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Sweet Haven
Sweet Haven
JP Sayle | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
what a DELICIOUS book it was! I swear I put on ten pounds reading this!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

And what a DELICIOUS book it was! I swear I put on ten pounds reading this!

Garrett is a grump and Lee is a clutz. Together they make beautiful chocolate desserts. But the past has a way of catching up with them, and they have to overcome that to be really happy.

Sometimes, my dear book people, your mind reads a blurb and makes a story and then you read the book, and BOOM! this is so NOT where your mind went. And you don't care! Cos what you DO read, where the book DOES go, is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than where your stoopid mind went!

And Ms Sayle has a particular knack of messing with MY brain! She does it all the bloody time, and I love it!

I mean, I have no idea where my mind went when I read the blurb, but all I know is, it was nowhere near as sweet and as sexy and as too-stinking-cute as this is!

I just wanna rant about how sweet and sexy this, but ranting does nota good review make. So lemme try, 'K?? And I apologise if all I do is rant :-)

Garrett is spilt from his ex husband, who by all accounts only used Garrett to get where he wanted to go. Lee is hiding from HIS ex, who by every account here, is a violent man and to be avoided at all costs. Garrett thinks no one will want him, and Lee wants Garrett. Garrett, bless his heart, tries HARD to deny himself the tasty morsel now prancing around his kitchen, but it's a matter of when, not if.

Supported by a huge cast of possible follow up stories: Ollie, Vic, Nese, and everyone else I can't remember, you fall in love with this little town, the people in it and the desserts that are made in these 150 odd pages, and your teeth rot and jeans don't fit anymore, and you really don't care!

Ok, I've written and deleted about 10 versions of this review, and this is the one you're gonna get.


5 sweet and sexy stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
B is for Beg (The Alphabet of Desire #2)
B is for Beg (The Alphabet of Desire #2)
Colette Davison | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
best of the three, loved this one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Alphabet of Desire series. Its not necessary to read book 1, A is for Aftercare, before this one. All three books run concurrently. I didn't know this going in! I'm also writing my review for this book after I've read C is for Comfort.

I think this is my favourite of the three!

Why?? Mostly, not because of Blake, but because of Gabe and Calvin and how THEIR relationship develops! Because until Blake, they did not think that way about each other. I mean, why would they? 2 Doms could never have any sort of meaningful relationship, could they? What surprised them both, and me, I think, was how quickly they settled into their new roles. Gabe as Blake's Daddy, and Calvin as his Dom.

Because Gabe and Calvin are SO different, they offer Blake a different touch, a differnt type of care, and Blake needs that. When some things are revealed, the dynamic changes slightly, but for the better.

I LOVED that Gabe calls Blake baby boy and Calvin calls him princess. It shows the difference in the way their dominance displays itself. Loved that both Doms loved that Blake liked pretty things!

The books are billed as low angst, but I found, mostly due to Blake's parents, and how they treat him compared to his brothers, this was the most angsty of the three.

But oh so steamy! Obviously, the steamiest since there are 3 of them, but there are scenes with just 2 of the three, in all combinations, and I really liked that those scenes were there. They were NEEDED I think, to cement the relationship between the pairings as well as the trio.

One thing I will say. There are some repeated conversations across all three books. When I realised that first, I was worried that there would be a lot of them but there aren't. Maybe one or two for each main character in each book. But after reading them, it's important to get the other half/third of these conversations. VERY important. So don't pass these books over because of that!

As I said, my favourite of the three, so . . .

5 full and pretty stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Carnival of Souls (1962)
Carnival of Souls (1962)
1962 | Horror
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Another incredible thing about Criterion is that in addition to the classics, the treasures, the widely acclaimed, they also have a true love for cult and lowbrow cinema. Director Herk Harvey explains on the Carnival of Souls commentary that they had hoped the film would have an art-house release, and they actually approached a distributor successful in that market and were told that, since it wasn’t in a foreign language, it didn’t really fit. I’m sure being American-made wasn’t the only reason this was a hard fit for distributors, but it was interesting in terms of what art houses were looking for at that time and how the filmmakers saw the film’s niche. This film taught me how to watch Mulholland Drive . . . which is to say, if you stay with the mood, without fighting it, your intuition will serve you far better than the plot and structure and logic your brain is craving. Because essentially all stories are simple; what isn’t simple is the underneath of it all. And that’s more rewarding in the end. I was on a plane about ten years ago when a businessman sat down next to me. Like most people, I dreaded having to talk to someone new. I figured he wouldn’t talk to me anyway, ’cause I have tattoos and he looked very straight-up corporate. He immediately smiled and asked me who I was, what I did for a living. I told him I made movies, but probably none he’d ever heard of. Indie movies. I figured that would shut him up so I could look out the window and mope. He smiled big—“Oh, you mean like cult movies?” I shrugged kindly—well, yeah, I guess you could say that, hopefully that. He said his sister had been in a movie when he was a youngster. A film as independent as it gets. One that had become a cult classic. Somehow I just knew what he was going to say next. His sister was not Candace but another girl in the film, and that man and I talked about Carnival of Souls for well over an hour. And then we spent the next two hours of our flight engrossed in each other as he told me vividly of the supremely radical life he’d led prior to becoming a businessman for the environment! You just never know . . ."

Willy's Wonderland (2021)
Willy's Wonderland (2021)
2021 | Horror, Thriller
6.7 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Everything, it's a masterpiece. (0 more)
Oh come on... you know I'm watching Nic Cage go full rage at some killer robots!

A stranger runs into bad luck as he nears a small town in the middle of nowhere. Luckily a local mechanic comes across him stranded and offers him assistance. But the bad luck isn't over. With no way to pay for his new tyres, he has to agree to some light cleaning work in the abandoned town attraction. What could possibly go wrong when you're locked in a family restaurant overnight with some large, menacing looking, animatronics?

What's not to love about this particular breed of film? Horror that is so over the top with daftness and unintentional/intentional humour really does hit the spot.

Is this storyline sensible? Absolutely not. If you pick at any thread this will very quickly fall apart... but we're here for the nonsense. You don't come to a Nic Cage film these days for anything else. And much like shark films, I have an independent scoring system to deem the quality of his offerings.

The dynamics between all of the characters is hilarious. Cage with... everyone... is stranger (as expected), and the others all have stereotypical elements to them that bounce back and forth well. Though none of them are quite as obvious as you'd see in spoof horrors though. Beth Grant is always fun to have in things, and she's got the sinister thing down quite well, definitely a great pick for this role.

Our animatronic actors have the perfect creepy movements, combine this with the oversized costumes and the somewhat magical elements to their activities, and you get some fantastic nightmare fuel.

Though I have to query who designed such a terrible layout for a family restaurant, I can't help but marvel at all the different rooms scattered around the building. A fantastic maze of terror waiting for anyone who enters, and each one with its retro-ramshackle look is a delight to see. Throw in the oversized entertainment and the look is great.

At just 88 minutes in length it's a nice easy watch, and you'll definitely have enough to keep you... intrigued? I found myself shouting at the screen with "why", "how" and "what" type questions, and that just added to my enjoyment. A masterpiece.

Originally posted on:
Perfectly Preventable Deaths
Perfectly Preventable Deaths
Deirdre Sullivan | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist in this novel was Madeline, and the book is told from her perspective. Madeline is a very complex character, she is very introverted, lesbian, and socially awkward. Her twin sister, on the other hand, is the opposite. Catlin is the popular girl, she is extroverted, fearless and doesn’t care what others think. Madeline is very dependable on her twin sister, and her inability to function without her made me sad and kind of disappointed. I absolutely despised Catlin, she is arrogant and was very rude and disrespectful not only to her parents but to her sister as well. I wasn’t the biggest fan of Madeline as well, she allowed to be treated like she was a lowlife, and was scared to stand up for herself. I did enjoy Madeline’s discovery of whom she is really attracted to, and her effort to make friends and integrate into society.

The mood of this novel was very well set up. The whole book seeped with darkness, mystery and gloominess, and I think that created the perfect mood for the events described. The narrative was quite slow, and I was hoping for more mystery, twists and turns. I needed more suspense as well, it kind of just plodded along, sharing Madeline’s quite repetitive thoughts. There was quite a bit of magic involved, but I think the full potential of that magic was not utilized.

The writing style was very impressive, I found it incredibly poetic, very lyrical, and melodious. It was pleasant and easy to read, and the chapters were quite short. I really liked the names of each chapter, I learned a lot about the medicinal value of certain plants, that I will be using that in the future. The ending of this novel supposed to be promising, and it was quite intriguing, but again, it just made very little sense, and I would have loved a deeper digging into the history of the whole village, it’s residents and all the murders and other events that happened before.

I think this book had an amazing potential into becoming something absolutely sinister and amazing, instead, it concentrated more on the sisterly love, finding yourself and trying to be independent (and failing). Yes, it discussed teenage confusion and wish to fit in, but I was expecting more.
The Fly (1986)
The Fly (1986)
1986 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Buzz Buzz
The Fly is a excellent remake of the 1958 version. Cronenberg does it again. All of his 80's films are excellent. I mean the gore, the violence, the horror, the suspense, the thrills, the sci-fi, the visuals, the terror and the acting.

The Plot: When scientist Seth Brundle (Jeff Goldblum) completes his teleportation device, he decides to test its abilities on himself. Unbeknownst to him, a housefly slips in during the process, leading to a merger of man and insect. Initially, Brundle appears to have undergone a successful teleportation, but the fly's cells begin to take over his body. As he becomes increasingly fly-like, Brundle's girlfriend (Geena Davis) is horrified as the person she once loved deteriorates into a monster.

The Fly was critically acclaimed, with most praise going to Goldblum's performance and the special effects. Despite being a gory remake of a classic made by a controversial, non-mainstream director, the film was a commercial success, the biggest of Cronenberg's career, and was the top-grossing film in the United States for two weeks, earning a total domestic gross of $40,456,565.

Film critic Gene Siskel named The Fly as the tenth best film of 1986. In 1989, Premiere and American Film magazines both conducted independent polls of American film critics, directors and other such groups to determine the best films of the 1980s, and The Fly appeared on both lists.

In 2008, the American Film Institute distributed ballots to 1,500 directors, critics and other people associated with the film industry in order to determine the top ten American films in ten different genre categories. Cronenberg's version of The Fly was nominated under the science fiction category, although it did not make the top ten. It was also nominated for AFI's 100 Years... 100 Thrills and AFI's 100 Years...100 Passions and Veronica's warning to Tawny in the film—"Be afraid. Be very afraid."—was nominated for AFI's 100 Years... 100 Movie Quotes.

The quote "Be afraid. Be very afraid." was also used as the film's marketing tagline, and became so ingrained in popular culture (as it—and variants—have appeared in countless films and TV series) that a large number of people who are familiar with the phrase are unaware that it originated in The Fly.

Its a excellent movie.
Single (Single Dads #1)
Single (Single Dads #1)
RJ Scott | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
so bloody sweet, but GOOD!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This book, this just shy of 200 pages?? So bloody sweet, I broke a tooth!

I mean it's so bloody good, so cute, warm and fuzzies too!

Ash is left, quite literally, holding the baby, and the idiot banging on his door at 3am is gonna get it if he wakes Mia up! Sean comes to rescue his friend, who just moved in next door to Ash, and is smitten, immediately, and totally with Ash, but equally, with Mia. Once Sean knows Ash is single, he wages an all out war to make him see that just because he has a baby, he doesn't have to be a monk.

Like I said, so bloody good!

Both Ash and Sean have a say, in the first person. Both voices are clearly headed, and happen as the chapter changes. Both men's voices are well defined and they tell their story well. I loved the marked differences between them too.

Ash is trying, bless him, to be the best dad he can, and is a little overwhelmed by that new dad feeling, especially now he bought Mia home, and he is alone. He thinks he won't have a life til she leaves home, and holds steadfast to that, till Sean makes him see that he doesn't need to give up on life. Ash's sister will help, his mother is a bit on the dodgy side. Their relationship is rocky at the best of times, but she tries to make amends here, she really does.

Eric and Leo are Sean best friends and house mates. Sean is an Emergency Room doctor; Eric, a fireman and Leo is a cop. They three guys are great together, and once Sean admits Ash is HIS, they look out for Ash and Mia.

There are some characters who hint at their stories, Eric and Leo included, and I can't wait to meet Brady properly: he has some tale to tell, I'm sure!

This is the first full length book I've read of Scott's that was just written by her. I've read the Owattonna U Hockey series she wrote with VL Locey. I want to read more. I really enjoyed this!

4 sickly sweet but oh so GOOD stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Tomb Raider (2018)
Tomb Raider (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure
Lara Croft, the fiercely independent daughter of a missing adventurer, must push herself beyond her limits when she finds herself on the island where her father disappeared.

3D screening of this one... yes I never learn! You know what I'm going to say... 3D ain't for me. Again, nothing particularly stood out in this one for me with the effects. There felt like very little point in doing it in 3D apart from gouging some more money out of cinema goers.

Being that this preview was only the day before general release I really wasn't surprised that there were so few people there. I really wish I'd waited for the 2D showing.

Here's where we take a swift turn from where I thought my waffle would go for this one... It's an action film with a strong female character, and a lot of us were sold after the first outing of our tomb raiding totty. This one however felt like I'd just found a treasure chest full of Fool's Gold.

I'm not entirely sure that I liked much in it at all. There seemed to be several bits that were surplus to requirements, and honestly didn't even vaguely add anything to the production. And even if you suspend belief, as you would expect to do in this kind of film, you're still left with several bits that just make you stop and say "no".

You heard me talk above about people leaving the secret screening before even five minutes of the movie were done with... two people left this screening half way through. Admittedly I don't know why, but when you couple that with the fact I've never seen so many people going in and out of the screen during a film... well, I get the feeling everyone was a little bit bored. A lot of what was happening wasn't really engaging enough to hook you in until that "big bad" reveal. If it hadn't been for the fact I knew it would bug people who were sitting up and across the aisle from me, I'd have had my phone out like I was sitting at home on my sofa watching a movie on Movies 24.

I want to say I was extremely disappointed in this, but to be honest it doesn't really make me want to express any feelings that strong about it.
A Most Unconventional Courtship
A Most Unconventional Courtship
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
“Do you not recall last night?” The hidden speaker came into view at last. There was a moment of crowded thought and he realized his mouth was hanging open.

“I remember nothing of it at all, and I’m sure I’d remember you.” He would have to be dead not to, he thought, studying the tall, slender figure standing in front of him, hands on her hips and an expression of exasperated disapproval on her oval, golden face. A veritable Greek beauty, he thought.

There is an instant attraction between Benedict Casper Chancellor, Earl of Blakeny and Alessa, an independent woman in the Greek town of Corfu. Alessa hates everything he stands for– conservative, high society England. It was the very thing her father ran away from all those years ago. But when Chance realizes English relatives of Alessa are looking for her, he wants to acquaint her to her family, and bring her to England where he could court her properly. He was convinced the life of an English noblewoman would be better suited for her than her life full of hard work and responsibilities. But Alessa isn’t willing to give up her independence. yet, especially when her aunt says Alessa cannot bring her two orphaned wards to England with her and then kidnaps her to save her own reputation. Chance will do anything to get her back, even becoming a pirate.

Despite the great opening line in this book– “Someone was trying to commit murder, and apparently they were doing it on her front step.”– I had a difficult time enjoying the first few chapters. They went by slowly with the character introductions and world-building. All of it was necessary, but I wish there was some more action and passion during that time. I liked Alessa a lot. I enjoy strong leads, anyway, especially in historical romance, but in the second half of the book, the dynamic between her and Chance was fantastic. A lot of the conflict in this story was caused by jumping to conclusions, however. That can be good sometimes, but if that’s the main reason for conflict, then I feel cheated. It’s lazy no matter how consistent the jumps are to the character. But the chemistry between Chance and Alessa definitely make this story worth reading at least once, especially for historical romance readers who particularly like world and plot development.
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