane

So throw back the gates of hell,
Pull me down the path I'd walked.
Find me in the darkness,
No matter if I balk.
Sing me a son of redemption,
Sing me a ballad of love and bliss.
Remind of the Heaven,
I found in our first kiss.

Bravo, Ms Ford.

5 full and shiny stars but really, it deserves far more!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Choose Me (Banger Trilogy #1)
Choose Me (Banger Trilogy #1)
Donya Lynne | 2018 | Erotica, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Awesome 5 star read
This is book ONE in the Banger trilogy, which was previously released as 7 part books. I was going to buy them, all 7 books, once they were all out, but life got in the way and I totally forgot about getting. Until I saw they were being rebranded and rereleased as a trilogy. They were released on Jan 1st 2018 and I purchased all three in one.

And let me ya!! You NEED all three before you start!! Seriosuly, DO NOT attempt these books til you have all three (book one is currently free Jan 6th 2018)

Because this will GRAB you and not let you go! Took me about 90 minutes, to read all 233 pages and I did not move for those 90 minutes!

And you know what?? I did not notice, it did not even occur to me til I was over half way through about something about the way this book is written

First Person
Multi Point of View
Present Tense!

So there I was, merrily reading away, about Katherine and her hunt, about Greyson and his personal affliction and about them doing naughty unexpected things to each other and it hits me! Like a freaking sledgehammer to the face! It hit me that this book, that grabbed me so well, is written in the PRESENT FLIPPING TENSE! For me to get way past half way, for that penny to drop, just shows you how engaging I found Katherine and Greyson.

It is explicit, it's down and dirty. It makes no apologies for being so either! It is, in places, emotional. Not quite the bawl your eyes out, more the kind I wanna stab Katherine's ex's eye out with a blunt pencil, but I have a feeling the bawling is to come. Oh yes, I know its-a-coming!

I Love Ms Lynne's work, and this is an excellent addition to her library.

Off to read book 2, Covet Me now.

5 full and sexy stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

ClareR (5674 KP) rated The Dreamers in Books

Nov 6, 2018  
The Dreamers
The Dreamers
Karen Thompson Walker | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
You may be nervous about going to sleep after reading this!
I've had to give this a day to sink in before writing about it. It has stayed with me, and I think it's because of the dreamlike style that it's written in. Which is apt, because this is a story of an illness, a virus, that causes those who contract it to fall asleep and stay asleep for days, weeks or months. There are even those who die whilst asleep.
This story is told from multiple perspectives, which I really liked: the dreamers are all affected in different ways, even if the result is the same.
I can honestly say that I found this impossible to put down. It's one of those books that you have to keep reading because you don't want to miss anything (yes, this really is a 'thing' with me, and yes, I know it's not likely to happen). It has been compared to Station Eleven (one of my favourite books), and whilst it's not the same, I can see where they're coming from. Either way, I really enjoyed it.
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book.