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Clair (5 KP) rated My Sister's Bones in Books

Sep 29, 2017  
My Sister's Bones
My Sister's Bones
Nuala Ellwood | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thank you to Penguin UK as part of an Instagram promotion of this book.
Kate Rafter is a journalist who works in some of worst places in the world, seeing some of the world's worst atrocities. She returns home on the death of her mother. Her sister Sally has never left Herne Bay and is an alcoholic, who hates Kate. The book is split between the main events of the story and scenes in a police station where Kate is being assessed on her mental health. We know that Kate keeps hearing and seeing a young boy in the family garden - but her experiences in Syria which have left her traumatised means that no one believes her.
Marketed as a rival to The Girl on the Train (I wish they wouldn't do that), I enjoyed this book and would ideally have given it 3.5 stars.
Negatives first...I didn't think it was that well written, there were plot holes that annoyed me and I found the characters one dimensional.
BUT the story was fast moving and intriguing and then there is a major twist which I didn't see coming which made me gasp.

A huge thanks to the author for sending me this book for an honest review through Netgalley.

I started read this book with no knowledge about the background of comics, especially for Canada. I have always loved comics, but never really read anything that speaks behind the scenes of how it started, what is the philosophy behind it.

I expected this book to teach me a lot of new things, and help me see the world in a different point of view, and I wasn’t disappointing at all. This is not a book that will deprive you from your sleep at night – in fact, it is one of those books where you read to learn, and it might seem boring at times, but that is only because it is full with information at all times. Wonderful read.

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All The Bright Places (2020)
All The Bright Places (2020)
2020 | Drama, Romance
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A young lad finch goes for a run and comes across a young girl violet standing on a bridge. He tries talking to her but she tells him to leave. Instead he joins her on the bridge and it's assumed he helps her down as it cuts to the next scene.
We learn that finch is failing school and violet lost her sister, since then she has become withdrawn from society, she does have friends but has lost interest in doing anything with them.
Finch starts to take an interest in violet, he asks her to be his partner in a class project and sings to her in an Instagram post to get her to talk to him. This works and they meet up to talk. This starts the beginning of a friendship between the pair, which of course turns to romance.
I quite enjoyed the movie. it's not your typical romance movie, both characters are vulnerable and trying to save each other. I felt the characters worked very well together, but I did find it disappointing that we don't know much about finch the way we do about violet.
The First Fall (When Winter Comes #1)
The First Fall (When Winter Comes #1)
Daniel Willcocks | 2020 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
138 of 200
The First Fall ( when winter calls book 1)
By Daniel Willcocks

The sky is bleeding. The storm has come.
A crimson rift washes over the isolated Alaskan town of Denridge Hills, staining the Aurora Borealis the color of blood. To some, an unlikely occurrence. To those in the know, a sign of dark magic at play. When the storm has completed its devastation, who will be left standing?

A social media mogul holds the fate of her ex-lover in her hands. A high school student finds himself miles from home, his constitution and willpower put to the test. A researcher searches for his nephew, his knowledge of the town’s local history the only lead toward ending the madness.

When the world shrinks around you, the monsters come, and all that’s left is an unbending will to survive, who will emerge as the true heroes, and who will be marked as the villains?

This had me hooked from the beginning. Well written and a intriguing story! Left you wanting the next episode now!
I’ve been following Daniel Willcocks a while on instagram glad I finally got round to reading something He’s done!
The Toll (Arc of a Scythe, #3)
The Toll (Arc of a Scythe, #3)
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
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#1 <a href="">Scythe</a>; - ★★★★★
#2 <a href="">Thunderhead</a>; - ★★★★★
#3 <a href="">The Toll</a> - ★★★★★

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And here is my review of The Toll. We have reached the end of the series, guys.

It’s been three years since Rowan and Citra disappeared; since Scythe Goddard came into power; since the Thunderhead closed itself off to everyone but Grayson Tolliver.

In this pulse-pounding conclusion to New York Times bestselling author Neal Shusterman’s Arc of a Scythe trilogy, constitutions are tested and old friends are brought back from the dead.

I don’t know how to even start this review, because I have so many emotions still! I am so in love with this series. With this finale. I am also so sad that the journey ends here and I have to part ways, re-visiting these books but never reading new ones. 

A wonderful world, where death is no more, and two scythe apprentices, with the willpower to be great - they stuck to me, and they grew on me, and they did capture my heart. 

<b><i>Rowan - a hero never understood.</i></b>

Fighting for the good in a bad way. Himself against the world, not afraid to give his life for the people he cares about. I salute you, Scythe Lucifer!

<b><i>Citra - a woman born to be a leader.</i></b>

A powerful force that moves the Earth she walks upon. A compassion and kindness mixed with the force of unfairness. Ready to stand up when no one else does and not afraid to do things differently. I salute you, Scythe Anastasia. 

And to all the rest of the characters, and believe me, there are so many that are just as important, I also bow to you. For fighting for what you believe in, for being better humans than most and for helping a person in need. You will never be forgotten. 

<b><i>Neal Shusterman, the hero of this book.</i></b>

The creator of wonderful worlds. I bow to you and I thank you for giving me a world worth remembering. For creating the Thunderhead to lead us into the future, and for giving us a glimpse of possibilities and opportunities of the “what might be”. I have endless love for your writing and will continue to be excited and read every new book you write. 

I have noticed, when I really love a book and want to shout about it to everyone I know, it is quite hard to do so without spilling any spoilers. How do you write a review of mentioning all the things you loved, without ruining the story for someone else?

<b><i>Let’s try it this way:</i></b>

Guys, have a look at my review of Scythe, the first book in the series. Then read the book. Then read my review of Thunderhead. Read that book as well. And then come here, read this blurb, finish the series and find me either here, or on Instagram and Twitter, so I can tell you all the spoilers! :)

No, honestly, if you love science-fiction with a twist of fantasy and dystopia, this will be a book you will cherish forever. 

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The Raven Boys
The Raven Boys
Maggie Stiefvater | 2012 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (36 Ratings)
Book Rating
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#1 <a href="">The Raven Boys</a> - ★★★★
#2 <a href="">The Dream Thieves</a> - Not Read Yet

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Even if Blue hadn't been told her true love would die if she kissed him, she would stay away from boys. Especially the ones from the local private school. Known as Raven Boys, they only mean trouble.

<b>But this is the year that everything will change for Blue.</b>

This is the year that she will be drawn into the strange and sinister world of the Raven Boys. And the year Blue will discover that magic does exist.

<b>This is the year she will fall in love.</b>

<b><i>"Blue, I know you're not an idiot. It's just, sometimes smart people do dumb things."</i></b>

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<b><i>My Thoughts:</i></b>

I enjoyed The Raven Boys. I have been meaning to read this book for such a long time, and I am so happy I finally managed to scratch it off my list. 

I loved the beginning and I loved Blue and her witch family. It gave me vibes of Charmed - a TV Show that was my favourite when I was growing up. 

Her family does readings and Blue has known her prediction her whole life. She knows that if she kisses her true love, he will die. Even though everyone else in her family has powers, Blue doesn’t. Her power is to amplify other people’s superpowers. So when her family does a reading and Blue is present, they can predict the future better. 

When Blue meets The Raven Boys, she knows they’re trouble. But there is an opportunity for her to really see and feel magic, something she hasn’t ever done before, and this temptation will be too much for her to resist. 

<b><i>"Once Arthur knew the grail exited, how could he not look for it?"</i></b>

<b>I loved The Raven Boys gang.</b>

They were awesome, and brutal, and handsome and smart. They all had their own challenges and character development throughout the book and I enjoyed watching them grow.

I was and still am so unsure about that ending and the fact that I was left more confused than when I started reading the book. There is a feeling I have like I need to re-read this book to fully understand everything, and it’s not a very good vibe.

I still enjoyed it and would definitely read the second book, but I was hoping this would be one of my favourite books and it wasn’t. Maybe the next time around, eh?

I highly recommend it if you love fantasy, magic, handsome boys and young-adult books in general. It is a very interesting book, with lots of mysteries and twists, and a very confusing ending (which some may enjoy). 

<b><i>"People shout when they don't have the vocabulary to whisper."</i></b>

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Ivana A. | Diary of Difference (1171 KP) rated Sleep, Merel, Sleep in Books

Aug 21, 2018 (Updated Sep 3, 2018)  
Sleep, Merel, Sleep
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Follow me on Instagram to see what I am reading at the moment: @diaryofdifference

This is a story about a little girl called Merel. This is also a story about how Merel one day can’t sleep. This story also happens to be one of the most adorable middle grade stories that I have ever read. Silke Stein did an amazing job in portraying a little girl, and creating a magical world that we see through her eyes.

Merel is a little girl and since her sick baby brother was born, her parents stopped paying attention to her. In a magical world, far, far away, a dream collector plays on a violin and makes children fall asleep. But this one day, the dream collector gives up on Merel’s sleep and leaves his tiny silver violin in her bedroom.

Merel learns that her sleep has abandoned her, and she goes onto an incredible journey to recover the sleep, or to stay awake forever. With many characters helping her along the way, she will learn what the most important things in life are, and she will learn to see things in a different way.

While meeting a sleepy king, and a man on a train that goes nowhere, and moonfish that cry, and a little baby handed in her hands, we will see this magical world through an eight-year-old girl and how her perception changes chapter by chapter.

This is one of the books that will make you feel relaxed and deeply satisfied within after reading it. I felt lighter and was glowing all day.

Merel is such a cute character, and any parent would wish to have her as a daughter. She is the perfect example of how children react when a new baby sibling comes to the family, and they think that the parents don’t love them anymore, because they devote their attention to this little creature that cries all the time.

I loved her adventures – they were so adorable, and so many questions and discussions were raised. Even though the beginning was a bit slow for me, and it took me a while to catch the story, I am completely certain that this was because I am a grown up – and I am sure that kids will be easily able to dive into the story immediately.

Thank you to Silke Stein, for sending me a paperback copy of Sleep, Merel, Sleep, in exchange for an honest review.

Follow me on Instagram to see what I am reading at the moment: @diaryofdifference
Summer&#039;s End
Summer's End
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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<b><i>Summer’s End is a Young-Adult romance, with a fantasy twist – an interesting and unique book I didn’t expect to read.</i></b>

First of all – let’s all take a minute to cherish the cover. It is so pink and shiny, and I admit it, it was the first thing that made me read this book. Gorgeous cover!!!

Summer wakes up in a hospital, but she doesn’t remember anything from her past. They tell her she was in a fire accident and barely survived. Before she is ready, she starts going to uni with her two best friends who are helping her remember the past. But when she gets near this one boy, she feels something she has felt before…

Dooney has been training his whole life to kill her when the time is right. She is dangerous and he knows this. He has been trying to locate her for a long time now. And when he finally knows where she is, she makes him feel other things than hatred.

A very quick-paced book with lots of dialogues and quick chapters. Summer’s End make me turn pages constantly, until I finally got to the end. It was very captivating.

The beginning was great, it lured me in instantly, getting me hooked to both character’s lives. However, I didn’t quite enjoy the romance between the two. It felt too fast, too pushed and over the top. This is because of all the repetitive scenes where Summer would faint when he is near and they would always feel each other’s presence. It just didn’t feel real to me.

Saying this though, the ending was amazing and the romance got a bit better at the very end.

Apart from a few plot holes and the romance, I did enjoy this book a lot. If you love YA, I do recommend that you check this book out!

Thank you to the author, Kristy Brown, for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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<b><i> DID NOT FINISH </i></b>

If you have been following my book journey for a while, you will know what I’m about to say. I don’t have rules about reading a certain book, but there is one thing I always stick to:

<i>I give a chance to every book that comes my way. If I have it in my physical library – it will be picked up at some point. </i>

Pagan Portals – Celtic Witchcraft is a book I won from a giveaway. It is not usually a genre I go for, but I do love witchcraft and spells. It intrigues me.
This book focuses on the Celtic Witchcraft and explains what it means to firstly, be a witch and what Celtic culture is all about – the beliefs, the customs etc.

After reading 30 pages, I decided that this book is not for me. This is, therefore, the second ”Did Not Finish” for 2019.

It starts very slow, gives detailed information of all things Celtic and the history of Celtic Witchcraft. It was a very boring introduction for me.

Then I got involved in a few life lessons without any added benefit really, and a full overview of a moon cycle followed by a detailed report on how the author’s behaviour changed during all these phases. This might be something you are interested in, but I felt like wasting my time reading someone’s daily moon diary. This was the moment I decided to close this book and move on.

I can understand why some might like this book, and you are valid! I am aware a lot of you will love and appreciate this book for what it is. And that’s okay. I just don’t seem to fit into this group. I love learning about witchcraft, witches and find out new things, but this book didn’t give me what I was looking for.

<b>Better luck next time!</b>

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Eternal Soul
Eternal Soul
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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#1 <a href="">Eternal Soul</a> - ★★★
#2 <a href="">Eternal Love</a> - Not Read Yet

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Eternal Soul by Karimah Colden was a mysterious and adventurous read for me. The author contacted me and the book seemed to have an interesting plot, so I said - yes, I would love to read it.

Reign is a very private person and keeps everything close to her heart. She is a descendant of powerful hoodoo magick and her family has some dark secrets.

One day, her father appears in her life, which happens very rarely. She can feel trouble and danger, and before she knows it, her world is full of magick and discovering herself again. The one thing that she always denied - her powers - will now be something she will have to embrace and live with.

I really liked Reign and how she was portrayed. There was great character development, which was something I really admired. I loved how she slowly was finding herself throughout the book and did what felt was the best decision for her at each time. I am not sure about the romance and the relationships she formed with both men. It all happened too fast, too unrealistic and too predictable. The book also had a lot of repetitiveness as well, especially in the many scenes when it came to fashion choices and Reign was standing in from of her closet. It felt like deja-vu every time I read about it.

<b>But I still enjoyed Eternal Soul a lot.</b>

Despite the deja-vu's, despite the grammar errors. It is a cute short-ish read and I loved finding out what happens next. I also have the second book of the series as well, and will definitely be reading it soon.

If you like something young-adult, with a bit of magic and self-discovery, and something new and different, go for it, and you might be surprised! Definitely worth giving it a chance!

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