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The Underachieving Ovary
The Underachieving Ovary
J.T. Lawrence | 2016 | Biography
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
grammatical errors (0 more)
Beautiful Infertility Memoir
I believe this is a book that anyone dealing with fertility issues should give a good thorough read. Even though there were a number of grammatical errors, J.T. perfectly captured the feelings of blind hope, crushing defeat, more hope, despair, obsession, and joy that come along with the infertility "journey". Her sense of humor through the entire ordeal was uplifting. I laughed, cried, and was over the moon alongside her. It gives hope that there is indeed "light at the end of the birth canal".
Children of Men (2006)
Children of Men (2006)
2006 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Nuanced performance from a normally criminally underused Clive Owen.
A provocative view of earths dystopian near future as a virus causes infertility and mankind is doomed to die a prolonged death.
Great visuals and stand out performances from Owen and Moore with a great Cameo from Michael Caine, a must watch.
All Your Perfects
All Your Perfects
Colleen Hoover | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first book in my #atozchallenge! I'm challenging myself to read a book from my shelves that starts with each letter of the alphabet. Let's clear those shelves and delve into that backlist!

Quinn and Graham had the perfect romance and marriage. But now, that marriage is on the rocks and all those perfect memories threatened as their union is about to implode. If they can't talk to each other and work things out, they're done. Can they get past their problems and find that perfection again?

Wow, I picked a doozy for the first book in my challenge! This book was almost physically hard to read at times! It's a brutal look at a struggling marriage, as Quinn and Graham--once a perfect couple--can barely look at or talk to one another. Told in a then and now format from Quinn's perspective, we see how the two fell head over heels in love. And, conversely, we see how they fell apart. It's an emotional and tense read that's often bitterly sad and heartbreaking. Hoover makes you feel as if you're in the book, part of the characters' dissolving marriage.

This one hit home, as Quinn and Graham battle with infertility, something I know quite well. If you've struggled with this, this will be a hard read--yet you'll be able to find many parallels with the couple. It's not necessarily a happy book, yet it's romantic and sweet too. It presents a very realistic portrayal of marriage and one of the best portraits of a (straight) couple grappling with infertility that I've ever read.

This isn't an easy book to read, but it's really quite good. It packs a sucker punch, but in a good way. You'll find yourself lost in Quinn and Graham's world--I certainly recommend this fierce, touching look at love, marriage, and how far we will go for the ones we care about. 4+ stars.
Children of Men (2006)
Children of Men (2006)
2006 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
I thought this film was interesting. I think the premise is something that hasn't been done before, and if it has, I don't know of it. I really liked the way this film was done and the order of events. I was pleasantly surprised by how interested I was, as normally these types of films aren't my favorites.

The thing that irritated me the most about this film, though, was the lack of background. I didn't ever catch how infertility came to be and while the plot was still interesting and I could keep up just fine, I was still frustrated that I didn't know why. Perhaps I missed it because I wasn't paying attention or they just didn't mention it. Either way, I think that was the downfall of the film.

I really loved the characters, especially the main two, and the ending was perfect. I wasn't expecting it, but I definitely wouldn't change it. I think it wrapped up the film in the best way.
You Were There Too
You Were There Too
Colleen Oakley | 2020 | Contemporary, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mia and Harrison move to tiny Hope Springs from Philadelphia, each hoping to escape their own problems. Here they have a picture-perfect house and a supposedly matching perfect life. But Mia is struggling with infertility and her husband has his own hidden demons. Plus Mia has a secret: at night, she has recurring dreams about another man. So imagine her surprise when she runs into him--in the flesh--in Hope Springs. Even more surprising? He tells her he dreams of her, too.

This was an odd and intense read--nothing like what I expected, though I'm not sure what I was expecting, really. In fact, it was so serious at times, I had to read it in chunks. It was too much to take in, Mia's miscarriages and her emotions, the dreams and what they could mean. I don't really mean this in a bad way, either. The feelings in this book are just strong and extremely well-done.

I really liked the idea of dreams in the novel and how they are presented. I mean, what would you do if you were suddenly face to face with your fantasy, with someone who had been in your dreams for over a decade? What a particular situation.

"It's only that--at times--he feels so real. And has for the ten or more years that he's been starring in my nighttime reveries."

For me, where this book went off the rails, is when it started to meander. Oliver--Mia's dream guy in real life--and Mia join forces to try to figure out what their dreams mean. Mia laments about the men in her life. And then the book takes a turn and is just so damn sad. I felt betrayed, honestly, by its outcome. While I feel that it was very well-written--the way infertility is portrayed is well-done in a lot of ways--I felt as if I read an entire book for nothing. Why, I wondered, did we go through all that?

So, while I found the book to be quite captivating and emotional, what was going to be a 4-star read fell down to 3. Alas.
The Kite Runner
The Kite Runner
Khaled Hosseini | 2003 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (40 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not entirely sure what to make of this book. At points, I was moved by the story at others I was frustrated and sometimes just bored. I listened to the audiobook narrated by the author, which is useful as I would have stumbled over all the words in Farsi peppered throughout the book; I assume just in case at any point we forgot the book was from the perspective of an Afghan man.

The first 3rd of the book gripped me, dealing with the childhood in Afghanistan of Amir a boy from a privileged background and Hassan the son of one of his father’s servants. I did feel the atmosphere and was moved at several points through this book.

Once the book moved to America I lost a lot of interest especially when we had to go through the descriptive struggle with infertility which seems to be covered in every other book I read at the moment and it’s not getting any more interesting. As a plot line it always leads to either a) a miracle baby b) Infidelity by the women to get pregnant by someone else or c) A combination of events that lead to a child needing adoption. Don’t think IVF ever seems to actually work but I digress….

Amir is fairly hard to like character and I did want to slap him on numerous occasions, as a tale of redemption, I didn’t find Amir much redeemed in my eyes by the end. I'd of loved to of had a perspective from Hassan. The last part of this book although more interesting then the American section did feel like it lost its way; becoming dependant on coincidences and cringe-worthy cliches.

Overall a worthwhile and interesting read.

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated Lies Lies Lies in Books

Aug 17, 2019  
Lies Lies Lies
Lies Lies Lies
Adele Parks | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good Twisty Domestic Thriller
A true page turner of a domestic thriller. Despite some hard to read content it was a book I tore through. Some good twists in and some hard hitting themes are dealt with.

Millie is the “miracle” daughter of Daisy and Simon; conceived after a long battle with infertility. Despite the perfect family appearance there are truths covered up by lies and after one fateful night their lives will change forever. The story is told through the alternating perspective views of Daisy and Simon as they reevaluate everything in their lives.

Early on this book deals with Simon and his ever increasing dependence on booze and it’s done in a very hard hitting way giving a really gritty feeling of the life as, and life living with an alcoholic. In particular viewing things from Simon’s perspective offered a really interesting perspective.

I found some of this uncomfortable to read and just wanted to shake the characters into facing their reality head on rather than avoiding difficult conversations with each other. Daisy became a bit too much of a useless protagonist I understand some things are difficult to face up to but throughout the book she really is useless. Unfortunately this is the second book in a row I’ve read with a very weak female lead in it, I don’t mind some vulnerability but show some backbone please or its just too frustrating to read.

The twists are interesting in this although I guessed one of the big ones early on it was still an interesting read and the “baddie” really did make my skin crawl. All in all an uncomfortable but worthwhile thriller, I just would of liked Daisy to be a more developed character.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Same Sky in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
The Same Sky
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amanda Eyre Ward's latest novel is just a beautiful book. Ward's writing is simply lovely and magical. When I finished the book, I was left feeling a bit disappointed - not by the plot or the writing, but that it was over. It's one of those novels that I'll be recommending to everyone.

The Same Sky tells the story of two unique individuals. The first is Alice, a forty-year-old living in Texas, with her husband. Together, they run a successful BBQ restaurant and appear incredibly happy. But they've been through a long and sad string of infertility, and Alice is left empty by the latest episode - a birth-mother taking back a baby promised to her, after Alice spent the night with the baby she thought was going to be hers.

Alice's chapters alternate with those of Carla, a young girl in Honduras. Carla's mother leaves for America early in the story, leaving Carla with her grandmother and one of her younger twin brothers. Carla's voice is just amazing. Ward captures this young teenager perfectly. I'm not sure how you can read this book and not fall completely for Carla. There are times when I didn't completely love Alice, or when I wanted to shake her, but Carla - I just wanted to hug her and take her home.

As you read the novel, Alice and Carla's stories are completely separate, which is fascinating. They provide an intriguing commentary on our society and the American Dream -- Alice seems to have it all in America, but she feels empty due to her childless state. And Carla wants nothing more than to come to America with her mother.

I simply loved the book - I won't give away any more of the plot, but it was well-written and beautiful. I don't think you could be disappointed in reading The Same Sky - I give it 4.5 out of 5 stars.

(Note: I received an advanced copy from Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.)
Trust Me
Trust Me
T. M. Logan | 2021 | Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist in this book is Ellen, but this book is told from multiple perspectives. Even though she is a civilian, she has seen a lot in her life, which made her brave, compassionate and very determined to solve this case. I really liked all the characters chosen for this novel, some of them were very mysterious and scary, others sweet but misleading. They all created a very thrilling, fast-paced atmosphere, that I enjoyed.

The narrative of this book was a true spiders web. There were so many questions from the first chapter, and the suspense was unbearable. 😀 I really liked Ellen’s and other character’s journeys, investigation and all the twists and turns that this book had to offer. The mystery was very well kept throughout the pages, and the author’s mind manipulations were brilliant. I was soooo confused about what agenda all the characters had, and could not wait to find out all of it. The topics discussed in this book were infertility, PTSD, shady police work, kidnapping, the social media footprint we leave, and many more. This book has a lot of violence and murder, so might not be suitable for sensitive readers.

I absolutely loved the writing style of this book. The author really knows how to keep amazing suspense and deliver great characters. The atmosphere is constantly changing, and because of that all this book is kind of “on the go”. The chapters are pretty short and the multiple perspectives kept me glued and did not allow me to put this book down. I really liked the culmination and the ending of this novel as well, it rounded up this story perfectly.

So, to conclude, I thoroughly enjoyed this fast-paced thriller, filled with mysterious and absorbing characters as well as the plot that is filled with mystery, questions and the wish to find out what is actually going on there.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Dear Thing in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
Dear Thing
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Claire and Ben have a seemingly ideal life - good jobs, a beautiful house, and what seems to be a strong relationship. But they've been trying to have a baby for years, and it's starting to take a toll on them and their marriage. After yet another failed round of IVF, Claire is done. She cannot put her body (and her heart) through this pain yet again. Ben is upset and not ready to give up. So when his best friend, Romily, drunkenly offers to act as a surrogate for the couple, Ben jumps on it! Why not? Romily -- already a single mom to Posie -- seems like the perfect choice, after all. And Romily does want to give Ben and Claire the baby they so desire. But if she really admits it, she really wants to give *Ben* this baby: Ben, whom Romily has secretly loved since university. Will Romily really be able to give up this baby? And, can she give up Ben?

This was a lovely and fascinating book, which I devoured in the span of about 24 hours. It's an extremely quick read with well-drawn characters who immediately pull you into the story. Having struggled with infertility myself, I certainly identified with Claire, but also found pieces of Romily and Ben to love as well. One of the strengths of Cohen's book is that there is no one true "winner" here - you don't go in and immediately find yourself rooting for one of the women and their "side," which I think benefits the entire book and its storyline.

Some of the plot is almost a little too unbelievable (and sometimes I'd like to swat clueless Ben in the head), but most of it is made up for by the realism of the characters and their emotions. Claire, especially, in her fertility struggle, is true to form, as is Romily, as she struggles with her feelings for Ben. Romily's young daughter Posie is a wonderful character - you will immediately fall for spirited, sweet Posie.

To me, the only weakness of this book was the ending, which seemed a little to pat and simplified for all the complicated emotions the characters had been struggling with throughout. That's the only thing preventing a 4-star rating. Still, a solid 3.5 read and, really, a lovely and worthwhile book. It gets you out of your head for a bit.

I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley (thank you!); it is available for U.S. publication on 3/29. You can check out a review of this novel and many others on my <a href="">blog</a>;.