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It Came From The Desert (2017)
It Came From The Desert (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi
4.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
What has six legs, giant mandibles and needs to get good and drunk to reproduce? I don't know but It Came From The Desert (2018) #Review
Cindy Brown | 2018 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Will There be a Renaissance in Crime?
Part-time PI and actress Ivy Meadows is enjoying a rare day off with her boyfriend, her brother, and her brother's girlfriend at the Renaissance faire thanks to free tickets from her friend, fellow actor Riley. They are going to watch Riley's debut in the jousting event when a terrible accident ends with one jouster seriously injured and the other riding Riley's horse off into the desert. Riley claims to have been knocked out, but was he? Ivy finds herself undercover at the home of a Broadway writer and at the faire. Will she be able to keep her undercover assignments straight? Will she find out what happened? Could this job land her a ticket to Broadway?

As you can tell, there is a lot happening in this book. Unfortunately, it overshadows the mystery at times. While things came to a satisfactory climax, I felt we could have gotten more development on the mystery earlier. However, I was never bored. So much was happening I was always reluctant to put the book down because I was having fun. Part of that fun came from the characters; as usual for the series, we meet a wide variety of very fun people. While the book has a comedic tone overall, things do get serious in the last quarter without getting dark. This allows for some wonderful character growth in Ivy. Fans of the series will be thrilled to see how she progresses here. I can't wait to see where this leads in the next book.
So this continues where book 12, The Trouble with Twelfth Grave, left off. Charley has been banned from Earth for bringing someone back from the dead after their soul had already left the body. It's been over 100 years and she's sad that she's missed the passing of all of her friends and family. She lands in the middle of the desert and within seconds can feel Reyes seductive heat surrounding her. Turns out that, on Earth, she's only been gone for ten days and she has to help destroy the hell dimension that they accidentally opened when Reyes broke the God glass a few books ago.

Hmm... I did enjoy this but I do feel like the series has not been fully completed. There's still the whole Beep facing Lucifer thing and where did Osh disappear to?

Nevertheless, this was once again full of Charley craziness and I do love her and her gang of friends. There were several mysteries thrown in to the mix for her to solve including one to do with her birth, secrets came out of the woodwork and a few little shocks thrown in too.

I can't say I'm disappointed with how the author finished this series... I just feel it hasn't been fully ended as mentioned above.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated The Mummy (2017) in Movies

Apr 25, 2020 (Updated Apr 25, 2020)  
The Mummy (2017)
The Mummy (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Epic Fail
People forget that universal started this whole shared universe concept. So the MCU, the DCU, The Conjuring franchise and DC Shared TV shows all copied unverisal. Now universal is trying to copy them, but failed, failed epic.

The plot: Nick Morton is a soldier of fortune who plunders ancient sites for timeless artifacts and sells them to the highest bidder. When Nick and his partner come under attack in the Middle East, the ensuing battle accidentally unearths Ahmanet, a betrayed Egyptian princess who was entombed under the desert for thousands of years. With her powers constantly evolving, Morton must now stop the resurrected monster as she embarks on a furious rampage through the streets of London.

The Dark Universe was a failure, the Dark Universe came and went so fast, it was a blink of a eye and proof it disappeared. Never to be seen or heard from again.

If the dark universe did happpen, their were going to have Javier Bardem as the Frankenstein's Monster, and Johnny Depp as The Invisible Man. And Russell Crowe as Dr. Jekyll, aka the Nick Fury of this franchise.

This movie tryed to setup five different films with one film, while having like six different plot lines, seven differney genres. This movie didnt know what is was. And thats why it failed.

 @Awix, @Erika , @Ross and @LeftSideCut. Said it perfectly in their reviews.

Dont watch this movie, it will put you to sleep and you will forgot about it, when the credits hit. Watch The Mummy trilogy instead or the oringal one, or the hammer studio one.
Definitely wasn’t what I expected. After reading the blurb I was excited to read about the youngest pit fighter in Sharakhai only there wasn’t so much pit fighting as running all over the desert trying to escape from a demonic being who becomes fixated on Ceda.

Ceda is 15 when the story begins and it starts off with her picking a fight with someone who – in the beginning – gives off a secondary character kinda vibe, almost filler but ends up being an integral part of the story later on. Brama had apparently stolen a purse that Ceda wad tasked to collect and Ceda decided she’d rather fight him than find the purse. That came across as quite juvenile particularly when her “boss” pointed out the same thing that I thought.

The story progresses pretty slowly for the first 60 or 70 pages where it does eventually improve but there’s a distinctly Middle Eastern vibe to this story. It’s sort of like a twisted sci-fi type of Aladdin story.

The pit fighting is few and far between and for a character who is called the White Wolf I would have preferred a little more fighting and a little less talking but the steroidal like properties to the flower petals is amazingly unique, I don’t think I’ve ever read that in a book so kudos to that.

The writing style was a touch different to what I’m used to but it was written quite well. As mentioned above there was a distinctly Middle Eastern vibe to this story and the descriptions of the desert and other areas in Sharakhai were beautifully written and it almost made me feel like I was back on holiday in Egypt which was a lovely experience.

The concept of Rumayesh was really good – a semi corrupt demonic type being who overtakes the body of her “chosen” one – and Rumayesh took an awful big shine to Ceda which is where the story basically followed. Now having not read Twelve Kings I am completely unable to comment on how the story progresses in that book but the plot line in this novella was drawing to the mind and the descriptions of what was happening were very good.

Apart from my initial dubious feeling and the subsequent lack of pit – fighting for a story based on a pit-fighter I did enjoy Of Sand and Malice Made but I don’t think that it is entirely my thing and I don’t think I’d be continuing the story anytime soon though I do look forward to seeing where this novella leads.