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I didn't just love this book. I loved this book. It's moving. This book isn't just a biography of Rory Feek's life. It's the story of a true love, that will last beyond death. A love that is strong and unbreakable no matter the circumstance. It is a book that left me smiling, and left me with tears. This is a book that will be with me forever and I will turn to it many times over. 

As a woman who is married to her best friend, I couldn't imagine going through what Rory did with Joey. I wouldn't be able to stay strong and move on. It would be too heart shattering, in my opinion. But, through reading Rory's story, I know I can do it. I know I can remember the good things, the fun times, the inspiring moments that my best friend left me with. Rory's story is filled with hope and faith. The way he talks about Joey is incredibly moving and I loved feeling a part of his life, if just for a little bit. 

Reading this book, however, opened new feelings for me! I followed this story closely, especially since my husband knew Joey and Rory somewhat for a time, having bounced at the Longbranch in Raleigh, NC where a lot of country singers got their start. I followed the singers' story, how Joey was battling her cancer but determined to live life a certain way. I followed the pictures of their beautiful family and sweet baby girl! I was utterly devastated when I read of Joey's death, and sweet little Indie with out a mama! Oh how my heart ached for them all. But, the words that Rory penned in this book truly helped me to see life in a new way. Truly inspiring! 

I highly recommend this book to all with 5 stars and nothing less. It's a story of one man's journey with the love of his life and their struggles with battling her terminal cancer. It's a story of one man's faith in God. It's a story that is truly amazing and you will definitely need a few tissues as you read through these beautifully written pages. <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Breeder (Breeder, #1)
K.B. Hoyle | 2014
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A dystopian future where mankind is bred in special facilities and everyone has a specific place in the world order, Breeder immediately grabbed my attention from the moment I saw the summary. It's an interesting, yet familiar premise, for fiction, but Hoyle develops and delivers her world in a unique and fresh kind of way. Her civilisation is well developed and built up slowly, which in turn encourages the reader to associate with Pria as she also learns about the real world outside of Sanctuary.

Pria is a great character who you immediately associate with. She's cautious, timid yet there's an innate curiosity in her that signposts her from the off as a character you'll be wanting to watch. Pax on the other hand is gritty, harsh and well versed in the reality of the world. He shouldn't be alive, but he is and the mystery that surrounds that fact is a superb piece of writing to filter alongside the main story. He's enigmatic and a real pleasure to read, a source of great enjoyment as you try to figure him out.

The asylum is a truly intriguing place and it draws you right into the alternative world that is presented to Pria. the new characters we meet there are great to read, each of them different and interesting in their own right. Friendly, dangerous, powerful and power hungry, there is a real mixed bag that keep you on your toes as you read and make this book even better than you might imagine.

As you get drawn further and further into Pria's turmoil, the plot moves faster and faster, just like a proverbial snowball downhill and it pulls you right into the story. The ending, as you'd expect for the first in a series, is swift and unexpected, leaving you satisfied yet needing more. It's a superb start to this new dystopian universe, and one I cannot wait to read more of. I devoured this book, ignoring family and friends when it was open in front of me and I am very excited to see where Hoyle will take this series. It's one I've added to my favourites list, and a book I am sure I am going to be recommending to friends and fans of this genre.

*This book was first reviewed on Lily Loves Indie as part of a blog tour, for which an ARC was received in return for an honest review*
Red Sky in Morning
Paul Lynch | 2013
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Check out the review on my blog, Lily Loves Indie, here

I received this book through NetGalley in return for an honest review, and that I am very grateful for this opportunity to broaden my reading experience. This is a very different book to what I would usually read, with a different style of writing and plot development. Nevertheless, I did find it somewhat enjoyable, even if it was lacking in a couple of places.

The story follows the harsh life of Coll Coyle, a young Irish man struggling to keep his home for his family from a vile landlord. It seems things can only get worse as the saga progresses, with John Faller, a formidable gentleman, following him all the way around the world. Although he meets a good friend, his heart never truly leaves the loved ones left behind in Ireland.

Initially, this story is rather tough to get into, and that isn't something that changes much over the course of the book. Written in a strong Irish brogue, at times it can be quite difficult to read, however this becomes easier as you go further through the book. It does help you feel more immersed in the story though as it strangely flows quite naturally when you're reading.

The plot is something that, if I'm totally honest, needs a little work. It's just rather plodding and slow at times, and even after finishing it, I don't feel like the story really went anywhere and was never aiming for a conclusion. In addition, at times it was very depressing to read, and I had to put it down in favour of something a little more light-hearted.

All that as it was, there is one major redeeming feature in this book that had me reading to the end. The imagery is truly exquisite - Lynch really does have great skill at weaving the description through the story. This was a delight to read as the images just appeared with minimal effort from myself straight into my head.

Overall, I enjoyed this book, but it probably wouldn't be one I'd read over and over again. The description is by far it's greatest feature but it is, on the whole, something I'm glad I've read.
More (The MORE Trilogy, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well yes, you know I am very open with my star ratings and IÕm quite liberal with them at times, but before we go any further, I really want you all to know that this book deserves every damn star a hundred times over. It was, quite frankly, PHENOMENAL and an amazing way to start a series (capitals are totally necessary).

To start, there is a brilliant mythos to the story and the development is this is excellent. I believe this is, in part, due to the fact Franklin builds the story very slowly to begin with, without losing pace. What IÕm trying to say, thereÕs that feeling that you never truly know the full story, but thatÕs a total plus because the characters and the plot keep you truly hooked from the very first page.

Ava, as a lead character is absolutely brilliant. SheÕs a very strong lead, charismatic yet still slightly vulnerable, a different and unique kind of female lead. This all adds up to one truly amazing character to read. Caleb, well, he has starred in many a dream since first reading himÉ.. HeÕs a very brooding kind of guy, with many inner secrets that he tries so desperately to hold close but Ava just chips away. The dynamic between them both is brilliant and makes for very interesting reading, with a great foundation for the rest of the series.

The drama, tension and mystery throughout all build at the perfect pace, pulling you unwittingly towards a truly stunning ending that leaves you needing (IÕm serious, the need was so intense I actually abandoned sleep to carry on reading) the next book ready loaded on your kindle to move straight on. This is a completely fantastic book from start to finish.

Gripping, exciting, amazing, phenomenal, something more than the others of itÕs kind on the market. This is a wonderful start to a series which has firmly wedged itself in my list of favourites. All I can say is that if this is my hangover after finishing book one, with the next one ready to move on to, I dread to think how debilitating it will be when I finish the third installment!

*This book was first reviewed on Lily Loves Indie as part of a blog tour, for which an ARC was received in return for an honest review*

LilyLovesIndie (123 KP) rated Koven in Books

Nov 5, 2018  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Celeste, a vampire with a very painful past, is determined to locate a mysterious organisation responsible for her pain. Striker is the leader of a protective band of vampires, Koven, charged with her capture and execution. It all sounds so simple, but when intrigue and powerful forces come into play, it changes the game they're both playing.

Before I go any further - I bloody loved this book! Anyone who's read my reviews knows just how much just love vampires, they're my Achilles heel, but so often they're overdone and full of cliches, but Koven blows most other vampire novels I've read completely out of the ball park. The creation of the Kouncil, Koven and then the added mystery of the Queens and konsorts all weaved together in a totally believable, yet very refreshing view on typical vampire lore.

The plot was full of twists and turns, I never knew exactly where Skye was going to take this novel. This, combined with a fast paced plot, had me hooked from the start and totally absorbed in Celeste and Striker's story. I found myself ignoring things that needed doing so I could spend the extra time reading.

Celeste and Striker, as leading characters were superb. They were developed, a pleasure to read, and their conflict over their feelings for each other was well written and very easy to get lost in. The support characters of Bradford, Rodham and the other Koven guys were just as entertaining to read, but Celeste really stole the show. Her back story, the pain, her recovery, it was just shine to read and she is such a powerful, strong lead character.

And so, before I keep you any longer, I can only say - buy this, find a quiet room and read it, preferably in one sitting. It's awesome, I cannot recommend it highly enough. Gripping, exciting and just fabulous from start to finish, this is a must read for anyone interested in the vampire genre. I mean this when I say I honestly cannot wait for another installment in what promises to be an excellent saga.

*This book was first reviewed on Lily Loves Indie as part of a blog tour, for which an ARC was received in return for an honest review*
Carnival of Souls (1962)
Carnival of Souls (1962)
1962 | Horror
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Another incredible thing about Criterion is that in addition to the classics, the treasures, the widely acclaimed, they also have a true love for cult and lowbrow cinema. Director Herk Harvey explains on the Carnival of Souls commentary that they had hoped the film would have an art-house release, and they actually approached a distributor successful in that market and were told that, since it wasn’t in a foreign language, it didn’t really fit. I’m sure being American-made wasn’t the only reason this was a hard fit for distributors, but it was interesting in terms of what art houses were looking for at that time and how the filmmakers saw the film’s niche. This film taught me how to watch Mulholland Drive . . . which is to say, if you stay with the mood, without fighting it, your intuition will serve you far better than the plot and structure and logic your brain is craving. Because essentially all stories are simple; what isn’t simple is the underneath of it all. And that’s more rewarding in the end. I was on a plane about ten years ago when a businessman sat down next to me. Like most people, I dreaded having to talk to someone new. I figured he wouldn’t talk to me anyway, ’cause I have tattoos and he looked very straight-up corporate. He immediately smiled and asked me who I was, what I did for a living. I told him I made movies, but probably none he’d ever heard of. Indie movies. I figured that would shut him up so I could look out the window and mope. He smiled big—“Oh, you mean like cult movies?” I shrugged kindly—well, yeah, I guess you could say that, hopefully that. He said his sister had been in a movie when he was a youngster. A film as independent as it gets. One that had become a cult classic. Somehow I just knew what he was going to say next. His sister was not Candace but another girl in the film, and that man and I talked about Carnival of Souls for well over an hour. And then we spent the next two hours of our flight engrossed in each other as he told me vividly of the supremely radical life he’d led prior to becoming a businessman for the environment! You just never know . . ."

Tormented (The Gates Legacy, #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you follow my reviews then you'll know I loved Hunted and I'm a sucker (pun intended) for anything connected to vampires. That said, I always worry with series that they won't match up to the hype or the quality, but rest assured, Font hit the ground running with this one and it does not disappoint.

It continues on flawlessly from the first book, with a odd bod gang of vamps and humans still reeling from the twists and turns they've been subjected to (apologies for the vagueness, but I loathe spoilers). As always with Font's writing, there are many perspectives from which to tell a story, but as always, she's written it splendidly and it's always clear exactly which POV and which character you're following - a skill of hers I've loved since the first piece of writing I sampled. I love how we see the perspectives of new characters in this book, namely more of Tor and Ally, alongside familiar favourites Harrow and Jordan.
The character development, as a whole, is fabulous, Font is skilled in showing such growth in all characters in such a short space of narrative, but Tor in particular really stands out for all the right reasons in this story. His growth as a character is phenomenal, and the changes are superbly written. As a reader, you want to be able to get into the heads of the characters and Font does just that for us with Tor.

She writes in the same vein of twisting and turning and never quite fully letting you know what's going to happen. As a result, the plot twists are fabulous and completely unexpected. Furthermore, the way the information is drip fed, oh so slowly, keeps you completely hooked, like an addict after their next fix you turn each page and devour it in no time. You feel everything that happens - the thrill of the battle, the horror of loss, the sorrow for thee deaths which come thick and fast. It's all brilliantly done.

This is a stunning piece of storytelling and a series I have added to my favourites list. I cannot wait to see what Font does next with these characters, but I have a feeling I should heed the warnings of a friend and not get too attached to anyone. A very worthy 5 stars and an excellent continuation of what promises to be a phenomenal series.

*This book was first reviewed on Lily Loves Indie as part of a blog tour, for which an ARC was received in return for an honest review*
Matronly Duties
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In a new ice age, the inhabitants of the world have gone underground, hiding from the freezing temperatures on the surface and as always happens in this type of situation, those in control become power crazy at the expense of their nation.

The premise of the story is well developed and is a very believable kind of future. This being said, it gives it a familiar kind of feeling when you're reading. The idea of humanity being restricted and having to survive in a relatively small space is something familiar in futuristic stories, but that's not saying this book is cliche, Kendall includes just enough unique twists to keep you on your toes.

As for characters, Beth is a good lead. She's level headed, naive but a very engaging kind of character. The reader is as naive in this world as Beth, and so it is excellent to learn vicariously through her as Howard opens her eyes to the injustices of the world in which she lives. Howard is very attractive to read, not just in looks, but in his personality which seems to ooze from the pages and infect the reader with their own desire to do something to make their own world better. All the intrigue and mystery is an excellent hook into the story, with the letters to one another being a useful tool to move the story on and develop their relationship.

The plot has a good pace, all be it a little slow to begin with, but it does develop smoothly as the story develops. It has a traditional kind of 'snowball down a hill' approach, with the revelations coming thick and fast as the characters are hurled into the next issue to deal with. Personally, I'd have liked to have seen a little more detail in the ending as it felt a little rushed. The epilogue did help to tidy some loose ends, but I do feel like there was more to discover there.

In conclusion, this books was a very good read, it captured my attention and held it, and is a book I found very enjoyable. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys a romance with a difference. I am looking forward to reading more from this author, and I do hope this group of characters are explored again in the future as there are definitely legs left in this universe.

*This book was first reviewed on Lily Loves Indie as part of a blog tour, for which an ARC was received in return for an honest review*

JT (287 KP) rated The Reef (2010) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
The Reef (2010)
The Reef (2010)
2010 | Mystery
5.6 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
“You’re gonna need a bigger boat!” those few words struck terror into the hearts of cinema goers who got a first glimpse of Steven Spielberg’s monster rising out of the water in Jaws. Others have attempted to recreate that fear.

Open Water saw two divers float around for ages before finally becoming lunch for a pack of hunting tiger sharks. Deep Blue Sea used CGI technology to create massive predators with a smart enough brain to devour the hapless crew of a scientific research station. And Shark Night 3D gave us blood curdling horror with half naked women thrown in for good measure. The Reef, encompasses most of the above minus the CGI. Here it’s replaced with clever and careful editing of one of the most beautiful but sinister creatures of the ocean….the Great White Shark.

A small group of friends, some with a past, get together on a yacht and hit the clear blue waters to deliver it to a waiting recipient. When it capsizes they are faced with the choice, swim for it to the nearest land miles away or wait it out on a potentially sinking vessel. Four members venture out leaving one behind, who after confessing he fishes the waters has no desire to get his feet wet, but excelling in scaring the shit out of his friends by telling them they all look like seals ready for the slaughter.

For any low budget indie film such as this creating tension when you have a location that looks exactly the same for miles in each direction is always going to be hard. But to his credit Andrew Traucki does extremely well in building up the entrance of our finned friend. Capturing the underwater viewpoint from Luke (the only one with a face mask) he dives down now and again to check the murky undertow for signs of life at the request of some very distressed friends. You’re always half expecting to see something but it never comes, until you finally catch a glimpse of the tail, and then your heart will race.

Of course this tension has to be sustained for the next forty-five minutes which is pretty hard. The acting is OK, made all the more effective by the fact that the cast is a bunch of relative unknowns. It’s hardly a surprise ending however, but given what Traucki has to work with he’s a produced good effort. There’s enough here to keep anyone happy, more so if you’re afraid of being left to die in miles of open water….oh, and you hate sharks!
Roy Buchanan by Roy Buchanan
Roy Buchanan by Roy Buchanan
1990 | Blues, Pop, Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"He was a kind of blues/country artist from America - obviously Scottish lineage - and I remember, the first time I heard a bit of his music was a long time ago when I was very young. It was a cover of 'Sweet Dreams' by Patsy Cline; it was an instrumental version and I thought it sounded amazing. I'd just bought an acoustic guitar, and I heard it on the radio and remember thinking… I'm gonna preface this by saying we live in an age where I'm sick of seeing so many people saying, "I'm glad the guitar solo is dead, anybody can play like that" No they fucking can't! I see so many idiots in indie bands try to play solos and they can't fucking do it, because they haven't got the bravery to do it. They haven't got the fucking blood and guts to do it. You have to spill your guts if you want people to believe a guitar solo. That's why I always go for people like this; you can tell, if a Roy Buchanan song comes on, in any obscure station on the world, as soon as the solo comes you know it's him. And that's a really special gift to have. Not many people have that; as soon as he plays one note of a solo, you know it's him. It's beautiful. He always starts off a solo in a beautiful manner, almost slightly depressed, and then it just goes apeshit and he really loses it. It's almost like the guitar's having a fit. He goes from beautiful to really disturbed in one solo. I remember I went to see The Departed in the cinema and this song, his version of 'Sweet Dreams', came on in the end, and I was like, "Fuck me I forgot to buy a Roy Buchanan record!" I meant to buy one 20 years ago and I never did. I went out the next day and bought Roy Buchanan's entire back catalogue. The best one is just called Roy Buchanan. There's some beautiful stuff on it. There's one song called 'The Messiah Will Come Again', with a spoken word intro, and you can tell it's him doing it, and it's just beautiful. There's an old Phil Lynott and Gary Moore song called 'Parisienne Walkways', and you can see it was inspired by this song. I challenge somebody to listen to this song and not actually rethink their prejudice against expression on the guitar."
