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Fate in Suspension (Horn & Haven #1)
Fate in Suspension (Horn & Haven #1)
Archer Kay Leah | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Loved that Shifting was a back drop!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I liked this, a lot. It's a very different sort of shifter book and that its unicorns made it all the more special.

I can't stretch to 5 stars for a couple of reasons.

Its a LONG book, some 500+ pages. It does, however, even with all those pages, NOT say a lot!

I still have no idea what being an AGENT means, what that roll entails. Gates doesn't seem to like being an Agent much! Clearly it has some negative connotations, but those are explained when Tai tells gates about his experience with other Agents.

Something happened in Gates' work world, then there was the destruction of the Haven and I wasn't sure, STILL am not sure, whether these two events were one and the same! The implication, or at least I got an implication, that they were, but that point was never fully made clear.

I will always say, I don't like the massive info dumps you get when entering a new world. I like little and often. However, here? You are thrown in headfirst into the deep end, and it takes a time to be able to swim to the surface, and breathe!

It says at the back of the book that this is a spin off from another series by this author. One I have NOT read. I wonder it reading those would have given me a bit of a life raft before reading this one.

What I did like, nay, what I LOVED was the chemistry between Gates and Tai. It jumps off the page at every turn, and burns hot and bright right through the book. It's clear, right from the start, for both men, that this was something different to what had gone before. There was an air about it that scared them both, and it was great watching them battle with themselves, to work it all out.

AND!! I loved that shifting, turning, takes a massive back drop to this book, rather than being front and centre. Both men do turn at some point, but Gates only twice and Tai just the once.

So, I liked it, but found it a bit too long.

4 good solid stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Austin (Learning to Love #4) by Con Riley
Austin (Learning to Love #4) by Con Riley
Con Riley | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
emotional, but beautifully written!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 4 in the Learning To Love series but can be read as a stand-alone. I do, however, recommend all three books before this: Charles, Sol and Luke, but especially Luke. Austin pops up a lot in that book and I think you need to see that side of him, before you get to this side, you know?

And two very different sides to Austin they are, too! But once you get into his mind, and you see why he is like that, you can understand. Because Austin is in a lot of pain about something, and that something takes time to come out, the whole story isn't made clear til right near, so you are left putting a picture together of the clues, and the one I made was so very wrong.

But Dom, too, is in some pain, just a very different sort. And Austin helps him in ways he never knew he needed. Not just with Maisie, his daughter, but with his heart too.

I loved Dom, and Austin, both together and apart. Austin does some serious soul searching here and he makes amends with some people (not saying who though!) He has his "light bulb" moment right near the end, though, and really does his best to return home, or rather, home comes to him.

It's heavy on the emotions, this one, but light on the smexy times, and I loved that.

Again, only Austin has a say. I would have, ordinarily, said I needed to hear from Dom, but Dom has a lot to say, without words, and I heard him just fine. That's not to say I didn't WANT to hear from Dom, because I'm greedy, just that I felt I didn't NEED to hear from him, you know?

We caught up with Charles and Luke and Sol, and also with Sol's nephew Cameron. I think Cameron's part here was very much needed for both him and Austin, given their history. And the gift giving thing was awesome!

But, as much as I loved Austin and Dom, I have to say I think little Maisie stole the show here! She loved Austin Russell right from the start, it took her daddy time to catch her up!

Emotional, but wonderfully written and told.

5 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Constitution Check (Dungeons and Dating #4) by Katherine McIntyre
Constitution Check (Dungeons and Dating #4) by Katherine McIntyre
Katherine McIntyre | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
i love this series!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 4 in the Dungeons & Dating book, and while not strictly necessary to have read the other three before this, I STRONGLY recommend you do. Not least because they are ALL five star reads, from me. But I would probably say read book 3, at least. Something happens in that book that leads into this one, and you get an inkling as to what Kelly is living through.

Ms McIntyre never ceases to amaze me, she can flip on a penny and it takes you a while to catch up with that little nugget of info, or this little comment that someone says. I have to slow my reading down to pay great attention, and I love that I have to.

Both Tabby and Kelly appear in previous books, although I couldn't place Tabby til there was something said here. (see above!)

Both girls are suffering in one way or another, but it takes a long time for them to open up to each other, to us. The clues are all there, they really are, but I didn't put the pieces together for Tabby, not straight away. I did for Kelly, because the signs were there in book 3.

Its not an easy read, given what Kelly went through, but it is extremely well written. Emotional reading, I had a tear or too. When Kelly finally lets Tabby in and vice versa, I cried, I really did.

Its steamy too! And while it IS steamy, it takes a back step, I think, to the emotions involved for these girls.

All the other pairings take part here, given as they all work together at the cafe, and we meet Eli, Tabby's cousin. He is one of the leads in the next book along with Arjun.

I read this in one sitting, stayed up way past my bedtime and was entirely unrepentant of that fact! I bloody loved it!

I love that McIntyre can flip from MM to MF and then to FF. Quite a skill to deliver each, but to be able to deliver them ALL?? Amazing. Please keep them coming!!

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
His Lordship's Secret (His Lordship’s Mysteries #1)
His Lordship's Secret (His Lordship’s Mysteries #1)
Samantha SoRelle | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Mystery, Romance
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
didn't get the whodunnit!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Someone is trying to kill Alfred, so who would make a better bodyguard than a ruffain from a boxing match? Dominick, thats who, but finding the boy who saved him in the man before him makes Alfred want things, things that could get them both locked up, or worse. Makes a blackmailer a walk in the park. Dominick, finding Alfie before him, in need of a body guard, has feelings that he wasn't sure ever went away: protecting little Alfie was now his life's work. Those pesky feelings aren't reciprocated, are they?

Alfie is lovely! He wants to keep his family wealth but his cousin is happy to pee it up the wall, Alfie cares, but Reginald does not. Dominick cares, but really only about Alfie. The little boy who stole his heart has grown into a beautiful man, one who needs to stay alive, and Dominick will keep him so, even if it costs Dominick a good deal more than his heart.

It's quite emotional, in places. Dealing with growing up in a poorhouse, and then thrown into High Society would mess with anyone's head and Alfie mostly does seem to have taken it all in his stride. Mostly. Dominck is a street man, doing what he needs to do to stay alive, even if he doesn't want to do those things. A bit violent, but dealing with life on London's streets in the 1800s was never gonna be a picnic. Poor Dominick bears the brunt of that!

There is love here, but very little actual smexy time. It concentrates more on who is trying to kill Alfie, and the feelings that grow over time, between these two.

I loved that the whodunnit was so NOT who I was expecting, nor was it WHY! I love being kept on my toes!

I liked this, I liked it a lot. It doesn't quite have the punch that the other book I read by this author does, but I think its a close call! I have book 2 to read shortly, look forward to see where the author is going with these two, besides Scotland!

4 solid stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
His Lordship's Master (His Lordship’s Mysteries #2)
His Lordship's Master (His Lordship’s Mysteries #2)
Samantha SoRelle | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Mystery, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I could see that things were really not as they were portrayed to be.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the His Lordship's Mysteries series, and while this can be read as a stand alone, I really think you SHOULD read book one, His Lordship's Secret before this one. Lots happened in that book that is referenced here, but not fully explained. You could probably piece things together, but I think to get the full effect of Alfie and Dominick, you need to read that book first.

Still recovering from what happened in London, Alfie and Dominick retreat to his family house in Scotland. And find themselves in the middle of an age-old mystery. What with ghosts and missing people and now a dead butler, Alfie and Dominick jump headlong into another caper!

I really was enjoying this a bit more than book one, but something triggered with me, and I found myself thinking about another book. With another ago-old mystery, with another painting, in another castle. And I'm stumped as to which book it was, but after that point, I found I didn't enjoy it quite so much.

Oh don't get me wrong, please. It's really well written, from both Alfie and Dominick's point of view. There are more things revealed about both Alfie and Dom's lives in the time they were apart. There is much love here, even if they sometimes forget that.

I again quote my review for Secret:

I loved that the whodunnit was so NOT who I was expecting, nor was it WHY! I love being kept on my toes!

Because I really did not see that one coming at me. But the whole Wicked Master thing? I could see that coming at me, even before the point I mentioned before. I could see that things were really not as they were portrayed to be.

There are almost two stories going on here. The missing woman and the dead butler, then the Wicked Master thing. I liked that, along with the growing deepening connection between Alfie and Dom, which evokes some mighty powerful feelings here!

So, even though things were a little blurry, I did enjoy it and I'll still give it. . .

4 solid stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere