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Abstract Aliases
Abstract Aliases
Ritter Ames | 2016 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hunting for a Killer’s Alias
As this book opens, it’s been two months since we last checked in on Laurel Beacham and Jack Hawkes. While they have been doing their best to gather clues to stop the coming heist, things have been quiet. Too quiet. However, something is about to explode on New Year’s Day, and I’m not talking about the London fireworks. While Laurel and Jack are waiting for those fireworks to start, they are shocked have an encounter with one of the men involved in the upcoming heist. Then the next day, Laurel’s London office is broken into. Once again one step ahead of danger and one step behind their prey, Laurel and Jack must act quickly. Will they gain any new clues?

The teaser may seem a bit vague, but much of the fun of this book is watching the plot unfold and getting swept up in the proceedings. The plot is fast paced with hardly any time for the characters, or us, to breath. Still, we do get real characters, and I’m enjoying watching Laurel and Jack grow as individuals as well as in their relationship. The rest of the characters are just as strong. This is more of a caper type plot than a traditional cozy, and I loved it. There is a larger story going on, and it is helpful to read this series in order as a result – especially since events of the earlier books in the series are spoiled here. However, this book does have a satisfying story that ties into the larger story, and we get some interesting revelations. Fans of the series will enjoy this book.
What Child is This
What Child is This
Rhys Bowen | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Simple, Heart Warming Short Story
The story opens on Christmas Eve in London in 1940. It's the middle of the blitz, and rationing is in full effect, so it is looking like a very dismal Christmas for Maggie and Jack Harris. But then what little they do have is taken from them suddenly, and they find themselves on the streets. Jack goes looking for shelter and finds what looks like an abandoned house. Is it abandoned? What will Christmas day bring?

While I rarely read short stories, I had to grab this story from Rhys Bowen. Best known for her historical mysteries, this is more of a glimpse at tragedy and triumph during 24 hours. As such, it doesn't have the twists or shocks you might expect, but it is a very heartwarming tale. Jack and Maggie really shine, although I did find Maggie annoying at times. Believable, but annoying. A quick read (I read it in about an hour), this is a good way to hold on to the Christmas spirit just a little bit longer.
Jack The Ripper: Live and UnCut
Jack The Ripper: Live and UnCut
Matt Leyshon | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Matt Leyshon sets his novel in present day Chicago but the real story beings when Carl Axford is sent back in time to Whitechapel London 1888 and where he will bear witness to the work one of history most notorious serial killers known “Jack The Ripper”.

For those who are drawn to historical fiction and enjoy a good gripping thriller this is a must read . It has every thing a good fictionalised historical novel should have well researched historical details and a good dose of fiction.Well dons Matt can't wait for the next one.
The Black Midnight (True Crime #7)
The Black Midnight (True Crime #7)
Kathleen Y'Barbo | 2020 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you are a history lover and enjoy England, you will enjoy this book. Well, you will get a bit of a tour of London. Though we start in Austin, Texas. We are introduced to every strong Pinkerton detective and her partner. We seem to have unsolved murders in Texas. But our detectives seem to be quite busy otherwise while chasing down a killer.

Will Annie and her partner Isaiah solve the murders in Austin and London? Will they find the killer that is killing women in their beds in Austin and the connection with the killing in London? The queen seems to want her great-granddaughter to look into them with her friend from Texas.

The pages will make you want to read until the last page. You will be on your toes and turning or sliding your pages up reading until the end. Is the killer Jack the Ripper, or is it someone else? You will be trying to guess and figure out along with the Pinkerton detectives in their investigations.

I felt like I was investigating along with them trying to find the killer of the mysterious deaths. You do get pulled into experience the London along the way. Who or What is the Black Midnight? Is the Midnight Assassin the same person as The Black Midnight or Jack the Ripper?

All fans of historical fiction and crime will love this book and the series. It had me wanting more. It is in does go into details about investigations but not a lot into the deaths of killings. This is good in that way. What does the Prince want with his daughter? Why is he trying to bring his daughter home? Who is Annie Walters? Will she give herself away? What up with Cameron Blake and his reporting. Some entertaining story plots are going on. We go on as adventure with this one.

David McK (3233 KP) rated Fugitive in Books

May 31, 2021  
Paul Fraser Collard | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Entry number 9 in Paul Fraser Collard's Jack Lark series, this is an entry which - speaking personally - I very much found could be split into two main parts: the first part of the novel primarily concerns itself with the Victorian pursuit of 'slumming' (where rich toffs paid good money to see how their poorer counterparts lived in the slums and tenements of London), and the second with the Abyssinian campaign against the mad 'Gorilla King' (in modern day Ethiopia, I believe)

I'd heard, and even knew a bit, about the former. The latter? Sad to say, not so much.

So, for my part, a little new knowledge is a good thing!

As the novel begins, Jack Lark is back in England after his exploits in America (during the Civil War) and Mexico of the previous entries; back where - I feel - he belongs (ummm, speaking internationally, that is, rather than his precise circumstances!) and running Victorian slumming 'tours' (for want of a better word) for the rich who have more money than sense!

I don't *think* I'm giving anything away when I say that one such tour inevitably goes wrong, leading Jack - and a few companions - to flee the country, travelling to Ethiopia to join the expedition against the Emperor Tewodros II of Ethiopia, more concerned with what they can purloin along the way than the rights and wrongs of the situation that led to the campaign in the first place!

All in all, another solid entry in the series: I'm looking forward to where Jack ends up next!

Ande Thomas (69 KP) rated White Fang in Books

May 30, 2019  
White Fang
White Fang
Jack London | 2014 | Children
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
I appreciate this book; I just don't like it.

Jack London is a unique breed. His voice is so distant, so separated from the subjects in his stories. In short bursts (<i>To Build a Fire</i>) it works for me - there's a beauty in watching the action unfold from such a distance. So too is there a beauty in the way White Fang is portrayed in this book. With an absolute minimum of anthropomorphism, we can see and feel what White Fang experiences. This isn't a cartoon version of a wolf-turned-man's-best-friend. The animals don't talk, don't even think in the way we're accustomed to their thoughts when we try to imagine what goes through their minds. White Fang is a dog; nothing more. It just so happens that we hear the story from his perspective.

But. While I appreciate that sort of perspective, one I wouldn't dream of finding from any other author, I still found myself speeding through the book, and not out of excitement. I just wanted to get it done and move on. The dissociation from the characters, though necessary, can only get you so far. Eventually it dissociated me from the story itself. I'll always maintain that I like Jack London. I just...maybe...won't re-read him.
The Limehouse Golem (2016)
The Limehouse Golem (2016)
2016 | Horror, International, Mystery
Dark Gritty murder, good characters, great cast (0 more)
Not what i Expected
A dark and gritty movie set in 19th Century London. Its basically a murder hunt with a lot of clever plot twists and side stories. The central 'detective' character is played by the brilliant Bill Nighy and it is he who must ascertain whether Olivia Cooke's character had good cause to murder her husband or whether she did murder him at all. It flows very well and you will find yourself drawn into the main characters life which is far from flawless. Well worth a watch if you enjoyed Michael Caine's Jack the Ripper.

Merissa (11800 KP) rated Fagin's Boy (Oliver & Jack #1) by Jackie North in Books

Apr 21, 2022 (Updated Jun 24, 2023)  
Fagin&#039;s Boy (Oliver &amp; Jack #1) by Jackie North
Fagin's Boy (Oliver & Jack #1) by Jackie North
Jackie North | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
FAGIN'S BOY is the first book in the Oliver and Jack series, and as you may have gathered, it follows on from Oliver Twist. Oliver is now seventeen and the story starts with him attending the funeral of the man who took him in and looked after him, Mr Brownlow. Not knowing what will happen to him next, Oliver takes on an apprenticeship at a haberdashery, hoping it will give him experience for when he opens his own, long-dreamed-about, bookstore.

Jack has just returned to London after being hextricated to Australia. I had to suspend belief a little here as I've never heard of that happening before. He is still the cheeky chappie you may recognise but is altogether more fragile and hard. A paradox, for sure. He reminded me of a piece of flint.

Anyway, the story follows Oliver and Jack for a few months as circumstances change for Oliver. I thought the descriptions of the living conditions, plus how the children are treated in the workhouse, to be definitely in keeping with the original book by Dickens, as well as what was hinted at in the musical film.

Whilst Jack revelled in his circumstances, he was also desperate for stories about those he remembers. This leads him to a friendship with Noah, who Oliver doesn't like or trust. Oliver, on the other hand, wants more than he has right now. He wants his bookshop. He doesn't want to steal. He would like Jack to be with him but is prepared to make a break if Jack doesn't want to come.

There is a HFN ending to this first book and I am sure there will be plenty more adventures for our twosome. Although I have read and enjoyed other historical books by Ms North, I can't honestly say I enjoyed this one as much and I'm not sure why. All of the ingredients were there but, for me, they just didn't mix as well as I had expected. I am glad I have read this book and would recommend it to anyone with an interest in Oliver Twist and the hard, grimy Victorian times.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 14, 2022
Kill Shot (The Fighting Detective #1)
Kill Shot (The Fighting Detective #1)
Blair Denholm | 2020 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a great step out of my comfort zone!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

A step out of my comfort zone, but a very welcome one!

Jack is from London, but has relocated clear across the globe after *something* happened. He and his partner are now tasked with finding out where the missing MMA fighter is, and who killed the trainer.

Jack is. . .interesting! He's not a perfect detective, not by any means, but I think, in his own way, his heart is in the right place. In JACK's right place, you know? Lots of hints and clues and titbits abotu what happened in London to send him running to Australia, but I didn't get the FULL picture, not really. And I really really want it! I think, this might be the only reason that I didn't give it 5 stars, was because I wasn't putting the clues and hints together well enough.

Oh, wait, no. there was another point I want to make. Claudia, Jack's partner, gets a chapter. Just the one. And I wanted more of her, or none of her. that one chapter had my hopes up of a dual point of view, and it's not, not really. One chapter is a tease! So in future books, can we have MORE Claudia, please??

The case of the MMA fighter and missing trainer is well laid out, and I wasn't sure which way it was gonna go til the end, so I was fully engaged and kept on my toes. Thoroughly kept on my toes, if I'm honest and that's a rare thing these days!

This is a step out of my comfort zone, I tend to mostly stick to romance of some description, so the blurb most have grabbed something at me for me to request it. I have not a clue what that was, but I'm very pleased it did.

I'd like to follow Jack and Claudia, they are good together!

4 good solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Feels Like Summer - Single by Samuel Jack
Feels Like Summer - Single by Samuel Jack
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Samuel Jack is a singer-songwriter based in London, England. Not too long ago, he released a charming contemporary soul tune, entitled, “Feels Like Summer”.

“There’s definitely a sense of nostalgia about the whole song. I wrote it at a time when I needed those good times to see me through some stuff. Music can totally transcend time and space and take you to all sorts of places when you’re not exactly where you want to be. That’s what this song is for me. It takes me back, it takes me forward, it takes me through.” – Samuel Jack

‘Feels Like Summer’ tells an interesting tale of a young guy who celebrates the good times shared with someone from his past.

Apparently, reminiscing about those magical moments when he was a teenager somehow makes him feel alive. Therefore, he wishes he could live in that moment forever.

‘Feels Like Summer’ contains a relatable storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and feel-good instrumentation seasoned with stomping percussion, bright brass, and shimmering soundscapes.

Samuel Jack spent his formative years in Johannesburg with his father, a film director.

He was raised on Motown, blues, soul, and roots music. His favorite musical themes include love, pain, and occasionally politics.

Everything he sings is from the heart, about moments in his life and the journey he is currently on.

Not too long ago, he confessed that writing for him is a form of therapy and that honesty plays a key role throughout his songwriting.

“I listen to all sorts of music, but there is something about Rhythm ‘n’ Blues, about Soul, about Gospel that just gets into my veins. The history of it all, the hurt, the pain, the joy, the sex. And when those emotions are delivered by a voice that really means it, I just feel like there can’t be a better way to express yourself.” – Samuel Jack

Samuel Jack’s upcoming album, which is due later this year, narrates the struggles with inner demons and the turbulence of family and relationships.

Also, the project highlights the desire and want for something or someone, and how music helps to build bridges and establish new relationships.