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New Boots and Panties by Ian Dury / Ian Dury & The Blockheads
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"Unfortunately I never saw them, but Kilburn & The High Roads [Ian Dury’s first band] used to play near where we were hanging around as kids. I was a couple of years younger than the rest of the band, who went to see them at the Tally-Ho. They were a huge phenomenon round our way. And they made a great album called Handsome, but a lot of the stuff Ian Dury was working towards on that album really came to fruition on New Boots And Panties. It was slightly infused by the whole punk thing, it had that wild energy, but it still had that vaudevillian faded grandeur of the music hall. Again, it’s about comedy and terror: “arseholes, bastards, fucking cunts and pricks” is a pretty fun thing to hear when you’re a teenager, coming out of the speakers! He was pretty acerbic in person. I remember I was with Clive Langer once, our producer, and he said “Ian, I love your work” and Ian said “So fucking what?” That was about the strength of it, with Ian. We got to know him better near the end. He played one of our Madstock gigs, and we recorded a track with him just before he died, called ‘Drip-Fed Fred’, which is rather good. I think he always saw us as slightly usurping him, which is kind of true. He could be very acidic. When he was working in our studio, I remember the police were called a couple of times. But an amazing artist and fantastic lyricist, and of course you listen to some of those songs now, ‘Clever Trevor’, ‘Billericay Dickie’, ‘Plaistow Patricia’ and all that, and they haven’t dated at all."


Frank Black recommended Happy Soup by Baxter Dury in Music (curated)

Happy Soup by Baxter Dury
Happy Soup by Baxter Dury
2011 | Rock
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"I was reading about Ian Dury a few years ago. I'd heard his music before and I must confess, I wasn't that impressed. I found him to be a captivating figure, but the music was just too 1979 funky pub-rock. I didn't relate to it. But I wanted to read about him and then I discovered he had a son named Baxter who's a musician. Since then, I've probably listened to Happy Soup more than any record in the past few years – maybe a thousand times. I've had requests from my wife to please put on a different fucking record. All my five kids know the whole thing by heart because I got obsessed with it. It's starting to get a bit insanity-inducing. I still listen to music like a little kid: I discover something, I like it, and that's all I listen to for a while."


Frank Black recommended Happy Soup by Baxter Dury in Music (curated)

Happy Soup by Baxter Dury
Happy Soup by Baxter Dury
2011 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I was researching Gene Vincent online and that brought me to Ian Dury’s song 'Sweet Gene Vincent'. I was not really familiar with it at that point. I knew his hits and I’d seen him on TV and stuff, but I’d never really connected with his music, though I respect him enormously. I was reading up on him and stumbled onto the fact that he had this son, Baxter Dury, who also does music. I checked out one song on YouTube and went, ‘Oh this is right up my alley’ and I immediately downloaded the whole record. I’ve probably listened to it 75 times in the past two months. It’s become a very important record to me. There’s a variety of things I like about it. I would say, his personality comes through the music. It’s not pretentious. You just have a sense of who he is. I love the dry, minimalist production. I like records without too much ambience on the instruments. I associate dry records with The White Album. He also has this lovely rich, lower voice and that great accent. I’m a fan of that accent from when I worked with Eddie Argos and Art Brut. I find it a pleasant tone. For a British person, accents carry baggage, but not for me. It’s all connected to you people and your culture on the island there."
