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Crimson: A Dark Sidhe Faerie Tale
Crimson: A Dark Sidhe Faerie Tale
Tiffany Speelman | 2023 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
First time author nailed it!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Ok so! As far as I can see this book is the only book currently written by this author. And if this is her FIRST book?? Oh my days, I cannot wait to see what she delivers next!

Because, bar two things, I bloody LOVED this book.

It's dark and deadly, with so much going on sometimes, I had to double back to check I fully understood. And that, for ME, is a good thing! I didn't find it especially explicit, for Kara and Alak, but for the Fae in general, it is. There is a lot of violence here too, but I think it is needed to get the way these folk live across. It's a truly multi-layered story and it takes time to get to where it's going.

Or rather, it takes time to get the whole point of the story across. And again, for ME, a very good thing. It kept me fully engaged from start to finish.


It is a long LONG book, some 500 pages and it's not all easy reading. As I said, it takes time to build up to things. Some peeps don't like such long books. I did here, but it did take me a long time to finish. Mostly because of my next point.


Only Kara has a say. And if Alak had been given a voice, it would have broken this up a bit, and made it not seem quite so long. Because I really needed to hear from him at points along the way, especially when Kara is in danger.

Having said all that, I really REALLY enjoyed it, and I really REALLY hope we get a second book. Because while there is a HFN ending, Kara and Alak's story is by no means finished. And some other characters need a HEA, too!

So, for a first time author, I'd say Ms Speelman nailed it!

4 most excellent stars
Forever This Time (Heartbreaker #1)
Forever This Time (Heartbreaker #1)
Ana Jolene | 2023 | Contemporary, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
While everything was dealt with in a sympathetic manner, it all needed to be MORE.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is set in Moonrise Beach, a series by this author, and Ash and Shay are part of that series, but this is their story. I have not read that series, and I do not feel I missed anything for not doing.

This is one of those reviews that will be hard to write. I'm not sure I liked this book, but can't figure out why!

So, I'll comment on what I did like and maybe it will come to me? Let's try.

It's fairly well written, from both Ash and Shay's point of view. Greyson also gets a chapter, he is Ash's best friend, and is married to Dacey, Shay's best friend but I'm not entirely sure what the point of HIS chapter was?

It moves along steadily. The pace of the story and the way Ash and Shay build their relationship moves along nicely, neither want to rush into anything and spoil their friendship.

I felt some of the things that had happened to Shay could have been dealt with in a deeper way, but what does happen was not glassed over. I just felt it needed more, you know?

I think that's my biggest issue. While everything was dealt with in a sympathetic manner, it all needed to be MORE. Yes, my overwhelming feeling about this book was, I needed more, and ya'll know I like to share my book feelings.

When I find a new to me author I ask myself this: Will I read more of this author? My answer for this author is :possibly, but only if the blurb grabs. I will not go back and read the Moornrise Beach series though.

3 good solid stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
A Star to Sail By
A Star to Sail By
Joy Lynn Fielding | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved being kept on my toes!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Crispin wanted to be in the Navy, and now he finds himself on a pirate ship, helping them. But these pirates aren't like anything he heard about and Billy, especially, calls to him for reasons he can't figure out. Billy knows though, and it takes a storm to bring them finally to admit to each other what they could be.

What I especially liked about this, was being kept on my toes!

We are aware that something happened to Crispin to mean he is surviving on a merchant ship, and is no longer in the Royal Navy, but not WHY. We know Billy hates Naval officers, but not WHY. And we get the answers to both almost at the same time. Very different reasons, but equally devastating to them. I'm not going to go into it, for spoilers, but difficult reading, Billy's especially. Be mindful of the trigger warnings on this book.

It's not especially explicit, but I didn't mind that here. It's more about the feeling these two men have for each other, and knowing that they can be together, in this time, and be safe.

It is, however, quite violent. These pirates are their behaviours, but things happen and then Crispin and Billy are dealt a nasty blow. The level of violence is not graphic, though it does carry some detailed descriptions of punishments and the aftermath. Also, the reason Billy hates Naval officers is described in some detail.

It's not a complicated read, and I found I read it faster than I normally would for a book of this length, some 370 pages.

First I've read of this author, I like the way she spins her tales. I'll certainly read more by this author.

A very enjoyable, 4 star read

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
A Theory of Crystal: A Paladins of Crystal Novella
A Theory of Crystal: A Paladins of Crystal Novella
Nicola M. Cameron | 2023 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
far too short! I need more!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is set in the world of The Paladins of Crystal series, but can totally be read as a stand alone. It probably falls somewhere AFTER book 2, but given what happens at the end of that book, I couldn't be sure.

Still, a very enjoyable slide back into this world, thank you very much!

Yelena runs away, because she does not want to marry the Three Ys (loved that she called them that!) and push out babies by the dozen, thank you very much! So, she dresses as a man and finds herself working for three scholars trying to find the secret of the source of magic and power in this world. Oleks, Ivan and Dmytro are taken by the young 'lad' and his skill at sorting their garbled notes into order. But only when a midnight bath for Yelena turns into something else, do they realise, she is theirs. But the magic in the world conspires against them, and things become deadly for them all.

I loved this dip into this world, I really did. The cameo by The Grand Duchess Crystal was a surprise too!

I loved Yelena and her men. I loved how they grew into their relationship, getting to know each other for a time, even if the men thought Yelena was a boy. Once the ruse was discovered, however, they were ALL in and I loved that too.

It would be great, at some point, to catch up with this group, in the main books. I'd like to know how Yelena gets on with her studies now the guys won their prize!

My only niggle? Too flipping short! But any visit to this world, I find too short!

I can't wait to read the next main book, and hope I don't have to wait too long.

4 very good, but far too short, stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere