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Phantasm: Ravager (2016)
Phantasm: Ravager (2016)
2016 | Horror
Great end to the Phantasm saga!
The final Phantasm film focuses mostly on everyone's favorite former ice cream man ,Reggie, and takes place through multi dimensions..

He keeps shifting through time and locations and is desperately trying to figure out which is real and how he can stop the Tall Man and his death spheres one final time.

The film find of reminded me of the final episode of Star Trek TNG when Captain Picard was kind of doing the same thing. It made the story interesting and not just more of the same. It also was mostly a continuation of the same story with some nostalgia since there had been almost twenty years since the last Phantasm film was made. I liked the continuity, but attempt to make something original.

The make up and special effects ranged from pretty good to almost Sharknado bad, so that was a little distracting.

I enjoyed watching and had a fun time with the Phantasm films in general. Generally speaking a cut above the normal generics horror schlock.


Morgan Sheppard (926 KP) created a post

Mar 5, 2020  
Do you know the difference between Compliment and Complement? 🤣

Hannah and her best friend Jane complement each other perfectly. Hannah loves to tell jokes and Jane loves to laugh, so their personalities are very complementary. Meanwhile, Hannah likes to try different types of food and Jane likes to cook, so in this respect their characters also complement each other.

When Hannah tells a funny joke, Jane always compliments her. Likewise, when Jane prepares a delicious meal, Hannah compliments her too. Both girls' compliments are always very complimentary!

Once, Jane told Hannah that having her as a friend was almost like having a sister. Hannah said this was this nicest compliment she has ever received. Hannah returned the compliment, and told Jane that she complemented her perfectly.

The two girls are having a dinner tomorrow to celebrate their friendship. They are going to serve homemade pizza, which will be complemented by strawberry ice cream. They hope that their friends compliment the meal!



Phillip McSween (751 KP) rated Jude (1996) in Movies

Jan 29, 2018 (Updated Jan 29, 2018)  
Jude (1996)
Jude (1996)
1996 | Drama, Romance
Set in the late 1800's, Jude Fawley (Christopher Eccleston) leaves his country home to enroll in a university and finds a taboo love in the process. It's somewhat ironic that I'm reviewing this just after my dog vomited because the story unfolds just as slowly. Just as I screamed "Just do it already!" to my beagle, I felt Jude could have gotten to the point a little faster. I have some ideas about how this could have been accomplished, but I can't share them without spoiling the film.

The slow progression of the plot would have been fine had the ending been stronger. The last twenty minutes were a whirlwind and not in a good way. If the film is an unsettling ice cream sundae, the ending was an ugly cherry that tastes as bad as it looks.

For what it's worth, the story is definitely intriguing with simple, yet complex details. It's weird, yet somehow heartwarming. Despite my dislike for the film as a whole, Eccleston and Kate Winslet both played phenomenal roles. Two performances that were almost enough to carry the film.

Not quite. I give Jude a 67.
100% Wolf (2020)
100% Wolf (2020)
2020 | Family
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
100% Wolf is a children's animated movie about werewolves, in particular, Freddy Lupin the soon to be leader of his pack.
The pack spend their full moon's rescuing people from fires and other disasters but still hiding from the public at large and especially from the local ice cream sales man who is convinced he has proof that the werewolves exist. By day the pack is trying to rid the city of dogs, who they see as inferior
on the night he is meant to take his roll as pack leader, Freddy steps into the moon light expecting to be transformed into a large, savage wolf but, instead emerges as a small poodle.
100% Wolf is about acceptance, Freddy has to accept that he is different, both from what he expected and from what his pack wants. He also needs to accept help from the local dog's who he has been taught to hate.
100% Wolf is a surprisingly good film, funny, with just the right amount of action and a good sound track. It's a bit predictable but only because it's a children's film.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2086 KP) rated A Sprinkle in Time in Books

May 28, 2022 (Updated May 28, 2022)  
A Sprinkle in Time
A Sprinkle in Time
Dana Mentink | 2022 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Corpse in the Trunk. Maybe.
Trinidad Jones is focused on the Alpenfest that is in town for the new two weekends, hoping that the tourists will provide a nice bump to her Shimmy and Shake Shop before business slows for the winter. Her life gets complicated, however, when her grandfather finds a corpse in the trunk of his classic car. When the police show up, the body is gone, only to turn up floating in the lake. What is going on?

I enjoyed the first in the series, but this one was even better. I was pulled in right away, and the plot never lagged. Because of how it impacted some of the characters we got to know in the first book, I found it compelling. I had part of the solution figured out, but there was a lot I hadn’t pieced together. The characters are strong again. I laughed at parts, but because of how things were impacting everyone, I also got chocked up a time or two. There are two recipes at the end to help with your cravings for ice cream and sweets in general. I’m already looking forward to visiting the gang again soon.
This Charming Man
This Charming Man
C. K. McDonnell | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Humor & Comedy, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you feeling despondent? Need a little pick-me-up? Nothing too heavy? We all need (in this case) a book to make us feel happier and give us something to laugh at, and for me, that’s C. K. McDonnell’s job. I love these books. I really do laugh out loud.

The team at The Stranger Times have probably lost the will to laugh at their editor anymore. I mean, they see him every day, but his general bad attitude and shockingly bad work relations are hilarious.

Assistant Editor Hannah is back at work after her messy divorce, and Manchester is faced with what appears to be a bit of a vampire problem. But, you see, Vampires don’t exist. And everyone agrees on this.

Even when this book was being serious, it made me laugh. Banecroft’s interesting swearing system is workplace goals (although I work in Early Years, so still a no for me!), there’s a man on a canal boat who can’t lie and lives with a talking pug, the new journalist who lives in his van and lives on a diet of ice cream (and has terrible wind) - well. It’s just all delightfully wonky, funny and frankly genius!
I can’t wait for the next one!
Bubble Boy (2001)
Bubble Boy (2001)
2001 | Comedy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Jake Gyllenhaal (3 more)
Vulgaraties (0 more)
Bubble Boy is Hilarious
When I first saw the trailers for Bubble Boy I thought it looked horrible. But I decided to go see it on opening night anyway (I was bored!) and I was blown away by how funny it was.

Like in an episode of South Park, nothing is sacred or too taboo to laugh at in this movie. It follows Jimmy, a boy born without immunity cells in his body, as he builds a portable bubble (to protect him from germs) and sets off on a road trip to Niagara Falls. Why? Because the woman he loves is getting married and he has to stop the wedding.

I wouldn't want to spoil any of the jokes in this movie, because 95% of them land perfectly and made me laugh. But I'll say this: Zach Galifianakis shows up in one of his first movie appearances and is hilarious. Verne Troyer (RIP) aka Mini Me shows up. There's a bus full of cult members, a biker gang, a train car full of circus freaks, Fabio, an Indian man who runs an "ice cream and curry" truck, and a bunch of crazy situations that constantly surprise.

I've seen this movie at least 6 times and it never stops being funny. Highly recommended.
The Night Shift
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
131 of 235
The Night Shift
By Alex Finlay

It’s New Year’s Eve 1999. Y2K is expected to end in chaos: planes falling from the sky, elevators plunging to earth, world markets collapsing. A digital apocalypse. None of that happens. But at a Blockbuster Video in New Jersey, four teenagers working late at the store are attacked. Only one inexplicably survives. Police quickly identify a suspect, the boyfriend of one of the victims, who flees and is never seen again.

Fifteen years later, more teenage employees are attacked at an ice cream store in the same town, and again only one makes it out alive.

In the aftermath of the latest crime, three lives intersect: the lone survivor of the Blockbuster massacre who’s forced to relive the horrors of her tragedy; the brother of the fugitive accused, who’s convinced the police have the wrong suspect; and FBI agent Sarah Keller who must delve into the secrets of both nights—stirring up memories of teen love and lies—to uncover the truth about murders on the night shift.

I read this in one sitting and thought it was just brilliant. It kept me totally engaged and constantly guessing. It had some pretty nasty characters too which always makes for good reading. Really enjoyed it.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2086 KP) rated Pint of No Return in Books

Jul 8, 2021 (Updated Jul 8, 2021)  
Pint of No Return
Pint of No Return
Dana Mentink | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Delicious Debut
After finding out that her ex-husband was a thrice-married embezzler, Trinidad Jones moved to Upper Sprocket, Oregon. The reason? Her ex left her a storefront, and she is going to open a shake shop there. One afternoon, she finds a neighboring store owner dead in the back of his popcorn shop. The police start to look at Juliette, one of Trinidad’s fellow ex-wives, as the killer. Trinidad doesn’t think that Juliette committed the crime, but can she trust her instincts?

I found myself at once drawn into the book as I struggled to fully get lost in the world. There were small details that we didn’t get right away that kept me from fully getting emmeshed in the story. On the other hand, the characters were wonderful, and those relationships kept drawing me in. The pacing was a little off a couple of times, but it held my interest as I read, and it led to a great climax. The book does a good job of balancing tone. At times, it’s light, but other times it gets serious. The combination makes for a richer book. I appreciated the slight twist on the cozy mystery set up. The ice cream scenes made my drool, and I appreciate the recipe at the end of the book. I can’t wait to revisit these characters when the second in this series comes out.
Since You've Been Gone
Since You've Been Gone
Morgan Matson | 2014 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
A fun, summery YA read
This is the nineteenth book in my #atozchallenge! I'm challenging myself to read a book from my shelves that starts with each letter of the alphabet. Let's clear those shelves and delve into that backlist!

When Emily's best friend Sloane disappears, right on the cusp of the epic summer they have planned, she feels adrift. Sloane is outgoing while Emily is shy, and she doesn't know what to do without her friend. But then a letter arrives from Sloane, with a list of things Emily should do over the summer, such as "kiss a stranger," "dance until dawn," "hug a Jamie," and more. Very little on the list are things Emily feels comfortable with--they are more Sloane-esque--but she embarks on them anyway, hoping they will bring her friend back. Soon she has the unexpected help of Frank Porter, an upstanding fellow classmate and not normally a friend of hers, and her summer is off to an interesting start.

This is a fun and fluffy book, with a small but lovable cast of characters. I really liked Emily and adored Frank. I especially identified with Emily due to her shyness and her intense dislike of horses. Somehow the crossing items off a list concept was fresh and intriguing here. It's a very summery book, filled with all those fun summery things: ice cream, road trips, pizza parlors, falling in love, and more.

It is a little concerning that no one seems to worry that Sloane and her family has been kidnapped, when she just disappears, but maybe kidnapped people don't have access to stamps?

Overall, this is a sweet book focused on teen friendship. It's cute and romantic and will make you long for warm summer nights and falling in love for the first time.