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Hard To Let Go (Haven's Cove #1)
Hard To Let Go (Haven's Cove #1)
Jaclyn Quinn | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Jumping straight in, cos this is gonna be hard to write, so bare with me, okay??

Freaking LOVED this book! And if THIS class of writing is what a first time author can produce, I so very much want to be on the end of the next book!

Because, let me tell ya, there I was, merrily plodding along, reading away, thinking 4 stars, balancing across between 4 and 5, back to 4. Great book, extremely well written from both Owen and Brody's point of view.
Some sexy parts, some emotional parts, even a few funny ones, with Owen's female family members. A good book, just not quite hitting THAT spot yet, you know??

And then it hits, FULL in the face, just why Brody is back in town. I mean, I READ why he was there, I KNEW why he was there, but for some reason it didn't really sink in, you know?? Am I making sense?? Probably not, but I read the words, and then shit got real. And I was faced with a sledgehammer upside the head and I sobbed my bloody socks off. Because I've been there, where Brody was, that dark place, waiting, waiting. You know what's coming, there ain't nothing you can do to stop that freight train, but Lord you wish you could. Just one more day, one more hug. Just one MORE, you know? And its been 11 years, ELEVEN years since I had to sit through that and still, here I am, sobbing while writing this.

I've read two, very different, emotionally heavy books that connected to me on a very personal level. I had two very fluffy romance books before them, and stoopid me wrote the fluffy reviews before tackling these two heavier ones. So I've spent most of this afternoon in tears!

So, when you've read a book that you CANNOT fault, a book that grabs your heart, chews it up, and spits it out again, a book that does that to its characters too. A book that is FLAWLESS in its delivery, its flow. A book that lays out, very nicely, thank you very much, a view of the second book: a window into what's to come, and please Lord let me get the chance to read it, because Gabe and Nate have a story to tell that I really wanna read.

A book such as that can only get.....

5 full stars! Outstanding debut novel from Ms Quinn!
Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)
Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)
Marissa Meyer | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (36 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, so this book gets a 4.5 stars, but, again, I am rounding up for this book because it was honestly close enough to a 5 that I'm okay giving it a five star!!

Why did I wait so long to read this book?!?! Oh my goodness. I loved Cinder so much and I bought this book almost immediately after reading Cinder, so I'm not sure why I hesitated reading this because it was just as good!!

Kai and Cinder are still so cute together. I just love all of the little moments when they are thinking about each other and they are just consumed by those thought. Ugh. So freaking cute. (I'm still going for the the ship name of Kainder because they both need a little kindness in their lives, to be honest).

I love the new characters as well. Scarlet is so independent and feisty! I love how she sticks up for what she believes in and wants to protect those she loves, but she's also very trusting, maybe too trusting with people.

 And Wolf, he's so smooth, but he's got anxiety. He wants to be a better person for Scarlet because she believes in him! Wolflet is an adorable ship name and I love them together.

And *CAPTAIN* Carswell is hilarious and I can't wait to see what shenanigans he gets into in the next year.

I'm just so in love with all of the new characters and I'm so glad they were added to the story! It's never certain that the characters introduced in the sequels will be as compelling as the characters in the first book, but they shined just as brightly. (Yeah, I know I'm getting cheesy, I just love these characters so freaking much.)

Normally I'm not the biggest fan of multiple PoV stories, this book was written so well that I actually loved it!!

I read this whole book in a day and it helped me out of a minor book slump, so thank you Scarlet!!

I absolutely love where the plot is going. I can't wait until I can get my hands on the rest of the series, which will hopefully be soon!

I just love these books and the author. I got to meet her a couple of years ago at yallwest and she signed this book. She's just so freaking nice and I'm so happy she's had so much success in this series! I can't wait to see what else she will be writing!
The White Room
The White Room
C.M. Albert | 2018 | Contemporary, Erotica, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
hot hot HOT!!!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Welcome to The White Room. 3 rules you need to know: you may only visit once every 6 weeks; you may not request a repeat with anyone, and what happens in the White Room, stays in the White Room. Or they WERE the rules. But circumstances changes, and so do the rules.

I really don't know what I was expecting from this book, really I didn't but I KNOW I wasn't expecting THIS!


It's basically wall to wall sex, and I makes no apologies for loving a book written as such. It lands itself firmly on 3 shelves: erotica; over 18, and fan yourself its a hot one! Cos ooooeeee is this a hot hot HOT one!

Dom is given a visit to the White Room as a birthday gift. Avaline uses the White Room when her husband becomes terminally ill. Lexie visits after her divorce. Asher visits to get his Mrs Robinson fantasy played out. Simon likes to get his desk signed underneath by those he had sex with on top. Austin wanted to be pampered but he couldn't leave his dominance at the door. Vironica is a widow, but still a woman. Arianna wasn't even supposed to KNOW about the White Room. Alec likes to play with his food. Callum can't be in a relationship, not with his job. Baron is a preacher, and a widower, but still a man. Adelaide had a 2 man fantasy.

And then we come full circle back to Dom and Avaline.

Each chapter is well told from a single point of view, the person whose chapter it is. Mostly male/female pairings but there are some FFM (contact between the females) and a MFM (NO contact between the males) pairings. There are repeat visits by most of these characters, is some way or other. We get each and every emotion about why they are using the White Room, and why they are so affected by this particular visit. And just why they are all so pleased with the changing rules.

I saw no spelling or editing errors, and each story flows well from one to the next, but pay attention, they use different names in the White Room! You should read all the stories in order.

I really REALLY loved it!

This is, as far as I can see, the first I've read of this author, I hope it isn't the last!

5 very sexy stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Fearless (Somerton Security #3)
Fearless (Somerton Security #3)
Elizabeth Dyer | 2018 | Romance, Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
far darker than the others, but equally brilliant!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book direct from the author, and I thank Ms Dyer for that!

This is book three in the Somerton Security series and I would strongly recommend that you read books one, Defenseless and book two, Relentless before you read this one. There is some of an on-going story arc, and I don't think you'll get the full benefit of THIS book, if you don't. And,I mean, both are five star reads too!

We haven't met Will or Cooper before, but we know of Will. He is Georgia's brother and we thought him long dead. Cooper is a sniper, and they have talked before, Will and Coop, long intimate conversations, but never got round to meeting. When Coop's life is threatened by her actions on orders, she needs Will to find the answers and clear her name. She just needs to free Will from his captivity.

I loved this one, too!

It's far darker than the other two, because some of Will's torture is described, in detail, as it happens and as memories surfacing, but it's needed. You NEED to know what happened to Will, while he was held all that time, because it has some baring on what happens later in the book. Quite graphic, but absolutely necessary.

Will and Coop's history is all phone calls and texts, but I loved that the full picture isn't immediately clear. You're left guessing at the clues and I love being kept on my toes.

I loved that Coop could SEE Will, you know, under all that dirt and grime and all those scars. She could see the man he was, will be again, even if Will couldn't. Loved that Will knew he had to let Coop go, if he was going to keep her and LOVED how he pulled her back!! I was like, way to go man!!

Parker and Georgia, and Ethan and Natalia all pop up, if only towards the end but it was nice that they did.

There is a character here who has piqued my interest, particularly after what he says to Coop and Will when the sh*t hits the fan, and more importantly, it was the WAY he said it. Makes me think that HIS story could be next, and he isn't quite the bad guy he portrays here. Maybe he is, but I think there is a teeny tiny soft spot in his heart for a certain doctor who is missing.

Please keep these coming!!

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Interludes Box Set
Interludes Box Set
Aliyah Burke | 2019 | Contemporary, Erotica, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this box set of three books.

Because I read these books back to back, as a set, I’m writing one review for the whole bundle, rather than three separate reviews.

And let me tell ya, I loved these books!

Well, I LOVED books one and three, two didn’t quite hit that spot, but still!

These books landed right in my queue when I needed them the most. I read a lot, A LOT, a lot and a huge chunk of those books are male/male romance of some description or other. Now, I’m not picky, I like to think I’m an equal opportunities reader, I will read most pairings so long as the blurb grabs. But it’s been a while since I had such great male/female pairings that were so bloody sexy!

There is instant and powerful attraction between Roxi and Sam in book one. Tuck and Ariel pussy foot around each other for the better part of two years before they act on their feelings in book two. Maya and Brent, in book three, had a one night stand some time (but I was never really clear on how long ago that was!) in Hawaii and when Brent finds himself face to face with Maya again, he wants to pick up where they left off.

Each book is well written, with both male and female lead having a say. All the characters have very different voices, and tell their stories in the third person. Each book has a Marine or two as the lead, and there are a whole host of other Marines that pop up in each book.

There is a huge supporting cast, spread over the three books, with some very interesting people who I want to have a story of their own. Some massive hints? Clues? Teasers, I think is probably the best word, to their stories and I need to know will there be more in this series??

I read tow of these books in one day, and had I not had to up at stoopid o’clock the next morning, I would probably have read all three! First I’ve read of this author, and now I want to read more. Her back list is massive though, and it may take some time to choose!

Like I said, book two did not quite hit *that* spot, but I’m still giving the whole set. . .

5 full stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Alpha's Warlock (Mismatched Mates #1)
The Alpha's Warlock (Mismatched Mates #1)
Eliot Grayson | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
great read, but I NEEDED Ian!
Independent reviewer for Gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Nate is a warlock, and getting kidnapped and cursed by the Shimball werewolf pack wasn't in his plans for the day. When he manages to drag himself to tell the Armitage pack of the Shimball pack plans, mating the Alpha's brother wasn't in his plans either. But the only way to break the curse is to build a mate bond with an Alpha, so mate with Ian he does. There is just the minor detail that Ian hates Nate, and Nate has been attracted to Ian for such a long time. When the Shimball pack come for the Armitage pack, Ian has to keep Nate safe, even if it just gives him a chance to kill Nate himself!

I really REALLY enjoyed this!

Nate is quirky, and witty, and so bloody funny! Because the book is only told from his point of view, and in the first person, we get all of his wit and humour, but also, all of his terror at what his father did to him. His pain at realizing he might not be good enough for anyone. His reaction to the bond to Ian surprised him, and we get all of that. We get his dawning knowledge of what Ian has become to him.

The story moves along at pace in places, a little slower in others. The bigger picture, I think, isn't clear yet, and I have no idea what that picture might be, but I look forward to reading more.

The only thing, for ME, why I didn't give it 5 stars when I enjoyed it so much?

Single person person of view. Only Nate has a voice. I really REALLY needed Ian, at key points along the way, and I don't get him. I needed to know what he felt about having to mate Nate, although there were clues to that early on. I needed to know if the mate bond affected him as much as it did Nate. I needed to know just what his brother's betrayal means to him, and how much it hurts him. And I don't get him!


A great read, and the first I've read of this author. I like the way they spin the tales. I look forward to reading more, especially after the epilogue here!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Part of Her Plan (Cupid's Cafe #5)
Part of Her Plan (Cupid's Cafe #5)
Catherine Peace | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
not an easy read, but a bloody good one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I have no idea what I expected from this book, but it certainly wasn't this!

Jenny and Lydia have real life problems. Both are recovering from their respective addictions (or not, as the case may be) and this book focuses on that, more than the romance, and I really LOVED that. All too often these topics get brushed under the carpet and here, they are front and centre.

Lydia has a plan, to get her own apartment, and then be on her own. Meeting with Jenny again should not waver her from her plan. She's doing well, and is committed to get to the end. Jenny, on the other hand, isn't doing so well and the place in the sober living house SHOULD be her ticket to get to be with her brother again. But Jenny's recovery isn't going to plan, and one single mistake might ruin them both.

At one point, I wasn't sure I wanted to read this book. I started it, and it took a downward turn (I thought) and I contemplated leaving it. But something made me carry on and I am so bloody glad I did!

Yes, it's not an easy read. it certainly isn't a fluffy romance that you can breeze through, but it IS a bloody good book! It shows the struggles, the real life struggles that people face. How people spiral downwards, how they hit the bottom and try to get back up. How the deal with their addiction (in this case drugs and alcohol) and what they do when faced with what might possibly be their last chance.

Jenny and Lydia are not perfect, but they are perfect for each other, and other than the issues with their addictions, the romance side of things moves along slow, at first, but then speeds up, and slows down again. I loved that it wasn't explicit. There is steam and passion a-plenty, but the detailed sex scenes are not here, and I truly think had they been, I would not have liked this book as much!

I've not read anything by this author before, nor any of the previous books in this series, I don't think you need to, to enjoy this one. I might go back and read them!

But please, be aware of the subject matter: drug abuse and alcohol abuse mostly. Some people might not be able to read this because of triggers.

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Sealed with a Curse
Sealed with a Curse
Morgan Sheppard | 2022 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
beautifully written retell
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

If you follow my reviews, you'll know I love the books that are steamier and smexier and sometimes more violent. This book is neither, and I loved that fact that it wasn't!

I can't write a blurby bit, so not gonna bother, but I might rave a bit!

Selene is an old soul, I think, that she can, even when faced with the escalation of the bullying from the princes, NOT want them punished in the way they are. She wanted them to LEARN from it, yes, but not to the extent it was.

I loved that the Gods these people prayed to heard them, and stepped in. Loved that they had a voice too, even it was briefly! The bickering between the Sisters was wonderful to read.

Like it said, it's not steamy, there is the bullying in the beginning though, of Selene by the eldest brothers. It does get physical. Be mindful of that if you have triggers.

There is, though, MUCH love here. Selene loves her swans (as did I!) and the people around the castle. And in time, she does come to love Conway. Who, I thought, was a bit hedgey about why he came to the castle, and i thought there was more to him that there was, but it turns out I was reading between none-existent lines there!

It's full of description, in depth descriptions of people, places, flowers, even ribbons! I loved reading those. I could picture them, you know?

I loved all the supporting characters around the castle. I want to know what's got up a certain someone's behind, though, that was never made clear!

What I loved most though, was the interpretation of this tale. I never heard of this tale before, and at the end of this book, there is a bit about various versions and how they differ. I read that, and I loved that little bit of extra info.

There is also a bit that says we might hear from the brothers again, and I really want that! It would be nice to get into their heads, especially the eldest two, NOW rather than before. To see where they are at, and what they thought of their former selves.

All in all, a wonderful read, that kept me up way past my bedtime. I loved it, I really did. Bar Disjointed Lives, this is my favourite read by this author.

5 full and shiny, moon-touched stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
The Keeper of Portals
The Keeper of Portals
V.S. Nelson | 2017 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review </i>

Awaiting young adult readers in early 2017 is a fantasy story unlike any other. <i>The Keeper of Portals</i> is the debut novel of V.S. Nelson, the soon-to-be-published author with an imagination worth sharing. Incorporating the familiar concept of time travel into a new way of visualizing the world results in a story that will leave minds reeling.

Nelson’s theory is that every aspect of life has a keeper, a creature in charge of making sure their assigned element functions smoothly. There are the major keepers responsible for time, causality and other things that cannot be seen, yet objects as small as buttons have their own keeper, too. Humans, of course, are unaware of these keepers, therefore fifteen-year-old Martin Lockford initially believes he is going mad when the Keeper of Portals reveals his existence in Martin’s bedroom.

Martin and his mother, with nowhere else to go, have moved into a dilapidated manor once owned by a distant relative. Whilst exploring his new room, Martin is startled by a disembodied voice claiming to be the Keeper of Portals. Having not spoken to anyone for 400 years, Portals is eager to show off his role in the flowing of the unpredictable universe. The keeper’s task is to make sure each door leads to the correct place – something that he demonstrates by sending Martin to the <i>wrong</i> places. However, there is one door in the manor that he has been unable to open.

The very next morning, Martin awakes to discover the sealed door is no longer locked and, being the curious boy that he is, goes through to explore. The mystery door does not only transport Martin to a different place, it sends him back in time to 1623. Here he meets the young Isabel, a maid, who is intrigued with the inventions of the future, especially from a personal hygiene perspective. However, she is not the only one curious about the 21st century.

The irascible master of the manor is not who he initially seems. With the desire to control everything, he places Martin and Isabel in a grave predicament, trapping them in the 17th century. At risk of creating a paradox, Martin needs to return to his own time – a difficult feat in itself – however, with the Keeper of Portals missing, the master has caused many problems that need to be solved, otherwise a whole new future will be born.

Admittedly, it takes a while for the story to warm up – the reader may be introduced to the idea of keepers fairly early on, yet the key storyline does not reveal itself until much later. After perseverance on the reader’s behalf, <i>The Keeper of Portals</i>, becomes an exciting mix of fantasy and science fiction, cleverly thought out to create an unpredictable scenario. Adventure after adventure, until bittersweet conclusion, keeps readers engaged and compelled to read on long after bedtime.

Although Martin is the protagonist of the novel, Isabel’s role is equally important. Despite women in the 1600s being deprived on the rights they have in this day and age, Isabel is an intelligent, independent girl, perfectly able to handle everything that is thrown at her. She is an inspiration to teenage girls.

Written with teenage readers in mind, <i>The Keeper of Portals</i> is suitable for fantasy-loving adults, too. With equipoise of adventure and intellectual theory, as well as a touch of romance, it is definitely a book to look out for. V.S. Nelson writes with clarity, exuding remarkable intelligence; let us hope that there will be more from where this came from.
Take My Hand (Take My Hand, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is my first experience with a book by Nicola Haken. The synopsis sounded promising and I have been looking for a new series to read, so I thought I would give this one a go.

This story is of two people trying to start their lives over after terrible events that occurred in each of their lives. They get thrown together and together they learn how to love...again.

The story is primarily set in London, so that's amazing! I'm obsessed with London and all things British, so I was SOOOOO excited for this book. I wanted to fall in LOVE with this book, and these characters, but at best I only fell in LIKE with this book. Sigh.

Dexter and Emily are great characters. They have the tormented past, the rocky relationship, and undying love for one another. Okay so it sounds like this book has everything a book needs. But still... I just couldn't fall in love, and let me tell you why.

1) Dexter is from the U.S.A. so when he moves to London, he clearly doesn't understand all of the lingo and slang that the English use. Which is fine. Emily used a lot of these slang words, "ginger minger" being an example of one, and so the narrator would pause and explain what each one meant. This was very helpful throughout the story. However, this is the part that bothers me. Throughout the story when Dex would have a chapter and be talking sometimes I would get confused and he started to sound like Emily to me. I felt like the two were blending together.

2) There were several times throughout this book I wanted to literally reach into my kindle and slap Emily. I understand she's never really been in a relationship before, and I understand she's socially awkward, but my god! It's like this girl is from another planet and she doesn't understand human interactions, AT ALL! She blushes at everything - even when it's not sexual, she doesn't know how to talk to people, and she doesn't know how to be in a relationship. If the guy is a alcoholic and throws stuff at the wall, and runs out on you every time he's scared. You drop him and run. It just didn't seem realistic at all.

He drank and ran out on her when she was in a strange country with a strange woman she'd never met, and he was just like, peace out. Then she had the nerve to feel sorry. He kept secrets from her and she had the nerve to scold herself for feeling that way. It just didn't feel real to me. I felt like she gave in to him too easily. Now, before you all comment like crazy about how I don't understand alcoholics and how I don't know how they operate and how I don't understand addiction, let me just tell you this... You're wrong. I understand, and I understand better than some. I was a teenage alcoholic. It ruined my life and it took me YEARS to get it back together. SO I GET IT.

3) Now that all that's out of the way on to the next. I didn't like that Emily was so clearly afraid to say SEX or PENIS, or VAGINA. If you can't say it or talk about it, you shouldn't be doing it. She really needed to grow up. I understand that some people just don't feel comfortable talking about it, but at some point you need to draw a line. Emily was just a little too chaste for my preference and I think the description of the sex scenes from Emily's perspective were out of place for this very reason. The chapters where she was the narrator, she shouldn't have been comfortable describing what was going down. I feel like the scene should have been set up and then a fade to black would have been more appropriate.

4) Lastly, Rachel... UHHHH MOST ANNOYING CHARACTER EVER!! At first I thought she was badass! Here you have this girl who has lived her life in a wheelchair and has had to compensate for it by being independent, coloring her hair funky colors, and getting tattoos. Awesome! Right... WRONG. She then opened her mouth. OMG! She's not independent and trying to stand out, she's just down right offensive, and she didn't seem to fit at all in this story.

I know by now you're probably thinking "Why did you give this book three stars if you clearly hated it." Right? Well, I didn't hate it, at all. I liked it, it evoked emotion, it made me think and it made me feel. Those things are SOOO important when writing a book. This author has some definite promise, and I know there are a couple more books in this series. I will probably read them since this book ended on a cliffhanger (which was awesome, btw). I want to know what happens to these characters, and I'm hoping they both grow up a bit in the upcoming books.

My one last thing I'd like to point out is the editing. Now, I don't know if I got a pre-edited copy or if I got the final draft. So, I'm not considering the editing in my rating, because I can't be certain. I do feel that this book needs some serious proofreading, but again it may not be that way in a purchased copy so again don't hold that minor detail against the author, because no one is perfect.

I will definitely read other books by this author. She has a great writing style, her story flows very nicely, there aren't any dull moments, and her story is one that tears at the heartstrings. I in no way mean this review to sound as if I'm attacking her, when in fact its the complete opposite. I commend her for writing this book, and I think she did it well. Plus, the most important thing EVER, her writing made me think and feel which is what good writing should do. So, I implore you to give this book a chance don't let my feelings and observations deter you from reading a book with great potential that you may absolutely love!