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Secret Admirer Pact
Secret Admirer Pact
Bernadette Marie | 2024 | Contemporary, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
kinda cute
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarain, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I liked this book, but I didn't love it. Why?? I dunno, but book feelings are strong about this and ya'll know I need to share the book feelings!

It's a fun read, about friends who never really saw each other as anything other than best friends, until the thought of losing each other looms. And it's all laid out for you!

While there is romance here, there is no smexy times. I think that might be my biggest issue. I like my books smexy and I wanted Monique and Will to get their freak on, and they don't. At least, not on page. There's just some kissing.

It's painfully obvious who the secret admirers are, other than Will and Monique, but I didn't see the twist to Monique's boss' situation! So that was a great twist.

It's billed as a comedy romance. Now, I dunno if it was me, but I didn't get much comedy, at all!

It was a nice read (you know I don't like to use that word, but I can't find another one to fit!) one you can just fall into and wile away a couple hours, or less. Took me 90 mins.

I'd like to read something esle by this author, I haven't read her work before, but a longer work.

3 good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Homecoming (Men of Devotion #1)
Homecoming (Men of Devotion #1)
Meredith Daniels | 2019 | Contemporary, Erotica, LGBTQ+
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
great read, loved it!
Homecoming, arch, 4 stars, male/male, romance, friends to lovers, military dudes, first time author
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.
Jack returns home, after a botched mission leaves him 5 days in hell. He is bruised and broken. But coming home be the hardest thing he has done, especially when it brings him face to face with the only man he ever loved. The man who hates him for breaking his sister’s heart. The man in question, Dillon, doesn’t hate Jack as much as Jack thinks. When Dillon helps Jack with his PTSD, when Dillon’s touch makes Jack feel like he really DID come home, both men need to own their feelings for each other. But it takes Dillon’s sister to make Jack see.
I love reading about broken soldiers coming home, and this was no exception!
Jack is broken, inside and out, bones and mind. Five days in hell and he has been given six weeks of mandatory leave and for the first time in ten years, he goes home. Home to his mum and dying father. Home to the memories that are burned on his mind from the last time he was here. Home to where Dillon might be. He doesn’t know which is worse: facing Dillon, or NOT. I loved that Jack didn’t know! Dillon, though. He knows. He knows he wants to see Jack. Seeing the man who has held his heart for long in so much pain calls to him. He wants Jack, but he wants Jack to come to him. And when they do? It was beautiful! But Jack spoils it by running! Stoopid man thinks now he’s “got Dillon out his system” he’ll be able to lay it to rest. But Dillon is far more than a “get out of my system” kinda man, and it takes Dillon’s sister, and Jack’s mum, to make Jack see, to really SEE how much he cannot let Dillon go!
It’s only short, some 90 pages, but packs quite a punch. Both Jack and Dillon have their say, and in the third person. Each voice is clear and defined.
I read some reviews AFTER I read this, I don’t do it before. I made that mistake once and never again. Most of the reviews I found were from 2014, and not very good. I wonder has this been revised since. I found none of the problems that are mentioned! Also, I can’t find anything else by this author. So, given this is a FIRST-time author, I’ll say this is a very VERY good start.
4 solid stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Mute (Dragon Runners #1)
Mute (Dragon Runners #1)
ML Nystrom | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good, but not great
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Katrina lands a job in the local biker bar while she finishes up her final semester at nursing school. Club enforcer Mute props himself up at the end of the bar for most of the night and watches. Kat's life is threatened, along with that of the club. Mute digs deep to overcome his fear of falling in love again, and pulls out all the stops to save both Kat and his beloved club.

Ok! SO!

I liked this, mostly. I think.

Not a particularly original story line, but it is told in a slightly different way. Kat has her say for the bigger part of the book in the first person. Then Mute has a say, for a little bit, in the third person. Until Mute has his say, I wasn't sure I was enjoying it, and maybe I wasn't even going to finish it. But Mute having his say made the book a little more enjoyable and I did finish it.

I liked that there was a slow build between Kat and Mute. I did not like that the love word was bandied about very early on.

From what I can see, this is a first time author and in places, it does show. It's a little . . . clunky . . . . .at points and some things don't flow too well.

A good start, not a great one.

3 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Lies & Deception(Soldiers of Fury MC #1)
Lies & Deception(Soldiers of Fury MC #1)
Nic Starr | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not really one for me :-(
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

*insert sigh*

Gonna jump straight in here, and this review may well be on the short side!

For the most part, I DID enjoy this. Mostly.

And for the life of me, I cannot, I simply CAN'T figure out what didn't work, or why! And you KNOW how much that frustrates me!!

It's well told, from both Fin and Mitch's POV, in the third person. Perfect for me. It's a very well delivered tale.

I did see who was feeding the police their insider information very early on, I did NOT see who was helping him. I would have love to have been told how Mitch and Finn dealt with finding out each other's secrets, because we don't get that here and I wanted to know how that went down!

It's not overly explicit for a male/male book, but it does come with a contemporary tag. Just the right amount for this book. It does get rather detailed in the description of the violence dished out by Finn's older brother, Rocky. But then again, Rocky isn't the best example of big brother material!

It is, as far as I can see, the first I've read of this author. I'd like to read more. Maybe I just picked the wrong book to jump into Nic Starr's world!

A GOOD 3.5 stars, rounded down to 3 for the blog.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Snow One Like You (Snowed In - Valentine's Inc #9)
Snow One Like You (Snowed In - Valentine's Inc #9)
Ashe Winters | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
LOVED this book!
Independent reviewer for Gay Romance Reviews, I was gifted a copy of this book.

Oh yeah, I LOVED this book! So much!

Angelo and Spencer have a great deal of . . .not hatred cos that is too strong a word, but they really dislike each other, with a passion. And it's that passion that spills things over into something much more, something neither of them dreamed of.

So much passion, from these two, it burned the page! While what they say to themselves is hatred of the other, deep down, they both know that there is something more between them and getting stuck in a snow storm together is the time to let it all out, and just FEEL, you know?? So much the feels!

I loved the speed at which these guys fell, once they admitted to themselves at least what they were actually feeling. Usually I don't but the whole book (bar the epilogue) takes place over a few days, some 125 pages, so for it to work, it has to be fast. I loved that they were all in.

Both guys have a say, in the first person, so we get it all from them both. How much Spencer riles Angelo up. How much Spencer gets a kick out of calling him Angel. How much what they both want from the other means to them. LOVED these guys, I really did!

Can't see that I've read anything else by this author, and now I want more!

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
felt it was a littel unfinished in places.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I liked this book, but I struggled a bit with it.

I liked that both Henry and Francis had a say, in the third person. I did not like that when Henry spoke, he spoke with a broad Yorkshire accent! I live one county down from Yorkshire, in the UK and it took me a bit of time to figure out what he was saying, so that took some enjoyment out it.

Henry and Francis are from very differing backgrounds, different classes and before WWII this was a major issue. It shows in places. Makes you think, about how things have changed. I didn't much like Francis' mother, but I think that's a generational thing. She came across extremely heavy on Francis and not so much on her brother, but then again, wanting to run away to Hollywood, in that time frame, was probably no more far fetched than it is today!

It felt a little clunky at times, and that made it a bit hard work. Some threads are left....unfinished.....I thought. Bit of tightening up, and I think this might have eeked that 4th star out of me.


It is well written, and I saw no editing or spelling mistakes, and I did finish it. Whether I will read another by this author remains to be seen.

a GOOD 3 star read

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Reluctant Rockstar (Reluctant Rockstar #1)
Reluctant Rockstar (Reluctant Rockstar #1)
Frances Fox | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
the biggest warm and fuzzies!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Usually I write a little blurby bit, but I'm not going to here, I'm gonna jump straight in!

Cos, this book right?? It's so freaking good!

It's not ever so smexy, but it has passion and emotion. It's not explicit but it has steam! There isn't much drama, save for the idiot ex-manager and Martin making his decision. It's not very long, some 95 pages, but I'll come back to that bit shortly.

And all that is why I loved this book! Finding yourself after such a long time is what this is all about and Martin, once he makes the decision he does, he and Simon are a couple, after such a short space of time, and Martin leaving to finish what he needs to do gives them time to miss each other, even though they are in constant contact.

Back to the length of this book. I would probably have said, as I've done before, that this book is too short. However, I don't think this particular book would work as a longer piece, I really don't. It's the perfect page length for this story, for Simon and Martin to fall in love.

It's full of emotion and love, and gave me the biggest warm and fuzzies feeling I've had in a long time!

First I can see of this author, I want more if they are all this cute!

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Edge Jump
Edge Jump
Elizabeth Noble | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
kinda creeps up on ya!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book direct from the author, that I write a review was not required.

Brett retired from professional ice hokey and now runs the centre his parents set up, to teach. His sister, Celia and her partner, Rylan, has moved onto ice dancing. But a senseless crime takes Celia away from both Brett and Rylan, and brings them both together at their darkest time. Then Rylan is hit with a far worse tragedy. Can they get through this, together?

You know, sometimes, you read a blurb, and your brain plots away, and that's what you expect from the book?? Then the book actually goes off in a way you did not see coming?? And you loved it for it??

This book, right here!

I have NO idea what I thought would happen here, but I was very surprised with it! It really did kinda-creep-up-on-me!!

Brett and Rylan have chemistry, right from the start. But Brett keeps himself back a bit, and it pulls at you, the way Rylan reacts to that. There is a lot of pulling on the heart strings here! I loved the way Brett gradually introduced Rylan to BDSM, and that Rylan took to it, like a duck to water. I didn't think it overly explicit though and I LIKED that here, but that might just be me!

I did not get how Celia and her fiance's deaths would play out. Did NOT see that one coming at me, not at all!

Rylan's recovery from what happened is long and painful, but you feel it **taps chest* right here. Every time his brain threw self doubt at him. Every time Brett pulled him out of it, and you cheer, when he finally is able to get back on the ice. And when Rylan listens to Brett when he says "I'm not going anywhere!"

I've read a couple of other books by Ms Noble, and I do like how she can switch from paranormal, to contemporary, to more sexy books. High skill of an author, I think!

It crept up on, this book, it really did!

4.5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Seducing the Sorcerer
Seducing the Sorcerer
Lee Welch | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I kept missing bits that were just thrown in, and I really loved that.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Jumping straight in with this one, cos I really REALLY enjoyed this book bar one teeny weeny thing, but I'll come back to that! This is the second book by this author I read, and that book was a 3 star, it-was-ok kinda read and this one is so NOT that!

I loved that many times in the book I had to back up a bit, and reread what I just read cos I was like "say what, now?" MANY times. And a book that makes me slow down my reading is never a bad thing, I had to here, cos I kept missing bits that were just thrown in, and I really loved that.

I loved that Fenn had no idea about magic and the sorcerer and what was going on in the tower. Loved that Fenn was quite laid back about it all, really.

I loved the way things crept up on Fenn, much like his worple horse and what it can do, (not sure if thats the correct spelling though!) and that so much was not as it appeared to be. I loved what the horse does with the pink eiderdown 🙂

It's not especially explicit but is steamy enough. Violence level is low but fitting for this book. I was surprised at the level of emotions that Fenn threw at me though, and I've no idea why!

What let it down, for ME was only Fenn has a say, and I so wanted to hear from Morgrim, I really did! I wanted to know what he was thinking when Fenn first landed in the tower grounds; what he felt about Fenn and his horse.

But what I wanted MOST to know about, was how Morgrim felt about what had happened to him 2 years ago, and how he was dealing with all that. I'm greedy, I know, but had Morgrim been given a voice, I have no doubt at all that this would have been a five-star review, it really would!

I can see the author skill has grown a great deal since I read the other book (2017) and I WILL read more now!

4 really REALLY good stars

same worded review will appear elsewhere​
His Lordship's Secret (His Lordship’s Mysteries #1)
His Lordship's Secret (His Lordship’s Mysteries #1)
Samantha SoRelle | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Mystery, Romance
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
didn't get the whodunnit!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Someone is trying to kill Alfred, so who would make a better bodyguard than a ruffain from a boxing match? Dominick, thats who, but finding the boy who saved him in the man before him makes Alfred want things, things that could get them both locked up, or worse. Makes a blackmailer a walk in the park. Dominick, finding Alfie before him, in need of a body guard, has feelings that he wasn't sure ever went away: protecting little Alfie was now his life's work. Those pesky feelings aren't reciprocated, are they?

Alfie is lovely! He wants to keep his family wealth but his cousin is happy to pee it up the wall, Alfie cares, but Reginald does not. Dominick cares, but really only about Alfie. The little boy who stole his heart has grown into a beautiful man, one who needs to stay alive, and Dominick will keep him so, even if it costs Dominick a good deal more than his heart.

It's quite emotional, in places. Dealing with growing up in a poorhouse, and then thrown into High Society would mess with anyone's head and Alfie mostly does seem to have taken it all in his stride. Mostly. Dominck is a street man, doing what he needs to do to stay alive, even if he doesn't want to do those things. A bit violent, but dealing with life on London's streets in the 1800s was never gonna be a picnic. Poor Dominick bears the brunt of that!

There is love here, but very little actual smexy time. It concentrates more on who is trying to kill Alfie, and the feelings that grow over time, between these two.

I loved that the whodunnit was so NOT who I was expecting, nor was it WHY! I love being kept on my toes!

I liked this, I liked it a lot. It doesn't quite have the punch that the other book I read by this author does, but I think its a close call! I have book 2 to read shortly, look forward to see where the author is going with these two, besides Scotland!

4 solid stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere