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Peelers (2016)
Peelers (2016)
2016 |
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Last night I watched a movie that was so rotten that not only was I not able to write a review for it, but I felt like a needed a palette cleanser. When I received the trailer for Peelers I thought to myself ‘A Zombie Horror Comedy set in a Strip Club sooooo Boobies’ okay I am in lets have a look at Peelers. Holy crap was this the palette cleanser I needed.

Blue Jean (Wren Walker) is an ex Major League Baseball player seeing out her days as the super sexy, super sassy owner of a small-town strip club. BJ (ha BJ) has decided tonight is going to be her last night as she sells up to some local douche-bag who has every intention of pulling the place down. So with this being Blue’s last night she wants it to go out with a bang and we are introduced to all the right characters to make this happen (Mostly diaper wearing peeing on stage strippers). Throw in some recently exposed to some crazy shit coal miners, a mass blood bath and shenanigans and this movie becomes less Striptease and more From Dusk till Dawn.

This movie is an absolute riot, I had so much fun watching this and was pleasantly surprised with what waited around every corner. So often an independent movie can either be great but look terrible or Terrible but look great. I found Peelers to be both it looks great and is great. The movie looks polished as hell for a movie that I assume didn’t have the biggest budget. The script from Lisa DeVita is refreshingly original but manages to throw most of the Zombie tropes at us that we know and love, remember people jump scares can still be effective. Dialogue wise the chemistry and banter just flows.

Seve Schlenz has turned out a great movie here and considering this is second Feature as a director you really wouldn’t know it. Lets talk about effects for a second. Its pretty much all practical, which you would expect. Great care and attention has been taken by the team to make them A. Scary but B. not shit. The cast is on point making this a fun as hell enjoyable romp (with Boobies) from start to finish. Wren Walker as Blue Jean is incredible and you could easily draw comparisons to Uma Thurman in the bad ass stakes with this actress, I look forward to seeing her in more.

This is a solid recommend from me, it was exactly what I needed after the tripe I watched the night before. It may be indie and low budget as balls but it has more fun being exactly that than most. I genuinely thoroughly enjoyed this Flick and think you will too. You have to seek this one out. Did I mention it has Boobies???
Broken Warrior (The Weavers Circle #1)
Broken Warrior (The Weavers Circle #1)
Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This series is gonna be amazing!
Independent reviewer for GAy Romance Reviews, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Running from what, he doesn't know, but Clay needs to run, and run south. He follows his instincts and finds himself in a fight to save the earth from destruction. Dane finds himself fighting his attraction to Clay, even as he fights himself over his guilt at the death of his wife and son. Dane doesn't know whats going on in the house, but he wants to find out, and he knows, deep down, he wants Clay.

So! Different, very different and I really rather loved it!

Clay finds himself at the helm of The Weavers. These are a band of 6 brothers, that come together time and time again to save the earth from destruction by beings from another dimension. And when i say time and time AGAIN, I mean that quite literally. The Weavers have been gathered together many times over the years and they have yet to finally close the rift that bring the beings to earth. Maybe this time will be different but the Goddess who brings Clay to the house doesn't know why they didn't manage to close the rift yet. Her and her sisters are hoping this time they will.

I loved Clay and I loved Dane. I loved Grey and Bear too, another 2 of the brothers who manage to get to the house in this book. I'm assuming they will get their own books at some point. The three Goddesses keep popping in and out, and they are amusing at times, in that they are VERY cryptic in what they are letting these three brothers know, in this book, anyway.

They are also, I think, tired. Having been doing this song and dance for EVER, there comes a time when anyone would say, enough is enough. I *think* this might be the case, although nothing is actually said here, it's just an impression I get.

I loved this book, I really did. Not quite a one sitting, cos, you know, a girl gotta sleep, but very nearly.

Both Clay and Dane have a say, although at first I thought it might just be Clay. You get all their interactions in the beginning, and what I really liked, when I realised Dane would get a say, was that we get all his fighting with himself. We get Clay's fighting with the beings, but it is Dane's fighting with himself, with his guilt and his feelings for his dead wife, and for Clay, that really make this book, for me anyway.

It's sexy, but its equally deadly. The fights are described in some detail, but I liked that.

I really like how this book lays most of it out for you, but I have a feeling there is MUCH we don't know yet. I really look forward to reading future books in this series!

5 very excited for the next book stars
Hunter's Desire (Dark Reserves #2)
Hunter's Desire (Dark Reserves #2)
C.S. Joyce | 2019 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
bloody LOVED this!
Independent reviewer for Gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Okay then!

Daddy kink has been very hit and miss for me, some okay, some good, but not ever so many being so bloody good, but this one??

So Bloody Good!!

Hunter is a Dom, through and through but is disillusioned with the scene and wants to step away. He wants to retire for the police force. He wants. . . . something else. Colsen is a train wreck waiting to happen, after the death of his mother, he is wracked with guilt for not answering the phone and now he has been suspended from work. The weekend in Vegas to celebrate his best friend's up-coming wedding is the last thing he needs but he won't let his friend down. Hunter and Colsen come together, and it's not a matter of if they will butt heads, it's purely a matter of when. Can what happens in Vegas really STAY in Vegas?

I think what makes this one work so well for ME was this was a Daddy/boy relationship, rather than a Daddy/little one. Yes, Hunter buys Lego kits for Colsen, but thats more to focus his mind on something else. And Hunter wasn't really a Daddy before Colsen, either. A Dom, yes, but not a Daddy. There is an age gap, yes, but Hunter is approaching 50 (much to his disgust!) and Colsen is in his 30's. They are both working their way through what they need from the other, even if they hate each other.

And they work through their way spectactularly! Heads butt, yes indeed, and fists almost, but what gets to Colsen the most? Words. Words Hunter says in a certain tone, that pushes all kinds of his buttons he didn't know needed pushing. I LOVED how much Colsen fought Hunter, I really did. It doesn't take much for Hunter to find out why Colson is drinking so much, and once he does, he changes tactics to get Colson. Because Hunter WANTS Colsen like he never wanted before, and Colsen will be his boy, even if only for the weekend in Vegas.

But they can't leave it in Vegas, and it is great reading when Colsen finds out what Hunter did, and when Hunter comes into Colsen's space for the first time, discovering he kept some things going.

I loved it, when they finally, FINALLY, admit those three little words to each other! Very in keeping with these guys, and I loved the little epilogue.

I was to go back and read Dan and Theo's story now, too. It's their wedding they are in Vegas to celebrate. I want to continue with this series too, some interesting characters!

It's been a while since I had a one sitting read, and this one just nailed it, for me.

5 sparkling Vegas stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Slow Dances Under An Orange Moon (Colors of Love #4)
Slow Dances Under An Orange Moon (Colors of Love #4)
V.L. Locey | 2020 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
my fav of the series!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

And just like that, back up to 5 full stars AND it's single point of view!

I LOVED this instalment of these hockey players, I really did.

Kye returns home after retiring from professional hockey with two things on his agenda.

Look after his grandad, Dunny.

And get his man back, David.

First one is fairly easily sorted but the second one? Not so much. David is, even after 20 years, angry with Kye. So angry for leaving him, but more so for not even coming home in all that time, not ONCE. David would have had a long distance relationship, but Kye was still in the closet and did not want to ruin his career. Leaving Davey all that time ago killed Kye, but now he is on a mission to get his man back. Will David as he likes to be called, want him, though?

Kye is very vocal about many things, but the biggest thing he has a say about is his regret for leaving David and not coming home. He needs David to understand, even after all this time, he LOVES David, deep within his soul and he just needs a chance to prove that.

There follows a delightful tale of a man on a mission, a woo-ing mission, to get his man back and Kye does it so beautifully! He can see David giving in, with the little twitches of a smile, the sparkle in his eye, the way he wants to go slow about kills Kye, but he knows he has to play David's game if he really has any sort of chance.

Only Kye has a say, yes, I know, but his voice is strong, and fills in all the gaps that David NOT having a voice leaves. David manages to get his point across, though.

I didn't find it as explicit as a couple of the others, but it's not missed. This is more about the LOVE between these two men, rather than that sex.

Some difficult reading about the poachers and what David, as a wildlife conservation officer finds, but I think that probably is needed, to explain a lot of how David feels about his job and what he has to deal with on a day to day basis.

Also, Dunny, Kye's grandfather, is ailing in body and mind, and that is also difficult reading, but extremely well written and absolutely needed.

Arn pops up, and I loved the little digs to Kye about the other couples in this series, I really did! Made me chuckle, what Arn comes out with! Kye had no clue what he was talking about, though, and it shows that there really is no link between the series bar Arn and the colour theme.

Who's next? No idea, but please, keep these guys coming!

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsehwere**
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