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Fast Five (2011)
Fast Five (2011)
2011 | Action, Drama, Mystery
The point at which the Fast and the Furious movies started moving more and more away from their petrol head origins - as exemplified by the cut from pre-race to after race roughly halfway through, instead of showing that actual race - while also the movie that first brings Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson to the cast, as Luke Hobbs.

This one picks up directly from the ending of the previous movie, and starts with O'Connor and Mia on the run from the law, ending up in Rio de Janeiro where they get pulled into another 'one last job' (and you know how those always go ...), leading to them reuniting with Dom, assembling a 'crew', and then onto a heist that very much put me in mind of 'The Italian Job'!
Chat Love
Chat Love
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Let me start by saying that this was a cute little love story, that I read quickly. I give it such a low rating mainly because it was pretty predictable and I figured out what was going to happen 1/3 of the way into the book.

Lucia is from an Italian family. Being 28 and single means she is practically an old maid. She has a couple of serious boyfriends, but she has never found THE ONE. One of her co-workers has recently found the man of her dreams on an online dating site called Chat Love. When her married younger sister announces that she is pregnant, the pressure is really on then. After pressure from her friends, Lucia decides to join Chat Love and try something new. Her dates are very interesting, to say the least. But you never know where you will find love.

As I stated before, this was a quick and fun read. The story is cute, but very predictable. The dates that she goes on are always dinner dates, there is no variety to them. The main character Lucia is an Italian bombshell from the way she is described by her dates and her peers. She is loved by all, but can't seem to find love. She goes on several dates in the book that range from good to just plain weird. She even had a stalker for a brief moment. In the end, she ends up with the guy she would have least expected, but the reader knew from the start. There is a part in the book, where I wanted to jump through the pages and smack Lucia for not knowing she was talking to the man she wanted online the whole time.

I will try another title by Justine Faeth.

Lindsay (1706 KP) rated No Name Baby in Books

Feb 15, 2018  
No Name Baby
4.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I thought to myself when I started reading this. What is this story about. It starts out with Sophie's dream. She was dreaming about three gravestones by a fence. Her mother was calling her from downstairs.

There this big family secret. Sophie blame herself for her mama premature labor. For her mama had loss lots of babies. The new baby is Sophie new living sibling. You could tell their was some secret that the adult were trying to cover up and not tell her. Her Aunt Rae act strange to Sophie though out the book. If you want to find out what this secret is I suggest you read the book. For I am not tell you any spoilers. I thought that Aunt Rae was a bitter woman and could not believe what see did to her niece Sophie.

Several chapter were all about chores and watch the baby. I understand that they were to be Italian-American. Sophie is like the first or second generation to be born in america. You would think that her grandmother, Aunt, Papa, Mamma would teach her about her homeland. Though some Italian word were metion though out book here and there.

I will tell you this I though it was one I could put down and leave down. I though okay what on tv and glance it and then I turn my nook off for bit and turned back on. I would not recommend this book. It was not my cup of tea though that does not mean it was a bad book or anything to do with the author who wrote. It just was not my cup of tea. I will a good read.. I though though to myself a few questions though I can not remember I was thinking when though questions came.

Lindsay (1706 KP) rated No Name Baby in Books

Aug 30, 2018  
No Name Baby
4.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I thought to myself when I started reading this. What is this story about. It starts out with Sophie's dream. She was dreaming about three gravestones by a fence. Her mother was calling her from downstairs.

There this big family secret. Sophie blame herself for her mama premature labor. For her mama had loss lots of babies. The new baby is Sophie new living sibling. You could tell their was some secret that the adult were trying to cover up and not tell her. Her Aunt Rae act strange to Sophie though out the book. If you want to find out what this secret is I suggest you read the book. For I am not tell you any spoilers. I thought that Aunt Rae was a bitter woman and could not believe what see did to her niece Sophie.

Several chapter were all about chores and watch the baby. I understand that they were to be Italian-American. Sophie is like the first or second generation to be born in america. You would think that her grandmother, Aunt, Papa, Mamma would teach her about her homeland. Though some Italian word were metion though out book here and there.

I will tell you this I though it was one I could put down and leave down. I though okay what on tv and glance it and then I turn my nook off for bit and turned back on. I would not recommend this book. It was not my cup of tea though that does not mean it was a bad book or anything to do with the author who wrote. It just was not my cup of tea. I will a good read.. I though though to myself a few questions though I can not remember I was thinking when though questions came.
Remind Me Tommorow by Sharon Van Etten
Remind Me Tommorow by Sharon Van Etten
2019 | Indie, Singer-Songwriter
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Seventeen by Sharon Van Etten

(0 Ratings)


"I’m a latecomer to Sharon Van Etten. I only heard this towards the end of last year and it melted me. It’s actually my girlfriend and I’s song. “The song is about Etten bidding farewell to New York, where she was living in her 20’s. When she was leaving the city, she wanted to write a song that was a farewell to the landscape of her 20’s, which became “Seventeen.” In the journey of writing the song she visited these places where she danced or met people and where she’d had these formative experiences of her young life. One of these places was a club that’s now an Italian restaurant. “It’s a song about gentrification, about how a city has different lives, and that feels so true to me and it really resonates. On my walk to the pool that I swim at in London, I walk past this derelict building which used to be a club I danced in when I was 17 and coming up to London. “Now it’s empty and filled with squatters and whenever I walk past it, I feel this pang of something that I can’t describe, but that “Seventeen” managed to encapsulate. That feeling is like, ‘All these memories took place in that building and only the people who were there can tell those stories. Anyone else who walks by just sees an empty building, or an Italian restaurant.’ “I think “Seventeen” is really about that. How street corners and physical spaces can have very powerful human memories and experiences hidden in the brick and mortar. So, for me it’s a song that encapsulates a feeling of loss - the loss of innocence perhaps."

Crime of the Ancient Marinara
Crime of the Ancient Marinara
Stephanie Cole | 2021 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good Mystery Smothered
After a month of hard work, Nell Valenti is ready to oversee the opening of Villa Orlandini as a cooking school lead by the famous Chef Orlandini. In fact, the first group of Americans are arriving at the Tuscany villa in just a couple of days. Nell is hoping that the worst of her problems will be Chef’s broken arm, a bocce ball accident. But then the guests arrive, and they aren’t what Nell is expecting. They seem to be a difficult lot. When one of them is poisoned by Chef’s famous marinara, Nell realizes she has real trouble on her hands. Can she figure out what is going on?

While I did struggle with some things in the first book in the series, I still enjoyed it. Unfortunately, those same issues are present here. The most prominent is Nell’s struggle with Italian. While we always know what is going on, it is presented in such a way that it keeps us out of the story. It’s a shame because I do like the returning characters, and the suspects grow as the story progresses. The mystery takes a while to truly get going, although we are meeting suspects. It’s a shame the pacing isn’t better since there is a good mystery buried in the book. There was a major editing error, as well, that resulted in a character being in two places at once. The book left me craving Italian food, so the recipes at the end are a nice bonus. The first book had its fans, and they will enjoy this entry as well. But if you struggled with the first one, you’ll struggle with this one.
Django (1966)
Django (1966)
1966 | Western
A man is forced to eat his own ear. (0 more)
Even the Mexicans speak Italian. (0 more)
Spaghetti Western
I love spaghetti westerns. The atmosphere is grittier than the mostly sanitized American ones. The blood looks like bright, thick Kool-Aid. Every hero has a casually disgruntled attitude without making an effort. Machismo with style. Violent and bloody, these films just feel more wild than your typical wild west film.

This one is no exception. Our man Django walks into town dragging a coffin behind him. His motives for antagonizing the villainous Major Jackson becomes more clear when the Mexican revolutionaries arrive. It all plays out with everyone adopting what are now stereotypical attitudes for each role. The climax is brief yet memorable.

Casual viewers may avoid this, but film buffs should see it simply for the inspiration it provided to other filmmakers.
The Easy Life (Il Sorpasso) (1962)
The Easy Life (Il Sorpasso) (1962)
1962 | Comedy, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Italian, a black-and-white movie. If you go to the internet, you can find it. Dino Risi movie, with Vittorio Gassman acting in it. And a French actor named Jean-Louis Trintignant. It is about somebody who is pretentious, who’s always speaking [loudly], always speaking about himself. And somebody in front who is shy. The story is about changing personality, and the moral of the story is, “If you want to change your personality, change with your own rhythm. Don’t try to imitate people.” [This was] reality because so many people try to imitate things that they have seen without any reasons inside themselves. They just want to imitate because they have seen that on screen or in a book. Instead of following their own rhythm, their own needs. I still remember that… long time ago. 30 years ago."


John Bailey recommended L'Eclisse (1962) in Movies (curated)

L'Eclisse (1962)
L'Eclisse (1962)
1962 | International, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Antonioni’s great L’avventura, La notte, and L’eclisse are yet another linked trilogy, though their stories and characters are as disparate as those of the Rossellini trilogy. It may be the director’s hyper-refined architectural style that we remember most in this film, people lost in its urban landscape. But Antonioni was also very much a child of Italian neorealism, as we can trace in his early films and documentaries. The long, wordless sequence, devoid of the main characters, that concludes this film is justly cited as a masterpiece of visual alienation and loss. But the hectic frenzy of the Turin Bourse sequence, a near standalone set piece in the middle of the film, shows the director at his documentary best, even as the camera smoothly glides through the rushing masses of stock traders with a singular determination of its own mission"

Lucifer’s Game
Lucifer’s Game
Cristina Loggia | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was an enjoyable, well-researched historical fiction novel set during WW2 in Rome.
Cordelia Olivieri’s life in Rome becomes more precarious as the Italian fascists start to identify more Italians with Jewish heritage. Cordelia’s English mother was Jewish. She has a friend in the Vatican who promises to get her on a transport to England, if she will just photograph the German plans for North Africa. This seems a simple task (or not!), as the German officer in charge of the planning for Rommel has taken over Cordelia’s hotel as his centre of operations. But Cordelia complicates things somewhat when she starts to fall in love with him.
The villains in this book are thoroughly despicable, and the ‘goodies’ are in constant danger. It’s all very nail-bitingly exciting and another great read on The Pigeonhole!