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Thicker Than Water (Redwater Demons #1)
Thicker Than Water (Redwater Demons #1)
Ellie Roth | 2024 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
freaking loved this book!
Independent reviewer for GRR, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This book, right here, is what I love MOST about reviewing. I come across a blurb that I love the sound of, by an author that is new to me, and the book blows me away! I freaking LOVED this book!

Julian is a demon hunter. His latest job finds himself adopted by the demon he was sent to kill. But she's just a little girl, and he cannot. He then finds said toddler kidnapped from him, and a demon contacts him, to share custody! (I'm sorry, but that really did make me chuckle!) But as Cassius and JJ bond over Desi, pieces are being moved on the cheesboard, and it's not very clear who will come out on top.

Like I said, freaking loved this book!

I loved the jump straight in for JJ and Desi. I loved the gentle way we are told about this world and the people and demons in it. The world building is excellent, and I could keep up and follow what was being thrown at me at all times. Cass and JJ have redefined the SLOW BUILD! I love the gradual way the attraction builds between these two. It's slow and subtle, and one of them thinks/says something and its "say what now??" SOme funny moments, too.

It's violent in places. JJ bears the brunt of that but not all is on page. MUCH is implied. I liked that we don't get it all, but we get some clues as to how bad it really was.

While JJ and Cass have a slow build, when we get to the main event?? Totally fade to grey and I freaking LOVED THAT TOO!! I'm big enough to admit, I like my books on the steamy side, and I'm also big enough to admit that not all books nned to be explicit. I loved that this one was not.

Betrayal of the highest order is painful for JJ, but Cass comes to the rescue, in his true form. And I loved that there was no indication that demons in this world had another form! There is some indication who might be next, at the end of this one with a bit of the next book. Actually, it gives you the next TWO books, I hope!

This is a new to me author, at the start of a new series. Two questions I ask myself when I read new authors and starts of series: will I read more by this author?? And will I continue the series. My answers to both questions is a HELL FREAKING YES!!

I can't fault this, I really cannot.

5 full and oh-so shiny stars!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Port in a Storm (Sinners #8)
Port in a Storm (Sinners #8)
Rhys Ford | 2024 | Contemporary, Crime, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Connor wanted to give Forest the family he never had.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 8 in the Sinners Gin series. I would STRONGLY recommend you at least read Tequila Mockingbird (book 3 in the series) before this one. That book is how Connor and Forest came to be. The whole darn series is amazing, though, and staring at the beginning wouldn't be a bad thing :-)

Connor is a SWAT team leader and comes across Tate in a raid. The kid has had a hard life, and the name on his birth certificate is gonna cause problems. But Tate needs a home, and Connor and Forest want to give him that. Connor wants to give Forest the family he never had. They just gotta battle the courts first.

I didn't see this book coming at me in the way it did, but it absolutely came at the way it should have, you know? Nothing will ever be easy for Forest and Connor, and adding Tate to their family was no exception. But they have a huge support system in Connor's family and Forest's ever growing band family, even if some of Miki's advice is a little sketchy!

It's deeply emotional, with the feeling raging through both Connor and Forest about what to do, will they be enough, will they be allowed to bring this little boy into their family. Made me cry a time or two. I loved it.

I loved that everyone pops up, or is mentioned. It was great to catch up with the Morgan clan and all their add-ins. Especially as I thought that book 7 was going to be the last one! Are there more planned, I don't know, nor do I care, but I will read them as and when they appear.

It's been a long while since I read a Rhys Ford book, and by golly I missed her work. It took me a hot minute to get into her way with words and then I lost myself in the madness that is the Morgan clan and the Crossroads Gin guys.
OH! And the epilogue! Any chance of a cheeky short about Dude and Gaige?? That'll be fun!

But I'm left with a question that played on my mind the whole way through. As I was READING this, I heard Tristan James in my ear. The voices weren't quite right, but James' reading voice was there. Will he be narrating it, at some point?? I need him to!

So, thank you, Ms Ford, for bringing us back to these wonderful people one more time. I really do appreciate the time it took!

5 stunningly beautifully written stars

*same worded review will appear elsehwere
Sticky For You (The Rhubarb Effect #1)
Sticky For You (The Rhubarb Effect #1)
JP Sayle, Sue Brown | 2024 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tim is a live wire and he likes to sing!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Did you ever read a book, and think "What the ever loving heck did I just read??" (only, you know, more sweary words than some review sites will allow!) Well, this is such a book!

Max moves to Valentine Growville with his odd little pride and immediately feels at home. Meeting Tim, his mate, knocked him for six. I mean, Max is an Alpha lion and Tim is. . .well . .Tim is rhubarb. A rhubarb omega. Can they make this work?

It's so much fun, it really is and I laughed a lot, A LOT reading this book and I rarely react out loud when reading, (listening is a whole 'nother matter, though!)

Max is an Alpha of a pride of lions, bulls, llamas and other things that I forget already but they all have a love of rhubarb. Moving to Growville was a necessity, since they got hounded out their last pride. Tim is.. . . excitable! He really is a bit of a live-wire and he likes to sing. Especially once he realises he is Max' mate and Max can hear him in his head. Singing becomes the easiest way to woo Max and I have to admit, I found myself singing along with those songs that Tim sang, but changed some words for to make it fit better for him and Max.

It's steamy . . but in a kinda weird way. The way rhubarb mate is a little offputting, I will admit, but now I know what to expect, I'll be better prepared.

It is a lot of fun, it really is, right up to the point where things go wrong for Tim, but if he had just talked to Max, it could all have been avoided.

And also the point where the real monsters come to town. But that was not explained, and you have to piece the clues already thrown at you to figure out who they are. I'm fairly certain, but with Sayle at the helm, one can never be too sure!

I loved the references to fingerlings!

I love Sayle, you know I do, and I've read some Brown before, with 4 and 5 star reads from her on my shelves. How they came up with this idea, I have no clue, but it really was a fun read! The setting is set nicely for book two, and I see now whay the whole of Max' pride love rhubarb!

Will it win any literary awards? Nope, but I don't care cos I thoruoghly enjoyed it!

4 very funny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Slippers and Songs (Brodyr Alarch #1)
Slippers and Songs (Brodyr Alarch #1)
Morgan Sheppard | 2024 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
There is romance here, but it takes time!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Prince Brenin and his brother are summoned to help solve a mystery, to where Princess Tesni goes at night, and ruins her dancing shoes. She can't remember, and no one has been able to solve the riddle. Given that Brenin and his brothers survived a curse, they might be able to finally let Tesni sleep.

There is a book previous to this, but it's not really necessary to read Sealed with A Curse before this one. It would give you the story of how Brenin and his brothers were cursed, and why one brother still has a swan wing instead of an arm, but not really NEEDED to understand this one.

Brenin is called to help Tesni. (I was reading this as Tensi through the whole book though, so if I slip and type it wrong, I'm sorry!) They kinda clash a bit at first, but they do begin to get on once they start spending time together. There is romance here, but it takes time, and it's CLEAN. And I loved that it was! If you follow my reviews, you'll know I will always say I prefer my books on the spicier side, but here?? Nope, loved that it was clean and no violence.

I loved how I did not see who was responsible for Tesni's plight. Did not see that coming at all! Nor why! So well played there!

It's beautifully written. Full of Welsh myths and gods, and I can't remember their names but those same gods are central to Sealed With a Curse, so maybe you SHOULD read that one before this!

My only niggle, and it really is a niggle. I'm picky like that and it's my review but this won't affect my star rating! The book is told from only Brenin's point of view and I really wanted to know what Tesni was thinking, at key points along the way. When she meets Brenin, when she gets up at night, what was going through her mind, when Brenin solves the riddle, and when Brenin first asks that very important question! I loved her reaction, I kinda expected it, but I didn't expect Brenin to run away! He does come good, with a little help from previously aforementioned Welsh gods whose names I can't say let alone spell!

I'm intrigued by these fairytale retells. They are all Brothers Grimm, but ones I've never heard of! I'm looking forward to reading the next one.

I liked Sealed with a Curse, it was a nice read that I gave 4 stars to. But this one? I LOVED this one! And as such, it can only get:

5 full and shiny stars!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Thrill (Pleasure Seekers #1)
Thrill (Pleasure Seekers #1)
Kristian Parker | 2024 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Danny's reaction to Tyler's words was not what I was expecting!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Tyler starts his new job, in a new town, and promptly finds himself testing lube, of all things, with the most gorgeous man he ever met (in the office, with others!) Danny works in the warehouse at Pleasure Seekers. They embark on a friends with benefits type thing that quickly moves into something. Both men carry some baggage, can they overcome that??

A quick glance tells me I've not read Kristian Parker's work before, and my TBR pile just got a whole lot bigger! Why have I not?? I don't know, I think he just hadn't hit my radar. But I met him, recently at a book signing and now I get to jump into his worlds.

I loved this, I really did.

Tyler and Danny are so suited to each other, they really are.

I loved the polar opposite in each man's family dynamics. While Danny's family are very supportive, and hilarious, Tyler's is not. And this marked difference is part of Tyler's baggage. Danny's is totally different, but you should know there is talk of attempted suicide by one of Danny's family members. Very emotional, reading that, and I cried a bit for Danny and that character.

It's well written from both Tyler and Danny's point of view, and we get it all. Tyler's immediate and powerful reaction to Danny. Danny's attraction to Tyler but his hesitation to start anything. Their joy at coming together, and their pain, when Danny finds out what Tyler said.

And it's THAT bit, that I loved so much about this book. While Danny was very hurt by Tyler's words, his reaction wasn't what you would expect. He stepped BACK from Tyler, but not totally AWAY. And I loved how that happened because I was expecting a massive break-up/make-up thing and while we get the make up bit, the break up doesn't really happen. Am I making sense? Probably not, but I'm trying not to spoil it for anyone!

I loved the supporting cast, Tyler's family notwithstanding. Eddie and Scott, who share with Tyler and also work at Pleasure Seekers, are funny but I think there is a lot they are both hiding, and I look forward to their stories. Eddis is next, so I assume book three will be Scott.

Oh, by the way. Even though all these guys work in a sex toy shop, there is very little about toys. And I loved that too. Danny does play a bit with Tyler though ;-)

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Rowan & Aldred (Ambrosia #2)
Rowan & Aldred (Ambrosia #2)
Lucie Fleury | 2024 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
HEED the triggers, I have none but this really pushed my boundaries!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2in the Ambrosia series, and I have not read book one. I want to, though. Oh how I WANT!

I wasn't sure how this was gonna go, since it came with a stern, VERY STERN warning to note the triggers. I, after reading, STRESS that point.

Rowan is a bully and Aldred the God of Justice and Retribution. Who better to meek out the punishment the boy deserves. But something is off with Rowan and it takes a bit of time for Aldred to get deep into Rowan's reasons for being a bully. What he discovers shocks him, and makes him oddly protective of the boy. There is also the issue of the god going around, giving ambrosia out to humans, which is deadly if not managed correctly.

So, triggers:

Explicit smex: Oh yes, once Aldred decides he's keeping Rowan, the God loves his boy, and he loves him HARD.

Torture: Aldred, in the beginning, is brutal to Rowan. It was painful, reading about it, and it goes way darker than anything I've read before. I will admit, I came close to stopping, but something begged me to continue and I am so glad I did.

Mention of past abuse: Rowan's reasons for being a bully aren't immediately clear, and it does take some time for Aldred to get to the bottom of them.

Sexual assault: If it's the scen I'm thinking of, it's not a full on page assault, just the threat is there, and but for a kitty cat, there would have been.

It's a very different read than my usual fare, and I'm not tagging it as romance, because, let's be honest, I'm not sure Aldred could love in the hearts and flowers sense, but he cares, DEEPLY for Rowan, and I think, in time, his hearts and flowers will come.

Told from both Rowan and Aldred's point of view, this book is powerful in it's intensity; dark in it's violence; and in the end, the reason's for Rowan being a bully is paid back a hundred fold.

I've had a look, and can only see two books by this author name, and I question that! Why?? Cos if this is book 2 by this author, what is Lucie Fleury gonna be like at book 4, 6 or ten?? Sign me up, mate, I'm-a following this author!

Again though, HEED the triggers, I have none but this really pushed my boundaries!

But dear lord I cannot give it anything other than. . . .

5 full and shiny stars! (but more if I could!)

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Who (Stalker #1)
Who (Stalker #1)
Megan Mitcham | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Touch Of Brilliance!
Who scares you the most, a complete stranger or a person you know that has you in their sight?

Megan Mitcham’s latest novel, "WHO," delivers an intensely evocative story in this first book of her new Stalker series. With intelligently crafted words and an intriguing plot that has plenty of suspenseful twists, this novel made me want to keep on turning the pages. At first, I found the book a little slow and I was worried that the story wouldn’t live up to its promise, however, the pace soon picked up and I knew I was reading a book that I would come to really enjoy.

Billionaire Larkin Ashford is the fiercely independent owner of her fashion empire which was founded on the back of wedlock. When her company has the opportunity to go public, her Board of Directors won’t give her the green light, unless she agrees to marry. A series of threatening messages aren’t making her decision any easier. As she retreats to her rooftop hideaway to clear her head, she finds herself imprisoned in the strong arms of a mysterious chap who thinks she was about to jump…

Despite her friends’ warnings that her knight in shining armour could be her stalker, she can’t get him out of her head. Determined to find the truth, she searches for her mystery man and discovers a dark secret that could destroy everything that she holds dear. With her empire in danger, she’ll have to uncover the truth before her fortune and her life are reduced to tatters.

I loved the character of Larkin who is efficient, imaginative and extremely shrewd. She has deep-rooted issues with trust from her past and she doesn’t believe in love or long-term relationships. Her mother died when she was thirteen, and she has a tense relationship with her emotionally distant father. She does have a few really close friends that are supportive and loyal. I loved that Megan Mitcham introduced us to an abundance of wonderful characters, especially Larkin’s girlfriends, Genevieve, Marlis and Libby. Their exuberance collectively provides many moments of fun, support and girlie laughter.

Larkin’s high profile life is very much lived in the limelight and with major personal and business decisions needing to be made, who is causing so much trouble for her and what will be the price she has to pay?

I had so many different scenarios playing out in my head, and even though I anticipated some of the twists, I couldn’t settle on the outcome and I was kept guessing until the end. The author definitely did not disappoint with the conclusion of this book!

If you love dramatic plots, intrigue and enjoy crime novels with a bit of romance, then Megan Mitcham delivers with abundance in "WHO."

Thank you to Hidden Gems and the author, Megan Mitcham for a free ARC of this book in exchange for a voluntary, honest review.
Scott (Owatonna U Hockey #2)
Scott (Owatonna U Hockey #2)
RJ Scott, V.L. Locey | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
much better than book one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book two in the Owatonna U Hockey trilogy, but you don't need to have read book one first. I have though, and found THAT book not really to my liking.

THIS one, however, I enjoyed far more.

Scott is suffering, since his brother died, and decides to self medicate with illegal steroids. After punching his best friend in the face, Scott is suspended for a whole 12 months, and is quite literally, chucked out his home. With nowhere to go, he happens to meet Hayne at a mandatory counselling session. Hayne, for reasons he cannot fathom, takes pity on Scott and the pair become inseparable. They each have their own demons, but together, they just might be able to overcome them.

Like I said, a MUCH better read, for me anyway, that Ryker. And much of that is because I didn't much care for Ryker in his book and I'll come back to that in a minute, though.

Hayne is a free spirited artist, in his final year at college. He is terrorised by his tenants, and spends all his time in his room, trying to paint his final piece. Meeting Scott, who turns out to be the muse he was missing, wasn't planned, but Hayne runs with it. Helping Scott get back to hockey seems the right and best thing to do. That Scott helps Hayne is a much added bonus.

Hayne is LOVELY!! So sweet, I wanted to punch his housemates! And the fact that he really sees Scott helps. Scott is trying to be the son his father wants, but he isn't his brother Luke. He will NEVER be Luke. His father pushes Scott away, and it takes his mother, who has been self medicating in the bottom of a bottle, to pull HER big girl panties up, and make her husband and son see that they are BOTH suffering and TOGETHER they can make some semblance of a relationship again.

Loved Hayne's mum and Mimi! Loved that they took Scott in when he needed someone the most, Hayne aside.

Back to Ryker. I did not like him in his book, but he does redeem himself somewhat here! While Scott is hiding, his friends, the ones he thought hated him, were planning an intervention, and Ryker is foremost at getting Scott to see that his friends don't hate him, they just didn't see how much he was suffering.

It does carry some darker story lines, grief, bereavement, alcohol and drug abuse, but they are all part and parcel of Scott's story, and they are very well written.

Oh, and you'll need tissues. I cried a LOT with this book!

Can't QUITE get past the first person to stretch to 5 stars, but a much better than book one:

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
A Week to Be Wild
A Week to Be Wild
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Smart and intelligent books for smart and intelligent people. I would say women, by why should we have all the fun?

^^ A Week to be Wild by JC Harroway is the first in a daring new, sexy series — aptly named DARE — by Mills and Boon, and boy have they upped their sizzle with this range, if this book is anything to go by!

^^ This bold story features an intelligent American business woman, Libby Noble, and her adventure with British billionaire businessman Alex Lancaster. When I say adventure, I mean that on more levels than one. He wants to invest in services as a marketer for Able-Active, a new charity, which is very meaningful to him. With a week to be wild, he’d agreed to play a sensual game by her rules, and as part of that agreement, she’ll have to agree to try out his charity’s programme, forcing her to step outside her comfort zone with some daredevil pursuits of his own. All for a good cause, of course! If you’re going to work for any company, it’s certainly wise to get stuck right in and get down and dirty, as they say. Well, I hope they do!

^^ The only trouble is, will she be able to focus with Alex around? After all, he’s a movie star, bad-boy, gentleman rogue, geeky surfer dude, with brains and business acumen, (and quite a mouthful!) all rolled into one mouth-watering package. He’s also worth quite a bit, too. Always a bonus.

^^ I love the way both Libby and Alex are vying for alpha status, yet she comes out on top (pun intended) and manages to control an alpha male who is usually used to getting his own way. Alex thinks she’s a stubborn, independent women, and Libby is keen to show she’s no pushover, whilst forcing his natural alpha tendencies into submission. It’s a battle of wills, I can tell you!

^^ In addition to the actual storyline I must also comment on the style of this new range and branding. It. Is. Gorgeous! They’re hot, without being in your face pornographic. Very classy. The paperbacks are just the right size to carry around in a handbag for when you’re on the go.

^^ In fact, their whole site has had a stunning makeover, and they’ve launched a definitive guide to the Rules of Romance. Check it out!

Overall: I’m really pleased to be part of Mills and Boon’s Dare launch, and excited to read more stories from this range. If I could compare this style to other books I’ve read like this, I’d say it’s up there with the Black Lace titles. Happy to recommend JC Harroway’s book, A Week to be Wild, because it’s a well-written story, highly engaging and brimming with passion. As is, I suspect, the rest of this range is going to be… Stay seated, and switch on that electric fan. It doesn’t matter what the weather’s like out there, it’s going to get hot in here!
Disjointed Lives
Disjointed Lives
Morgan Sheppard | 2018 | Contemporary
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I purchased my copy of this book.

Imagine meeting your best friend for coffee and telling her something that happened ten years before, something that could possibly cost you her friendship.

Because, at it's most basic, that's what this is : two old friends, best friends, meeting for coffee and Ava has to tell Paige something that happened ten years ago, when they were estranged, something that she NEEDS to say, but knows that Paige might not, hell, she WON'T like it, but she needs to know.

At it's most complex?? It's the story of a woman who falls in love with an abusive partner and her fight to get out and away from that partner. The abuse is not physical, it's emotional, it's mental, it is total in it's destruction of Ava of old. It is total in cutting Ava off from everything and everyone she knows. It reduces her to a woman who, while maybe at the back of her mind knows that what is happening to her is not right, this marriage is not how it should be, she cannot be anything else but his wife. She knows no one will want her, because James tells her so.

But Ava finds a friend at work who is not letting her wallow, is not letting go, and Jacob helps Ava. And Ava has been dreaming about Jacob, which is what prompted this coffee shop meeting, and it all coming tumbling out of Ava.

It is beautifully written, painful reading though. While not told in great detail, there is some reference to Ava's abuse, to what James did, what he made her do. I had to keep putting it down, it made me cry in many places. It's not very long, but because I had to keep putting it down, it took me all day to read the 67 pages here. But so beautifully written!

 Cutting extremely close to home on two fronts.

Because someone close to me went through what Ava did, but her abuse was physical, as well as mental. I watched her cutting us off, one by one, those closest to her first, and then spreading out, just as his tentacles spread out. And there was nothing we could do to stop it. We tried, oh Lord we tried, but she was in love. We had to wait til she came to the same conclusion, and wait for her to act on her own. She did. It just took a bit of time.

And because I know Ava, because I AM Paige. Finding out a wonderful day spent in amazing company last October was the inspiration for this book made me cry. Made me feel incredibly proud to be part of this book, made me feel incredibly proud of Ms Sheppard.

I cannot express, not really, how much this book affected me. But you should know that...


5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**