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Biff Byford recommended Close to the Edge by Yes in Music (curated)

Close to the Edge by Yes
Close to the Edge by Yes
1972 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I don’t mean this in a derogatory way, but Graham Oliver and Steve Dawson of Saxon were into the bluesy bands - simple but with a lot of groove. But me and Paul Quinn were into more muso bands like Genesis and King Crimson. That was the type of stuff we played, with more jamming and improvisation. As a bass player and singer, my goal was to play like Chris Squire. I used to try and learn the songs – it took me about six months to learn ‘Roundabout’. I‘ve talked to Rick Wakeman about Yes, and he said Jon Anderson would structure melodies like I do it. They would sit in a room and arrange things around the vocals, and we do that because it gives me more freedom to write. I could listen to this all day. NWOBHM bands liked Yes because the musicianship was great - it moves away from blues feel to a jazz feel. A lot of these guys were university trained, but we learned from listening to music. We knew nothing about music theory or scales, but prog rock really made you better as musicians when you learned to play it. It seemed unattainable because it was so good."

Holding You Loving You by Don Blackman
Holding You Loving You by Don Blackman
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"If I could pick a song that I could go back in time and write, this is it. I think it's a perfect composition from start to finish, the melody to the drum groove, it’s really hard man. I think if I was to play that drum groove on its own a lot of people would think how does this fit into anything? And the fact this man's made this love song, that can be played in soundsystems, you can listen to it at home, it's so like transferable and I just love that about it. There's no right or wrong place to play it. I could play this at my wedding, I could play this if I’m going through a break up and I’m at home on my own, I could play this at a gig. I mean, for me it’s just a perfect song. And I think for the album, I was more concerned with writing songs than I was creating music for improvisation. I can do that, it wasn’t about trying to prove that, I want you to listen to this from start to finish, everything should be a great song. That was a good three and a half minutes. I was trying to get that with a lot of the tracks where it just takes you on this journey and that's a great example."


Tim Booth recommended Love by The Beatles in Music (curated)

Love by The Beatles
Love by The Beatles
2006 | Pop, Rock
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I find that many albums by The Beatles don't completely hold together for me. While Sgt. Pepper's… holds together stylistically, it isn't one of my favourite albums. However, I have to include The Beatles, because they are clearly the greatest band that ever stalked the earth. I got into the Love album to introduce my son to The Beatles. George Martin lovingly remastered it and I think he has made some improvements. Sonically it is fantastic. It flows. I love being able to go across their entire span of history. I went to the Love Cirque De Soleil show in Las Vegas, which was a bad idea, but this record is a fantastic introduction and became my son's understanding of The Beatles. The other records are well worth investigating, of course, and they made truly great records, but there aren't any that could go in my Baker's Dozen. The album contains 'A Day In The Life', which is in my top five greatest songs. I love the fact it was created through such a mad, collaborative technique. One part is John, one part is Paul and they left a minute-and-a-half to fill with something. What fucking amazing, arrogant craziness could do that? And, to then produce one of the greatest songs. That song is akin to how James write to a degree. We write through improvisation. No one takes anything into a room. We start improvising and the improvisation may take ten minutes or it may take 90 minutes. We record it all and then whoever wants to can take a track, chop it up in whatever way they want to, and then present it back to the band. Someone else can then input and add a keyboard line or whatever. Therefore, we have this collaborative process that you can hear on the new album that is a little insane, as we might have had a part, which worked in the first ten minutes, and then we might try and weld it to something that worked hours later. They don't necessarily join and we have to find a way of joining them. That acceptance of chance can lead to the best moments. Most bands have one or two songwriters (we now have four) and they are at the mercy of their conscious ability. With us, a chaotic reaction to each other is creating the song, which is probably why we have been around for 33 years and we never get bored. We never know what the fuck we are going to do next. The Beatles had that on their greatest collaborative songs, where they couldn't be sure quite where a song was going. They allowed themselves the possibility of fucking songs up in a great way. The Beatles are the Shakespeare of our time. They will still be played in 100 years' time and people will still wonder how the fuck they made such amazing music."

The Ron Burgundy Podcast
The Ron Burgundy Podcast
6.9 (7 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
The fake ads that Ron reads (0 more)
Not really that funny (0 more)
By the beard of Zeus! Ron Burgundy has himself a podcast!
Will Ferrell brings his popular Anchorman character, Ron Burgundy, back for a 12 episode season of 'The Ron Burgundy Podcast'. So far, we're only 2 episodes in, so I'm possibly a little premature in reviewing and rating this. Hopefully so, as I feel there is currently a lot of room for improvement.

I'm a fan of the original Anchorman movie, but I don't love it anywhere near as much as a lot of other people do. There's a lot I find funny about it, but I think it only worked as well as it did because of the team of characters surrounding Ron (ie Brian, Brick and Champ), enabling some fun banter and improvisation. In the podcast though, it's pretty much just Ron, although he is accompanied on each episode by his quietly spoken producer Carolina and a guest 'expert'. It's basically down to Ron to carry the whole show, and so far it's very hit and miss. Don't get me wrong, I've laughed out loud on a couple of occasions, making myself look like an idiot as I'm walking home from work, but the rest of it definitely doesn't provide anywhere near the level of humour that the movies do. Still, it's early days, and I'll modify my review if things improve.

Purple Phoenix Games (2266 KP) rated Monkey Around in Tabletop Games

Jun 18, 2019 (Updated Dec 12, 2019)  
Monkey Around
Monkey Around
2018 | Action, Kids Game, Party Game
The Kids Table series from Purple Phoenix Games seeks to lightly explore games that are focused toward children and families. We will do our best to give some good insight, but not bog your down with the millions of rules…

Monkey Around is basically Kids’ Quelf. Never played Quelf? Meh, it’s okay if you are part of a silly group that will do anything asked of them. This game is similar in that you draw a circular card, and simply do what it asks you to do. As adults, some of the requests might be strange, but to a child, it’s all just silly fun. Many times you are asked to use the included stuffed banana in your tricks. Examples: lie on the floor with the banana on your belly button. Or: walk around the room while balancing the banana on your head. It’s silly.

I play this with my 3 year old boy and we have a great time with it. He is learning balance, improvisation, following instructions, motor skills, and interaction with others. It may make you feel silly but that’s what kids love, man. Just play this with your kids and have a really great time with zero pressure. Drop the banana? Oh well, try again with a different card. They will be cracking up and you will be strengthening that bond with your kids and fostering the love of board games early.