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Heartless (The Privileged of Pembroke High #1)
Heartless (The Privileged of Pembroke High #1)
Ivy Ash | 2020 | Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Heartless (The Privileged of Pembroke High book 1)
By Ivy Fox

Review will be completed on Smashbomb once finished link will be placed in comments

I had their love once.

They saw me for the girl I am and the person I yearn to become one day—a woman who thrives in her freedom and dances away in her rightfully earned independence.

They saw all the strong, unafraid parts of me, and coaxed each one of them out, daring me to dream bigger, climb higher.

They never once saw the girl I had been groomed to see in the mirror.

The abandoned daughter of a dead man.

The unwanted child of a woman who despised her.

The broken body formed wrong and built on a shaky foundation, threatening to fall apart and shatter.

They made all the ugliness disappear and left only wonder and promise. The love we shared for each other was probably the only miracle I would be granted in this life, and I knew they felt the same.

Or so I thought.

Everything I held dear has been robbed from me, and I’ve been a victim of theft too many times to mention.

I will not have them steal my pride.

They can keep my heart, for all I care.

The day they became my stepbrothers, it stopped working anyway.

Well that was so much better than I thought it was going to be! I do love Ivy’s books. This was brilliant I didn’t put it down. So much has happened and we haven’t hit the school yet! The epilogue was sooo good!
Wonder Woman (2017)
Wonder Woman (2017)
2017 | Action, Fantasy, War
The casting of Gal Gadot (1 more)
The correct spirit and mood for the film/character
Another CGI generic villain (0 more)
Finally seeing Wonder Woman for the first time, I am torn between joining the film's praise bandwagon and complaining about another stupid villain. While I certainly don't want to go back to the cheesy Bane, Poisin Ivy, Mr. Freeze days of old, I also am not a big fan of the generic CGI villain, in this case Ares, God of War. I would think they could come up with a happy medium using The Dark Knight as a basis for a complex, grounded human character.

As for Wonder Woman herself, I thought Gal Gadot was amazing in personality, spirit, and the physical embodiment of Wonder Woman as a modern, yet retro female superhero.

Unfortunately, the film's historical setting and perspective has already been done better in the first Captain America film, but had to be the way they did it to make it close to the comic book origin of the character. The scene where Wonder Woman emerges on the battlefield was very strong as you, the viewer, had been anticipating this moment throughout the first half of the film.

The use of CGI during some of the fight scenes with the Nazi soldiers was poor and looked very false. Even when she jumped great distances, I thought that looked fake and was more believable in a Hulk film or even the Wonder Woman TV series from the 1970s.

I also sorely missed an appearance by the original Wonder Woman, Lynda Carter. They have said they will have her in the next film. They had better. 😊

Overall, I enjoyed the film more than most recent superhero flicks, but in 10 years, won't all these films just start to run together?
Claimed by her Cougar (Cougar Creek Mates #1)
Claimed by her Cougar (Cougar Creek Mates #1)
Felicity Heaton | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Claimed by her Cougar (Cougar Creek Mates #1) by Felicity Heaton
Claimed by her Cougar is the first book in the Cougar Creek Mates series, set in the same world as the Eternal Mates series. By that, I mean it is set in the contemporary world, but with the same 'bad guys' being mentioned - Archangel.

Rath has kept his clan safe from Archangel ever since their attack so many years previously. He takes care of any Hunters who show up on his land, and spends his time avoiding most people, preferring to spend his time alone. He looks after the cabins of various clan members who also live elsewhere. His solitude is broken when Ivy shows up on his land, wanting to photograph the black bears. Once she convinces him she is not a hunter, they spend a couple of days together, during which she gets under Rath's skin in more ways that he possibly imagined.

I found this story to be excellently written, as I would expect from Felicity Heaton. How she manages to tie in a previous organisation, within the contemporary world, whilst introducing a whole new set of characters, I think is superb! There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. The supporting cast of characters were all intriguing, leaving me wanting more in this series, just so I can get their stories. Luckily for me, Storm comes next, but I also want Ember's story! Yes, I know, I'm greedy!

A great start to the series, and definitely recommended by me. Looking forward to continuing this series.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The King (After hours book 1)
The King (After hours book 1)
Ivy Fox | 2020
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
"How far would you go to get the one man you've been dreaming about all your life?"

I am such a cliche.

I have the hots for my boss.

Well, he's not really my boss since that job title belongs to my best friend in the whole wide world and as much as I love her to death, I don't exactly spend countless hours imagining licking her hard abs with whip cream like I do her business partner.

Too much?


My bad.

Unfortunately, when my head is on the magnetic, breathtakingly gorgeous Dean Knox, I get carried away.

I can't promise that outbursts like this one won't happen again, so fair warning.

I've been working at Royal Magazine for two years now, and although I love it, watching the man I'm crushing on, surrounded by gorgeous beauties, twenty-four seven, is kind of a bummer.

But lo and behold, I think I might have just found a way to get what I want.

I might have to lie, steal, cheat and basically lose all my morals in the process, but if it gets me the man of my dreams, then it will be worth it.


I guess there's only one way to find out.

Wish me luck. I think I'm going to need it.
I actually loved it! Not sure if it’s me being over emotional after a tough day but I got emotional reading it! I started it within 1.5 hours I’d finished! Loved it!! Edie is just adorable and Dean is hot as hell! The sex scenes were hot and heavy which I think Ivy Fox does so well! They are never repetitive. Really enjoyed it
Fitness Junkie
Fitness Junkie
Lucy Sykes | 2017 | Food & Drink, Humor & Comedy, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
More book reviews can be found at

Ohhhh, this blurb above gives out sooo much… Too much to be honest. But it is really accurate. Jane gets sucked into fitness world with her friend CJ and cousin Ivy, and the whole book was told from Jane and Ivy’s perspectives. I found all the characters really amusing in this book and a little bit weird. They all were very complex personalities, and the whole book has a great balance between elite and common worlds. There are a lot of strong, charismatic and interesting characters to choose from, and I couldn’t pick one.

The narrative of the book was ridiculously informative and funny. I had no idea, that there are so many different fitness trends around the world. Who in a world would eat clay and nothing else and think it is OK? No Hun, it’s not OK, and you need help. I really liked all the research that authors have done for this book, and the personal Lucy’s experience in fashion and business was very visible. I really enjoyed all the turns and twists, which were unexpected, and shocked me even more. I am happy that authors outlined, how some fashion standards affect women by making them insecure about their looks and especially weight.

The writing style was very light and easy to read, with decent length chapters, which made this novel very enjoyable for me. There is nothing traditional about this book, including the ending. I liked that authors chose realistic ending which might be a surprise to some people. But it worked for me. So, to conclude, I found this book really amusing and entertaining, filled with elite characters and a strong message. It is way far from anything traditional, and that’s why I strongly recommend it.
Rotten Men (Rotten Love Duet #2)
Rotten Men (Rotten Love Duet #2)
Ivy Fox | 2019 | Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sooo good
Contains spoilers, click to show

Such an ugly sin.

Yet, here I am guilty of it.

See, I envy you.

You who wake up in the morning not knowing what your future will entail. A blessed uncertainty filled with hope and mystery, with the potential to make it whatever you aspire it to be.

Must be nice — to open your eyes and dream of such a promising existence.

I have no such hopeful misguided notions.

My fate has been written down on crumpled paper, made smooth and immaculate by bloody tainted hands for the outside world to behold, since the day I was conceived.

There is no happily ever after for me but I’ve come to terms with my gilded golden cage long ago.

It’s their destiny that keeps me up at night — the pieces of my soul.

They are the ones who I would defy the devil himself for and stare true evil in the eye, taunting it to do its worst.

There is nothing I wouldn’t do for them, yet I know the wheel of fortune is not in our favor.

So, yes — I envy you.

While you dream of your colorful tomorrow, I dread its grayish arrival.

You see, we were all born rotten.

And rotten girls and boys don’t deserve a fairytale ending.

Rotten Girl is the first book in the duet -A Rotten Love

<strong>Sssoooo good</strong>

I loved this duet. Felt so good to finally see Selene home with her men! There is something to love in each of her men. I think I internally cheered when butcher was taken out,I'm also glad it was by her hand with both him an Ciro . Ivy Fox has a really good writing style that keeps you gripped from start to finish.
