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ClareR (5589 KP) rated The Wanderer in Books

Nov 21, 2018 (Updated Nov 21, 2018)  
The Wanderer
The Wanderer
Michael Ridpath | 2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Icelandic not-so noir
Does no one tell the truth to the police anymore? Even if they’re innocent?!
It seems that everyone wants to keep their secrets to themselves in this book, even if they think the information might relate to the murder of an Italian tourist. A camera crew, who are filming a documentary about Gudrid the Wanderer in Iceland, find her body outside a church where they’re filming. Magnus Jonson is in charge of the police investigation.
I really enjoyed the references to the Icelandic Sagas (I’ve now got a book of them on my Christmas list!), and Magnus seems to be a very nice police officer! Everyone else appears to just be looking out for themselves, to the detriment of everyone else.
Great story though! This is the fifth in a series, I haven’t read the others, and I don’t think it actually matters story-wise. I would very much like to read the others though!!

Will Young recommended Me And Armini by Emiliana Torrini in Music (curated)

Me And Armini by Emiliana Torrini
Me And Armini by Emiliana Torrini
2008 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It's a record she did with Dan Carey. I love this record because I first heard Emilíana when she did 'Easy' and it's a record [Love In The Time Of Science] she did with Eg White, and I adored it. And years later I worked with Eg, and he did a song for me called 'Leave Right Now'. I've always loved her music, and then I worked with Dan Carey. They had worked together before Me And Armini, but he produced the whole thing. I went on X Factor and gave albums to people who I was mentoring. Then I went to Iceland to shoot a video and about five people came up to me and were so sweet and saying thank you so much for mentioning her. I think it's her best record, because it's so punchy in its production, and it's no surprise it's been her most far-reaching record."

This One's on Me (The Bandy Papers, #6)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the 6th entry in Donald Jack's 'Bandy Papers', and is set during the 1920s rather than the Great War period of the earlier entries.

As this start, Bandy is down on his luck, travelling back to England from Canada after the events of [b:Me Too|897972|Me Too (The Bandy Papers, #5)|Donald Jack||883159]: a trip that sees him stop in Iceland on the way and meet the next great love-of-his-life.

Travelling on to England, he then saves the life of a downed pilot who later proves to be the son of the second richest man in the world, who hires him to create an airforce for his Indian state.

While this does have its comedic elements, I have to say that I've found these books to run out of steam somewhat the further we move away from the earlier entries: for my money, those set during the era of World War oNe (and slightly after) are actually more laugh-out-loud funny than these later entries.
The Last Odyssey (Sigma Force #15)
The Last Odyssey (Sigma Force #15)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
By and large, you know what you're getting with James Rollins Sigma Force novels (of which this is number 15!): a modern-day techno thriller, usually a race against time with dire consequences of failure, and linked to a mystery in the past.

This one is no different.

Having said that, I do have to say that these are also a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine!

This time around, the link to the past is the tale as told in Homer's (not *that* Homer! D'Oh!) Odyssey, when Odysseus and his crew spent years trying to get home again following the fall of Troy. What if the fantastical stories, and his journeys, all had their basis in fact?

Following a discovery of an ancient ship entombed in ice in a glacier in Iceland, and the cargo it carries, this sets the events (and the clock) ticking for this novel: events that sees Commander Grayson Pierce and his now-wife Seichan return from Maternity/Paternity leave in order to help out solving the mystery.

As usual, there's also a traitor or two ...
A Haunting in the Arctic
A Haunting in the Arctic
CJ Cooke | 2023 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved this dark tale. It’s a tough read at times, and comes with a host of trigger warnings (rape, eating disorders, violence). Its really creepy though, a great companion for a dark evening!

Nicky is on a ship in 1901 with a crew of men who all expect her “services”, even though she isn’t prepared to give them what they want of her own free will.

In the modern day, Dominique, an explorer and instagrammer, decides to travel to Iceland and document the destruction of the beached ship, the Ormen.

The atmosphere was perfect for a ghost story, full of menace and threat, and just when I thought I knew what was going on, something would happen that would make me have to reassess completely! The present day storyline was perfect for this.

This is a story where your heart will be in your mouth from start to finish, and it fed my fascination for the frozen places of the world perfectly (and I have to admit that my fascination is based on what I consider to be a healthy fear!).
Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020)
Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Music, Romance
Fairly standard rom-com is mashed up with that episode of Father Ted with 'My Lovely Horse' and slathered in the usual by-now-overfamiliar Will Ferrell ironic sensibility, with results that are not nearly funny enough. Two middle-aged small town freaks get to represent Iceland in the Eurosong contest after a series of unlikely events, but will the pressures of the contest keep them from recognising their true feelings for each other?

What the hell are Americans doing making a movie about Eurovision, anyway? They have clearly done at least some homework, but it's never quite clear if this is meant to be a send-up or a loving tribute (which, to be fair, is often the case with the actual ESC some years). Either way it feels strange, often quite patronising and self-indulgent, and the movie gets enough of the actual details of Eurovision wrong to annoy people who like it. The odd amusing moment and cameo, but not nearly enough in the circumstances: it feels most like Eurovision in the way that it seems to goes on forever, only not in a good way.

Marc Riley recommended Hex Enduction Hour by The Fall in Music (curated)

Hex Enduction Hour by The Fall
Hex Enduction Hour by The Fall
1982 | Punk
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I've read since that Hex Enduction Hour was going to be the last Fall album and that Mark was going to split the band up if it didn't work. The rest of us weren't aware of this. I guess it could have been like David Bowie splitting up the Spiders From Mars onstage at the Hammersmith Odeon, but obviously this proved not to be the case. I put this in here because it was the last Fall album that I did, and everything that we'd learned just came together. I was on Live At The Witch Trials, but that was a pop album. It sounds like a totally different group… well, it did have different musicians on it, I guess. Mark obviously wasn't clear on what he wanted The Fall to sound like at that point in time; Dragnet was just the sound of a load of kids who couldn't play being thrown in a studio and being excited and being in their favourite band but… [laughs] well, Dragnet is a mystery to me, that album… I remember recording it and the production… it never sounded the same twice. I realised that wasn't how we sounded live. It didn't sound like The Fall. It sounded amazing in its own way but it didn't sound like The Fall. It didn't capture what we were doing. But with Hex Enduction Hour, everything came together at that one point. We did some of it live in a cinema in Hitchin and some of it in a studio in Iceland that had lava walls. Apparently it's still talked about to this day, The Fall's stay in Iceland. No one went to Iceland then, The Stranglers had played there, Jaz Coleman ran off there to find the ley lines, but that was it. I think we first went there because we were invited by Einar from the Sugarcubes. He instigated it. It was so bleak there. There was no tourism. And the mentality of the Icelandic people was like that of The Fall, to be honest. It was a real case of us versus them. They were out on a limb. Iceland didn't integrate. It was a really strange community of people. They were really nice but otherworldly. That was my swansong really. I mean I'm on that Room To Live album as well, but I listen to Hex and I hear a glorious racket. I think that's when Mark really got to grips with what he wanted The Fall to sound like, and ironically you find out later that it was going to be the last Fall album. Mark's stream of consciousness really comes together, the way he makes words up like in the title, he really got a handle on where he wanted to take his own art. And with the band it was all because we'd been playing together for a long time. Steve Hanley couldn't play bass when we were together in [pre-Fall group] The Sirens, I taught him the root notes and I couldn't play guitar either… I still can't, if I'm honest. Steve found his feet and found his sound, so he became the engine room of The Fall. The sound of it is right, despite being recorded in these two totally different environments. I remember when I heard 'Hip Priest' on Silence Of The Lambs, because I was the only person left in the cinema when it came on… I tell a lie, it was just me and the wife. Jonathan Demme was a massive Fall fan. Yeah, it was peculiar that… but then again it's the music that a serial killer's playing in his house, so is it really that weird? Mark's given me grief over the years, but how can you take any of it to heart? Anything he says is water off a duck's back. He's a character… almost a cartoon character. I've got a massive soft spot for Mark and I'm a massive fan. Round the corner from here there used to be a venue called The Arches Bar and a mate of mine was having his birthday party in there in the mid-80s. I was upstairs, and my mate said Mark Smith's downstairs and he wants a pint with you. So I thought, right, well, we've both grown up since then, let's have a drink and put it all behind us. So I had a couple of pints with him, and we had a really good time together. I'd been listening to The Fall, he said – and he'll deny this – I've got your album and I'm keeping an eye on what you're doing and I think it's great. I mean we were both drunk, but by the end of it we were kind of mates again. Then about three months later they reissued a load of Fall albums on Cog Sinister, so I rang him up and said, 'Am I going to get paid for any of this?' And he said, 'No you're not!' [makes noise of phone being slammed down] So it was straight back to square one."

Beautiful wreck
Beautiful wreck
Larissa Brown | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Beautiful wreck. A beautiful book!
Step right up ladies and gents for the next time travelling extravaganza! Move over Jamie fraser Heirik's the new guy in town! With outlander on the continuous rise to the top it gives other time travel romances a good run for their money and rightly so who doesnt love jamie fraser and his swoon worthy quotes and fiery lingering gaze. He had me wanting to marry a fictional character from the get go!

 Beautiful wreck by the not so well known author larissa brown deserves alot more attention and credit than it has been given. The story is about a woman named ginn who ends up travelling to tenth century iceland I've copied the description off the back of the book to give you a better taste of what the book is about;
 In a bleak future built on virtual reality, Ginn is a romantic who yearns for something real. She designs environments for people who play at being Vikings. But when her project goes awry, she's stranded in the actual 10th century, on a storybook farm in Viking Iceland. Heirik is the young leader of his family, honored by the men and women who live on his land. But he is feared and isolated because of a terrible curse. Ginn and Heirik are two people who never thought they would find a home in someone else's heart. When forces rise against them to keep them apart, Ginn is called on to decide-- will she give up the brutal and beautiful reality of the past? Or will she have the courage to traverse time and become more of a Viking than she ever imagined?

Doesn't it sound awesome!? ?

Don't worry I'm not going to spoil the story but I will say that this book in my view is a high contender for the top spot in the time travel/ romance genre. it is so beautifully written and detailed that it feels like your actually there going through the trials and celebrations right along with ginn. It could also have something to do with my overactive imagination but I think it's the former in this case ? I will admit the ending seemed a little rushed, it could've had a bit more detailed but that is just my opinion. With the second book 'so wild a dream' following on in the series I'm not sure how it can get much better than beautiful wreck.

Overall an excellent and enjoyable read, this book will definitely be on my re-read list in the near future.
Intuition by HILDUR
Intuition by HILDUR
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
HILDUR is a multi-faceted singer-songwriter from Iceland. Not too long ago, she released a groovy electro-pop tune, entitled, “Work”.

“We’re been stick so long in this same old situation tryna have this obviously close affiliation. I don’t know no wasted stuff…Baby, let’s do all the things from our imagination.” – lyrics

‘Work’ tells an interesting tale of a young woman who wants to make the relationship which she shares with her significant-other work.

Apparently, she believes there’s no logic in them taking vacations. Therefore, if he picks the right location, she’ll be there ready to put in work.
‘Work’ contains a relatable storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and groovy instrumentation scented with electro-pop and modern dance ingredients.

“‘Work’ is a fun and quirky song about new love and strong feelings and then putting in some work to make it last. ‘Intuition’ deals with the themes of following your intuition and believing in your gut feeling. Love relies heavily on that gut feeling. Also, when you meet someone you really click with you are willing to do everything and anything to make the relationship work.” – HILDUR

‘Work is the final single from HILDUR’s sophomore EP, entitled, “Intuition”.
37 of 220
The Lords of the North ( The Last Kingdom 3)
By Bernard Cornwell

The year is 878 and the Vikings have been thrown out of Wessex. Uhtred, fresh from fighting for Alfred in the battle to free Wessex, travels north to seek revenge for his father's death, killed in a bloody raid by Uhtred's old enemy, renegade Danish lord, Kjartan. While Kjartan lurks in his formidable stronghold of Dunholm, the north is overrun by chaos, rebellion and fear. Together with a small band of warriors, Uhtred plans his attack on his enemy, revenge fuelling his anger, resolute on bloody retribution. But, he finds himself betrayed and ends up on a desperate slave voyage to Iceland. Rescued by a remarkable alliance of old friends and enemies, he and his allies, together with Alfred the Great, are free to fight once more in a battle for power, glory and honour.

Another really good book in this series I think this is my favourite so far. Uthred is a sold as a slave and we follow his journey. So glad there is a directory at the start of the book these places get a little confusing.