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Behind Every Lie
Behind Every Lie
Christina McDonald | 2020 | Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
‏I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

After reading Christina McDonald's The Night Olivia Fell, I was eager to read her latest, Behind Every Lie.

Behind Every Lie has an interesting premise - how can you prove you did not do something if you cannot remember it. Eva Hansen wakes up in a hospital after being struck by lightning. She discovers her mother was murdered and Eva was found just down the street from the murder. She cannot remember what happened but the police doubt her and her convenient memory loss. What follows is a two continent race to solve the mystery before the police arrest her. Did Eva kill her mother? If not, who did?

Both of Christina McDonald's books grabbed me right at the beginning and kept me there throughout the whole story. I was worried because I rarely believe a book is 5 stars. It has to blow me away. I gave The Night Olivia Fell 5 stars. I was hoping Christina McDonald was not a "one and done" author. Behind Every Lie proves she is not. While I did not give Behind Every Lie 5 stars, it did earn a well-deserved 4 and ensured Christina McDonald is an author I will continue to read.

This 200-word review was published on on 2/27/20.
Everything Begins and Ends at the Kentucky Club by Benjamin Alire Śenz was a recommended to me by a dear friend. It definitely was an experience.

This book is filled with short stories that take place at the Kentucky Club which is located in Júrez. Each story takes you through the life of someone that is experiences a hardship. The hardships are real, and the stories written between these pages can tug on your heart strings.

I will admit, I had a hard time relating to some of these stories. I found that a lot of the stories in this book were of situations that I had no experience with. I have never questioned my sexuality, nor have I had to deal with death or living in a rough part of town so I had a pretty hard time relating to the characters. With that said, it was fascinating to try to relate to the characters. I wanted to know what they were experiencing and I wanted to be able to relate in some way.

I also had a hard time reading this novel because of the writing. I'm not a huge fan of novels that constantly start their sentences with pronouns. When reading a book I tend to like when the author starts sentences with other words and not just "he, she, it, or the person's name." When I see this happen, I tend to become disconnected with the story.

Ultimately, I give this book 3 cups of coffee due to the fact that I wish that I felt more connected with the characters. It was a good book, but I found it hard to relate with the characters.
Violet Souls (The Evoxian Legacies #1)
Violet Souls (The Evoxian Legacies #1)
Abbey MacMunn | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Violet Souls (The Evoxian Legacies #1) by Abbey MacMunn
Violet Souls is the first book in The Evoxian Legacies, which tells us about violet-eyed aliens living amongst the humans here on Earth. Bree is one such alien, although she doesn't know it. She has always felt differently to the others, but never knew why. She wears blue contact lenses to hide her violet eyes, as she was teased when she was younger. When she searches for more information on her birth parents, it opens up a whole new world of which she was unaware.

This started off really well, with plenty of action and build up to her actually finding out just who, or what, she is. Bree is a no-nonsense character, determined to do what is right by her daughter. I think the thing for me is that Bree was just too laid back! If I found out I was an alien from another world, which is dying, and I have a soul mate I chose when I was a baby, oh, and my talisman grants me a special power too. No matter how relaxed I tended to be in 'normal' life, I think I would still have some sort of panic attack over all of the above. Not Bree though, nope, not happening. You can throw what you want at this woman, and she won't even blink an eye. Torture? Boring. Death of an enemy turned friend to helped her? So yesterday. Daughter ageing quickly? It's fine. I liked Bree, I really did, but I found her emotions definitely needed broadening.

On the whole, this was a great start to the series, and an epic cast of supporting characters I would love to learn more about. There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow (unless you count the emotional distance). This IS the start of a new series, so be prepared for world and character building, which you always need. I can't wait to see where this series will go. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Prisoner of Heaven
The Prisoner of Heaven
Carlos Ruiz Zafón | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>The Prisoner of Heaven</i> by Carlos Ruiz Zafón is part of a cycle of novels known collectively as <i>The Cemetery of Forgotten Books</i>. At the moment there are three books (the other two being <i>The Shadow of the Wind</i> and <i>The Angel’s Game</i>) and they are all independent stories whose characters and themes overlap, meaning that they can be read in any order. Despite this I think it that you would get more out of each story if you read them in order of publication.

My experience of <i>The Prisoner of Heaven</i> would be different from those who have not read the previous two books. I read <i>The Shadow of the Wind</i> when I was quite young and, although I probably did not understand it that well, I was able to recognize and understand certain references to that particular storyline. I have also read <i>The Angel’s Game</i> – also a number of years ago, which I found quite terrifying – which meant I had the background knowledge of a particular character. Having said that, Zafón provides enough information for new readers to understand what is going on.

The story is written in several parts beginning in Barcelona at Christmas in 1957. The sections set during this time period are narrated by Daniel Sempere (the main character from <i>The Shadow of the Wind</i>) who works alongside his father in the bookshop <i>Sempere & Sons</i>. One day a mysterious customer buys and leaves a copy of an expensive novel for Daniel’s friend and work colleague Fermín Romero de Torres. This leads us to the middle sections, the key part of the plot in which, told in third person narrative in order to differentiate from the “current day” (1957), we discover the character Fermín’s past and who the mysterious customer was. David Martín, the main character in <i>The Angel’s Game</i>, makes a significant appearance in this part.

During the remaining parts, told once again from Daniel’s point of view, I kept expecting something major to happen as I did not feel that the novel had reached it’s climax. But nothing happened which was slightly disappointing (although I was also relieved as I feared I would find this book scary as I did with <i>The Angel’s Game</i> – I didn’t). However I do believe that the final book in this cycle will continue with and tie up the loose ends in <i>The Prisoner of Heaven</i> – another reason to have read the books in order in my view.

Overall I enjoyed the book. I definitely prefer it to <i>The Angel’s Game</i>, which I found confusing and slightly unnerving. I cannot compare it easily with <i>The Shadow of the Wind</i> for, as already mentioned, it has been such a long time since I read it. I would certainly recommend this book (and series) particularly to those who enjoy historical fiction and mysteries.
Monsieur Gainsbourg Originals by Serge Gainsbourg
Monsieur Gainsbourg Originals by Serge Gainsbourg
2006 | Pop
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I’d known nothing of Serge Gainsbourg until I was co-producing an album by a French group called Louise Attaque. Their first album ended up being the biggest rock album in France, which was an amazing thing. Being with these French people and making this album, myself and my co-producer asked, ‘Well, what music would you recommend for us to listen to, things that we might not know that you could tell us about. What do you like? Because we like your music and what you do, so what is it that you like?’ This was the first thing that somebody there said, ‘This is what you have to hear, this is great,’ and it just struck me that way. We went to a big record store and said to everybody in the band, ‘Why don’t you pick out music for us? What’s the two or three CDs that are the best, or that you think we need to hear?’ We wouldn’t know a lot of this or maybe any of it, and one of them recommended this and everybody agreed, ‘This is something you need to hear.’ It didn’t sound like anything I’d heard before and I immediately liked it very much, the whole album. And then I found out about Serge Gainsbourg and all the things he did for decades, all different kinds of music. I think he’s really one of the great ones"


Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Baby Teeth in Books

Mar 11, 2019  
Baby Teeth
Baby Teeth
Zoje Stage | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
Hanna is seven. She's a cute little thing in the eyes of her father, Alex, who thinks she can do no wrong. Hanna wants nothing more than life to be Hanna-and-Daddy forever. Her mother, Suzette, is exhausted by life with Hanna, which is nothing but endless manipulations, anger, tantrums, and now, escalating violence. Hanna doesn't speak, but she has her special ways of hurting her mother. She's been kicked out of several schools for her behavior, and Suzette is done. Even worse, Alex can't seem to acknowledge that something is off with Hanna's behavior.

"Every win for Hanna was a you-lose for Mommy."

I'd been putting off reading this book for a bit because I'd heard that it was creepy and disturbing, and I can confirm that yes, it is both of those things. Ha. I can't say I'm particularly glad that I read it, though it's an interesting read and certainly different. It mostly held my interest, but after all the hype, I found myself a little letdown: there really wasn't all that much to the story. I found myself waiting that twist, that something special that never came.

Still, Stage does an excellent job of capturing Hanna's child-like voice and telling a story from her unique perspective. The tale alternates between chapters from Hanna's perspective and then Suzette's, and I can't deny that you'll find yourself a little freaked out after reading Hanna's. The book is eerie and disturbing; it's hard to believe, yet not, as it's certainly effectively told. There are some tough moments to read and it's definitely not always for the faint of heart.

I had a tough time empathizing with our adult characters--our cast is mainly limited to the family unit, and I didn't care much for either Alex or Suzette. We are probably supposed to feel bad for Suzette, as she's struggling with both Hanna and failing health (having had Crohn's disease since childhood). And I did, at times, but she talked so much, and kept rehashing things, and I just wanted to shake her to wake up, get a grip, and deal with everything. So yeah. And her husband was just clueless and ugh.

Hanna was a much tougher one--as a parent, I found this one hard. Of course, you want to believe and care for a small child. Yet, you can also empathize with a mom who feels like they need a break from their child. I enjoyed how the book made you think about these kind of things as Hanna started to escalate. What would you do in this situation? How did things get to this point? That's where it is interesting. Some of the best parts are the oozing tension and unease that pervade the whole novel.

Unfortunately, it doesn't completely capitalize on that uneasiness, leaving you a little deflated by the end. I was actually hoping for a little more creepiness, a little less character-study. I definitely enjoyed pieces of this one, and I'd still recommend it due to how different it is.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
Inside Out (2015)
Inside Out (2015)
2015 | Animation, Comedy, Drama
Not what I was expecting (0 more)
Not really sure what age this is ranged at because although everything seems very child friendly and like a typical Disney movie the hidden themes suggest otherwise. To be honest though I think they did a good job for presenting these themes.
I watched this when I was about 17 and found it ok if a bit simplified in some area which is to be expected it being mainly family orientated but to be honest I love a bit of Disney to cheer me up although obviously I didn't get that from this.

Despite my personal tastes the movie itself has a good solid plot and a relatable and identifiable character as the main character is just experiencing regular life. I did like how they didn't shy away from presenting what happens when you can be in a bad situation as it increases awareness.
Cool as Ice (1991)
Cool as Ice (1991)
1991 | Action, Comedy, Drama
2.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Fun dancing? (0 more)
Horrible acting (3 more)
Characters are not likeable
Lack of plot
Rap music
Errr what was it about again?
I found this to be a horrible movie and so boring. I went into it hoping it was going to be so bad it's good but it wasn't.

Firstmost I hate rap music so this was not for me. The dancing was fun but that's all there was.

I could not explain the plot to you, I didn't get it. Vanilla Ice's character was not likeable 1 bit and the other characters felt as bad. I don't even remember any of the characters names. However I do feel the female lead did the best with what she was given. The writing was pretty horrible.

Completely forgettable, wouldn't watch again. If your going to watch it for a laugh, have a few drinks with some friends.
The Night Before Christmas
The Night Before Christmas
Clement C. Moore | 2014 | Children
8.8 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
With Christmas fast approaching I realised that we don't own a copy of The Night Before Christmas. Therefore I began my hunt for a copy that my three year old would enjoy. I wanted something with vivid color and interaction. The pages are very busy and there is something new to see each time we open the pages. The traditional poem has always been one of my favorites. The illustrations add life to the words. My son loves it and keeps asking to "Read Santa!" and he goes around saying "Dash away! Dash away!" If you too are on the hunt for The Night Before Christmas, I recommend this copy. Eventually I would like a classic hard copy of this poem to own, but this year I am settling for a digital copy of this version that I found through our local library. May your season be filled with Christmas cheer!