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Snowed In: Dane and Heath
Snowed In: Dane and Heath
Rafe Jadison | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dane needed a say!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Dane is a good boss, until he makes Heath stay late and they get caught in a snow storm of epic proportions. But after a few beers and some secrets, Dane and Heath find they have more in common that they thought, and neither can deny it any longer.

CUTE!! My first thoughts on finishing this book was, needs to go on the "too stinking cute" shelf!

It's rather sweet, with a little bit of sexy time, some secrets exposed, not overly emotional, but enough emotion comes across in the right places. All the descriptions of the weather, what's happening outside, when the car nearly crashes into the tree, they all came across beautifully, and I reacted verbally to some parts. I don't usually, when reading, but do when listening. But when the car went skidding?? I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Phew, when it stopped!

Only Heath has a say, though, and I think that's why I gave it 4 stars and not 5. Even for such a short book, some 48 pages, if Dane had had a say, if we had gotten into his mind, I think this might have been a 5 star read. Dane has a lot to say here, and not all of it is voiced.

I have one teeny tiny comment about the editing though. In one particular place, Dane's is transposed for Heath's name. I carried on reading, not really noticing UNTIL something happen that DANE did to HEATH, which had happened where the names got mixed up. Just a comment, is all.

Really REALLY cute read, and the first I have read of this author. I'd like to read more, something longer with more bite, a bit more in depth.

4 solid stars (but really only cos Dane doesn't have his say)

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
I Flipping Love You
I Flipping Love You
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rian has not had the easiest life so far. She and her twin sister, Marley are finally getting their lives where they want them. Their real estate business is going well and they will soon have the money they need to do their first flip. Along comes, Pierce, the dashing city boy who seems to be the perfect match. But when Pierce starts showing up everywhere Rian is to show or flip a house, she becomes suspicious of whether he is really interested in her or if he just wants an in on the properties on the beach in the Hamptons. Determined not to let her past ruin her future, Rian keeps forward with her quest despite Pierce's efforts to thwart her. Rian is not interested in men right now, her only objective is to be able to start flipping houses with her sister in an attempt to acquire the Mission Mansion which used to be in their family. Will she fall for this guy or leave him alone to continue with her own dreams?

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read and review this book.

At first I wasn't sure how this book was going to turn out. I'm a big fan of HGTV and house flipping shows, but how would that translate into a romance novel. It's true that Rian has her share of demons in her closet, but her past shouldn't dictate her future, especially when it comes to love. I really enjoyed this book. It had me hooked from the start and I didn't want to put it down. There were times when I found the main character a little whinny, but we, as independent women, can get that way sometimes when things seem to be going our way and then an obstacle comes into play. A very handsome and determined obstacle at that.

This is a great story about family and overcoming your past to make room for love and happiness in your future.
The Huntress
The Huntress
Kate Quinn | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great story with engrossing characters
I loved reading this one! A great blend of action, intrigue and romance complete with a cast of likable characters. Each one with their story to tell and it’s told well. For some background information it would help to read up on the subject of the Night Witches and their exploits during World War II (which is a fascinating subject on its’ own)

Of all the stories to read, Nina’s naturally, is the most interesting. She’s a wild child, does her own thing and doesn’t care about norms, conventions, and rules. She does her own thing but joins up with her squad not because of the love of her land and country but because she loves to fly. It’s her passion and it shows. I love reading about Nina because of her free spirited attitude and her drive. It’s what keeps her going.

The plot is free flowing and the chapters goes back and forth time-wise, and changes perspective depending on the character. Besides Nina, Jordan’s point of view is also interesting. She’s also got an independent streak in her and it’s nice to see her go on her own path based on her decisions. It’s unheard of back then in the day (we’re talking about 1950’s here) so it’s nice to read.

The writing is excellent and it grabs your attention from page one. I rather wish there was a small glossary to see what Nina says in Russian (although I’m sure it’s rather colorful language) but other than that small bit, the characters are engaging, and it’s nice how they all come together in the last third of the book.

The Author’s Note is also good for explaining what she’s done historical speaking wise. If you are stickler for history perhaps this isn’t for you - it’s more character and story driven. Still an engrossing read and greatly recommended!

ClareR (5603 KP) rated The Ghost of Hollow House in Books

Jun 9, 2019 (Updated Jun 9, 2019)  
The Ghost of Hollow House
The Ghost of Hollow House
Linda Stratmann | 2019 | Mystery, Paranormal
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Victorian ghostly mystery.
This is a mystery set in Victorian England (1872), a time when women were the weaker sex and unable to tolerate anything vaguely ‘upsetting’. Mina Scarletti clearly hasn’t seen the memo about this. She’s intelligent, witty and brave - she’s also 4 feet 8 inches tall, and she has what appears to be a severe scoliosis. So those who don’t know her are surprised by her outlook on life and her independence. Mina is a great character, as are Dr Hamid, who is her physician and travels with her, and Nellie, her friend.

Nellie is invited to stay with an old friend, Kitty, from her stage days, and her wealthy husband. They have a large house in the country and it appears to be haunted. The maids won’t stay overnight, and Mrs Honeyacre (Kitty) is beside herself. Her husband is a big follower of spiritualism and the occult(it was very fashionable at this time), but just not in his house.

It’s a slow burner, but when the action gets going, it really does go for it. I’m no expert on Victorians, but the attitudes and daily routines rang true, and the characters were all interesting and on the whole, likeable - especially Mina. I loved how she consistently surprised the male characters: they expected a meek and mild, sickly girl, and got an outspoken and independent woman instead.

I hadn’t realised when I began to read this, that it was the fourth in a series. I didn’t feel that I missed anything by not reading the first three, and it definitely could be read as a stand-alone. However, based on this novel, I would think that books 1-3 will be going on to my ‘to read’ pile!

If you like Victorians, mysteries and possibly ghosts, then this is a book that you’ll enjoy. I did!

Many thanks to Sapere books for my copy of this to read and honestly review.
One Night (Night Series #1)
One Night (Night Series #1)
A.M. Salinger | 2018 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
its hot hot HOT!!!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Book title is One Night and the whole book takes place in just that: one night!

After an attack 8 years ago, Gabe hasn't been able to be intimate with anyone. Moving across the world gives him a chance to push himself and at least try. He never expected that Cam would become anything other than one night.

OOOOOEEEEE!!!! New shelf, folks, just for this book! Cos let me tell ya, these boys get up to inferno level heat in that one night!

Cam and Gabe have a powerful and instant reaction, even with a whole club between them, and it carries, right through these some hundred pages, with both of them, independently of each other, deciding that one night will never be enough, but Gabe runs still. His trauma is dark, and could well have ended his life but for a nosey neighbour. Cam's reaction to that trauma is, again, powerful: his need to protect Gabe, to keep HIS man safe skyrockets and Cam realises that he will never get enough of Gabe.

Short it is, but there is enough history of the two men to gab you and pull you in. There is SO MUCH action, let me tell ya, these boys burn high, and hot and LONG!!!

I wrote in a recent review that what I loved about THAT book, was that it was so very CLEAN. But what I LOVED about this book?? It is so very NOT clean!! I actually don't think I've read such a great story, with so much action, in a long time!

Temperature outside? -2 degrees Centigrade (29 F) but inside?? About 500C ( 932F)!!!

Seriously cannot wait for Cam and Gabe's next book. It's not finished, their story, but they get their HFN here.

5 scorching stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Room For Recovery (Hearts and Health #4)
Room For Recovery (Hearts and Health #4)
D.J. Jamison | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
excellent addition to the series
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 4 in the Hearts and Health series, but you don't need to have read the others first, they are all stand alones.

I don't usually much care for younger main characters; end of high school, beginning of college age; probably because I'm far older than that, but while I KNEW Beau and Wade were that age, it never really sunk in, you know?? I KNEW they were 18 and 19, but they did not SEEM that age.

Wade and Beau have crushed on each other for as long as they can remember, but Wade's coming out led to disastrous consequences, and he doesn't want to admit that he's gay, not to himself, nor to anyone else. Beau, while not fully OUT, certainly aware of what and who he wants. When Beau is attacked, Wade goes all protective and the two get to really know each other.

I can't quite file this book on the warm and fuzzies shelf, like Bedside Manner, because Wade carries a lot of guilt about one thing and another BUT it is a fantastic read. Watching Wade and Beau getting to know each other properly, after being around each other for years, watching Wade deal with his demons, and watching them both fall, and fall far is excellent reading.

 Wade pops up in Urgent Care, he is Trent's nephew and Wade is ANGRY at everything and everyone. We get just WHY he is so angry here and its painful reading, listening to Wade deal internally with everything, it really is.

An excellent addition to this series, and it introduces us to Dr Casper Rollins, who has his story next. I look forward to reading it.

5 not quite warm and fuzzie stars, but very nearly.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Caught in the Crossfire (PROTEKT #3)
Caught in the Crossfire (PROTEKT #3)
Michael Mandrake | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
butfor the missing information, might have been 5 stars!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Tryst is new to PROTEKT, and is sent to "babysit the pop tart". Bastien finds himself attracted to Tryst, but equally to Claudius, the guy who saved his life. Bastien is, however, in the middle of something far bigger than even his books could give him.

This is book 3 in the PROTEKT series. I have not read books one, On The Run, or book 2, Closely Guarded and I think maybe I should have done. While everything becomes clearer as to what's happening in THIS book, I wanted to know BEFORE. I wanted to know how Tryst came to PROTEKT, how the others guys knew just what he was really up to. I NEEDED that information, and it isn't fully recapped here.

THAT said, I rather enjoyed this, the first I've read of Mr Mandrake. Three very different guys, from very different backgrounds, are thrown together, and neither one is strong enough to keep away from the other.

It's very well told, from all three guys point of view. I saw no spelling or editing errors. I read it in one sitting, a little over the hour mark. Fully engrossed, I was!

I liked how it all played out, LOVED who the informant was! Did not see that one coming! Loved that the bad guy gets his come-uppence, and by whom! Well played there, Mr Mandrake, very well played.

I'd like to go back and read the other two books. just to fill in those missing pieces of information that I am missing. Maybe I'll come back and re-read this one after (don't die of shock, I'm so not a re-reader! ) I just need to know how Tryst came to PROTEKT, really!

Thank you, Mr Mandrake, for an enjoyable 75 minutes.

4 solid stars (but had I all the information, might have been 5!)

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Worth The |Risk (Infinity #1)
Worth The |Risk (Infinity #1)
C.J. Lynne | 2016 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
solid four star read
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Tyler and Jax meet in the club that Tyler works in, Infinity. Their reaction to each is is instant and powerful. Then Tyler finds out just who Jax is, and he fights the attraction. And just when they get back on an even keel, something else pushes Tyler to question whether he is really worth the risk to Jax.

For the most part, I enjoyed this. There were a couple a lines, and phrases that kept popping up that kept it from getting the full five stars, though. Not listing them here, either cos they is wude, and some site are a little prudish in what you are allowed to say!

I loved that Jax goes all in, right from the start, making his feelings known, that Ty is really worth his time and effort, and he says those magic words early, with I don't usually like. HOWEVER, Jax makes it clear that while HE said them, Tyler can say them when he is ready, even if Jax knew how Tyler really felt at that point. Cos Jax can read Ty like the books he writes!

Ty takes some time, to word how he feels, though. He isn't sure when Jax will dump him, that's what he expects to happen. It takes time for Ty to really see that maybe, just maybe, Jax will stick around.

I did expect a couple of certain character to make trouble, but they don't. Someone else does that! Loved that Jax' family take on Tyler as a second son.

Apart from the repetitive phrases, it's very well written, from both guys plus another's point of view. These guys are at it like bunnies, and it's very explicit. Very much to my liking after several not so explicit books ?

A solid 4 star read.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Relentless (Somerton Security #2)
Relentless (Somerton Security #2)
Elizabeth Dyer | 2018 | Romance, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
excellent follow up!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book two in the Somerton Security series, and I STRONGLY recommend that you read book one, Defenseless, first. Because it will give you a better picture of Ethan, and his team. And because, I mean, FIVE star read people!

And again, this is a 5 star read!

Ethan Somerton, head of Somerton Security needs to find out where a certain member of his team is still being held. He needs insider information, and that information comes not from the younger Vega sister, but the elder, Natalia. Natalia had been doing her uncle's bidding to keep her sister safe. But Ethan promises things, things she never thought she could have. She just needs to get her sister out, and Ethan's team member free, first.

I loved that, right from the start, Natalia had Ethan pegged. She KNEW he wasn't who he was supposed to be! Loved that Ethan, very quickly, realised that Natalia was the one to watch, not her sister. Loved that Ana Maria surprised EVERYONE! Me included!

You don't get the full picture, of Natalia's mother and father's murder by her uncle, not all in one go. And it kinda threw me off balance, once we DID get it all! Love being kept on my toes!

The team member is STILL missing but they are closing in on him and fast. I have a feeling once THAT story comes, it's going to be little bit different to what the team might be expecting. Especially after what they find. Vague, I know, but no spoilers from me!

I have no idea who might be next, since one idea I had was totally wrong, but hey, I don't really care. I WANT to read it, because I need to know what's going to happen!

An excellent follow up!

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Gail (4 KP) rated All Tyed Up in Books

Jun 4, 2018  
All Tyed Up
Julia Harlow | 21016
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
All Tyed Up by Julia Harlow
The story follows Isabella Beachwood and Ty Griffin. Their Journey Begins a little bit shaky. Isabella has this attitude and it’s just like no he might be a player, he’s hot, he’s sexy and he’s got this charisma that she knows women are all over him. Then there’s Ty he’s just like wow this voluptuous woman is just too hot I need her. I got the feeling that he was just going to take over and commander her.
Ok I enjoyed this book. I laughed and even got a little teary eyed. At first I was in love with Isabella. She is a independent woman doing her thing. But as the book progressed she became snobbish to me. For instance the part where she misjudged him and thought that he was married and had a baby. How in the world did he end up apologizing to her when she jumped to conclusions? Then she had the nerve to say that she needed to think about it for a couple days. I was like girl get over yourself this man did nothing wrong and yet you're punishing him. And then there’s Tiberius Griffin( AKA Ty). Man he is delicious sounding everything about him just sounded so perfect. Until he let her basically boss him around I mean what alpha male let’s the woman boss him around? I understand let her take control every now and then but you know he basically gave in to her every demand. I like that she wrote about body image because so many women have body image issues and it’s something that affects us everyday. But anyways on a good note I really love the authors writing. I thought she wrote the characters well and from her perspective they were perfect the way they are. I really enjoyed the funny parts and don’t let me forget the sex. It was hot! hot! hot! So if you’re looking for a book that’s sweet, tempting and fun this is definitely for you.