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The Binding Of Isaac Afterbirth

The Fire King's Daughter (The Descendants #1)
The Fire King's Daughter (The Descendants #1)
T.E. Ridener | 2022 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE FIRE KING'S DAUGHTER is the first in The Descendants series and we start with Heidi and Isaiah. Both of them are heirs to the throne, of the Fire and Ice thrones respectively, but they are sent to Earth to protect them from the war that is currently raging. Isaiah finds his feet quickly enough, but Heidi struggles.

This was a quick read that draws you in, giving out information about the kingdoms, the monarchies, Heidi, Isaiah, plus others, as and when needed rather than being an info-dump. There is a possible romantic connection here between Heidi and Isaiah that I look forward to reading more about. Let's just say... they have potential!

This story is only just starting and you are left with a cliffhanger, so fair warning! A great start to a series and definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Melting For You (Neighborhood Shindig #1)
Melting For You (Neighborhood Shindig #1)
A.M. Arthur | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Melting For You (Neighborhood Shindig #1) by A.M. Arthur
Melting For You is the first book in the Neighborhood Shindig series. This is decidedly lower angst than previous books by Ms. Arthur I have read, and we meet Joel and Isaiah. Joel has had the dirty done to him by his (ex) partner, in both his personal and professional lives. Isaiah has returned home to look after his dad after he had a heart attack, and also, hopefully, to build a better relationship with him.

The relationship between Joel and Isaiah starts off fast, but then slows down some, as they spend time together doing things, not just each other. I loved how the two of them worked together, and bounced ideas around. One major plus for me were the excellent descriptions of the Neighborhood Shindig itself. I could see it clearly in my mind, and my mouth was certainly watering with the descriptions given.

If I had anything bad to say about the book, it would be the ending felt a bit rushed to me. I only had six minutes reading time left, and neither Joel nor Isaiah had spoken to the other about staying. Apart from that, I thoroughly enjoyed it, and look forward to returning to the Shindig. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Poppy Sinclair has loved Isaiah Grayson with all her being for 10 years. Unfortunately he sees her only as the best assistant he has ever had. When he gets the harebrained idea to get married by putting an ad in the newspaper, Poppy realizes she has to set him straight.

Isaiah asks Poppy to vet all the candidates for marriage fiasco, he trusts her judgment implicitly so he knows she’ll pick the perfect wife for him. After a moment of clarity he realizes Poppy would be the perfect wife. They work well together, have a mutual respect and she would be a great mother for his kids. The only thing missing is love.

Poppy and Isaiah find there is more to their relationship than just co-workers. Will a real chance at a family be the ultimate draw for the former foster kid? Can Isaiah give love a real chance after abandoning hope for it due to a former relationship? Will an unexpected surprise pull them closer or push them even farther apart? You’ll have to pick up your copy of Want Me Cowboy today.

I am a huge fan of this author’s writing style and this book doesn’t disappoint. Though I can say I felt a little “left hanging” by certain things I felt didn’t resolve enough for me (or even play through enough). I still give it 4 stars but it just isn’t as solid as I normally get from Ms Yates, in my humble opinion. I received an advance copy without expectation for review, any and all opinions expressed are my own. Still a go to author for me, so this blip won’t even register on my loyalty scale.
Squared Away (Out of Uniform #5)
Squared Away (Out of Uniform #5)
Annabeth Albert | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Squared Away (Out of Uniform #5) by Annabeth Albert
Squared Away is the fifth book in the Out of Uniform series, but can be read as a standalone, as I did. However, I must say that now I have found out what an exceptional writer Annabeth Albert is, it won't be the last book of hers I read!

Isaiah is a bit of a 'flirt', and at eighteen he decides he is going to lose his V-card to a SEAL at his brother's wedding. However Mark, the SEAL, isn't interested in just being 'someone' to sleep with, and so tells Isaiah he isn't gay or interested. He then manages to avoid Isaiah for the next five years, although he still hears about Isaiah's exploits. Trust me, he is no longer a card-carrying member! These two get thrown together by tragedy, and are both left in charge of three children. This story revolves around the decisions they make, and how they learn to love and live together, whilst loving three mini-humans who demand so much time.

Squared Away is a complex love story that goes so slow it is completely and utterly scintillating. I wondered how it would work with Isaiah's reputation, but it was simply amazing. Yes, his reputation bites him in the ass, but with Mark, he goes slow - and it is beautiful. There are reasons for this as Mark is demisexual. We find out exactly what this means for Mark, and the struggles he has, both with it and with being scared to want more with Isaiah. Oh man, this is so good. I mean, seriously! The chemistry between these two melted my kindle, and I loved every word. It is heart-breaking, it is beautiful.

With no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed, Squared Away is an exceptional story, told by a brilliant author. Her style of writing is realistic, with plenty of complex emotions and situations. Life doesn't always go smoothly, but it can be worth the effort you put in to a difficult situation. Absolutely amazing, and I am now putting more books by this author on my T-B-R list! You'd be a fool not to read this one.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Aug 15, 2020 (Updated Aug 15, 2020)  
Sneak a peek at THE BLACK MIDNIGHT, a historical mystery, by Kathleen Y'Barbo on my blog. Enter the giveaway to win a $20 Amazon gift card and/or a signed copy of the book!

Two killers, two detectives, and a menace called The Black Midnight may be the death of both of them.

Three years before Jack the Ripper began his murderous spree on the streets of London, a killer struck fear into the hearts of the citizens of Austin, Texas. Some believe one man is responsible for both, while others lay the blame at the feet of someone close to the queen herself. With suspicion falling on Her Majesty’s family and Scotland Yard at a loss as to who the Ripper might be, Queen Victoria summons her great-granddaughter, Alice Anne von Wettin, a former Pinkerton agent who worked the unsolved Austin murders case, and orders her to discreetly form a team to look into the London matter. One man is essential to her team, and she doesn’t want to consider taking on this challenge without his expertise. Unfortunately, he’s back in Texas, with a bad attitude and a new profession.

The prospect of a second chance at catching the man who terrorized Austin three years ago just might entice Isaiah Joplin out of his comfortable life as an Austin lawyer, even if it does mean working with the Queen’s great-granddaughter again. If his theories are right, they’ll find the Midnight Assassin and, by default, the Ripper. If they’re wrong, he and Annie are in a bigger mess than the one the lady detective left behind when she departed Austin under cover of darkness three years ago.

Can the unlikely pair find the truth of who is behind the murders before they are drawn into the killer’s deadly game? From Texas to London, the story navigates the fine line between truth and fiction as Annie and Isaiah ultimately find the hunters have become the hunted.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hold on just one moment, please. *Reflects* Ahem. Okay. Now, I can review this book. This book. What can say about this poignant, stunning novel of epic proportions? I can tell you that this book will pull you in and twist you up inside, as you get to know Hephzibah, or Ishma as she's first known. The pages within this book come to life, the characters moving before you like you are really there, learning of Isaiah, Hephzibah,Yaira,Hezekiah and all the happenings of Jerusalem.

Seeing all that young Ishma went through, really tugged at my heart. Watching her grow with Hezekiah was an experience I won't soon forget. I felt all of Zibah's feelings, all her pain and love for the Father. I cried when Isaiah and his wife adopted Zibah, I cried when Hezekiah and Zibah fell in love, I cried when I reached the end of this amazing novel.

This book is a book of true love. Of sacrificial love. Of a love that will never end, both within family, even if it's not blood family, and the never ending love of our amazing Father above. This story is utterly heartbreaking, yet it's heart-reviving. It is rich in detail, it is throroughly researched, and it's stitched perfectly together like that of a beautiful handmade quilt.

Ms. Andrews has gone beyond 5 stars with this book. This book is so much more than just that. If you want a book that will carry you away to a land, and a time, that we've only read about in the Bible and imagined with our minds and hearts, then this is a book for you. If you want a book that steals your mind, and soul long after you've shut the book, then this is for you. If you want a book that will leave you contemplating all you've learned in Bible study, then please, look no further than the first book in a Biblical series that is sure to be a best seller.
*I received a complimentary copy of this book from publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Pushing the Limits (Pushing the Limits, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, I'll start with, why haven't I read this sooner? I purchased this for 20p back in November 12 and it's now January 14?!?! Okay, so I guess I wasn't as into NA back then but since?

Anyway. This was good.

Both Echo and Noah have issues that they need to deal with. I liked them both from the first meeting in the counsellors office. So they didn't exactly get along to start with. So what?

Being able to read both POV was enlightening. Sometimes I prefer only seeing one but with this, seeing how Echo was dealing with her issues and how Noah was doing with his was great. I liked how they helped each other deal and how the counsellor worked with them both.

I liked them as a couple, better than Luke and Echo together anyway. In fact, most of Echo's friends were horrible. Noah's might have been stoner's but Isaiah was really nice. Not so sure about Beth though :/

Anyway. I have books 1.5, 2 and 3 in the series to be getting on with but unfortunately they will have to wait.
The Water King's Bride (The Descendants #2)
The Water King's Bride (The Descendants #2)
T.E. Ridener | 2022 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE WATER KING'S BRIDE is the second book in The Descendants series and follows directly on from book one, so I definitely recommend you read that first!

Heidi and Isaiah have stopped their constant bickering from book one as they both realise they have feelings for the other. That has to take a backseat though, as Heidi is desperate to find her father and missing people. We meet a multitude of new characters and reunite with some old ones, although whether that's a good thing remains to be seen.

As with book one, this is just as fast-paced and it is full of action. Whilst it fits with the story, I would like to see more about the characters, their backgrounds, the world they live in. Sometimes, it feels as though it's a spin-off from another series, one that explains about TimeKeepers, etc.

Saying that, this was a brilliant addition to the series that kept my attention and had me turning the pages. A fantastic story and I can't wait to see what happens next.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
A Short History of Myth
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
For such a short book, I developed quite a strong opinion about the text while reading it. I have been curious about Armstrong's writings for a long time, but this is the first attempt I have made at actually reading anything by her. I have always been a fan of ancient mythology, such as Greek and Egyptian, so this seemed like an easy choice.
In seven chapters, Armstrong takes a simplified stroll through history, focusing on the concept of myth and its impact on civilization. All throughout the book, she attempts to support her claim that a person can believe in myths without believing that the myths are actually true, and that the failure of modern society is by not following her specific edict. While this notion strikes me as absurd, I keep reading because, hey, it's a short book.
While I know only bits and pieces about many of the world's religions, I do know both the history and the holy book of my religion, Christianity. It becomes apparent to me early in the text that she is masking her opinions and interpretations of this religion as actual fact, so I can only imagine how she misconstrues other religions.
Her citations were lacking to me, with many claims going unsupported, others only partially supported, such as citation #84 and #30, and some citations simply not even applying to the specified text, such as citation #87. In citation #55, she claims that the Bible contains a Creation myth in which God brings the world into being by killing a sea monster, but one of the four verses she cites make no reference to anything of the sort (Job 3:12), and the other three (Isaiah 27:1, Job 26:13, Psalm 74:14) that do mention a leviathan cannot be interpreted that way when read in context. Isaiah is describing the end of days, while Job merely says that God created the serpent, and the verse in Psalm is within the context of a song about God rescuing the Hebrews from Egyptian slavery -- no relevancy to Creation. She makes the claim that Paul "was not much interested in Jesus's teachings, which he rarely quotes, or in the events of his earthly life." This claim is easily disproved by examining how Paul's words line up with Jesus's in John 5:21 vs. 1 Corinthians 15:22, Matthew 6:25 vs. Philippians 4:6, and many other passages.
While going through the citations, I got the feeling that the author depended on secondary sources for her information without actually studying the original source of her information. The book struck me as highly opinionated, vague, and too general for the topic being addressed. I have no doubt that there are better and more thorough books available on the topic of myth. I do not believe that I will be reading any more of Armstrong's works in the future.