Screening Modern Irish Fiction and Drama: 2016
R. Barton Palmer and Marc C. Conner
This book offers the first comprehensive discussion of the relationship between Modern Irish...

(6 KP)
Last Active: Feb 5, 2020 

Ali Summers
(1 KP)
Last Active: Jan 10, 2018 
The Many Lives & Loves of Hazel Lavery
In the heart of tumultuous times, amidst the grandeur of Victorian opulence, there existed an...
Historical Fiction Biographical Fiction Women in History

A Certain Threat (Merriman Chronicles #1)
With French Revolutionary agents travelling freely but secretly between Ireland and England and war...
Historical Fiction Naval Warfare Smuggling Royal Navy

The Trick to Time
Mona is a dollmaker. She crafts beautiful, handmade wooden dolls in her workshop in a sleepy seaside...
Historical fiction. Literary fiction

Under the Emerald Sky (The Irish Fortune #1)
Escape to 19th century Ireland in the first book in the Irish Fortune Series, a historical fiction...
Historical Fiction Ireland Irish History Great Famine

Bongo Fury Novella Collection
Simon Maltman's Hard Boiled, Black Humoured Northern Irish Crime Fiction Series. The first two Bongo...
Crime Humor Northern Ireland Noir

The 1970s: A Decade of Contemporary British Fiction
John McLeod, Nick Hubble and Philip Tew
How did social, cultural and political events in Britain during the 1970s shape Contemporary British...