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After reading the second, I decided I should probably read the first. After reading the second, which immediately captured my attention, I found it so difficult to get into this novel. It starts out with Siusan sewing up Sterling’s knuckles, which I had to actually skip over because I could not stomach reading about it.

After that the story progresses with Sterling actually fighting some Irish man to win money to help support his siblings. After Isobel interrupts the fight and is embarrassed by Sterling, he goes on to win the fight and donate some of his winnings to Isobel’s cause. Sterling then makes the bet at White’s and proceeds to woe Isobel.

Honestly, I grew bored with this novel. I actually found myself skipping over passages and conversations without meaning to. It was actually depressing after reading the <i>The Most Wicked of Sins</i>, which had me hooked. I loved reading about Ivy and Nick’s developing relationship and them falling in love. Sterling and Isobel’s story, however, was just flat. I don’t why, but I just found that I could not care less about them falling in love, or Sterling seducing Isobel.

I was greatly disappointed.
Tricked (The Iron Druid Chronicles, #4)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book no 4 in The Iron Druid chronicles this, I felt, is the weakest of the series so far.

I'm not sure whether that is because it comes after [b:Hammered|10443590|Hammered|Mark Ward||15348265] my choice for the best or because the main plot line of [b:Hounded|18404329|Hounded|David Rosenfelt||26038191], [b:Hexed|6372672|Hexed|Michael Alan Nelson||6560286] and [b:Hammered|10443590|Hammered|Mark Ward||15348265] are finished, or even because of the unfamiliar (to me) Navajo setting, but to me, this just didn't gel as much as any of the previous three.

The plot has to do with Atticus dealing with the aftermath of his journey to Asgard in the previous novel, and the deal he made with Coyote to cover his tracks, with the big bad in this taking the form of two Skinwalkers rather than the Irish god(s) of the first, the Witches of the second or the Norse gods of the third.

It's not a bad read, just not my pick for the best of the series