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Green for Danger (1947)
Green for Danger (1947)
1947 | Classics, Drama, Mystery
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Years ago, during those quaint days of DVD-by-mail rental, I made a dork pact with one of my friends that for several weeks straight we’d only watch films in the Criterion Collection. Additionally, they had to be films we didn’t know much about. The experience was a total revelation. There were so many amazing films that I discovered during those weeks that made me really rethink a lot of what I thought I knew about the history of cinema. Films like Ballad of a Soldier, Death of a Cyclist, René Clair comedies like À nous la liberté or Le million, American indie landmarks like Symbiopschycotaxiplasm and the stunning Ermanno Olmi pair from the early 60s Il posto and I fidanzati. But the one from this period that I always recommend to friends is Green for Danger, a delightful British murder mystery that I had never heard of."


Dean (6921 KP) rated Shuttle (2009) in Movies

Jul 21, 2018  
Shuttle (2009)
Shuttle (2009)
2009 | Mystery
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A fairly decent low budget indie thriller. I didn't expect much having not heard of it, but it was ok and I did find the ending quite different. As with most films of this type there are countless occasions in the film that leave you thinking no one would do that, what you would do different in that situation. This film loses a bit of credibility because of that. Otherwise it's a decent modern thriller.
Cam-Girl (2015)
Cam-Girl (2015)
2015 |
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
It has a certain charm for not being mainstream and an original story. (0 more)
It's very low budget so the quality isn't as good as a blockbuster (0 more)
Indie Low Budget Horror
If you're a serious horror movie buff this is a must own. There are many terrible films and this is not one of them, sure it's not great but it's not awful. Another drawback is the majority is shot in one area so it lacks movement.
The Hills Run Red (2009)
The Hills Run Red (2009)
2009 | Horror
Awesome kills (2 more)
William Sadler is AMAZING as usual
Pretty good story line
Kinda predictable (0 more)
Indie Horror that kicks Mainstreams Ass
Going in to an indie film. I kinda hold my breath for the possibility that it could suck big time.
But, with this movie I was shockingly surprised with what transpired here.
Knowing a head of time the outcome of this film, because I have big mouthed friends, i was able to breathe comfortably and enjoy this movie.
It got right in to the death and disturbing story. It got all gross and disturbing just how I like them.
The only thing that truly bothered me about this movie is the incestual storyline that, while it made sense to the overall outcome of the film, it kind of put a damper on the last 30 minutes of the movie.
Incestual characters have been a staple in horror. From the Sawyers to the Wrong Turn mountain men. All of which provided amazing franchise horror movies.
The fact that this movie almost beats to death that Dollface is the product of incest is kind of annoying.
But all in all, this movie is fun, gross, disturbing and ultra cool.
All praise indie films folks, without them there would be almost no good horror films to view for sickening individuals such as myself.


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Miles Teller recommended Love Liza (2003) in Movies (curated)

Love Liza (2003)
Love Liza (2003)
2003 | Drama
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Love Liza, it’s such a random thing. I saw it — I can’t remember if my buddy bought it at a DVD store or it was on NYU TV or something — but I remember watching it and just being so transfixed by Philip Seymour Hoffman’s performance. I just really love that movie a lot. Honestly man, I think that was one of the first independent films I’d seen. I wasn’t huge into the independent film scene until I went to college, and then of course, once you get to NYU, it’s all about the indie scene, you know. But I love independent filmmaking; I think they’re really telling the interesting stories."
