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Waking to Black (Uninhibited #1)
Waking to Black (Uninhibited #1)
V.H. Luis | 2018 | Erotica, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
3 good solid stars
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

First person, present tense is the reason why I very nearly didn't finish this one. Not my favourite way for a book to be written, and I make no apologies for having dumped books before upon finding out they are written this way.

But I didn't dump this one. I kept at it, and I was pleasantly surprised that I liked this. I did not love it though.

Evelyn has secrets and has been hiding from the world, existing say to day. Getting held up in a bank, and meeting Adam Black made her start living. But those secrets are hard to share, and she doesn't know if Adam will share his secrets too.

Aside from the present tense thing, I wanted Adam to have a voice, I really did and he doesn't. And because he doesn't, Evelyn began to grate on my nerves. I've no particular idea WHY, she just did. That's what I'm left felling and ya'll know I'm all about sharing my feelings!

This is book one in the Uninhibited trilogy. This is, as far as I can see, also book one for this author. Do I want to read more of the trilogy?? I don't know yet. I'm waiting to find out if Adam gets a say. I'm not sure I can face two more long (400 odd pages) full only of Evelyn.

The book comes with a BDSM tag, but I saw no evidence of that. I've tagged it over 18, and darker/grittier, because of what Evelyn went through and is still dealing with. Some readers may find it difficult reading. I'm not saying here, because that is a HUGE spoiler, but feel free to message me if you wish to know.


For a first time author, something must have clicked because I got past the present tense thing and read it all. So well done for that!

3 solid GOOD stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Midnight In Berlin
Midnight In Berlin
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not really one for me :-(
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Covered in feathers, Leon hitchhikes back to his hostel. But Christoph mistakes Leon for a rogue werewolf, and bites him, making Leon like Christoph. Waking up in a house full of others, Leon is more worried about Christoph than his own fate. After Leon frees Christoph, and the truth about their history becomes clear, Leon and Christoph want to leave the pack. But not everyone will let them.

I'm rally not sure how I feel about this book! I did not love it, at all but I didn't hate it either. This is going to be one of those short reviews, and I apologise for that!

It's almost clean, which surprised me, don't know WHY it surprised me, but it did. Also surprised by the fact that I rather liked that it was!

It is, however, quite violent in places. Graphically so, and I did find it a bit too much for me. Someone else might not find it as bad, but me? I didn't like that.

It's told entirely from Leon's point of view and of course I wanted to hear from Christoph. He makes some spur of the moment, life changing decisions here and I needed to know what was going through his mind at those key points in the story.

What Leon does say, is in the first person, past tense, His voice is well written, and well delivered and he gets all the important emotions across in all the right places. I saw no spelling or editing errors to spoil my reading.

I jst don't know if this book was for me, that's all! And Lord knows, I say it often enough, but it pains me when I can't word why I do or do not love a book.

So I'll leave it at that.

3 solid stars.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
For You I Fall ( Angels & Misfits #1)
For You I Fall ( Angels & Misfits #1)
Colette Davison, T.N. Nova | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not really one for me :-(
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

As an angel sent to watch over his charges, Dante has many rules. Falling in ove with his charge is one of them. But Seth is such a beautiful person, has such a beautiful soul, Dante can't help himself. When Seth's time comes, Dante will do anything so they can spend eternity together. He never figured on being betrayed, or the strength of the love Seth has for Dante.

*insert sigh*
**insert another sigh**

I'm not really sure what I felt about this book, and I'm struggling to write a coherent review, that makes sense, so bear with me, okay??

I didn't love it, not t all, but I don't think I really LIKED it, either. I certainly did NOT hate it, because if I did, I would not have finished and there would be no review at all.

It's told from both Seth and Dante's point of view, in the third person. It's not overly explicit, just the right amount, I thought, for this book.

It does have some darker undertones and parts of the story are a little graphic in places, but again, I thought just the right level for THIS book.

I did see the betrayal coming at me, and I liked watching it play out the way I thought it would. I did not see how this would resolve itself for Seth and Dante to be together, so that was good to watch unfold. I did like that a certain someone got his just desserts and paid the highest price for his crimes.

I just can't figure out WHY I'm left feeling I don't know what about this book! And you know that pains me so!

Someone will love this book, someone will rant and rave about how awesome it is. Unfortunately, that someone is not me.


3 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Inspired By Murder
Inspired By Murder
Audrey J. Cole | 2018 | Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a good book, just not one for me.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my coy of this book.

Jumping straight in here, cos this may not make sense but I'll do my best!

Ordinarily, I LOVE getting into the minds of the bad guys. LOVE it, because it happens so rarely. I love being able to follow their twisted convoluted thinking (sometimes, anyway!) and actually being able to follow just WHY they do their thing.


But here? Not so much. I don't know if it is the subject matter, or just the way the author tells her tales (first one I've read of this author) or maybe just Eric himself. I dunno. I just didn't (and this is going to sound like I need some serious help!) connect very well with Eric!

He is an aspiring author, but needs the perfect crime. So, why not commit one to get it right?? So he does! He has it all planned out, and carries it off, and then the police start asking questions about his secretary? He is a little thrown off but pulls himself together enough to get justice for her, even if it isn't correct.

Stephenson, the detective in charge of solving the murders of a New York Times best selling romance author and his wife, knows Eric did it, he just has to give him enough rope.

But Eric has some tricks up his sleeve, and some secrets in his closet that throw the whole thing wide open, world wide open! And I DID like that! The man was three steps ahead of Stephenson every step of the way, and Cole pulls a blinder of a plot twist I did not see coming!

I did like the way the story unfolds, the way Eric unravels (sorta) I just don't think THIS particular book did very much for me.


3 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Bishop Ridge (Sawyer's Ferry #2)
Bishop Ridge (Sawyer's Ferry #2)
Cate Ashwood | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a far more engaging read than book one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book two in the Sawyer's Ferry series. It's not really necessary to read book one, Alaska, first but I would personally say you should. Gage and Holden play a huge part here. And their story is really rather good too!

Jackson walks into Logan's clinic and sparks fly. I mean, even Logan was thinking about going against his doctor/patient rules. But Logan passes Jackson's case to Holden and all bets are off. But both men have a no-repeat rule. So just why are they going for round two, three and more?

Logan is Gage's partner at the hospital and best friend. We met him in Alaska. I'm glad he got his story!

It is again told from both men's point of view in the first person. Not my favourite, but Ms Ashwood seems to somehow negate that fact and I really am enjoying this series.

I loved the fact that this . . . Non-relationship kinda creeps up on both the guys. Its very much a slow burn in regards to the emotions involved for them both. Steam and passion? Immediate and powerful but the emotions creep up on them and it takes a while for them to see. Loved that they both fought it, hard.

Loved how Logan made Jackson admit to his feelings but not what got them to that point! Scary, I was worried!

We never did get to the story about how Jackson has a gunshot wound from 6 years ago, but it's only when typing this up that I realised that!

I gave Alaska 4 stars, but I found myself far more engaged with Logan and Jackson, than I was with Gage and Holden, so. . .

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Patron Of Mercy (Lords of The Underworld #3)
Patron Of Mercy (Lords of The Underworld #3)
Sam Burns, W.M. Fawkes | 2019 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was missing . . . .something!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in the Lords of The Underworld series, and it CAN be read as a stand alone. However, personally, I felt I was missing. . . something . . .that I can't quite put my finger on, for not having read books one and two YET. I have them, but I have not got round to them yet! I will do, now though!

Lach walked away from Thanatos a milennia ago, because now he was immortal, who wanted to hang aroudn the God of Death? But both Thanatos and Lach lusted after the other for all that time. When Lach discoveres a way to save the world from starvation, he knows he will need Thanatos. Can Lach win back the only man, the only GOD he would ever love?

I did enjoy this, apart from the previously mentioned . . .something . . . I really did!

All the major players get a say, and you don't see what fate has instore for Lach and his friend till all is made clear in the book.

It is HEAVY on the Greek gods history. I *sort of* managed to keep up, because I paid no attention to histoy at school, but I felt I was given enough to *sort of* keep up! Someone else will have paid far better attention, and followed it beautifully.

Thanatos and Lach's story, though, I had no trouble following!

It;s not overly explicit, but hot enough. There is some detailed descriptions when Lach is in major trouble, though.

It is the first book I've read of Sam Burns or WM Fawkes. I'd like to read more, as I said, I have books one and two to read. Their collaboration is really well written, and you really can't tell how they split the writing! (sometimes, it's very obvious!)

So, ONLY because of that . . .something . . .I (personally, me, myself, and no one else!) was missing. . .

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Rogue King (Inferno Rising #1)
The Rogue King (Inferno Rising #1)
Abigail Owen | 2019 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED book two, yesterday!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Jumping straight in here, cos ooooooeeeee I did LOVE this book!!

Brand is a rogue dragon, without a clan. Kasia, a Phoenix without a family. A Phoenix is the only one who can mate with the High King of ALL the dragons, and the makes her valuable. Brand is tasked with delivering Kasia to the Blood King, to his only friend from childhood. But Kasia ignites something in Brand, and he knows he cannot give up his mate.

This was, quite possibly, my favourite read this month! I mean, I had a lie in, read a few pages before you have to dig yourself out your pit, and before you know it, 3 hours has past and you've about flung your kindle (but not quite!) at the wall, cos now you NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED book two, yesterday!

Everyone, and I mean everyone IMPORTANT has a say: Kasia, Brand, and all those trying to get Kasia (but not saying who!)

Not everything is immediately clear, and you put things together all kinds of wrong before things are cleared up. And I LOVE being kept on my toes!

It's different, and I LOVE different, with the Phoenix being the key to High King status. With female born dragons being unable to bare children. With Kasia and her sisters having hidden for so long, and Kasia not doing so well hiding herself anymore.

There is an ongoing story arc, that makes you NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED book two, yesterday, to see what happens to Kasia's sisters. You can't see what's going to happen, not in the long term, but a massive clue screams at you for one sister, and there is another, much less subtle clue, for another. Whether that pans out how I see it, remains to be seen, but I WILL be reading these books!

Thank you, Ms Owen, for proper making my day!

5 bright and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Orphan (2009)
Orphan (2009)
2009 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
For the Coleman family the idea of adopting a beautiful little Russian orphan girl is no easy task, having overcome a number of heart breaking obstacles from alcoholism to the loss of a child. But Ester (Isabelle Fuhrman) seems to be a perfect fit for the family; she is independent, clever, and interested in the arts. When a series of dangerous yet untraceable events begin to occur whenever Ester is around, the Coleman’s wonder if their bad luck is over.

When I entered the theater I expected a creepy female version of Damien adorned in a lacey Victorian dress. But “Orphan” was surprising and interesting in ways than I ever could have expected. More like the 2002 film “He Loves Me… He Loves Me Not” than part of the “Omen” series, “Orphan” packs a punch… and a stab and a gunshot or two.

The full-bodied story starts straight from the films shocking beginning. Yes at times the plot does take some significant suspended belief, a recently recovering alcoholic adopting a child, for instance.

But “Orphan” is an emotional roller coaster splicing unexpected comedic moments with stabbing suspense.
The mix of hauntingly familiar music and color filled imagery make this not just another suspense film but a more artistic take on the genre. Film themes range from love, trust, and childhood, to the ongoing questions of good and evil.

Additionally reoccurring use of color, sex, and connection to family are well woven into the film. Not to mention the use of classic horror elements such as the creepy tree house used in conjunction with newer style choices such as some subtitling and scare turned laughter moments.

A thrilling and full-bodied story “Orphan” is a chilling tale with an interesting while not entirely believable plotline. People will talk about this one.

The DVD release offers sharp sound and picture quality and numerous bonus features including an alternate ending to the film.
Women in medieval England
This is a book packed with history, told from the points of view of a priest, a female castellan, a female Keeper of the Kings Forest and a Knight (he gets about a chapter). It must have been very unusual for there to be female Castellans and Keepers of the Forest in a time where a womans primary function was to get married and give birth to sons who could inherit a title. The women in this story seem to have to prove themselves constantly to outsiders - the people who live under their rule don't need to see the proof, they have experience of how good these two women are at their jobs.
The years after the Magna Carta was signed were very unsettled. King John had problems with Phillip of France, losing lands in France and allowing the French in to England to take over castles and land by force. With the death of John, his 9 year old son succeeds him and William Marshall becomes his Regent. I have read other books about William Marshall, and what I read here seemed to be in keeping (most writers seem to be in agreement at the kind of man he must have been).
Nicolaa of Lincoln and Matilda of Laxton were not weak females. I really liked how they were portrayed, and I enjoyed reading the chapters from their points of view as it showed how strong and independent they were. I really liked Father Barnards chapters too. It gave an objective look at how these two women reacted in their situations.
I am a real sucker for historical fiction, and I feel that this was a really well researched novel. There was nothing overly sensationalised, which made it more believable for me. I will probably read the next book in this series. I'm interested to see if there is more from these two impressive women.
Many thanks to Sapere Books for a copy of this book to read and review.
The Edge of the World
The Edge of the World
Garrett Leigh | 2020 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
took a while, but excellent book!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is one of those books that I nearly dumped! NEARLY, but didn't.

Ollie said something, Shay said something, I forget who said what, but one of them said something that made the book a whole LOT more readable and I wanted to know what more. More Ollie, more Shay, just plain MORE! Cos ya'll know how greedy I am!

I loved that, when Ollie was keeping the things he found about Shay's family from Shay til certain points, he kept it from US too, and we only found it all out, just as Shay does. Loved being kept on my toes for that!

I loved that what happened to Ollie isn't immediately laid out for you and you have to piece together the clues. Again, we don't get the FULL picture til Ollie tells Shay all about it.

There is immediately attraction between the guys, yes, but it's a way WAY through the book before they actually get their sexy time, and strangely, I think I would have preferred that they did NOT have on-screen time, you know? I was loving the EMOTIONS that run rife through the book, real gut wrenching ones in places, and the sexy time, while still emotional for the guys, it kinda felt thrown in, that it was supposed to be there, just because, if you see what I mean? probably not, I'm not making much sense, I know!

Both guys have a say, in the third person, so we get all of Ollie's fear about doing this again, about being behind the camera again. We get all of Shay's growing feelings for Ollie, and we get it all from them both when the full history of Shay is revealed.

So, because it took me a while to fully engage . . .

4 solid stars

**same wroded review will appear elsewhere**