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Kristina (502 KP) rated Verity in Books

Dec 7, 2020  
Colleen Hoover | 2018 | Romance
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
First off... WTF?!?!
I did NOT want to put this book down! Unfortunately, the body cannot function without sleep and I'd denied mine too much in the days leading up to starting Verity. I know better than to begin a new book at night because I'm always convincing myself of one more chapter. But, I mean, it's Colleen Hoover, how could I deny myself the simple pleasure of just one... or eleven chapters before I lay my head down at night?
I finished the book as soon as I got up the next day, all in one sitting, my eyes refusing to be torn away from the pages. With each chapter, I grew more and more concerned. I was freaked out more often than not. There was still that oddly recognizable voice that belonged to Colleen in most areas, but there were moments when I had to remind myself who the author really was. At one particular point, I could literally describe myself as numb. I had to set my book down and stare vacantly at my wall for a solid five minutes, my eyes not even in focus, as I absorbed the insanity of what I was reading. With each word read from Verity's manuscript, I kept telling myself it couldn't get worse, but somehow it did. Then I reached the epilogue and thought, surely, it would focus on a happily ever after to cleanse my mind of the atrocious events leading up to it. But no. Colleen knew better than to do that. Instead, the epilogue ended on a twist so disturbing, so crazy, I'm still not sure what to believe!
For the last few months, before I heard about Verity's release and the genre Colleen was thinking about stepping her foot in, I'd been finding myself leaning more toward thriller mysteries instead of the romance I've always read. And now I know why. I was unknowingly preparing myself for Verity, putting myself in the right mindset and headspace. And Colleen still blew me away.

Bethr1986 (305 KP) rated The Reaper in Books

Feb 17, 2023  
The Reaper
The Reaper
Rae Scott | 2022 | Contemporary, Crime, LGBTQ+, Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Mel is a detective who is one month away from retirement she cannot wait for! She's then lumbered with Nat, a rookie on a high-octane case with a lot at stake! As she gets to know her new partner/trainee, she likes the way she works and thinks. She reminds Mel of herself so finds herself guiding her in any way she can in trying to discover the true identity of The Reaper.

I enjoyed this story from start to finish. I was gripped from the start and was second-guessing all the way through. I genuinely hadn't got a clue whodunit it was a great surprise. I don't want to say too much about it as I don't want to give anything away but I was certainly confused. There is a lot of detail in this book that helps you make a picture of what is going on not enough to give you the answers but to get the finer details.

Rae Scott has got a way of writing that has captivated me from the start and kept me right through to the end. I'm hoping that there will be a second book and this can be made into a 2 part series or even more. It was fantastic!

A recommended read.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **


* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
The writing is well done, and very easy to understand. The descriptions of the world are good, especially when discussing social aspects. The world is built well, with enough history given, but without overloading with too much information or facts. Although the writing is good, the character development is mediocre. The main character never really learns her lesson until it is much too late, and is hell bent on revenge before anything else. There isn't a lot of opportunity for growth, though she struggles in the beginning, it would be more empowering to see her 'fall' be a little more dramatic as far as her standards she was used to. It's mentioned but I feel that her emotions could've been better explored. For a 'biblical fiction' I enjoyed the story and historical information.

I was provided a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Our Little Cruelties
Our Little Cruelties
Liz Nugent | 2020 | Thriller
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Interesting (2 more)
Great characters
Creates emotion
Not a thriller (0 more)
Does a lot with little
This was not exactly as I perceived it, I thought it would be a thriller/crime fiction type story but it is not. However, that doesn't detract from how good it is.

The story is full of twists and turns, that slowly unwind the characters and explain why they are how they are, sort of. I think the characters are brilliant and the way they are described/actions they take just makes you hate them.

Overall its sad to think that families are like this and it was interesting to see the same events from different viewpoints. I liked that the time frames shifted but were still easy to follow, when I first realised this I was apprehensive as I often forget to read the chapter name as I'm too excited to crack on.

There could have been more delving into the many mental health issues in the book. I also didn't like the hinting towards mental health being hereditary.
Digging Deep (Digging Deep #1)
Digging Deep (Digging Deep #1)
Jay Hogan | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Digging Deep (Digging Deep #1) by Jay Hogan
Digging Deep is the first book in the series of the same name, and it goes off with an exceptional bang!!! Due to my work history, I have a good amount of knowledge to do with Crohn's Disease, and how they may end up with ostomy bags in particular. However, this story made it all so much more real! No more dry text books for me. I was able to relate on a much more personal level, seeing the impact it had on both Drake and Caleb respectively.

Both of these characters stole my heart. From the sassy yet oh-so-prickly midwife, to the caring and considerate ex-man-whore who wants to try this "romance shit" with the guy who's gotten under his skin. There was only one issue that was never fully answered to my satisfaction (😉), and that was Leanne. Why was she 'off', as Caleb put it? I understand how the review because of the child would affect her, but that was sorted, and she was still not right? I'm not sure if I missed anything or not, but this is just a minor point, which has absolutely nothing to do with my total enjoyment of this book.

Excellently written, with enough detail for you to sympathise with the main characters without it taking over the whole story. I don't think there were any editing or grammatical errors in this book, but to be honest, I was too engrossed with the story. I was intrigued by the blurb, and simply fascinated by the story itself. Absolutely recommended by me, and I really can't wait to continue with the series!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
All style, too much substance
I'm a big Tarantino fan and I really wanted to like this film, but I'm afraid like The Hateful Eight before it, I just found it far too rambling and long winded.

Don't get me wrong, I get what he was trying to do here with the classic Hollywood era, I just think it has been poorly executed. Instead of going for 'all style, no substance', Tarantino appears to have gone for all style and too much substance. Visually this film looks stunning, the set design and the costumes look amazing. The cast are brilliant, there's some great supporting faces in this and truly marvellous turns from Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio. Honestly it's these two that kept my attention for the nearly 3 hour run time. The ideas are good and the dialogue is good, the problem is that there's just way too much of it. Every scene has been dragged out way past the point of enjoyment, and there are so many pointless scenes in this that could easily have been cut out without affecting the barely there plot. He could've at least replaced some of these dragged out scenes with more of a main plot, especially as the only thing interesting about this film was the small bits with the Mansons in it.

I'm starting to wonder if Tarantino is becoming a bit complacent. He's known for his dialogue, but this is just too much. Its worrying when a 3 hour film gets interesting 15 minutes towards the end, which is the only time we see any in depth violence. Had this film been cut by at least an hour, it would've actually been very good. It's just a shame it had to ramble on for so long.

I've marked this higher than I probably should, but only because there is a lot to appreciate in this film and some wonderful performances, it just should've been in a much shorter runtime. I havent seen The Hateful Eight since it was on at the cinema as I can't bear to put myself through it again, and I'm afraid to say it's the same for this.
Home (Songbird, #4)
Home (Songbird, #4)
Melissa Pearl | 2015 | Contemporary, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rachel has everything that she could ask for but she doesn't realise it as she's too busy chasing a dream based on her mother's last words. We travel with her to the City of Angels where she finds out that there is a dark side that she never even anticipated.

I really enjoyed this book and the two main characters, but I did have to remind myself that Rachel was making decisions based on an 18-year-old's perspective. She was very young and very naive and part of me actually wanted her to stay that way but another part of me was wanting to shake some sense into her.

I loved the appearances of Jody, Leo and Angel. It was a perfect cameo for them and I really hope to see more of all of them.

This story is well-written and with a fast-flowing plot. Another excellent book in the Songbird series. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 4, 2015
Book Love
Book Love
Debbie Tung | 2019 | Comics & Graphic Novels
9.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Illustrations (0 more)
Easy to relate to and so much fun to read
When browsing NetGalley I couldn't believe my eyes that Debbie Tung's latest book was there and a Read Now too! I was so excited to start this book though I was nervous that it wouldn't live up to her previous book. I'm definitely glad that it lived up to my expectations.

I fell in love with Debbie Tung's comics when I saw them on facebook. I fell even more in love with her comics when I read her first book "Quite Girl in a Noisy World." Book love has the same feel as Quite Girl in a Noisy world but removes the introvert part and substitutes a book reader instead. I love how much fun this book was. Half the time I was convinced that the author has followed me around. Some of the comics seemed to be taken straight from my life.

I love the illustrations and I love the style the comics are in. It has a simplicity and yet on certain pages, it's complex. I just found myself in awe of Debbie Tung's abilities. This book resonates with me just like her first book but in a different kind of way.

I could definitely see any reader loving this book. It's easy to relate to and so much fun to read.

**I received this book for free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**
The English Breakfast Murder
The English Breakfast Murder
Laura Childs | 2018 | Mystery
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Worst one of the series
Contains spoilers, click to show
***Spoilers ahead you’ve been warned***

This would have to be the worst book in the series so far. I read this through because I just wanted to get to the end of it in the hopes of having somewhat of a satisfying ending but even that was denied.

The plot wasn’t that interesting. It tried to have intrigue and mystery but it was severely lacking. What you read more was more tea parties than anything else. Yes, she owns a tea shop and has two large events that somehow took over nearly half of the book. The mystery takes a back seat in this book and it’s disappointing. The pace of the book was slow and although it tried to make it a little engaging with two issues going on at once it wasn’t enough to really capture my attention.

I wasn’t even that interested in the suspects. Nothing stood out and even when it was revealed it was so lackluster. There wasn’t much of an action scene and it completely did a nose dive. The suspect was nabbed. Done. No explanation, no way to tie the loose ends. Everything was just left open and unfinished. I have no idea what in the world happened in this book with the mystery aspect of it. Then there was the issue with Nadine being a complete kleptomaniac. Okay, she stole stuff….so...what ever happened to the items she stole? Nothing was said. Was it ever recovered? And Delaine, lordy. She got the point where she became annoying everytime she appeared in a scene.

I read this book just because it was following the series. I think the next one will determine if I continue on with it or not. It’s too bad. I actually enjoyed these and thought they were quaint little mysteries to get into after heavy reads. Not so with this one. You could probably skip this one and go to the following. You’re not missing anything.
Clockwork Angel
Clockwork Angel
Cassandra Clare | 2010 | Children
9.0 (37 Ratings)
Book Rating
Clare exceeds expectations with Clockwork Angel
Clockwork Angel is the first in a trilogy of books. This series is a prequel to The Mortal Instruments, also written by Cassandra Clare. Tessa traveled to London to live with her brother, when he appears missing she is captured. Saved by Will, Tessa lives within the institute with the Shadowhunters helping to find Nate, whilst also finding out what the Magister's evil plan is.

I've heard so many times that The Infernal Devices is so much better than the Mortal Instruments. In comparison I can definitely agree the writing and overall plot is improved. The main issue I had was that in some cases, it was too similar to The Mortal Instruments. My instant thought was Will was similar to Jace although I'm unsure if this was intentional or not. The love triangle was also reminiscent of Clare's previous work.

I enjoyed that Clockwork Angel was set in London rather than New York. I was getting fairly bored of being focused on New York so this gave us a chance to see a new institute. The different location and different time means the institute is extremely different to the one in TMI.

The big question of who is the Magister? in the first chapter was important in the book. I found it both predictable and unpredictable. If Pretty Little Liars has told me anything, if a character claims it's one person, it's probably not them. I was however surprised of who it actually was. So well played, Cassandra Clare.

One of the big improvements is that the adults actually take action. In TMI, there were so many times the teenagers acted purely because the adults weren't doing anything. I was so tired of the adults being incompetent that Charlotte and Henry were a welcome surprise. They also really tried to help Tessa find Nate immediately. There weren't multiple meetings with the Clave before they could do anything.

Clockwork Angel seemed to pick up a lot quicker than TMI and kept pace. The fighting scenes were written better. Less filler content was needed as we already know the world. Although there was a love triangle, a lot less content was put towards building on it. It seemed a lot more like a fantasy than a romance.

Please don't comment any spoilers as I haven't finished the other books yet. But I had a weird thought about Tessa's name being Gray. As the dark sisters are called Black and Dark, does the inclusion of the name Gray fit there? Is this an insight into who she will become? Or who she 'could' become if she is a bad guy? I just thought it was odd to use a name so similar.