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    Handy Safe Pro

    Handy Safe Pro

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Good as Hell
Good as Hell
Clancy Nacht, Thursday Euclid | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
BLOODY LOVED THIS BOOK, so read the damn book, people!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

At first, I wasn't sure I would like this! It's a bit random, what with flying mattresses and flocks of blue jays in New York, but I'm so bloody glad that I kept going, cos let me tell ya, this book sucked me in, good and proper!

I don't think I've read anything quite like, in a long ass time, and I LOVED this book.

I mean this book twists and turns all over the place. It drags you kicking and screaming along, and then dumps you unceremoniously on your behind, letting you catch up a bit. It throws things at you, and you have the think "what the actual chuffing eck" and then, pages down the line, it explains it all away, and you "chuffing eck" all over again! (I said say, I do believe I swore, profusely, a time or two reading this book, but some sites don't like you to, so chuffing eck will have to do! But it's not a strong enough swear word, you hear me?!?!?!)

And, just as you get over THAT little hissy fit, another comes along and you are reading faster and faster and the next thing, that MASTERPIECE of a plot twist is thrown at you and you just....sit....and...WOW.

I've filed it on my Masterpieces shelf, because of that twist. Cos I did so NOT see that coming, not in a million years!

It's very well told, from both Gem and Sebastian's point of view, in the third person. It's hot and steamy in places, but also sweet as sugar in others. A bit gory in places, but nothing too graffic. Lots of really random stuff that made for an amazing fun read!

I want to rant and rave about this book, but I've deleted most of this review cos of spoilers, and I want YOU to enjoy it as much as I did and I don't think you will, if you see spoilers. So, as much as I wanna rant and rave, you're gonna have to make do with a mini rant.

This is the first book I've read of either of these authors, and I hope it isn't the last, cos, you know, in case you missed it...

I BLOODY LOVED THIS BOOK! So read it, people, read the damn book!

5 full and shiny, totally unexpected, but very much desered, stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Secret Brokers
The Secret Brokers
Alexandrea Weis | 2020 | Romance, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
very engaging
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

For the most, I did enjoy this. Couple of things let it down, for ME, and I'll enplain shortly.

Dallas is called up by an acqaintance, is best to describe him, to cash in on a favour owned. Someone needs protecting, and the acquaintance needs something from this someone to keep her safe. There follows a lot of double crossing, back stabbing and general underhandedness you would expect from an organised crime boss, and an organisation that walks under the radar of most things.

From what I can gather, this is actually a spin off from another series, The Nicci Beauvior series and Dallas plays a huge part in the 2nd and 3rd book in that series. Some reviewers of THIS have said you should read THOSE books to get the full picture of what Dallas went through, and how he came to where he is now.

Personally, I don't think it's really necessary. There is enough recapped and retold here, for you to get the picture, or for ME anyway, to get enough of the picture to fill in the gaps and for this story to flow.

I was a little concerned at first that this would be a bit too complicated for my addled brain (April 2020, you get my drift?) to cope with, but it's good. There is a good, intriguing plot to follow, but it's not ever so complex that you have to concentrate too hard on, you know? It's ENOUGH to make you think, to excerise the grey matter, and just enough to keep you engaged til the end.

What let it down for ME were two things.

Only Dallas has a say. I would like to have heard from Gwen, the someone who Dallas is called to keep safe. I get maybe some of the plotline would be given away, yes, but still I wanted to hear from her, and (job aside) what she thought of Dallas and what leads her to make the offer she does.

And Dallas himself was very . . standoffish? . .maybe not quite the right word, but I struggled to connect with Dallas, made more difficult because only his voice is heard. Had Gwen had a say, I could have coped better, or maybe connected earlier, with Dallas.

I LOVED Cleveland and Stokes, two of Dallas' operatives. Their banter has, I'm sure, far deeper roots and far further reaching branches, than is currently showing.

A very engaging 4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**