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Fred (860 KP) rated Glass (2019) in Movies

Apr 16, 2019  
Glass (2019)
Glass (2019)
2019 | Drama, Thriller
It's an origin story
Can we just talk about James McAvoy for a minute here. We've already seen his performance in "Split", so we already knew what we were getting here. Or were we? He is off the hook here! Just plain amazing. Every second of him on the screen is pure magic. His ability to switch between personalities is amazing & shows he's one of the greatest actors out there.

For those who didn't know, "Glass" is a sequel to both "Unbreakable" & "Split", two films by M. Night Shyamalan . Famous for his twist endings (both good & bad), this film has another, which you won't see coming, but it's not a huge twist. I've heard people say they didn't like the ending, but I found it really good & satisfying.

The story is kind of slow moving, but it keeps you interested. Returning characters from both movies, not including the 3 main stars, are a welcome surprise. I don't want to give too much away, but let's say most of the movie takes place inside an Asylum where a doctor is trying to convince the 3 they don't have superpowers. Yeah, doesn't sound too interesting, but it is. I enjoyed it very much
Sanctum (Asylum, #2)
Sanctum (Asylum, #2)
Madeleine Roux | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars
Once again, Madeleine has kept me up way past my bedtime, scared to go to sleep with the lights off. It worries me that I felt so compelled to read Sanctum, the second book in the Asylum series, considering how much I hate being scared. But I did feel compelled and I did read the book - with the lights on, I might add. Of course, to help relieve some of my fear, I did my best to read the whole book in one sitting instead of trying to sleep with unanswered questions scrambling around inside my head. The pictures provided in Sanctum, thankfully, were a lot less creepy than those in Aslyum, though the plot left the same fearful chill. It was pretty amazing to watch everything come together and grow into something so much bigger than I could have ever imagined. Even if I hadn't been aware beforehand that there is a third book, I would immediately know that Dan's story is not over - not when he still possesses that red stone. I don't claim to be a fortune teller, but I foresee more trouble heading Dan's way and I have a feeling that stone is at the center of it. It'll be interesting to see how Madeleine intertwines more into this already complex story. I look forward to unraveling more of Daniel Crawford's mysteries.

Steve Fearon (84 KP) rated Halloween (1978) in Movies

Sep 5, 2018 (Updated Sep 5, 2018)  
Halloween (1978)
Halloween (1978)
1978 | Horror
Well shot, intense, patient and the birth of a horror icon (0 more)
A little tame compared to the horrors that followed, at times the soundtrack can overwhelm the dialog to the detriment of the film. (0 more)
John Carpenter's Slasher still stands tallest
Contains spoilers, click to show
That theme song starts.

You feel it somewhere deep inside, that feeling that something special is going to happen.

Halloween is THE Slasher, with a silent antagonist, an over-the-top performance from Donald Pleasance, the introduction of Jamie Lee Curtis, and the establishment of John Carpenter as one of the foremost purveyors of horror.

Patiently paced, with little time given to explanation of exposition, we are taken on the slow build up of tension as we go from the legendary intro sequence, to a breakout at the asylum, through to the stalking of teenagers by the man in the William Shatner mask.

Lots of shots of Myers just watching, waiting, judging, which could be interpreted as boring on paper, but it is just the right side of unnerving, and it is this constant threat which means the viewer is constantly scanning the edges of the screen, looking for our antagonist.

It contrasts beautifully with the naivety and innocence of his victims, who are just trying to enjoy Halloween as most teenagers are wont to do.

Yes this film is relatively tame compared to the films that have come after, but few can touch the pure sinister feel and atmosphere that Carpenter creates, and it is a simply iconic entry in cinema history.

Watch it for what it is, a genre changing horror film, that changed all that followed it.

No Myers, No Friday 13th, No Scream, No Nightmare On Elm Street.

Its that important.
A Kiss of Madness
A Kiss of Madness
K.B. Everly, Stacy Jones | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Starts out good (0 more)
Too much smut (3 more)
Unbelievable plot
Underdeveloped and unlikable characters
Book is confused about the plot
Reads More Like a Rough Draft
I love reading books about mental illness, and even more so if they take place inside an asylum. When I saw A Kiss of Madness by K.B. Everly and Stacy Jones, it seemed like the perfect read for me. Unfortunately, I was left very disappointed.

The synopsis for A Kiss of Madness sounded very interesting. It could have been a very interesting book except there's too much going on in the story. Lydia gets sent to Brocker's Center for the Criminally Insane after having a vision and throwing a chair through a window as well as attacking an innocent bystander. She could have chose jail time or to voluntarily commit herself to Brocker's. She chose the latter. While there, she gets feelings about people and doesn't feel like she belongs. She meets three guys who are patients with their own issues. However, she ends up thinking they're hot, and they also think she's hot. The guys all agree to be her boyfriends and end up following her everywhere. When one of the other female patients goes missing, Lydia tries to uncover what really happened putting herself in grave danger. I was confused if A Kiss of Madness was trying to be more of a romance novel, a mystery/crime novel, or a paranormal novel. I got the insane asylum vibe for a few chapters, but soon this book lost its whole mental illness vibe. I felt like the insane asylum setting was just thrown in there to make this book sound more interesting than it actually was. It soon turned more into an erotic novel which made me like the book even less. There was just too much pointless fairly graphic sex for my liking. I feel like all the fairly graphic sex and sexual references really took away from the story. I also didn't like the ending. It just felt too rushed. Actually, the whole story just felt really rushed. I also didn't understand how one character who had a violent past could have such a great job. I won't go into further details because it's a spoiler.

I started out liking Lydia and was on her side for the first few chapters or so. However, I found myself losing the connection I felt with her the more I read. She just came across as being very irresponsible and immature. I didn't really care for Pierce, Emmett, or Mason/Jason either. None of the characters in A Kiss of Madness were fleshed out enough to be likable or believable.

The pacing starts out great in A Kiss of Madness. However, it soon slows down once the sex scenes come into play. Then it slows down and becomes more of a smut novel instead of a decent read. Luckily this is a short read or I would have given up on it when I got to the sex parts.

Trigger warnings for A Kiss of Madness include violence, murder, mental illness, attempted sexual assault, fairly graphic sex scenes, sexual references, and profanities.

Overall, A Kiss of Madness started out great. However, it soon went downhill close to halfway through the book. I feel like this book feels more like a rough draft on what could be a decent read. It just needs a lot more work to be good. Get rid of a lot of the pointless sex scenes and references, bulk up the story and characters a bit, decide on what angle to go with, and give this book some guts! At this time, I would not recommend A Kiss of Madness by K.B. Everly and Stacy Jones.

Darren (1599 KP) rated Amadeus (1984) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019  
Amadeus (1984)
Amadeus (1984)
1984 | Drama, History, Musical
Story: Amadeus starts as an elderly Antonio Salieri (Abraham) admitting that he killed Mozart, leading to him getting taken to the insane asylum. Salieri recounts his story of his small town beginnings dreaming of being a composer and after a moment of fate he ends up in a position where he can learn music leading to him job as head conductor to the king of Austria. Mozart (Hulce) is the world renowned composer that has taken the notice of all around him with Salieri dreaming of one day being as good as Mozart.

We see how Mozart constantly ends up out shinning Salieri with his music leading to the rivalry between the two, with Salieri serious look on life and Mozart’s flamboyant style of just getting through each moment. Salieri moves into the position of being the connection to the Emperor to get his unique work out there but he is really just building him up for failure trying to break him down with criticize of his work.


Amadeus gives us a brilliant look at one of the greatest musical minds in the history of man. We know the basic idea of what happened to him but now we get to see it through the eyes of one of his closest friends even if he is filled with envy for him. What starts as envy is filled with respect and seeing how a talented person can get used by all the people close to him which will drive him into his bad ways. Overall this really is a brilliant drama that is told in a way we can just enjoy.


Actor Review


F Murray Abraham: Antonio Salieri admits that he killed Mozart, but now he is confessing to how he believes he was responsible for the death from inside an insane asylum. We watch how he got his dreams of working with music and constantly found himself lacking the complete flair and natural ability of Mozart leading to jealous and planning to bring him down slowly. F Murray gives us a brilliant and well deserved Oscar winning performance in this role.seleir

Tom Hulce: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is the flamboyant and brilliant composer who lives life on the edge spending every penny he ever received for his work, he pushes the boundaries to what is accepted even if his work is loved. He gains inspiration from his personal stories which will gain him enemies from his own confident in the government. Tom gives a performance that could easily have won him an Oscar too.morzart

Elizabeth Berridge: Constanze Mozart is the wife of Wolfgang, she supports him in all the work he does but just wants him to actually get paid for the work so they can look after the family, even after she lives him she feels guilty. Elizabeth does a good job in this role.

Roy Dotrice: Leopold Mozart is the overbearing father who pushed Amadeus into this career path making him the puppet when he was younger as he was leading him to become the biggest name in music of his time. After his death we learn about the control he had over Amadeus. Roy is good in this supporting role.

Support Cast: Amadeus has a well performed supporting cast that each hold their own in the characters they are playing.

Director Review: Milos Forman – Milos gives us one of the best biographical films of all time.


Biographical: Amadeus shows the troubles of the great man and how it was his eventual downfall.

Music: Amadeus uses all the music of the great man and how it would have look on stage for the fans witnessing it all.

Settings: Amadeus recreates all the settings that would have been used during the time the film is set.

Suggestion: Amadeus is one that could have been watched by anyone to learn about a part of history. (Watch)


Best Part: The performances are brilliant.

Worst Part: If you are not a fan of classical music you will struggle.


Believability: Yes

Chances of Tears: No

Chances of Sequel: No

Post Credits Scene: No


Oscar Chances: Won 8 Oscars including Best Picture, Best Actor, Director and Writing also nominated for a further 3.

Box Office: $51 Million

Budget: $18 Million

Runtime: 2 Hours 40 Minutes

Tagline: Everything you’ve heard is true.

Trivia: When the movie won Best Picture at The 57th Annual Academy Awards (1985), Sir Laurence Olivier was presenting the award. He went up to the podium, opened the envelope and said “Amadeus.” The problem was he forgot to read the nominees first.


Overall: Brilliant drama about one of the greatest musicians of all time