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Femme Faux Fatale (Dreamspun Desires #70)
Femme Faux Fatale (Dreamspun Desires #70)
Susan Laine | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
really rather enjoyed this
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Cain is hired by Ms Astor to find her husband, along with a Rodin statuette. But things don't add up to Cain, and he visits the club she works at to talk to her some more. Lily Lavender is on stage, and she pushes all kinds of buttons that Cain never knew he needed pushing. Riley, the man behind Lily, has a similar reaction to Cain. But Riley is keeping secrets, secrets that have gotten two people killed and Cain needs to know, if they are to get out of this alive.

I really rather enjoyed this!

It's got instant and powerful attraction, it's got steam and passion, it's got a nutty woman, it's got so many levels of secrets! It's deadly too.

Told from both Cain and Riley's point of view, in the third, so we get each and every reaction from both men. Reactions to each other, to the situation around them, to Riley's cross dressing and to Cain very unexpected reaction to that.

Loved Cain's reaction to Riley's cross dressing. It's clear Riley has been treated badly in the past because of that, but Cain is like, AND??? It's part of who Riley is, and Cain just takes it as it is, as Riley is. Cain does, admittedly, rather like Riley in his ladies knickers and stockings, so that helped!

There is a rather long winded conversation between Riley and Cain about pulp fiction and noir films (I think!) bit I got lost with that, mostly because I have no clue what they were talking about, so I glanced over that bit!

I did like the twist as to what was really in the statuettes, and where that led the plot, and just what Ms Astor had, rather that what she THOUGHT she had.

Not quite a one sitting read, but I did stay til after midnight to finish it, when I had a 6am get up!

I've read one other by Ms Laine, I'd like to read some more. She has a way of grabbing you and pulling you in.

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Inciting a Riot (Riot MC #2)
Inciting a Riot (Riot MC #2)
Karen Renee | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a good solid 4 star read
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

6 years ago, Lorraine caught Cary (Vamp) in their bed with two other women and her world imploded. Now, he's back and fighting dirty. Fighting for Rainy's love, and for her life, when an ex turns nasty.

This is book two in the Riot MC series, and I have not read book one. I'll come back, in a minute, to why I think I probably should have.

For the most part, I DID enjoy this, I really did. There are just a couple of things that let it down, for ME.

It's told ALMOST entirely from Rainy's point of view, in the first person. While it's clear, after a very short time who is speaking, it would have been nice to have been told. We do get a bit of Cary, in the third person, but not nearly enough for my liking! I needed MORE Cary.

At several points along the way, Cary says something happened to him a few months ago, but it was never clarified just WHAT gave him the epiphany he had that made he realise who he needed to make his life complete. THIS is where I think I should have read book one first. Maybe THAT event is in that book. I NEEDED to know what happened, and we are not told that here.

On a positive note, because it is mostly only Rainy who speaks, the MC stuff takes a bit of a back seat and I did like that. I wasn't too clear whether these guys are into all the illegal stuff that often comes with MC books, but I really don't care.

These guys love their woman, hard, and everyone seems happy. Except Trixie, she's not a happy bunnie and I want her to be! Please Ms Renee, make Trixie happy!

I did like the way the nutty ex thing so so darn complicated!

So,, because of that missing information, because I needed more of Cary, and because I DID read it in one sitting. . .

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Home and Heart
Home and Heart
Sean Michael | 2018 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
so much sex!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

For the most part, I DID enjoy this. Mostly.

I will always say I like my male/male books on the more explicit side, and I will make no apologies for that. More sexy time is always better for me, SO LONG as the story can carry it. However, HERE, I found that while there is a lot of sex, it's not carried well by the story. What is here is good, and it's well written and super sexy, but I just felt the overall story gets lost somewhere along the way.

Sawyer's husband died 6 years ago, and he took to the bottle to literally drown his sorrows. Now, he's sober and ups and moves clear across the country for a new start. That there are three guys in the building with a friends with benefit type arrangement, helps Sawyer a lot.

The type of relationship Sawyer had with his husband, the depth of that, creeps out slowly, as does the depth of the relationship between Benny and Luke, and I did like that. I LOVED that Luke and Benny were well established and Derek their sometime third. LOVED that Luke saw that Sawyer was a sub, very quickly, and that he began teaching Derek to be Sawyer's Dom. Loved that Derek didn't even KNOW he wanted to be a Dom, before Sawyer. I loved that once in, Derek was adamant that Sawyer was HIS and HIS alone and HE would be the one to give Sawyer what he needed, even if Derek wasn't keen on whatever that might be.

So, what is here is great, brilliant and all that but I just felt the STORY, Sawyer's story, about moving across the country for a new start, coming out of his shell, was lost in all that, very well written and delivered, sex.

And if I say there is too much sex, you gotta know there is a lot!

All four guys do get a say, and I did finish it in one sitting. Enjoyable enough for that so

3 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Havoc (Tattoos and Ties #1)
Havoc (Tattoos and Ties #1)
Kindle Alexander | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
took a while for me to fully engage!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Keyes is a fully fledged patched member of the Disciples of Havoc club. Alec is a member of the DA's team who seems to have it out for the club. Can the biker see past the suit? Can the lawyer see past the tattoos?

I love Kindle Alexander and their work, you know I do, but I did struggle a bit with this one!

It took me til well past half way to fully engage with Keyes and Alec and I've no idea why, and you KNOW that pains me so! And just when I thought we would get an HEA?? NO, its a bloody Happy For Now sort of ending and that really did annoy me! There is a bit at the back that says about the continuation of Key and Alec's story, but that's not the point. I was expecting a Happy Ever After, I WANTED a HEA, and I didn't get it.

Once I'd fully immersed myself in the story, I did enjoy it. Both guys have a say, both guys are polar opposites and it shows in so many ways, but I love those sorts of pairings. Key and Alec have instant and powerful attraction, hot off the charts chemistry that burns long and bright the whole way through to that HFN ending.

We still don't know just why that particular DA is going after the group, I expect that will become a little more clearer in the next book.

There are a couple of mentions of other Kindle Alexander characters, and they slot in well into the overall plot line. Not gonna say who though, and they ARE just mentions. But well played there!

I really do need their next book, Chaos, to see if that gives me my HEA I want for these guys.

Now I've gotten over my little hissy fit about the ending, I've decided NOT to let it show in my rating, cos that's really not very fair. So, ONLY because of the long time it took me to engage, . . .

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Midge (525 KP) rated SEAL's Homecoming in Books

Jan 31, 2019 (Updated Jan 31, 2019)  
SEAL's Homecoming
SEAL's Homecoming
Leslie North | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hot romance (2 more)
Great lead characters
Action and suspense
A Delightful, Sexy Must Read!
I absolutely adored this wonderful, hot, little romance from the very beginning.

Chance McCallister is a Navy SEAL with dark brown eyes a perfectly honed body and likes sprucing up classic cars. He and his brothers have returned to their home town of Springwell, Georgia for their father’s funeral. Chance buys the car parts from the garage that his ex-girlfriend owns, who he is trying to avoid and hasn’t seen for twelve years. No problem, unless things start to get complicated....

Enter Mandy Loomis, a stunning, petite, curvy, russet-haired beauty, to whom he lost his virginity and who he thought he’d marry until she ripped out his heart just before he left for the Navy. Mandy’s gambler father died two years ago, leaving her the garage family business and a whole load of related debt, owed to a loan shark.
To Mandy, Chance was her childhood sweetheart who abandoned her 12 years ago. Then he was 18 years old, now she is drowning in lust for him and he is bigger, stronger and even sexier, with an aura of danger and a reputation of fighter and predator. Just as the two are beginning to realize they could have a future together, the loan shark starts to make some serious trouble for them, putting both their love and their lives in danger.

Although Chance has a bad-boy image, I loved the sexy chemistry between him and Mandy whenever they were together and they were both very likeable characters. Mandy is bright, ambitious, fiercely independent and very much knows her own mind. Chance is gorgeous and his actions are always carried out with good intentions.

"SEAL’s Homecoming" is a short fast-paced read with lots of action, some suspense and plenty of lust and love. Leslie North has written another brilliant story that was sweet and captivating to the end and loads of fun to read.

I would wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone.

Thank you to Hidden Gems and the author, Leslie North, for a free ARC of this book in exchange for a voluntary, honest review.
I did not like Blue!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

A year ago, Kelly and Blue took the friendship to a whole other level. But Blue plays football, and doesn't wanna come out yet. He just needs to bide his time. Kelly, however, is growing impatient with Blue. Can Blue keep Kelly happy, while he gets himself together?

This is book two in the Rules of Possession duet, and you NEED to read book one, The Blueprint, first.

I listened to book one, and I said that I found that the narrator for Blue didn't quite for me, even though Sean Crisden is a firm favourite of mine. However, since READING book two, I've decided it's NOT the narrator, but Blue himself who is the problem!

I could hear Kelly when I read his chapters, but not so much Blue. I connected better to Kelly than Blue. I loved Kelly, but Blue?? Nah, wanted to punch him so bad!

Keeping Kelly happy is Blue's number one priority, but he still has to work, to play football, and to leave Kelly from time to time and that does rather kill Blue. He DOES love Kelly, that much is obvious, but he just can't come out yet, not to everyone else.

BUT everyone else? Those around Blue and Kelly all the time?? THEY know, they knew BEFORE Kelly and Blue did! When a couple of players voice what they know, and Blue gets caught kissing Kelly on their vacation, he knows he has to come out. And he does.

I just *insert sigh* expected the fall out of that to be . . . MORE . . . you know?? Blue goes on about how big a deal it is, to come out as a football player, about how BAD it will be, and I expected the fall out to be nuclear. But it's more of a damp firework, to be honest!

I DID enjoy reading this, but the thing I struggled the most with was Blue himself. But Kelly's voice is so strong, it balances out Blue perfectly. And the story rounded off beautifully, in a very Kelly way!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Haunting of Sharon Tate (2019)
The Haunting of Sharon Tate (2019)
2019 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
With it being 50 years since the tragic Manson murders in California we have a year of Manson movies. We have the independent film Charlie Says which explores Manson and his cult in sensitive detail before the tragic night. We have Tarantino’s Once Up A Time In Hollywood which has been given the go-ahead from Sharon Tate’s sister to be made. Then we have this. The Haunting of Sharon Tate. An overly exploitative piece that twists truths to create a narrative and completely trashes the legacy of the late actress.

August 8, 1969, the night that Sharon Tate, Jay Sebring, Wojciech Frykowski, Abigail Folger and Steven Parent were brutally murdered. The film focuses on the days before the tragic event. The movie dramatizes the slayings and plays on the notion that Sharon Tate predicted her own death in the days leading up to the slaughter.

Surrounded by bad acting and awful scripting it was a very poor choice to make this film in the first place. Writer-director Daniel Farrands has created an offensive and frankly insulting ‘thriller’. Hilary Duff stars as Sharon Tate and whilst she somewhat looks the part, she doesn’t have that raw magic and flair that Sharon had. This tragic event has been turned into some stock-horror slash um up movie with a psychic paranormal twist.

At one point Manson’s song ‘Cease to Exist’ plays to Sharon over a tape player and the Manson Family stalks Tate and her friends around her home. It really is that bad. The introduction of the movie shows real-life footage as a black and white Hilary Duff talks about her own death. The opening scene of the movie is enough to want me to turn off the film instantly.
The Haunting of Sharon Tate still
With no care or respect being paid to the real-life counterparts, the movie has very little to say other than ‘you’re going to die soon’. There’s no feeling of empathy. The Haunting of Sharon Tate is just a 90-minute exploitation of a horrific night in Hollywood’s history.
Midnight on the River Grey
Midnight on the River Grey
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Abigail Wilson returns to Regency England with another tale of murder, mystery, and romance.

After her elder brother’s mysterious death, Rebecca Hunter vows to expose the man she believes responsible-Mr. Lewis Browning-known by the locals as the Midnight Devil and by Rebecca as her new guardian. He alone was on the bridge that fateful night and openly admits striking her brother with his horse, but he claims he remembers little else. Summoned to his reclusive country estate to await her London season, Rebecca plans her own secret investigation. Yet, Lewis Browning is not as she once imagined, and his motivation is horribly unclear. Recurrent nightmares and Rebecca’s restless feelings are further complicated by the shadow of her mother’s prior descent into madness and whether she too will follow the same heartbreaking path. Even as midnight rides, strange injuries, and further murders lead back to Lewis, Rebecca can’t ignore the subtle turn of her heart. Has she developed feelings for the man she swore to see hanged? And moreover, can she trust him with her uncertain future?

My Thoughts: This was an amazing read; full of plot twists, murder and even a little love involved. Abigail Wilson has spun a tale of intrigue that keeps the readers on the edge of their seat. In this book, you never know who to really trust and just when you think you have it all figured out, the plot twists again!

The characters in this story are intriguing, some are very lovable and some are just mysterious. There is a warm feeling with the Aunt/niece relationship with Rebecca and her aunt. The readers get a true feel for the loving relationship that Rebecca has with her aunt. Since Rebecca has not had a stable family relationship, she is a free-spirited young woman who has a very independent nature for this time period. This is a helpful trait for her, to help her search for her bother's killer. Even though it's a second in a series, this is a stand-alone book. I certainly look forward to reading more from this author.
Fade In (Tales of Bryant Novellas #1)
Fade In (Tales of Bryant Novellas #1)
V.L. Locey | 2020 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I NEEDED Caiden!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book three in the Tales of Bryant series, and while I would RECOMMEND that you read the other two books first, its not really necessary. Books one and two are abotu Isamu and Brian, and this book is about Isamu's friend, Devon. It woud just give you a better picture of these people and how they interact.

It was the interaction between Brian and Caiden in the first two books that piqued my interest in Caiden! Devon is smitten immediately, and you knew when they eventually came together it was gonna be hot and it really is! I just didn't expect to he hauled through the emotional wringer too!

Caiden and Devon get together at Brian and Isamu's wedding and they fall into a brief affair, thats all it can be, cos Caiden leaves twon for 3 months shortly. But Devon can't fight his feelings and runs. Caiden brings him back, time again until Devon finally calls time, when Caiden is leaving town.

Because a huge chunk of the book is set over two weeks, it IS fast that Devon falls, and utters those 3 little words, and usually I wouldn't like that but since Devon knows there is a limited time available, he goes in feet first. While Caiden doesn't say them til MUCH later, I felt he did fell the words for Devon, he showed him in other ways. It's just, Devon doesn't see it like that and all his past insecurities come crashing down around his ears.

It's hot and steamy in places, and sweet and emotional in others. It hit THAT spot in all but one.

Again, its only Devon who has a say, and thats the only reason I can't stretch to 5 stars! Cos let me tell ya, Devon falling hard and fast for Caiden was great reading but I NEEDED Caiden too, and I don't get him. So I'm a bit miffed about that!

Adrian is up next, the wedding planner who lost the plot when dealing with Isamu's Baba (grandmother) and he is a character and a half!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Run With It (MacAteer Brothers, #1)
Run With It (MacAteer Brothers, #1)
ML Nystrom | 2020 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
much better read for me from this author!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.
This NEW series from Nystrom is a spin off from the Dragon Runners series. You don't need to have read THOSE books for this one to make sense, indeed, I've only read book one and half of book 2. I didn't much care for those books, and I have no idea why.
This one, however, is a whole nother story!
I really REALLY enjoyed this! I was surprised I enjoyed it so much, since I didn't care for the Dragon Runners, and I cannot tell you why, either!
Bev has her say in the first person, and Connor in the third. Different, but quirky and I liked it! Wasn't sure Connor would get a voice, but he does.
The chemistry builds for these two, right from the start, but its way WAY late in the book that they finally get any time together, what with Connor's work, and Bev's kids and dealing with a shitty ex and his new partner. I liked that it took time for them to come together. They do bandy about the L word early, to themselves at least and I didn't like that very much but it didn't spoil my reading.
Connor's builder family are in one of the Dragon Runners books, as they rebuild the Clubhouse/Bar (I forget which, and I didn't read Connor's sister's book, Stud, book 2) There is quite a lot of hints to the tension between Connor and some of his siblings, but the ones who turn up here are close to Connor. Bev's family are almost non-existent!
I had to laugh at Bev's friend, signing her up for a dating app, cos been there, done that and got the bloody t-shirt! I felt for Bev, on those dates, I really did!
I really cannot tell you why the Dragon Runners didn't work for me, and this one did, but I really don't care. I hope I can read the future books about these brothers, I have a feeling they will be fun to read about.
4 very VERY good stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**