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Mr Penumbra's 24-hour Bookstore
Mr Penumbra's 24-hour Bookstore
Robin Sloan | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
A wonderful novel, and a must-read for bibliophiles and techies (2 more)
Hilarious and very genuine lead character
Cleverly written
If you prefer villains in your novels, there isn't one (0 more)
Imaginative And Optimistic!
I love this book. It's a refreshing, pleasant, imaginative and optimistic book about friendship and the lure of the mysterious, and among other things, it's about a bookstore! It's a definite must-read for all bibliophiles.

Mr Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore begins with Clay Jannon, an out-of-work web designer who has found employment at a 24-hour bookstore located in San Francisco. Although the store has very few customers, he meets a variety of strange people that frequent the shop, but who rarely buy anything. However, they borrow mysteriously coded volumes, known as the "Waybacklist," most of which are hand-made, from a secret corner of the store. His curiosity sets him on a strange journey to try to find out more about the "Waybacklist," of ancient, esoteric books.

When they make an exchange from the "Waybacklist," Clay must record transaction details into an old logbook, including personal information about each customer, such as their appearance and state of mind. When the shop is empty, Clay busies himself by creating a computerised model of the bookstore in 3D. By identifying each of his customers by a different colour in the model, he is able to see a pattern developing and becomes convinced that the customers and Penumbra himself are members of a secret cult.

With two computer geek friends, one an old school friend, Neel, and the other a potential customer he met in the bookstore, Kat, who becomes his girlfriend, Clay sets out on a quest to learn the carefully kept secrets of the bookstore. When they bring their findings to Mr Penumbra, they discover the bookstore's secrets extend further than they ever imagined.

Clay, the main character, is exactly the kind of lead you want in this type of novel. He is constantly clueless though he tries hard, he is absolutely hilarious and very genuine. There are many different secondary characters regularly being introduced, but the book is so cleverly written that they never seem unnecessary. There is a lot of different levels of interaction between them, that I really liked.

There is an amazing use of different technologies in this book, however despite all the Google, Amazon, Kindle and the computer references, the true emphasis of the novel is on the people, and that is why I found the book so charming and bewitching. The younger characters are keen and enthusiastic, and you can identify with their search for connection and knowledge. The mix of foisty old books and cutting-edge technology is captivating.

If you prefer villains in your novels then this book is not for you. There is no evil in this book, and everyone that the narrator meets becomes a friend. I couldn't really guess how this book would end but I loved the way the story was concluded. The following quote is actually the last paragraph in the book, but it describes the mystery and the wonder of the whole book, to perfection.

"A man walking fast down a dark lonely street. Quick steps and hard breathing, all wonder and need. A bell above a door and the tinkle it makes. A clerk and a ladder and warm golden light, and then: the right book exactly, at exactly the right time."

Enthralling and fun to read, this novel, with its unique twists and turns of plot, left me feeling very satisfied.

Mr Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore has inspired me to read other novels by Robin Sloan.
Night Pleasures (Dark-Hunter, #1)
Night Pleasures (Dark-Hunter, #1)
Sherrilyn Kenyon | 2009 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.9 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, before I start my review, I have a little pet peeve about Sherrilyn Kenyon's writing: She'll switch from one character to another without warning. There I am, happily reading along from Amanda's viewpoint, when all of a sudden it's Kyrian. Ugh! I know I've read other authors who do the same thing, but somehow it flows better and isn't like - what just happened?! Okay, end rant.

Overall, I enjoyed this book, but I did like Fantasy Lover more than this one. While I don't always think Ms. Kenyon is the best writer (it sometimes feels disjointed to me) her world is very imaginative and interesting. The creatures/characters are intriguing, and the story was just plain fun to read. Hey, there's a tortured hero, what more do you need? I was really into it close to 200 pages in, then I had to put it down. The next day I picked it up and it didn't grab me as much as the day before. Though towards the end it started to pick up for me, and of course I'm a big sap for happy endings. That's why I read romances more than anything else. I don't know about other romance readers, but I've had a hard life and I need a little lightness in it. That's where romances help. Now that I've bared my soul (no pun intended - hopefully you'll get it if you've read the book), I think I'll get back to the review. Now where was I? I know that Talon will be in the next book in the series, but I can't wait to read about Acheron. If he doesn't have a book out now, Ms. Kenyon needs to start writing his story. Well, as I said before (I think), it was a fast and fun read!

Please excuse me if my review is a little disjointed (haha), I can't quite put into words how to explain how I felt about the book. Ah, oh well; can't win them all!
Big Hero 6 (2014)
Big Hero 6 (2014)
2014 | Animation, Family
Based on a short lived and obscure Marvel comic book series of the same name, Big Hero 6 was an attempt by Disney to develop a Disney feature from their newly acquired catalogue of Marvel properties after Disney's Marvel buy-out in 2010.

Popular though this movie is, I find it to be a little slow, plodding, patronising and trying too hard to evoke an emotional reaction from its audience. Focusing on Hiro, an orphan who's older brother is also killed in an accident, he ends up creating a team of superheroes from a group of geeks and his late brother's medical robot, B-Max.

Big Hero 6 was an attempt at blending Disney's brand of sentimental animation with that of Pixar's more imaginative stylised family action, The Incredibles springs to mind, along with Marvel's more family friendly action romps which make up the Avenger's franchise.

The result? Well, not so good. Entertaining? Sort of. Interesting? Okay if not derivative and what about innovative? No.

The 3-D was deep but also flat and uninteresting as was the story and the plodding pacing. The ideas were there but the execution was weak, with 2-D characters to make up a confused team. Was it supposed to be the X-Men or The Avengers? I believe that the Comic book the team was started not by Hiro but by an X-Man in the source material and the tone did lean towards X-Men: First Class (2010) at times, but overall, I found this to tick all the boxes in order to meet the expectation of fans of both superhero and Disney films.

As Hiro and B-Max fly across the city of San Fransokyo, I thought that I was watching How To Train Your Dragon (2010)! This borrows too much and offers too little to impress me and it was a shame as the notion of Disney producing an action hero movie is interesting but the results are nothing short of disappointing.
Mary Poppins (1964)
Mary Poppins (1964)
1964 | Classics, Comedy, Family
Fun Adventure For the Ages
It's not hard to come to grips with why Mary Poppins is widely considered as a classic. Does the film show you a really good time? Check. Make you laugh? Check. Provide you with important messages that still hold true to this day? Check. All the marks of a film that stands the test of time.

Seriously, how can you not love this woman? She's fair. Kind. The kind of person that would tell you the truth whether you want to hear it or not. Just flat-out someone you would want to hang with. To put it simply: Marry Poppins (Julie Andrews) rocks.

The film is sprinkled with some valuable lessons throughout presented in varying creative scenarios. In one of my favorite scenes, Uncle Albert (Ed Wynn) teaches us the importance of laughter and being happy. Everytime he laughs his infectious laugh, he floats (literally) a little bit higher until he can touch the ceiling.

Poppins shines as an iconic character. And, let's face it, the lady can come out of a chimney like a straight up boss! Though the film got off to a slow start, things quickly gain speed when she comes gliding down so gracefully holding her black umbrella. Andrews deserves all the credit in the world for making this role shine.

Think about the plot on paper: A nanny shows up to whip two jerk kids into shape. I'm already asleep. While this could have very easily been a snooze fest, Disney takes us on a fun adventure into some cool and imaginative places with our great heroine running the helm.

Throughout this magical journey into a brand new world, the beauty of it all is how Poppins is able to maintain a stern attitude while still letting the kids be kids. Plainly put, she runs circles around me as a parent. Quality film for the ages.

I give it an 89. I'm rooting for you, Emily Blount. You have some big shoes to fill.
Aliens on Holiday
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Aliens On Holiday</i> is Gillian Bradshaw’s second novel for children involving extraterrestrial beings. Following on from the first book <i>Alien in the Garden</i>, Alex Marsh is reunited with his celestial friend, Shakespeare. It has been two years since fourteen-year-old Alex found himself involved with aliens, yet he is still glad to see Shakespeare and is determined to help him out with whatever his purpose on planet Earth is. However, this could put both Alex and his family in grave danger.

With the ruse of going on a family holiday to the south of France, Shakespeare tags along with the Marshes in the disguise of Alex’s cousin, whilst he takes part in an undercover operation for the police of the United Worlds. Despite trying not to get Alex too involved with his mission, Alex still ends up in a precarious situation involving both notorious drug dealers as well as treacherous aliens.

<i>Aliens on Holiday </i>is both funny and exciting, as the characters have to deal with communication difficulties whilst trying to save the world. Bradshaw has been very imaginative when creating her aliens and has thought up concepts that are unique and interesting to the child-like minds of the readers.

Although written for younger people, readers need to be mature enough to understand about drugs and drug culture. Despite being written for entertainment purposes, <i>Aliens on Holiday </i>does contain some very serious issues.

To get the most out of this book it would help to have read <i>Alien in the Garden </i>(I had not) as it would create a clearer understanding of Alex and Shakespeare’s relationship. Having said that, Aliens on Holiday contains enough information to comprehend and appreciate the storyline.

Overall, <i>Aliens on Holiday </i>is the perfect work of fiction for the child or young teenager interested in action, science and aliens.
The Mouth of the Dark
The Mouth of the Dark
Tim Waggoner | 2018 | Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Mouth of the Dark is the second book by Tim Waggoner that I’ve read and, after completing it, I’m pretty convinced I’ll like just about any of his work. Waggoner is imaginative and original, and The Mouth of the Dark takes readers to an entirely new world of monstrosities. It’s easily one of the most fantastic books I’ve read this year.

Jayce Lewis’s daughter has gone missing. No one’s seen her and in pursuit of her whereabouts, Jayce stumbles upon a world known as Shadow. Shadow is a dangerous place where nightmares are reality and with the help of a woman named Nicola, Jayce quickly discovers finding out what happened to his daughter isn’t going to be easy. The pair encounter several awesome creatures on their journey, some harmless and others not so much.

Nicola is a fairly likable character and I don’t have a whole lot to say about her. Jayce, on the other hand, has serious mommy issues–which you’ll see if you read the book. Though I didn’t really enjoy the flashbacks, Waggoner does a great job of filling Jayce out. By the end of the book, you know him pretty well.

The plot is a bit slow, and this is perhaps because of the time Waggoner spends detailing Shadow. I’m okay with this, as it’s an amazing ecosystem of horror. For the most part it is pretty straightforward, though the tenses do switch during the flashbacks. I found this to be mildly distracting, but overall it did not detract from the book.

The Mouth of the Dark is a great read and I highly recommend it to those who are into true horror. It is riddled with terror and depravity and there are some parts of the book that may make the squeamish uncomfortable. It’s definitely a title I’m glad to have on my shelf.

I’d like to thank Flame Tree Press for providing me with a free copy for the purpose of unbiased review.
The Girl In Between
The Girl In Between
Laekan Zea Kemp | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great, characters, imaginative mix of Fantasy and issues connected with Disability (0 more)
Nothing (0 more)
‘The Girl In Between’ was the first book I read for the ‘Disability Read-a-Thon’ in October and, because this was a free download, I didn’t have high expectations for this book at all. However, I was very pleasantly surprised.

This book’s main character Bryn has a sleeping syndrome, which means that she can suddenly sleep for weeks and months on end. This didn’t mean however, that she a poor defenseless girl, in fact she was the opposite. She was funny, sarcastic and a fully rounded teenager and I thought she was relatable and likeable.

This book wasn’t just about Disability but the book does cover some of the issues that, even though I don’t have the same condition as Bryn, I could relate to, when I was growing up. However, it was also a complex mix of real life, fantasy and Bryn’s condition, which was seamlessly and imaginatively, incorporated into the story.

There were a couple of times when I thought that this book would develop into a slushy teen romance, but thankfully, this just managed not to turn into this and any kind of romance was maturely and sensitively handled.

I found the pace of this to be excellent. In no part of the book did I feel the story dragged and I really wanted to know what would happen to the characters.

I think that the ending was really good and it resolved enough to feel satisfied at the end, but it left enough for me to want to read the rest of the series.

I will definitely be reading the rest of this series at some point. I would recommend reading this book, whether you want to read something with a strong main character who has a Disability, or you enjoy a good Fantasy read.

My Rating ****