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Dances With Wolves (1990)
Dances With Wolves (1990)
1990 | Action, Drama, Western
The music (1 more)
The cinematography
The length! (0 more)
John Dunbar ... Dances with Wolves
Kevin Costner's epic Western, in which the man himself stars as Civil War veteran John Dunbar who, after an act of attempted suicide charging the enemy lines on his own, is offered his choice of posting and chooses to go to the American Frontier (before it disappears).

Once he gets there, he is posted to an abandoned fort, with everyone who had knowledge of this posting then (for plot reasons) getting killed off.

Initially left on his own, he soon encounters a nearby tribe of Sioux Indians and, as the film progresses, finds himself drawn more and more to their way of life, eventually earning the name 'Dances with Wolves' before the inevitable happens and the US army starts making their way into Sioux territory.

Unusual (for it's time) in that this film is largely sympathetic to the Native Americans plight, with some stunning cinematography, beautiful music and some stellar acting but, holy moly, boy is this one long film: even the 'standard' version is roughly 3 hours long!
Captive Trail (Texas Trails, #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An escaped Comanche captive looking for her true family. An Ursaline mission run by the Sisters who nurse and protect Taabe Waipu. A stagecoach driver who will stop at nothing to reunite Taabe with her family. And a band of Comanche warriors who want their prisoner back.

The second book in the Morgan Family Series takes place about 12 years after the first book Lone Star Trail, and it does stand alone if you choose not to read the first book. Beginning in 1857, we follow the story Taabe Waipu in her journey to discovering her true identity. She has been with the Comanche for so long that she has forgotten almost everything, even English, except for the fact that she does not belong with the Comanche. She finds a safe haven with the Nuns at the mission and a friend in Ned Bright, the stagecoach driver. As her affections for Ned grow, so does her doubt. Will he accept her once he knows the secrets of her past? As time progresses, Taabe relearns English and can communicate more about who she is and inquires are sent from families in Texas that have lost children to the Indians. Will she ever find her family? Will she be protected from her captors, or will they find her and force her return?

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Captive Trail. The “Old West” is one of my favorite time periods to read. I was skeptical at first because each book in this series is written by a different author. But because it stands alone, there were no real comparisons to make regarding changes in characters. Susan Page Davis ( does an excellent job of continuing the story of the Morgan family. This book was a pretty laid back easy read. The first 18 chapters (there are 24 chapter in all) were mostly building to the climax, that I knew was coming, but wasn’t sure how it would all come about. But it wasn’t boring. We learn a lot about Taabe’s character and learn more about her life with the Comanche and the heartache and sorrow she had to endure as their captive. I highly recommend this book for a quick read if you enjoy learning about the perils and danger of life in the time of Cowboys and Indians.

I received a free copy of Captive Trail from Moody Publishers in exchange for my honest review.
Future Home of the Living God
Future Home of the Living God
Louise Erdrich | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It’s all been done before...
Cedar Hawk Songmaker is pregnant. Unfortunately, evolution seems to be going backwards at an alarming rate in all things: animals, crops, babies....
Society goes mad, the giver collapses, and a religious government takes over. Another story where a woman is just a womb and the baby is the only important thing. This frustrates me: there’s only a finite number of women, and surely only a small number who are able to give birth to babies who haven’t ‘devolved’? Why risk them dying? Why force them to ‘breed’? I just don’t get these stories. I liked the first person, diary entry approach to the novel, by the way. It works really well.
This is very similar to A Handmaids Tale: men and religion controls the state, a declining birth rate, Big Brother is watching (thanks to George Orwell for that little sort device). Nice touch with the Native American Indians, by the way.
I have an idea - how about a (good, well-written) story where there’s a declining birth rate, men are to blame and WOMEN are in charge?! Has anyone written that yet? I’d buy it! Any suggestions will probably be read!

Awix (3310 KP) rated Apaches (1977) in Movies

Jan 21, 2021  
Apaches (1977)
Apaches (1977)
1977 | Drama, Horror
Nerve-manglingly bleak and grim public information film. Six young children play cowboys and indians, cops and robbers, etc, on a (seemingly quite badly managed) farm and are one-by-one crushed under trailers, drowned in slurry pits, poisoned by weedkiller, etc, etc. All the time the adults are preparing for a mysterious party...

Pretty much guaranteed to traumatise most young viewers, I would have thought, and quite a tough watch for anyone else: you *know* that something horrifically fatal is going to befall one of the young cast every few minutes. In this respect it's written and paced exactly like a horror movie, the kind of thing children would never be allowed to watch - but this is supposed to be educational, see, so they can do things you'd never be allowed to show in an actual commercial movie. Director Mackenzie would go on to make The Long Good Friday and The Fourth Protocol (amongst other things) and brings a mixture of gritty naturalism and an eerie, dream-like quality to the film. Nastily effective: enough to put anyone off a trip to the countryside.
Bone Tomahawk (2015)
Bone Tomahawk (2015)
2015 | Action, Horror, Western
The Citizen Kane of horror westerns
First of all, any time a movie combines two of my favorite things, in this case, a western and Kurt Russell, you have a recipe for success.

Certainly not for the squeamish or faint of heart, the horribly awesome brutality in this film rivals any I have seen in my life and that's saying a lot.

The plot is your basic four men set out to find and rescue several townspeople who have been kidnapped by horrible cave-dwelling "Indians" who no one seems to know anything about. Along the way, they have to face the elements of the weather, their own injuries and the eminent threat of encountering the ferocious beats that they are always on edge.

Patrick Wilson, Richard Jenkins and Matthew Fox are all also wonderful as the men who set off with Russell on their rescue quest.

For what the movie sets out to do, it succeeds wholeheartedly. Thoroughly engaging throughout, I was glued to my seat the entire time and the 135 minute runtime goes by in a flash.

In reading about it afterwards, it is unbelievable to me the movie was shot in only 21 days and for only $1.8 million.

Who says creativity is dead in Hollywood? Just takes great writing. I'd watch this before Iron Man 12 anytime.


Lindsay (1698 KP) rated A Heart's Danger (A Journey of the Heart, #3) in Books

Aug 30, 2018 (Updated Apr 9, 2019)  
Things get even more strange as the story continues. Ben and Jessica both want Sarah away from Rand for their own reason. Ben has a little bit of a different plan for his himself. There seems to be something going on and Sarah hear a part of the plan that Ben is talking with Jessica. She could not figure out what they are talking about.

Ben wants to get back at Sarah for what she did to save a friend. He got a plan to get rid of Rand for good. Jessica finds Sarah and invites her and Amelia with her and her mother to a picnic. Sarah feels like something is up with Jessica but needs to get out of camp for a bit.

There a stage while Rand is out for a few days to get wood for the fort. What do the Indians want with him? Rands see an Indian that looks like his younger brother and he does not shoot. What do they want with Sarah when they got her. Will they save Sarah and Rand or what will they do with them?

A Heart's Danger is quite an adventure and Colleen put it together quite well. Will Rand and Sarah see that their love is still strong? Will Rand goes on with his wedding with Jessica? Will Ben and Jessica's plan work?
A Heart's Danger by Colleen Coble Things get even more strange as the story continues. Ben and Jessica both want Sarah away from Rand for their own reason. Ben has a little bit of a different plan for his himself. There seems to be something going on and Sarah hear a part of the plan that Ben is talking with Jessica. She could not figure out what they are talking about. Ben wants to get back at Sarah for what she did to save a friend. He got a plan to get rid of Rand for good. Jessica finds Sarah and invites her and Amelia with her and her mother to a picnic. Sarah feels like something is up with Jessica but needs to get out of camp for a bit. There a stage while Rand is out for a few days to get wood for the fort. What do the Indians want with him? Rands see an Indian that looks like his younger brother and he does not shoot. What do they want with Sarah when they got her. Will they save Sarah and Rand or what will they do with them? A Heart's Danger is quite an adventure and Colleen put it together quite well. Will Rand and Sarah see that their love is still strong? Will Rand goes on with his wedding with Jessica? Will Ben and Jessica's plan work?
And so the Ingalls family follow the trend of most Americans in that era of the frontier and move from the big woods to the prairie, encountering the many trials along the way before settling in the Indian Territory.

As much as I enjoyed the book, I must be brutally honest and say that Ma Ingalls' view on the 'Indians' actually repulsed me. I hate the way they were treated by the white man and to read what was so prevalent at the time is truly gut wrenching and appalling as if these so called Christians had shown a bit of Christian love then the story of America would be much different, and personally I think it would be a much better place. But rant over, that really did grind my gears and needed to get it off my chest!

Other than that the book is well written, showing a good level of historical accuracy, as you would expect of a book based on personal experiences, and flows on well from the previous book. It has a good balance of factual recollections weaved delicately with family memories and introduces some much needed new characters into the scene. It progresses well and develops the main characters in a solid manner.

Overall it was enjoyable, but as I said, the attitudes portrayed are quite disgusting and sad really and this lets the book down in my opinion.
The Shape-Shifter's Wife
The Shape-Shifter's Wife
Carolyn Radmanovich | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
Every wonder if you could travel back in time? But it feels so real that do you not know. A young woman some how travel back to the California gold rush Era. Once she does, she does not know why or the reason. She seem to take her time to adjust to the time period.

She meets a young man. She finds out that she need help a family get out of the family curse. To do this they need her. She learns about Indians culture and traditions. In the process she starts to fall in love with this young man.

She deals with this while her sister is still away. When she returns to her era, she does not know if she really was with a man named Reynard. She meets an Indian medicine man and go on a trip with her soul and life.

Will she end up going back to her husband? How did she travel back to her world and still be pregnant with a child? What Shape-Shifter animal does she become? What ever happens to Joseph? Will she fulfill the reason of the family curse?

This is a great book for those that enjoy history. If you are into historical fiction or California gold rush this is the book for you. Are you into time travel. This one is filled with it. The author does a beautifully good job with telling the story though Angelica's and her sister.
A Call To Haiti's Awakening
A Call To Haiti's Awakening
Ernst Etienne | 2018 | History & Politics, Natural World, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great little history book (0 more)
too short (0 more)
Little Haiti History Book
“The uniquely tragic history of the land is marked by the slavery, struggles, suffering and striving for betterment”

Ernst Etienne in his a very small ninety pages book takes on the Nation of Haiti. Haiti is actually one of two nations on the Island of Hispaniola. He covers from the beginning of the nation when it was a set of different tribes all the way to what Haiti is today and what the nation can look like in the future. Mr. Etinne in his search of the past even covered the five different chiefdom's of the Taino Indians and their culture, beliefs, and values with unequally distinctive tribes. The actions he took on covering the history both negative and positive with slavery, pirates and struggling of the countries past and. His bravery with being willing to show all of it both positive and negative is unique in today's world where we want to forget the parts of our pasts we do not like. He is kind of bad stuff and shows how people will a lot of times make bad decisions when striving for betterment. The photographs and photographic documents were a wonderful bonus to accompany the text throughout. The information he gives is historical in nature but is in by no means boring. I found it interesting and fun and at parts quit surprising. I had no interest in Haiti but with the help of Mr. Etienne, I want to learn more about this small nation.