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ClareR (5603 KP) rated Dangerous Women in Books

Aug 31, 2021  
Dangerous Women
Dangerous Women
Hope Adams | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book had me in its grip form start to finish - there was so much going on right from the beginning: the woman who tricked her way on board, the murder, the relationships between the women, the relationships between the women and the matron (who was the most in-matronly matron I could have EVER imagined!), and the relationship between the matron and the ships captain.

The dialogue between the women seemed authentic to me. These convicts came from all parts of the British Isles: London, the West Country, Scotland, Ireland. What connected them though, was their crimes all appeared to be the result of their sex and poverty. They were all working class women who had acted out of desperation, and it was really interesting to hear their stories.

I know this is a work of fiction, but the Rajah did exist, as does the quilt that the women were working on. The quilt is now on display in the National Gallery of Australia. I googled it - it’s beautiful. How anyone could have produced it whilst on a ship in the ocean, I have no idea 🤢

The conditions on board must have been appalling. At the start, the Matron instructs the women to scrub their quarters, but they would have been cramped, their toilet was below decks (buckets), and seasickness along with poor food would have made quite some heady aroma! They may have been convicts, but I was impressed by their stoicism in these circumstances.

I felt that I learnt an awful lot whilst reading this, as well as being thoroughly entertained - it’s a fabulous book!

David McK (3248 KP) rated Blackout in Books

Nov 3, 2021  
Simon Scarrow | 2021 | Crime
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
To be honest, crime fiction is not my usual genre of choice.

I also tend to find 'book club picks' to be rather off-putting; generally finding those I have previously read to be rather tedious and just not generally all that interesting (while able to admire the literary sophistication of the works).

This is both a crime fiction novel, and a 'Richard and Judy book club pick', so that would - normally - have been 2 marks against picking it up, in my books.

However, I have read - and generally quite enjoyed - most, if not all, of Simon Scarrow's other works - in particular his Cato and Macro series - so, when I saw this on a Kindle deal for something like 99p, I thought to myself 'why not?'.

And, I have to admit, I did actually quite enjoy this.

Set in 1939 Berlin just at the start of WW2, I found this to be unusual in that it told the story from the Point of View of a German criminal inspector - most WW2 novels (that I am aware of) usually feature either American or Brits as their main protagonists - who is not a member of the Nazi party: a fact that, here, is usually held against him but is also the reason he got handed the assignment as he has no links to any factions within the party.

It's both a very different time and 'headspace' than modern sensibilities; interesting to see how the man-on-the-street could have viewed the headline events of the time. As someone from Northern Ireland, there's also aspects of the novel that hit frighteningly close to home for me ...
A Righteous Kill
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
80 of 230
A Righteous Kill
By Kerrigan Byrne

A prolific serial killer is crucifying and ‘baptizing’ the working girls of Portland, and FBI Special Agent Luca Ramirez is locked in a desperate race to prevent the next casualty. The game changes when the latest victim is pulled out of the Willamette River alive, and Luca knows this witness may be his key to breaking the case. When the fanatical killer threatens her life a second time, Luca is assigned to protect the most unique and captivating woman he’s ever met by going undercover as her lover. He finds himself locked in a relentless game of cat and mouse with an elusive and violent psychopath, while battling his temptation for the alluring woman he’s charged to protect with his life. As the fatalities continue to mount, so does the intensity of his desire for a woman who should be forbidden, but is determined to dial up the heat.

It wasn’t bad but it didn’t knock me off my feet. It was ok. I thought it was weak in places and for some reason the sexual tension just for a bit annoying. There were some weak point and if you’re going to research that much then at least do it all over the book and note that Manchester United would never play Ireland that kinda annoyed me more than it should have. There were some good points too the killer was interesting as well as most of the characters so yes it got a 2.5/3 ⭐️ also I noticed it was supposed to have a sequel yet nothing is written yet!
Thanks for the Memories
Thanks for the Memories
Cecelia Ahern | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Justin Hancock is a guest lecturer at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. He is also a curator for a museum in London which is his new home. Recently divorced and uprooted from Chicago to be closer to his daughter who is studying ballet.

Joyce wakes up in the hospital to discover that she has just lost her baby and she now knows a lot of things she didn't know before. Especially Latin and about European architecture. How could she just know these things?

Then when Joyce leaves the hospital and as Justin is leaving Dublin to return to London, a chance encounter. When they see each other there is an instant connection. One that neither of them can explain, but both of them feel. When they 'run' into each other throughout London and Dublin, but never get the chance to officially meet the connection is stronger. But what is it that is drawing these two closer together?

Thanks for the Memories reminds me a lot of the movie Return to Me with Minnie Driver. Joyce has somehow 'inherited' all of Justin's memories, thoughts, and intelligence, from one simple act of kindness. Can you imagine waking up in the hospital one day and suddenly you are fluent in another language that just a few days earlier you wouldn't even know existed. Seeing people you have never met, but feeling as if you are old friends.

This was a cute story that makes you think about the connections people can have without ever realizing it. This book made me laugh out loud a few times and it definitely made me think about what goes into our bodies at the hospital. This is a great chick-lit book.
Thanks for the Memories
Thanks for the Memories
Cecelia Ahern | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Justin Hancock is a guest lecturer at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. He is also a curator for a museum in London which is his new home. Recently divorced and uprooted from Chicago to be closer to his daughter who is studying ballet.

Joyce wakes up in the hospital to discover that she has just lost her baby and she now knows a lot of things she didn't know before. Especially Latin and about European architecture. How could she just know these things?

Then when Joyce leaves the hospital and as Justin is leaving Dublin to return to London, a chance encounter. When they see each other there is an instant connection. One that neither of them can explain, but both of them feel. When they 'run' into each other throughout London and Dublin, but never get the chance to officially meet the connection is stronger. But what is it that is drawing these two closer together?

Thanks for the Memories reminds me a lot of the movie Return to Me with Minnie Driver. Joyce has somehow 'inherited' all of Justin's memories, thoughts, and intelligence, from one simple act of kindness. Can you imagine waking up in the hospital one day and suddenly you are fluent in another language that just a few days earlier you wouldn't even know existed. Seeing people you have never met, but feeling as if you are old friends.

This was a cute story that makes you think about the connections people can have without ever realizing it. This book made me laugh out loud a few times and it definitely made me think about what goes into our bodies at the hospital. This is a great chick-lit book.

Alice (12 KP) rated Holding in Books

Jul 3, 2018  
Graham Norton | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well well well. What a pleasant surprise. Holding is a wonderfully written debut novel by Graham Norton, yes that Graham Norton, and his trademark sense of humour and wit was found throughout the novel.

Holding is set in Duneen in Ireland and focuses on three main characters – Sergeant PJ Collins, Evelyn Ross and Brid Riordan – and the way the mystery affects them as people.

The mystery itself – a buried skeleton found at a building site – was surprisingly on the back burner when you consider this was a mystery novel, however, it was well written and kept me interested in the story.

For me what made the story was the characters. PJ Collins is a Garda and is basically an overweight, middle aged, lonely shoddy copper.

Evelyn Ross is a middle aged woman who fell in love with the wrong man.

Brid Riordan is a middle aged woman who also fell in love with the wrong man – the same man – and is stuck in a loveless marriage drinking her sorrows away.

The book was more about how the finding of those bones affect PJ, Evelyn, Brid and even Mrs Meany and it was written in such a way that you felt for the characters – I personally felt more for Mrs Meany than I did the other characters but the next one would be Brid.

The dynamic between the three main characters was brilliant and the consistency towards the end was good. I think the only thing that put me off was the lack of distinguishing factors between point of view for example, one paragraph would be PJ and the next would be Brid and there would be no line break but other than that it was a very good book!

Definitely recommended.
Dread Nation
Dread Nation
Justina Ireland | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.6 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read Dread Nation a few months ago and I thought it was just ok. I had been looking forward to it for some time before I read it so maybe because of my high expectations I didn't give it a fair shot, idk.

I did like the analogous way Ireland tackled the race and social issues for the most part but the plot was basically a mess. It just didn't flow well from the events in Maryland to being sent out west and some parts felt more like random filler than relevant to the plot. I'm generally a fan of longer books but this one could have easily been 100 pages shorter without really losing anything, at least in my opinion.

The world building wasn't anything special. I felt like she had the chance to do something truly original here but instead it relies on preconceived notions of the old south and the wild west as depicted in old westerns, just with the addition of zombies.

With the exception of Jane, I didn't really think the characters were as well developed as they could have been. Jane's sass was great, I enjoyed how clearly her personality comes through in the writing but I did find her kind of 'know-it-all,' smarter than everyone around her type of attitude a bit grating at times. I was hoping to see something more than just the enemies to friends trope with Jane and Katherine as well.

Overall, I was a little disappointed with Dread Nation. I expected it to be so much more original than it turned out to be as far as a piece of spec fiction. As commentary on slavery, racism, and social injustice issues I thought it was done well.

I'll most likely pick up the sequel though, as I believe this series will continue to improve.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Normal People in Books

Jan 9, 2019 (Updated Jan 9, 2019)  
Normal People
Normal People
Sally Rooney | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
6.8 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
An adorable yet frustrating love story
I always enjoy reading books that are based around the most banal and ordinary of plots, yet are still hugely entertaining and enthralling. I think it takes a great author to make a plot like this rise above just average and readable, to something you can’t put down. And Sally Rooney really succeeds with this book.

It’s just a normal romance between two teenagers in Ireland, whose stories and family lives aren’t anything exceptional and are no doubt similar to many others, yet Sally Rooney has turned this into an adorable and un-putdownable read. There’s something so sweet and yet bleak and dark about this story that I really struggled to put it down. The central characters of Connell and Marianne are well developed yet flawed, and I’m sure many people could relate to them. I really enjoyed the twists and turns and changes in their relationship as the story progressed. The book itself is for the most part well written. It has a good structure and I liked how each chapter skips ahead a few months. My only issue with the writing is that I dislike how the dialogue hasn’t been separated out from the rest of the narrative. Since when is it acceptable to not separate dialogue and conversation between characters using speech marks etc? It made reading some of the conversation a little difficult at times. I’m not sure why books that tend to win awards and accolades do so by having questionable punctuation and prose... I’m also not too sure about the ending. It was unsatisfying and felt like the characters were never going to change or advance. But despite this, I really did think this was a great book.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Dracul in Books

Dec 11, 2018  
J.D. Barker, Dacre Stoker | 2018 | Horror
8.7 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
The start of Bram Stokers biography?
And to think that I nearly gave up on this to begin with! At about 20% in, it just didn't seem to be drawing me in at all. So how pleased am I that I persevered?!!

This is a prequel to Bram Stokers Dracula, and is the story of Bram himself. It postulates that Dracula and vampires really do exist, Bram and his family had an intimate relationship with one (not like THAT!), and Dracula was written as a warning about the Undead. Well, I clearly don't know what to believe now!
The language used in this novel is a little more up to date than Bram Stokers original: it's written for the modern reader (as Bram's was at the time, I suppose), and is consequently much easier to read. This book is supposedly based on notes that Bram left behind - whether they were ideas for another book, or they were 'actual occurrences', we'll never really know.

Bram and his family are followed from Bram's early childhood, up until well after their encounter with Dracul. It's exciting, there's loads of action, and I had some serious worries about Bram's siblings! There's loads of historical detail (potato famine in Ireland, disease, poverty) which I rather enjoyed. But it's the encounters with the vampires that I really loved. There's always going to be someone that makes the comparison to 'that' vampire series, and so I'll be the one. There IS NO comparison. These aren't nicey-nicey vampires who sparkle. These are largely speaking, evil, dark-magic-using, killing machines. Much more fun.

 I think this is probably going to be a series. Which I will obviously be reading. Obviously.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book.

Ross (3282 KP) Dec 11, 2018

I totally agree with the slow start. So glad you stuck with it and loved it. I'm not sure if there will be more, but Dacre has already written a sequel of sorts - Dracula - The Un-Dead, which is not totally dreadful but a similar offering to this, albeit of lower quality. It echoes Bram Stoker's time at the Lyceum Theatre so has that same element of being based on his life. The writing is nowhere near as good as this though. Its currently £1.49 on UK Kindle so not the end of the world if you hate it (I thought it was half-decent but I think it has been roundly slated).


ClareR (5603 KP) Dec 11, 2018

Thanks Ross - I might just have a look!!

4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh dear. Not the greatest example of the genre I have ever read it has to be said. The Wife Trap is the middle book of a trilogy by this author; the first books seems to have dealt with the courtship of the twin sister of the 'heroine' of this novel, seemingly involving deception and machinations. You could read this book without having read the first one, but of course you don't know exactly what has gone on beforehand and why exactly Jeanette has been banished to stay with cousins in Ireland.

The hero of this book was called Darragh O'Brien. My problem with that was that I got an image of Darra O'Brien (chap who presents Mock The Week etc.) in my head, and I'm guessing that wasn't quite what the author had in mind! Obviously the character wasn't strongly enough written to dislodge said, disconcerting, image!

That though is a minor quibble when compared to my big issue with this book; the so-called heroine. Jeanette is shallow, vain, silly, selfish, self-centred, childish and utterly unlikeable! I can't for the life of me understand what the hero sees in her, except that she is apparently beautiful and quite good at painting... She seems to think she 'deserves' anything she happens to fancy and is willing to stamp her foot and pout until she gets her way. She thinks it quite reasonable to disrupt everyone else so she can have a lie-in (after refusing to abandon her 'town hours' and go to bed earlier!) If it were me, I would have left her stuck in the carriage in the mud in the first chapter and rescued the servants from her!