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The Girl In Between
The Girl In Between
Laekan Zea Kemp | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great, characters, imaginative mix of Fantasy and issues connected with Disability (0 more)
Nothing (0 more)
‘The Girl In Between’ was the first book I read for the ‘Disability Read-a-Thon’ in October and, because this was a free download, I didn’t have high expectations for this book at all. However, I was very pleasantly surprised.

This book’s main character Bryn has a sleeping syndrome, which means that she can suddenly sleep for weeks and months on end. This didn’t mean however, that she a poor defenseless girl, in fact she was the opposite. She was funny, sarcastic and a fully rounded teenager and I thought she was relatable and likeable.

This book wasn’t just about Disability but the book does cover some of the issues that, even though I don’t have the same condition as Bryn, I could relate to, when I was growing up. However, it was also a complex mix of real life, fantasy and Bryn’s condition, which was seamlessly and imaginatively, incorporated into the story.

There were a couple of times when I thought that this book would develop into a slushy teen romance, but thankfully, this just managed not to turn into this and any kind of romance was maturely and sensitively handled.

I found the pace of this to be excellent. In no part of the book did I feel the story dragged and I really wanted to know what would happen to the characters.

I think that the ending was really good and it resolved enough to feel satisfied at the end, but it left enough for me to want to read the rest of the series.

I will definitely be reading the rest of this series at some point. I would recommend reading this book, whether you want to read something with a strong main character who has a Disability, or you enjoy a good Fantasy read.

My Rating ****
The Best Thing
The Best Thing
Mariana Zapata | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review and more can be found at my blog

This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited Library.

I feel like I have to start by singing Mariana Zapata's praises. She is the Queen of slow-burn romances. I do believe that I have read everything she's ever written so far and this is her latest. I'm not the biggest fan of long books but I've found that with this author, I don't care how long they are because I'm so drawn in I just keep reading until I finish.

This one is no different. We meet Elena - Lenny - who runs a gym with her grandfather that helps fighters get ready for their next fights - MMA, boxing, etc - when her ex turns up who she hasn't seen for the last 17 months wanting to see her. I'm not going to go into much detail as that would ruin in but Lenny has an amazing personality and I love her thoughts in regards to him coming back - it includes various imaginative swear words and scenarios.

I love Lenny. As mentioned above she has a great personality and a great outlook on life. Pretty much every sentence she spoke (or thought) had me grinning like an idiot. In my eyes, she's such a great character. I also really liked Jonah. He was this mix of shy and sweet and just plain amazing. There are also some other characters that I loved liked Grandpa Gus. Some of the interaction between him and Lenny was hilarious. Then there was Peter and Mo, too.

I also like how she includes previous characters in her current ones. Lenny is Luna's - the main character of her last book, Luna and the Lie - best friend and appears quite a lot in this one offering her support.

It's really hard to write a fitting review of this book without spoilers, I'll just say that I thought it was pretty awesome.
Barbershop: The Next Cut (2016)
Barbershop: The Next Cut (2016)
2016 | Comedy
5.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I had reservations about the new Barbershop when I discovered that it was in production and set for release. My concern was that much like the Friday franchise, it would leave a bad taste in my mouth due to stale jokes, recycled plots, and characters I couldn’t get too invested in. I was wrong in my outlook for the film. Barbershop: The Next Cut surpasses the previous films of the series in its humor, fresh jokes, new characters and social relevance.
There are some aspects of the film that mirror past plotlines, but that is not a problem or concern this go-around. Life and history are cyclical and it is demonstrated through the way that Barbershop takes on urban violence and the communities that suffer through it. The film itself will have audiences laughing and gasping for air due to the imaginative and creative comedy, however, it will also cause its audiences to think deeply about the issues being presented. When we see the violence of the Southside of Chicago via the news or social media, it seems so distant. This film sucks us in to thinking about the circumstances the people of this community face daily. It doesn’t pull punches or present the information from one singular source and perspective. They are concerned with creating a dialogue about what is taking place in communities much like the one represented in their neighborhood. You see heart. You see connections between people. You see individuals that want to make a change by improving the lives of their neighbors and friends. You see humanity with all of its flaws and potential. This film is a poignant love letter to communities in need of healing.

It is also an examination of how to heal and mend gaping wounds. Barbershop: The Next Cut establishes a connection with its audience to start a dialogue and potentially move forward with action.
<a href="">Travelers Wife 4 Life</a>
Nacho’s Nachos … Try saying that without thinking about your favorite version of the dish! As the saying goes all stories usually have some truth to them and the story of the nacho is no different; it is not just a play on words. I honestly never knew how nachos came to be or that there was a story behind them!

     Nacho’s Nachos is a delightfully colorful story filled with imaginative artwork and thoughtful words that lead you to believe you are right there with Nacho on the journey of life discovering how to make people happy and making them the original nacho recipe. (Sandra Nickel thoughtfully included the original recipe in the back of the book). While this book is geared towards a younger audience, I think adults would like it as well because of the fascinating history and the story of the nacho.

     I enjoyed reading this book and learning about the history of nachos and how they came to be. The Afterword was filled with many extra tidbits of history that helped to shape this story more fully in my mind. I loved how thoroughly Sandra Nickel researched Nacho (Ignacio Anaya) and found as close to the original story as possible. It was fun seeing all the history surrounding the invention of the nacho and learning more about Nacho himself as well. Combing the story with the beautiful artwork I can honestly say that this is one of my all-around favorite children’s books I have ever read. Sandra Nickel and Oliver Dominguez brought to life this remarkable story of how Nacho’s nachos came to be!

I highly recommend this book as it was packed full of interesting history and vivid artwork that made me smile the whole way through. 5 out of 5 stars. Now to go make some nachos…

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.

Darren Fisher (2447 KP) rated Island of Death (1976) in Movies

Jan 11, 2021 (Updated Jan 11, 2021)  
Island of Death (1976)
Island of Death (1976)
1976 | Horror, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
70's Exploitation At Its Best
Story has it that Greek director Nico Mastorakis saw the Texas Chainsaw Massacre at the cinema and was impressed that such a violent low budget horror film could make so much money. So with that in mind Nico decided to make an even more depraved feature than Tobe Hooper and therefore make even more money! He succeeded in the latter but as for make more money? Well, we can only guess not. I won't bother going into the plot as I assume most people already know about this depraved and sick little flick. All that I will say is that as far as 70's exploitation flicks go this is one of the best. Depravity has never been in so much abundance as is on show here. This will not be to many viewers taste (and a big "no, no" for the Snowflake Generation) as we are subjected to rape, gay rape, incest, drug abuse, beastiality, torture, urinating on pensioners and even a fart in the face as a downright insult. The list of depravity doesn't stop there but to list them all would take some time and spoil it for those that want to watch it for the first time...
The gore is kept to a mimimum and the acting is pretty bad, but as the film progresses this is not really an issue (there are some great bits of crazy dialogue throughout). The majority of death scenes are very imaginative, including deaths involving a plane flight, bulldozer and a pot of paint.
Also there is a cracking soundtrack provided by the legendery Nikos Lavranos (Destination Understanding being the obvious favourite of the 'cult elite').
I cannot recommend this film enough, it is superb, but if you are easily offended I would suggest giving this one a very wide berth. Maybe I need psychiatric help... A MUST SEE.
The Boss Baby (2017)
The Boss Baby (2017)
2017 | Animation, Comedy, Family
Tim (voiced by Tobey Maguire) is a very imaginative child. He is an only child. very loved by his Mom (voiced by Lisa Kudrow) and Dad (voiced by Jimmy Kimmel). They put him to bed with as many stories as he wants and even sing his special song. Tim lives a life of bliss as the apple of their eyes. His idyllic life falls apart overnight.

Mom and Dad no longer have time for Tim’s bedtime rituals. No more books, story time and most of all…no Tim’s special song! At least, not for him. The Boss Baby (Voiced by Alec Baldwin) has taken over the house and everyone’s lives. This baby is getting all of the attention. When it seems that Mom and Dad have a moment, they are asleep.

As Mom and Dad snooze, Tim discovers that the baby can talk. This is not an ordinary baby, his brother is The Boss Baby, a secret agent sent to infiltrate Puppy Co to find out how to stop the top secret project. At first Tim and Boss Baby are at odds.

They realize, in order to get what they want (Tim, to be an only child again and The Boss Baby wants the promotion to the top spot), they need to work together. The competitive nature of the sibling dynamic is hilarious and the development of their relationship as they learn to like each other has some sweet moments.

Dreamworks based this film on the 2010 children’s book from Marla Frazee of the same title. The adaptation fleshes out the story, introducing us to the family dynamic. We also learn that the Boss Baby is there to stop the nefarious Francis Francis (voiced by Steve Buscemi) and his evil plot. Boss Baby, with his baby crew and Tim, plan to save the day.

The Actors voice the characters so well, I was immersed in the story and characters. There were more than a few laughs and one snort laugh. It is an animated feature I would definitely recommend as a go see.
Bearly Gold: A Goldilocks and the Three Bears Reimagining (Fairy Tale Fatale #2)
Bearly Gold: A Goldilocks and the Three Bears Reimagining (Fairy Tale Fatale #2)
N.D. Jones | 2023 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
BEARLY GOLD is the second in the Fairy Tale Fatale series and is a very imaginative retelling of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

'Goldilocks' is a young, incredibly brave girl who has seen and suffered more than any should do. Our main character, Fayola, is a lightning bird of legend, an impundulu. She is on her fortieth mission, after which she will be free to do what she wants with her life. But that fortieth mission brings untold action and the saving of children from a war-torn area. Initially, she doesn't want to. She wants to finish her mission and go home. But how can she leave them?

Featuring bear and elephant shifters, plus impundulu, as well as humans, this is an intricate and twisting story, telling the dark tale of child trafficking. It is lightened in places by Fay's musings, her friends and family, plus romantic elements with Jelani - her long-term partner. It is also violent in places but, I can honestly say, I really didn't care because it couldn't happen to nicer people!!!

This series is simply amazing, covering dark topics. I can't wait to read the next in this series, whichever story it is. HIGHLY recommended by me.

As an aside, there is a simply amazing line spoken in the book which rings true. I'm using the words as written by the author in her notes at the end:

"Heroes are needed in this fight. Not vampiric lightning birds of lore but informed and caring human beings. Child trafficking is not inconsequential but bringing the crime to its overdue end requires people to, like Fayola, engage in the fine art of giving a shit."

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 19, 2022

Olivia (102 KP) rated Girls of Paper and Fire in Books

Aug 13, 2018 (Updated Aug 13, 2018)  
Girls of Paper and Fire
Girls of Paper and Fire
Natasha Ngan | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.9 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm still trying to process all my feelings about his book, but right now I'm going to give it an 8.5

Girls of Paper and Fire is an incredibly addicting read. Within picking it up, I finished reading it in under 24 hours. Every minute that I wasn't reading it, I was thinking about it. It was like an impossible earworm chanting "Read me. Read me!".

Ngan's writing style and character development left me in awe at times. She somehow managed to write this imaginative tale whilst keeping it grounded, a combination that I haven't seen successfully executed very often. The romance in this book is perhaps one of my new all-time favorites. The love is believable. It wasn't a case of "Oh, I like this person a lot and so now I'm gonna make out with them for 80 pages straight and forget about everything else." there was actual chemistry between the two and it made the story all the more intense.

In the seemingly effortless way Ngan could create palpable romantic chemistry, she could also create absolute revulsion.
My problem with so many villains is that the writer will have them have done something terrible, and that's it. They don't truly explore how vile this villain is; they rely on one or two things that all of decent humanity can agree is unforgivable and let that be the reason why they're evil. Sure, anyone would be repulsed by a man who rapes and murders people; it's not like you have to convince people to hate that guy. But Ngan doesn't just throw those two things onto the character and call it a day. She made the king an absolute vile creature with words that made me physically gag, actions that made me have to put the book down and walk away.

Ngan's descriptions are extremely rich; whether that is a good or bad thing will vary from reader to reader. Personally, I found myself sometimes skimming over all the imagery; not because it wasn't good, but because I just really wanted to get back to the main plot and character interactions.

I'm not usually a huge fan of series, but this is one that I heavily look forward to continuing.
Fanya in the Underworld
Fanya in the Underworld
Jordan Elizabeth Mierek | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was sent a copy of this book by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Author Jordan Elizabeth has written many stories for young adults of all sorts of genres. With Fanya in the Underworld, Jordan tackles steampunk fiction with elements of fantasy and the paranormal. Set in Alaska during the 19th century when the state was still owned by Tsarist Russia, humans rely on steamtech and spirit magic to fuel their industrious cities.

The story begins shortly after the death of Fanya's father, leaving her as heir to his estate. Unfortunately, her step-mother has overruled her right to her inheritance. By making a fuss to the council, Fanya inadvertently puts both her life and the life of her younger sister in danger. Desperate to protect her sister from the clutches of a mysterious Englishman, Fanya finds herself in the wilderness where the indigenous, magical folk live. Despite having lived in a city her entire life, Fanya soon discovers she has far more in common with the people in the untamed wild.

Whilst a work of imaginative fiction, Fanya in the Underworld works with the historical truth about settlers moving to Alaska, Canada and the United States. Those from Europe who travelled to North America drove out the indigenous folk, destroyed their land and culture and deemed them to be lesser beings. The same has occurred in this novel in which the natives are banned from the cities, treated like animals and even murdered just for being who they are.

By caring so much about her sister, Fanya discovers the truth about the way the cities developed and is shocked by the revelation. Although her sister is at the forefront of her mind, her actions cause huge changes in Alaska resulting in a favourable, although unpredictable, conclusion.

Jordan Elizabeth draws the reader into the steampunk world of Tsarist Alaska. With the aid of illustrations by Aaron Siddal, Fanya in the Underworld is an exciting story unlike any written before. Unique characters, unique scenarios, and a fantastic ending, what more could anyone want?

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Minology in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

Have you ever wondered how your body works? Author Mark Murphy has his theory. The human body is full of little creatures known as min, and it is no different for 34 year old Will. Min live in every part of the body doing different jobs to make each part of the body work they way it should. However, these min are much like the humans they inhabit: they have their own jobs, their own lives, their own feelings and their own opinions.
Penelope Potts is a bored 15 year old min living in the left ear department with nothing much to do. Yet one day life becomes much more exciting when she and her best friend Henry are selected to take part in the trials to try and win themselves a position in Central Head.

Whilst this is taking place, however, the evil leader of the min, Sananab (incidentally bananas spelt backwards) has come up with a malicious plan that may change the life of the min forever. When Sananab discovers that Penelope is doing very well in the trials he becomes very interested in her. But when Penelope discovers his evil plan her life is immediately in danger.

Murphy’s ideas are very imaginative but are also similar to the <i>Numbskulls</i> in the <i>Beano</i> – perhaps this even had some influence on his novel? It is fun to envisage tiny beings living in human bodies making sure every organ works properly. The min themselves are an interesting bunch. Apart from Penelope, none appear to be that intelligent leading to humorous scenes, which could have the reader laughing out loud.

<i>Minology</i> despite the <i>“ology”</i> is not a heavy read and can be taken at the reader’s own pace. Whether they want something to read leisurely or something to read quickly this book will be more than adequate. And, if you like the min so much and want to read even more about their funny lives, there is a second book!