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One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
1975 | Comedy, Drama

"I’ll continue the Jack Nicholson theme and go to One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Of its era, the great American novel. R.P. McMurphy is probably the defining Jack Nicholson character, if you had to pick one. It’s actually the first film I ever saw. I don’t remember it, but I was a little baby and my mom took me. It’s one of those movies I’ll watch whenever I’m feeling lost or alone in the universe. Something about McMurphy and the Chief throwing the sink through the window makes life worth living. [Director] Milos Forman was a really incredible storyteller. He knew how to tell a big story where the characters feel… Part of it has to do with the level of supporting acting. He creates a full world. Christopher Lloyd and Danny DeVito and Louise Fletcher and Brad Dourif — it’s just such an incredible cast. The world feels so real. That’s what so many epic movies get wrong. They feel important in the way that it’s in italics. They just feel like they’re about the director, and not about the characters."

12 Nights of Christmas
12 Nights of Christmas
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Reviewed multiple books from anthology (see below)


Ashley Webbar remembers the exact moment Zane Fletcher stormed in to her life, and her salon. Over the past 6 months she has watched him fall for someone else and wished with everything that it was her that caught his eye. Not that she would ever think he could fall for someone like her. She isn’t worthy, she never has been but maybe the magical love fruitcake knows something she doesn’t.

Zane has been trying to months to let Ashley know how he feels about her. Each time he tries they get interrupted in some way, shape or form. It is now or never, he has to lay it all out on the line. Too bad when he starts she shoves a fruitcake in his face. What??

Can Ashley and Zane finally realize they are falling for each other with or without the fruitcake? Back to Burton in this quick read that is part of a multiple author Christmas anthology. I received an advance copy without any expectation for review. Any and all opinions expressed are my own. The Meant to be Girl gets 4 stars from this reader.

****Scrooge You by MK Schiller ******

Eva is a total scrooge for Christmas, well not just for Christmas it seems anymore. She works for a small company, owned by the man that has been part of her family as long as she can remember so that should account for something, right? She is restless and looking to move on but also feeling guilty like she is abandoning them. She doesn’t know what else to do. When she gets home and finds her boyfriend has invited more people over for the holiday, then finds an engagement ring hidden in a drawer she freaks out. When Jack leaves, Eva goes to bed and is then visited by the ghosts (Jack) of Christmases past, present and future. Figure in the magical romance fruitcake from Delilah’s Cove and you have a quick, romantic, holiday spirit filled story fitting for the anthology.

I’ve never read anything by this author before and this was a cute, quick read. I voluntarily read a copy of this 3 ½ star story from Booksprout without expectation for review. Any and all opinions expressed are my own.